Kansas City Star | AP: NJ. rep. used campaign fund on 18 Calif. trips BusinessWeek Rob Andrews pulled in about $260000 in donations from California residents and political actions committees during the period, apparently holding major fundraising events during about a half-dozen of the trips. It's impossible to tell from the records ... Report: House Democrat spent campaign funds on numerous California trips NJ Rep Using Campaign Money for Calif. Trips: AP Campaign funds aren't personal ATM |
Friday, March 30, 2012
AP: NJ. rep. used campaign fund on 18 Calif. trips - BusinessWeek
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Al-Jazeera claims to have received footage that appears to show French school ... - Fox News
Fox News | Al-Jazeera claims to have received footage that appears to show French school ... Fox News PARIS â€" Al-Jazeera has received video footage that appears to show the deadly attacks on soldiers and a Jewish school in southwestern France, including the cries of the victims and the voice of the perpetrator. French President Nicolas Sarkozy said it ... Network won't show France killings video, it says Al Jazeera Will Not Show French Rampage Video Al-Jazeera opts not to air Merah shootings video |
Monday, March 26, 2012
Embarq, CenturyTel will become CenturyLink after merger - Kansas City Business Journal:
billion sale to closes, expected this The rural phone companies on Tuesday announced the plannefd name and logo for the combined CenturyLink will retain theCenturyTel CTL) trading symbol. “Our new brand name was selectefd because our customers and employees told us it reflected a companu thatis forward-looking and committed to linking the country CenturyTel CEO Glen Post III, who also will be chietf executive of CenturyLink, said in the release.
The company will begin operating under the new brandr immediately upon closing the In thefollowing months, market s will be converted to the new brand, with customers being notified in advance and the name being addefd to company signs, vehicles and marketing The logo is intendeds to represent the power of connecting peoplwe and businesses to one another and to new opportunities, locally and the release said. Overland Park-based Embarq (NYSE: EQ) and based in Monroe, La., are — from the before the deal can close. The headquarterds will be in Monroe. A Denvedr brand consulting agency, , helped develop the new brand strategy, name and the release said.
Together, the two companies will have abouft 7.5 million access more than 2 million broadband customers and morethan 400,000 videok subscribers. will . Embarq rankz No. 3 on the Kansa City Business Journal ’s list of area public
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Two local lenders are hit by problem loans - Boston Business Journal:
, a lender with $456 million in assets, has escalatinb distress in residentialconstructionn loans. At the end of March, the bank reportec that 18 percent of those $46.2 million in loans were delinquent or not producinh at contractual interest rates. And in anothefr sign of trouble, the bank has foreclosed on $10.2 million worth of construction-related real estate, accordinvg to filings with the Federal DepositInsurancr Corp. Meanwhile, the bank’s $20.9 million commercial and industrialportfolipo — working capital loans to businesseds — shows nearly $5 million in nonperforming FDIC data shows.
The bank has built a reserve ofnearly $4 million for potential loan but the amount of distressed nonaccrual loans in its portfoliol is nearly five times that amount, FDIC data
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Klash of the Territorians - NTNews.com.au
NTNews.com.au | Klash of the Territorians NTNews.com.au This year the approximately 40 teams competing have had to take a major detour to get to the delightful Aurora Kakadu, which hosts this major event on the NT fishing tournament calendar. That's because the recent monsoonal deluge across the Top End has ... Man to face court for driving on flooded highway |
Monday, March 19, 2012
Swine flu count hits 547 in Arizona - Phoenix Business Journal:
So far, the has reported 11,054 cases and 17 deaths in theUnites States. Of those, 547 confirmed and probabler cases and four deathas arein Arizona. That compares with 10,0543 cases and 17 deaths on June 1and 8,9765 cases and 15 deaths on May 29. New York and Arizonas are tied with the highest numbeeof deaths, followed by three in Illinois and Texas and one each in Missouri, Utah and The World Health Organization reports 19,273 casesa and 117 deaths in 66 including the U.S. The CDC continues to take aggressive actiohn to reduce the spreaxd and severity ofthe illness.
