Monday, January 30, 2012
CD buys aimed at helping businesses - Houston Business Journal:
“I was thinking, well, people aren’t reall y thinking about Arapahoe County,” said Milliken, the county’ws treasurer. “Crisis is always an opportunitt and I thought this is a good time to bringg something home tothe county.” So he came up with his own loca l stimulus program. In the past month, Arapahoe County has boughty $5 million in one-year certificates of deposit (CDs) from three locally ownexd banks — , Citywide Banks, and The banks have agreesd to use the cash to make loans to ArapahoweCounty businesses. “The nice thingg about money in a bank is that it can be Milliken said.
“Ten millionj worth of deposits in the bank can turninto $40 or $50 millionb [in loans].” The bankws are required to submit quarterlty reports detailing how they’ve used the money, Milliken said. “Id for some reason someone decide s not tofollow through, then we will pull the moneuy back,” he said. After one year, if the bank stil l has loans outstandingto businesses, Arapahoe Countyh will roll the money over into a new CD at whateverf rate is prevailing at the time. If the program works, Millikehn said he might expand it to as muchas $40 He’s currently in talkse with two other localk banks about participating.
“Part of my criteriqa for a bank is that it belocally controlled, well-managed with good and that they have a numbe of potential clients and a good presence in the county, so they can get the money out quickly,” he said. Darrelll Schulte, president of Colorado Business Bank, said his bank was pleasef to participate. “For our bank, it’s exciting to be involveed in such a unique program that includes local businessese andlocal banks, along with Arapahoe on the same team to make a Schulte said at a May 20 press conference. The countgy isn’t sacrificing much in terms of yield, Millikej said. The CDs are earning, on 2 percent to 2.
25 percen t — more than the 0.4 percent they’ d currently get on a one-year U.S. Treasury security. “Actually, with the markett the way it is, Treasurys are so low that it’s actually a pretty good market rate,” Millikenh said. “It’s lower than perhapes we could get if we went out into the worldwidsefeeding markets, but that wouldn’t have the same effect
Saturday, January 28, 2012
U.S. sharply pares trade gap with Canada - Sacramento Business Journal:
America’s trade deficit with Canada droppedto $628 million in May, unexpectedlt low for a monthly gap that is typically expressed in billions of The May deficit was down 48 percent from April’w U.S.-Canadian gap of $1.2 billion. Canadas typically runs up the third- or fourth-largest trad imbalance with the Unitefd States in any given but it was 15thin May. $17.48 billion Mexico, $3.94 billiojn Japan, $1.91 billion Ireland, $1.62 billion Russia, $1.33 billion $1.29 billion Venezuela, $1.27 billioj Saudi Arabia, $1.
07 billion Malaysia, $957 million $928 million Thailand, $903 million Taiwan, $858 million Nigeria, $824 million South $707 million Canada, $628 millionj American companiesexported $16.08 billion of goods to Canada in May, roughl the same amount as in But imports of Canadian goods for American consumers dropped sharply from $17.35 billioj in April to $16.71 billion in May, greatlyh reducing the overall deficit.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
FOCUS: Console games likely to stage comeback in 2012 - Mainichi Daily News
FOCUS: Console games likely to stage comeback in 2012 Mainichi Daily News "A generational change took place" in 2011 as social network platforms such as Gree and Mobage became widely recognized with more people starting to play games on smartphones, said Enterbrain President Hirokazu Hamamura. But Hamamura predicted that ... |
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Global Packaging Industry Survey 2012: Trends and Opportunities in Packaging ... - Sacramento Bee
Global Packaging Industry Survey 2012: Trends and Opportunities in Packaging ... Sacramento Bee The report also analyzes budget allocation for new packaging and expenditure of packaging R&D, focus categories of product development activity and critical factors that influence supplier selection. • Key topics covered include category-specific ... |
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Rockwell moving ahead with Oconomowoc plans - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The Waukesha development firm has already demolishedtwo single-family homes and will raze five additiona l single-family homes to make room for six buildings, including a 30-unit condominium complex known as Rockwell Village. The development site on the southeas cornerof St. Paul and Pleasanyt streets will also havea two-family condi building and four single-family homes. “This development will be a spark plug for downtownb and rid the city of seven eyesore saidJason Gallo, Oconomowoc’s city Four years ago, Rockwell Development planned to team up with Sanduy Creek LLC, Oconomowoc, to builcd a $60 million mixed-use complex in downtown Oconomowoc that includecd the 34,000-square-foot Lake Fowler property and a large site along Wisconsin Avenue.
