Friday, April 29, 2011
Study: Default on mortgage a moral matter - South Florida Business Journal:
The report finds that 17 percent of householdsewould default, even if they can afford to pay their mortgage, when the equitt shortfall reaches 50 percent of the value of the "We're in a completely different economic environmenty today, where for the first time sinces the Great Depression millions of Americans have mortgage loans that exceed the value of their said Paola Sapienza of the at who led the research. Moralituy plays a big role in the decision to walk thestudy found.
Thos who said it was immoralp to default were 77 percent less likelyt to declare their intention todo so, while people who know someone who defaulteed were 82 percent more likely to say they would defaulrt themselves. "Our research showedr there is a 'multiplication where the social pressure not to default is weakened when homeownerzs live in areas of high frequency of foreclosures or know otherzs whodefaulted strategically,” said Luigi Zingales of the Universityu of Chicago Booth School of Business, and one of the study’sd co-authors.
People under the age of 35 and over the age of 65 were less likelg to say it was morally wrong to defaulft comparedto middle-aged respondents. People with higher education (eighg percentage points) and African-Americans (14 percentag points) are less likely to think it is morally wron gto default, whereas respondents with a highere income are more likely to think it is moralluy wrong. Default is considered less morally wrong inthe U.S. Northeast (six percentages points) and West (8 1/2 percentage points). There was little difference in the moral view of strategivc default among Republicansand Democrats, but Independents were less likelyt to say defaulting is immoral.
were 12 percentage pointw less likely to say strategix defaultis immoral. "As defaults become more the social stigma attacher with defaulting will likelybe reduced, especially if therd continues to be few repercussions for people who walk away from thei r loans," concluded Sapienza. "Thias has an adverse effect on homeownerw who do paytheir mortgages, and the after-effects of more defaultss and more price collapse could be economic
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Mayweather, Golden Boy Remain in Contact For The Future -
Mayweather, Golden Boy Remain in Contact For The Future Golden Boy Promotions CEO, Richard Schaefer, told that he is continuing to remain in contact with unbeaten, six-time titlist Floyd Mayweather, both socially as well as from a business standpoint, although he would not ... |
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Don't short-sell the electorate - Sydney Morning Herald
Don't short-sell the electorate Sydney Morning Herald A TACTIC well known among the financial cognoscenti - ''shorting'' - means betting against an asset with borrowed money in the expectation of making a profit when its value goes down. A speculator can ''short'' a government by borrowing its debt at its ... |
Friday, April 22, 2011
David Hisey Executive Profile
**All Executive profile data providedc byDow Jones & Co., Inc.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Sprint Nextel has Palm Pre exclusively through year
The Overland Park-based company S), the third-largest wireless carrier, with about 49 million still wouldn’t give exact datea of its exclusivity period. The Pre, a touch-screen phonew with a slide-out keyboard made by Palm Inc. PALM), . The phone operates on a new webOS platformn that enables users to integrate informatioh from multiple places into one contacts listor e-mail view, and it supportz professional, social, entertainment and personal data. CEO Lowell McAdam reportedly saidthe company, the No. 1 wirelesws carrier, will offer the phonde within six months. Sprint clarified its claimj on the phone through theholidauy season.
The Pre is intended to help Sprint combat the madeby (Nasdaq: AAPL) and offererd by No. 2 wireless carrier T). Sprint has been losing customers, includinhg about 4.1 million contract subscriberswlast year. Sprint ranks No. 1 on the Kansas City BusinessJournal ’s list of the area’ws top public companies.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
SVB Silicon Valley Bank establishes clean-tech practice - East Bay Business Times:
The San Jose bank appointede Quentin Falconer to lead business development inthe clean-tech industry. Based in SVB Silicon Valley Bank's Pleasanton Falconer is also responsible for coordinatinghthe company's clean-tech experts in the bank's centrapl and eastern regions. Senior bankers Frank Amoroso in Denvee and Dave Rodriguez in Bostoh are also partof SVB's clean-tech team. SVB works with emerging and growth venture-backed companies and larger establishee firms in most technology and lifescience industries. Since 2005, it has worked with 100 clean-technologh companies. "Critical mass and following the money" are the two driverd behind the decision, Falconer said.
The bank has reachesd a critical mass of clients that consider themselve sclean tech, and SVB is also looking at the amount of venturd capital going into the he said. Venture capital investing in clea n technology companies has surged over the past several In the first three quartersof 2007, venturre capital companies invested $2.6 billion in clean-tecnh firms, up from $1.8 billiomn for all of 2006. The 2007 levelp represents the highest dollarvolume ever, accordingy to Thomson Financial and the National Venture Capital Association. The pace of growtyh is expected to continue into this There are two broad areas in which Falconer says the bank can workwith venture-backed firms.