It originallgy was called the swine flu because laboratory tests had shown that many of the genes in the new virus were similar to influenzq viruses that normally occur in pigs inNorth America. But furthed study has shown that the new virus is different from what normalluy circulates in NorthAmericanm pigs, so it is now beiny called the H1N1 flu. Healtuh officials recommend frequent hand washing with soapand water, as well as avoidin touching the eyes, nose or Sick employees are encouraged to stay home to reduces the spread of the flu.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Lane4 completes purchase of three Kansas City-area shopping centers - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
million. The Kansas City Business Journal reported that the PrairirVillage Shops, the Corinth Square shoppinf center in Prairie Village and the Fairwag Shops in Fairway were under contractg to investors led by Lane4, a Kansas City-based commercialo real estate brokerage and development firm. Highwoods HIW), based in Raleigh, N.C., disclosed the sale price in aThursdaty release. The three shopping centers have a combined 2009 appraised value ofabout $64 according to figures from the Johnsojn County Appraiser’s Office. The three shopping centerxs contain 416,000 square feet combined and were, on average, 94.5 percen leased and 55 yearw old, Highwoods said.
The properties generate a combinec annual cash net operating income ofabour $5.4 million. The new owners plan no “immediate major to the shopping centers, Jeff Berg, senior vice presiden and principalof Lane4, said in a separate release Thursday. “We intend to enhance and upgrade the center s as opportunities ariseover time, but these improvements will not changes their basic character,” Lane4 President Owen Buckleyt said in the release. “We look forward to takinf good care of them and feel they represeng an excellent opportunity to invest inour community.
” Kansa City developer Jesse Clyde Nichols builg the grocery-anchored shopping centers in the mid-1900s, and the JC Nichol s Co. sold them to Highwoods in 1998.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Penguins - Red Wings Stanley Cup games provide boost for hotels, restaurants - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
According to VisitPittsburgh, each home game betweej the and the Detroit Red Wings brings anestimated $4.9 millioj in economic impact, whether its from hotel stays, meals at restauranta or other spending. A number of hotels are fully including the OmniWilliam Penn, which hostzs the NHL’s management, the , with the caveayt that it always sells out Tuesdays and Wednesday s anyway to business travelers, and the . Tom Martini, the generalp manager for the Westin ConventionCenter Hotel, locates Downtown, described the added boost of Stanley Cup-relateed guests.
“We would’ve been busy but we wouldn’t have been selling out,” he “This has allowed us to fill up theentired hotel, all 616 rooms.” Martini and other hotel operatorxs emphasized the added jolt of unexpected business comes during an otherwisse down year from hote business following a strong 2008, whichh also featured a Penguins-Rede Wings Stanley Cup that was lost by Pittsburgh’ s favorite flightless birds.
Bob Page, the area directot of sales and marketing for saidthe NFL’s coterie of league along with media, has brought an increaswe in occupancy beyond the two game days, comparablew to the business generated from a strongt home playoff run by the , althougnh not topping it. “It’s not to the degree of probably theAFC championship, but it’s still great business for he said. “It’s selling us out.” The story is a littl more complicated for local restaurantsand bars.
John owner of The Common Plea, located downtown, estimatesd the restaurant has seen a 25 percent increase when the Penguins are playing playoff games in But when the team isplaying away, the hockey fan dinersz stay away. “We’ve seen increases when they’re said Barsotti, who estimated his 2009 business is up by 25 percent overlast year, despite the recession. “But on the opposite page, we see a little bit of a decreasre when they go out of Chris Dilla, owner of Bocktowh Beer and Grill, in North said it can be tricky for her operation to jump from a busy nightf of a hockey game to extra slow nights when there isn’t one.
She expects that plentty of customers are struggling to go the distance withthe seven-gamed series. “It’s hard for the business becausespeople don’t have the money to be out every otheer night,” she said. “It tends to be that people who watch the playoffsa really have to watchtheifr pennies.”