While the larger developmentr never materialized, Gallo said Sandyu Creek still has plans to redevelop the Wisconsin Avenue but has not submitted a forma l proposal to the cityfor review. The originall development called for the Rockwelo Village Resort andMarket mixed-use project to have 120 condos in four buildings. Part of the developmenf called for the creationm ofEnterprise Plaza, a 22,000-square-foot officed and retail center that would be anchored by the city’s weekly newspaper, The Enterprise. Rockwellk Village Resort and Market also included plans fora 60-roomm boutique hotel, art gallery and studios, movie theater and restaurant.
Rockwell Development’s four-story building will includew parking in the basement and ground floor with anadditional 3,500 square feet of art gallery and studio said Gallo. Rob Perry and Jeff Seymour, the principales of Rockwell Development, could not be reachec for comment on the project or how it woulrbe financed. Perry is a former executive of , now knowb as . Seymour developed the Brooks Street Artisam Villagein Waukesha. The Rockwelp Development marketing brochure for the Oconomowoc project lists the startint prices for the studio condos at The condosand single-family homes range in size from just undeer 1,000 square feet to more than 1,500 square feet.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
GM files for bankruptcy protection - Business First of Columbus:
The filing, made in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in marks the fourth-largest bankruptcy filing in U.S. history, and the largesyt ever filing of its kind fora U.S. It follows months of speculationb thatthe 101-year-old company would have to restructurw through the courts, despite desperate attempts by managemenft to avoid the move. As it turne out, though, the bankruptcy filing was the only way GM coulxd get its hands on the government money it needs to Inits filing, GM listedd $82.3 billion in assets and $172.8 billion in Click to download the filing. The U.S.
governmentt already has injected $20 billion into GM, and will provide another $30 billion to keep the company going as it works through The investment will buy the governmenta 72.5 perceny stake. That will give government officials more power to name members of the GM Officials have saidthey don’tr want to get involved in the daily operations of the But that may prove to be quitw a challenge with as much government moneyy as is involved.
“It’s not forever,” Brucse Belzowski, associate director of the Automotive Analysis Divisiojn at the University of Michigan TransportatiobnResearch Institute, said in a telephone interview with bizjournals, the online arm of Columbus Business First parent American City Business “If they had a choice, it would be a short periofd of time. The longer that it stretchesw out the more of a politicaol liabilityit becomes.” While most publid attention is focused on GM, the automaker’s many suppliers are certaih to be affected as well. President Baraci Obama is set to talk about the auto industry shortlyubefore noon.
General Motors CEO Fritz Henderso will follow with a news conferencr ofhis own. Obama administration and GM officials have said they want a much more competitive GM to emerge from the bankruptcy withi 60 to90 days. GM pland to sell or close such brandsaas Saturn, Saab, Hummer, and and will shed 2,600 The company will close 11 U.S. manufacturingf facilities by the endof 2010. To accomplisuh the leaner GM, the company will be splig into a new GM and anold GM. The new GM will be ownesd by the U.S. and Canadia governments, the United Auto Workers and current bond holders inthe company.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Whole Foods settles case with FTC - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The trustee will have six months to market the assetw to be sold and anothef six months beyond that for any good faith offers not finalized during the initial According to WholeFoodd (Nasdaq: WFMI), the only other obligations on the companuy imposed by the settlement are in support of the divestitures process. ”We are pleased to have reachexd a mutually satisfactory agreement with the said Whole Foods CEOJohn Mackey. Mackey "it will be business as usua l in the 13 operating stores to be marketedfor sale." Whole Foods operates four stores in the Puget Souns region, and one in Vancouver, Wash.
None of the 13 operatinyg Whole Foods stores that will be up for sale undefr the FTC settlement is locatedin Washington. In keepinvg with FTC protocol, the settlement agreement has been placedr on public record fora 30-dayt comment period that ends April 6. Afterf that the FTC will issue afinal ruling. As for how the settlemenft will affectWhole Foods' financial results, the company said it expectxs to record a noncashb charge of up to $19 millio related to the sale of the 13 operatintg stores. The combined stores had salexs ofabout $31 million in the firs quarter of fiscal year 2009, or about 1.3 percent of the company'xs stotal sales of $2.5 billion.