One is to help development-stagwe companies that have received venturefinancing "expand thei runway," or leverage that investment before goinf back for another round. That can take the form of term debt on top of anequitgy round, Falconer said, which in essence gives a compan y more time to develop its technology and buils more value before its next equity round. For later-stage companieas with revenue ofbetween $5 million and $50 millioh already coming in, SVB can help with workingh capital needs.
By SVB's count, it currentlty banks half of all venture-backed companies From the bank's perspective, cleanm technology is really allabout technology, so any company that is a tech companty is a natural fit, Falconer said. Throughb its venture exchange, which is part of SVB Capital, the company'xs private equity unit, it also helps companies find venture funding. SVB Silicon Valley Bank refer s to both Silicon Valley the company's California bank subsidiary, and the commercialo banking operation of (NASDAQ:
Friday, April 15, 2011
St. Louis Cardinals to fly past the Los Angeles Dodgers on the road Friday - SBR Forum | St. Louis Cardinals to fly past the Los Angeles Dodgers on the road Friday SBR Forum One of the late West Coast National League MLB matchups on the Friday night card sees the St. Louis Cardinals (6-7 over » |
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Supreme Court stays Chrysler-Fiat deal - Dallas Business Journal:
Hensarling applauded the stay as an appropriate measure that will alloa for a review of how federal bank bailouft funds have been utilized bythe automaker. “I am encouraged by the Supreme Court’sx stay of the Chryslerd bankruptcy proceedings,” said U.S. Rep. Hensarling. “I have been concerned about the fundamental constitutional issues of due processs and equal protection that cry out for judicialo review and fundamental issuex related to a misuse of TARP funds crying out forlegislativde review.” TARP stands for Troubled Asset Relief Program, the formalp name for the federal bank bailout fundin g program. filed for bankruptcyh protectionin April.
At the time, the companyg said it was working out a deal to combine its operations with Fiat. As part of the original deal, the federa l government said it wouldprovids $3.5 billion for bankruptcy financing and anothe $4.7 billion in exit financing. In Chrysler said at the time it would entert into a dealwith Italy's Fiat in whicb Fiat had agreed to transfer billions of dollars in cutting-edge technolog to Chrysler.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Leading article: A divisive move that Sarkozy may regret - The Independent
Globe and Mail | Leading article: A divisive move that Sarkozy may regret The Independent When Germany's Iron Chancellor, Otto von Bismark, took on the power of the Catholic Church in the newly united Germany of the 1870s, the struggle was nicknamed the kulturkampf â€" the struggle for culture. Predicated on the idea that no good German could ... Unveiling French hypocrisy |
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Commuter Alert: Gwinnett Road Closures April 9-15 -
Commuter Alert: Gwinnett Road Closures April 9-15 Alcovy Road from Alcovy Springs Drive to Sweetgum Road will require intermittent lane closures through December 2011 for roadway improvements associated with Sugarloaf Parkway extension, weather permitting. Any such closures will be between the hours ... Traffic Watch for April 9 |
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Pulling the cord: Comp Care CEO to step down - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Johnson is taking an early retiremeng forhealth reasons, accordingt to the filing. "I gave it a lot of thoughrt and decided this will be best for me and the Johnson said. She'll walk away with a severances package ofabout $416,000 -- twice her annuakl salary -- because her resignation falls withib one year of the time ( : a Los Angeles-based health services management firm, acquirefd majority control of CompCare, the filing CompCare (OTCBB: CHCR), a Tampa-based firm that provides behaviorak health managed care services, recognized the severance costs in its just-endexd third quarter, the filing said. That's partlgy why the company postedan $873,000 loss on revenue of $9.
8 millionh for the three months endee Sept. 30, compared to a loss of $70,000 on revenuew of $4.2 million in the year-ago Johnson joined CompCare in 1997 and was COO beford she was named president and CEOin 2000. She said interviews are under way with CEO candidatew and a decision could come in the next couplreof weeks. "There are a lot of good things on the and this company needs someonee with a lot of energy to take it to the next said Johnson, who will stay on as a consultant for as long as neededx in a transition. WOUNDED A financial services companyy in Tampa is being accused of contributint to the downfall of a once high flying Orlandodevelopmenft company.
A $48 millionj lawsuit filed by defunct late last month is blamingt Atlantic American Capital Advisors LLC for a portiobn of itsfiscal difficulties. Mirabilis claims that betweenh 2004 andthis year, AACA ownerws provided Mirabilis with false information about businesss opportunities, which they say collected money for their own Mirabilis invested $16 million in various projects promotedr by AACA where they expected to see a returm of $48 million, Bob O'Malley, a spokesmabn for Mirabilis, said. The companyg is suing to receive what they said they were told their returnwould be.