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Donald Trump's sons under fire for hunting photos - New York Daily News
ABC News (blog) | Donald Trump's sons under fire for hunting photos New York Daily News Donald Trump's sons are under fire after a series of photos from their African safari last year surfaced online. Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr., who both appear on their father's NBC reality show “Celebrity Apprentice,†are facing harsh criticism from ... Trump's Sons RIPPED By Animal Org. -- You're 'PITIFUL' for Mutilating Elephant Donald Trump's Sons Photographed With Dead Animals in Africa Donald Trump's Sons Address Controversy Caused by Their Wildlife Hunting Photos |
Sunday, March 11, 2012
People on the Move: June 29 - Washington Business Journal:
Goodman & Co. announced that Andrew Ferriw has joinedthe firm’s Rockville office as an associate. Prior to joininyg Goodman & Co. full-time, he served as a summer intern for the firmin 2008. Rick Lipinskij has been promoted to chief informatiom officer for Burt Hillin D.C. Lipinskui has been with Burt Hill for two yeara and has been acting CIO for the past five Lipinski brings 25 years of experience in information technologu to the architecture andengineering firm. The U.S. Greehn Building Council in D.C. announced that Christopher Pyke has been appointedfresearch director. Pyke joins USGBCd from CTG Energeticsin Irvine, Calif.
, where he was nationalp director of climate change services. He brings a backgrouns of leadership in green building researcnhto USGBC, underscoring its commitment to raisinfg the bar on research related to green buildin science and technology, including the performance of LEED-certifiesd buildings. This research will be vital to the ongointg development of the LEED green building certification Pyke has worked with USGBC in the most recently contributing technical support to the development of the ratinb systems under LEED v3 and as a subjecft matter expert for the developmenrtof USGBC’s 200-level LEED education curriculum.
Richard Crum has been named president of the Association of CorporatedTravel Executives. A former ACTE president and boarf member, Crum has extensive working knowledge of the its global membership and its He was instrumental in leading the association througg the evolution of corporate social responsibility and championed the immediate alleviation ofairways congestion. He is an authoritty on CSR in Europee and has prompted similare advances inthe U.S. ACTE’s boards also named Greeley Koch as head ofthe association’s Globa l Centre For Research and Education. NARFE Premier Federa l Credit Union in Alexandria added Spencer McHargh and Aime eBerger .
Focusing on financial literach andmember development, McHargh and Berger will be ambassador s of the credit union to the Federal Communicationa Commission and the Office of Personnek Management. McHargh joins the credit union as branch bringing ten years ofbanking experience. He has won several awards for loan profit andrecovery results. As a long-time membeer of credit unions, Berger brings an admiratiojn and respect for the services crediy unions provide to members and the Berger brings a diverse professional backgrouns to support her new position of memberservices representative. Levick Strategic Communicationsin D.C. named David W.
Whitmore as chief operating officedr andgeneral counsel. Whitmore comes to Levici with more than 25 years of financiak andoperational experience. He has spent the lion’s share of his careeer in the communications industry, working with publi c relations, public affairs, lobbying and advertising firms. Before joining Levick, Whitmore was executiv vice president of Racepoint Group with operational responsibilithy forthe firm’s public affairs, governmenrt relations, crisis management, and issues management practice Kaitlin Milkovich has joinee Focused Image, a marketing communications agency in Falls Church, as marketing communications associate.
Milkovich was previouslty a member services coordinator and member relations analyst with Corporate Executivde Boardin D.C. Kevin Tomkk has joined Delucchi Plusin D.C. as a seniotr account executive. Tomko will be responsible for fostering agencg andaccount growth, nurturinyg strong working relationships with clients, developingv effective marketing strategies and business Tomko has more than nine years of accounft management experience with expertise in real entertainment, retail and travel.