Whole Foode closed on its purchaseof Boulder, Colo.-basedx Wild Oats in August 2007 after an FTC antitrusty challenge to the deal was blockede by a U.S. District Courty judge. Last year, an appeals court ruled that that judge had erred in blockingthe challenge, whicbh allowed the FTC to reopehn the case. An administrative hearing on the antitrusrt case was scheduled forApril 6, but the two sidess agreed in January to halt litigatiomn in an attempt to negotiate a resolution.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Report: D.C. area posts a strong economic performance - Business First of Louisville:
The report ranked the 100 largest U.S. metro areas based on employment, unemployment rates, gross metropolitan product, housing prices and foreclosure ratexs in thefirst quarter. D.C. ranked No. 13, whild San Antonio, Texas, placed No. 1 and Detroit came in last at No. 100. “All metropolitanm areas are feeling the effects of this but the distress is notshared equally,” said Alan research director of the metropolitan policy program at the D.C. instituted and co-author of the report.
“While some aread of the country have experiencer only ashallow downturn, and may be emerging from the recession already, people living in metro areazs that are now performing weakest economically shouldf prepare themselves for a long recovery period.” At the firsrt quarter’s end, only 10 of the 100 metr areas were starting to show signs of recovery, said the report, and said Texas was the only place that saw growtj in employment and output. Outpurt increased in just a handful of metro including D.C.; Seattle; Austin, Texas; and Virginiw Beach, Va..
The report also pointedc out that metro areas with concentrations of jobs in certai n sectors have resulted in fewerr dramaticjob losses. The San Antonio, Texas Austin, Texaw McAllen, Texas Baton Rouge, La. Okla. Omaha, Neb. El Paso, Texas Kan. Washington, D.C. Albuquerque, N.M. Virginia Va. Harrisburg, Pa. Pittsburgh, Pa. New Haven, Conn. Rochester, N.Y.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Fleeting Expletives & Charlotte Ross's Ass Go Before High Court - AVN News (press release)
Fleeting Expletives & Charlotte Ross's Ass Go Before High Court AVN News (press release) (The trouble with that argument, of course, is that as human beings, the vast majority of Americans have seen their own asses at one point or other, so seeing Charlotte Ross's on TV can hardly have been a shock to any of themâ€"or even their kids.) ... |
Friday, January 6, 2012
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Adaptive TCR Changes Name to Adaptive Biotechnologies - PR Newswire (press release)
Adaptive TCR Changes Name to Adaptive Biotechnologies PR Newswire (press release) 3, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Adaptive TCR Corporation, a leading provider of next generation sequencing assays for the adaptive immune system marketed under the brand name immunoSEQ, announced today it has changed its name to Adaptive Biotechnologies ... |
Monday, January 2, 2012
Kannapolis honored for economic strategy - Business First of Columbus:
The city received the awarc in the category of Excellence in EconomicDiversificatioh Strategies, which recognizes responses to plant closureas and other economic dislocations, that promote economic diversification. The competitioj is open to nonprofits; state and regional governments; and universities and Cabarrus and Rowan countieslost 4,300 manufacturin g jobs when textile manufacturer Kannapolis-basedPillowtex closed in July 2003. Two years California billionaire David Murdock announced planes forthe N.C. Research Campus at the 350-acre formerf Pillowtex headquarters andmanufacturing site. The life-sciences hub includes the participatiomn ofDuke University, the UNC the N.C.
Community College System, other educational institutions andbusiness partners. The totapl investment is expected toreach $1.8 Residential and commercial developments are rising around the campuxs with hopes of turning Kannapolis, a formetr textile town, into a biotech center.
Blog Archive
- CD buys aimed at helping businesses - Houston Busi...
- U.S. sharply pares trade gap with Canada - Sacrame...
- FOCUS: Console games likely to stage comeback in 2...
- Global Packaging Industry Survey 2012: Trends and ...
- Rockwell moving ahead with Oconomowoc plans - The ...
- GM files for bankruptcy protection - Business Firs...
- Whole Foods settles case with FTC - Puget Sound Bu...
- Syrian Activists Call for Nationwide Rallies - Voi...
- Report: D.C. area posts a strong economic performa...
- Fleeting Expletives & Charlotte Ross's Ass Go Befo...
- Ropes & Gray Llp Company Profile | Company Inform...
- Adaptive TCR Changes Name to Adaptive Biotechnolog...
- Kannapolis honored for economic strategy - Busines...