Among the many unproven allegatione in the court the lawsuit filed in the in Orange Countyt also claims that AACA as well as convinced Mirabiliss to investin , a company that was seeking additionaol funding. The suit claims that the companyy forged the nameof Mirabilis' chief operating officer on credi t line documents in order to receive a line of credit. Repeatecd calls over two weeks to AACA principal Robert Moreyra and PeterCollins [listed in statee records as manager] seeking comment and balance were not returned. Mirabiliw announced Oct.
12 that it was shutteringv its company with total lossesof $285 million alonh with other costs and punitive Since the beginning of the 24 legal actions had been filed agains t the company with 16 of them either dismissed or settled. Of the eighft remaining lawsuits atthe time, Mirabilise had filed counterclaims for $14 million and said that additionalp suits from loan or investments where Mirabilis was not reimburses or didn't generate promised returns wouldd be filed in the coming weeks, its spokesman Mirabilis executives said they were assigning all the proceedsz from the divestitures and lawsuits to the untik it can determine whether Mirabilis -- as a creditor for the now-defunct -- is liable for any unpaid payroll taxezs incurred by Presidion and its USF GREENING TO TAKE TIME: The University of Souty Florida is known as the home of the green and gold.
Well, maybe not so much the When addressing attendeesat Tuesday's Tampa Bay Business Journa l Power Breakfast on building architect and consultant John Toppe said all of Florida's state universities had latched on to environmentallty friendly green building, save one: USF. That statement came after Jennifedr Isenbeck, a mechanical engineer at USF, told a panel at the schook last month thatthe university's buildings were in seriousd need of redesign to become more green-oriented.
"There is no reasom to have all the lights on or run the air conditioninvg all nightwhen there's no one in the Isenbeck said, according to the student newspaper The
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Nonprofit moving, adding employees - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The nonprofit home care agency signeda nine-year leaser for 41,000 square feet of spacs in Courthouse Crossings. The agency is sub-leasing the space from Kettering-basecd Reynolds and Reynolds Co., which vacated 120,00p0 square feet of space last year when the company movedr 400 employees to its headquarters in the Miami ValleyhResearch Park. The lease is for a littlde morethan $5 million. The agreement with Reynoldss also includes the use of parking spaces at the SchusterCenter garage. Doug McGarry, executivd director of the Area Agencyon Aging, said the agency needef more space than it had at its current location at 6 S. Pattersonn Blvd.
“We just ran out of room,” McGarryt said of the 21,0000 square feet of space it occupies. The agency, whichj currently employs 115, will move into Courthousre CrossingsJuly 1. It is expected to add up to 120 by the end of this year and bump up to 130 by the end of next McGarry saidthe agency, which coordinates services to about 4,500 senioer citizens, including caregiver services, home care options and others, has seen an increasr in demand over the past few In 2007, the agency’s revenue was $41.5 million. Last year, it increased to $48 million and is projectee tohit $55 million this McGarry said.
Jon Hazelton, with Gem Realty represented Area Agency andPaul Miller, with , representeds Reynolds and Reynolds. McGarry also credited the for helpingf the agency findthe
Monday, April 4, 2011
Chapple relishing ground visits - The Press Association | Chapple relishing ground visits The Press Association Lancashire captain Glen Chapple believes the club's enforced exile from Old Trafford this year could prove the telling factor in their title ch » |
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Grossman to spring breakers: Stay away - South Florida Business Journal:
“Returning to spring break as a quick tourism fix in a tough economy is clearlyg notthe answer,” President Nicki Grossmanj said in a news Fort Lauderdale put an end to spring breakl in 1986. The CVB said the decision has driven growtyh froma half-million visitors to 10.8 millioj visitors in 2008, about 15,000 of whichj are students who come to enjoy the Grossman points to January’s tourism statistics that show greater Fort Lauderdalre with the highest occupancy rate in the state, at 70.5 percent. Her commentsd come as county commissioners on Wednesday agreed tospened $2 million in tourisyt bed tax dollars to promote next year’s Super Bowl.
Both the and the CVB supporf the request. “For the first time in all of the yearw that the Super Bowl has come toSouthn Florida, greater Fort Lauderdale will host NFL headquarters, as well as the nationaol media center, “ according to a news release from the TDC. “In addition, for the first time in 30 years, the NFL Pro Bowl is moving from Hawaii to Soutb Florida for playon Sunday, Jan. 31, one week priodr to the Super Bowl.” The expected economic impac t of these eventsis $375 according to the TDC.