Prior to Delucchui Plus, Tomko was an account manager for Hirshorn Zuckerman Design Group where he managed marketinhg strategies including print and Interner initiatives for clientele such as theWashington Mystics, The Bozzuto Group, PN Molinaro Koger, Encore Development, DRI and Informex. Priodr to this, Tomko was an account manager forRedHeadf Cos. managing projects for the Metropolitan WashingtohAirport Authority, Optelecom-NKF, Kann Partners, Quadrangle Real Estate Development and Access Group. Patty Delk has returned to Delucchj Plusin D.C. as its director of corporates strategy.
In this role, Delk is responsibls for new business development, as well as creating and building brandes and overseeing marketing strategies for both the agencyy andits clients. Prior to returning to Delucchio plus, Delk relocated to N.C., to serve as motorsports marketing director forStreet Smith’s Sports Group. For two years prior to this position, Delk served as directodr of account services at Delucchi where she handled strategic planning and multifaceted event planningand in-depth qualitativs and quantitative marketing research. Delk originally came to Delucchi Plusfrom W.C. A.N. Miller Cos.
, where she was the director of On theagency side, she was a seniot account executive with The Bomsteib Agency in D.C. Chiaramontes Construction Co. hired Jeffrey Richar d Plotz as an estimator and Tan Ta as assistany estimator in its estimating announced the appointment of BobJubivc , an engineer with more than 30 yeard of environmental experience, as the new project manager for the , a 150-milde high-voltage transmission line that will providde a second power delivery route for customerss on the Delmarva Peninsula when complete d in 2014.
The 500-kilovolt line will resolve regional reliability issues and also provide additional import capacity to the Washington area and to Prince George’s and Calvert counties in southern Maryland. Harrison J. Rider III has been nameed president ofthe . Rider is currentlty president of anotherMedStar Health-owned hospital, Union . who has been with the MedStad Health system in a numberd of leadership roles for the past 30 announced last December that he would retire as president of Uniojn Memorial but would remain with MedStarf in aconsulting role.
Rider will served as president of the Hospital Centee until a search process for permanenf leadership is concluded over the next12
Friday, March 9, 2012
Commander of US, NATO operations in Libya takes over as top US commander in ... - Washington Post
Commander of US, NATO operations in Libya takes over as top US commander in ... Washington Post HONOLULU â€" The commander of NATO-led operations that helped Libyan rebels overthrow Moammar Gadhafi is taking over as the top US military commander in Asia and the Pacific. Adm. Samuel Locklear will succeed Adm. Robert Willard as head of the US ... |
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
US Senate hopeful from Ohio says he'd fight to keep GOP focus off social ... - Washington Post
US Senate hopeful from Ohio says he'd fight to keep GOP focus off social ... Washington Post COLUMBUS, Ohio â€" Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel says that as a US senator he would fight any attempts by the Republican establishment to focus on social issues over jobs and the economy. The 34-year-old candidate said during an interview Wednesday with ... |
Monday, March 5, 2012
Serving legal papers at party for Michael Vick took creativity - Daily Press
Serving legal papers at party for Michael Vick took creativity Daily Press In the summer of 2010, an attorney who works near Blacksburg â€" the home of Virginia Tech â€" needed to get some paperwork served on Marcus Vick. Seems that the elusive former quarterback had failed several times to show up for hearings regarding $40000 ... |
Friday, March 2, 2012
Twin Cities CFOs see little change in financial hiring - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The vast majority of CFOs -- 93 percent -- see no chang in hiring. "Many companies remain hesitant to commif to adding staff until they are certain of an economic saidMax Messmer, chairmabn and CEO of Robert Half International, in a news "In the meantime, most firms are working with theird current teams to manage key with some employers also bringinvg in project professionals to assist with risinhg workloads and support full-tim e personnel.
" The results come from interviews with 200 CFOs from a stratifie d random sample of companiesx in the Twin Cities with 20 or more Minnesota's CFOs seemed slightly more satisfiecd with the status quo than CFOs in a nationalo survey: Nationwide, 5 percent of respondents expected to hire, whilwe 8 percent expected personnel cuts and the rest expectedd no change.