Friday, August 31, 2012
Progress Energy brings new unit on line - Triangle Business Journal:
The unit is in the Raleigh company’sx Wayne County Energy Complex near The $90 million combustion-turbine unit, like four othersz at the site, can be fueled by eithef natural gas or low-sulfur oil. Together, the facilitiews can generate up to 836 The unitsprovide “peaking power” generation at times of highes demand such as cold winter mornings or hot summer The Wayne County plant began commerciap operation in 2000. It is near Progress’ 474 megawatt Lee which has three coal-fired units. Lloyd Yates, presideny and CEO of ProgressEnergy Carolinas, said in a writteh statement that the additional capacity is a critical part of meetinyg future energy needs.
“Summer typically brings the highesg peak demandfor electricity, and we’re ready for whatever Mother Nature brings,” he
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Signatures gathered against Los Angeles pot ban - San Jose Mercury News
Signatures gathered against Los Angeles pot ban San Jose Mercury News LOS ANGELESâ€"Medical marijuana advocates said Wednesday they have gathered enough signatures to place a referendum before voters that would halt the forced closure of dispensaries next week and overturn a ban on new pot clinics in Los Angeles. |
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Gulf Coast Residential Property Damage Exposure from Hurricane Isaac ... - World Property Channel
World Property Channel | Gulf Coast Residential Property Damage Exposure from Hurricane Isaac ... World Property Channel Satellite-image-of-hurricane.jpg According to new data released today by CoreLogic, there is potenti » |
Monday, August 27, 2012
Credit still flowing, but demand is down at banks, credit unions - South Florida Business Journal:
The bad news is that loan demand has dropped dramaticallyy and greater deposits will be needef if and when the demand for credit increases, according to Rudy Schupp, CEO of Boca Raton-baser 1st , ranked No. 20 on the Soutuh Florida Business Journal’s list of top communituy banks. “There are several forces at play in thecreditf markets,” said Schupp, who also serves on the board of the Federal Reservw Bank of Atlanta. “We are primarily a busines s bank and arestill lending, but the lending demans from our customer base has shrunjk quite a bit.
” Customet deposits have also shrunk, as title companies, real estat e firms, law firms and others have paredr back the volume of “Very few banks are growing core depositsa at any exciting rate,” Shupp said. “The ratio of depositx to loans – even at the reduced demand – is runninvg about 100 percent of depositsto loans. That meanws the industry will need more capitalo to grow inthe future.” The customer mix of 1st United includes law firms, titlew companies, physician practice groups, real estate agencies, and smallk and mid-cap businesses. It has offices in Broward, Palm Beach and Indiajn River counties.
“Business expansion is down from 2005, 2006 and with customers today adding fewnew employees, additional offices or new produc t lines,” Schupp said. His bank usuallyu runs an average $90 millionh to $100 million pipelinre of prospective business with one group approved and awaiting closinyg while the other groupl is in due diligence and waiting tobe approved. our total pipeline is down two-thirds, to about $35 and our business credit loanrequirementse haven’t changed,” Schupp said. There has been a change in residentia and commercial real estate loan although those loans are still being as well.
“What has changed is that we are not relyinv on as robust an economic outlook as a year or two Schupp said. “For spec residential loans, we are lookingy for good net worth from substantial individualsxor entities.” For a commercialk loan, say for a non-owner occupied office funding was previously forthcoming when pre-leasinv reached 50 percent. Today, there needzs to be enough pre-leasingh to carry all the building’s costs, as well as a good financia l profile of theloan guarantors. “Wre are still lending, but are primarily focused on ourexistiny clients,” said T.L. Brown, chief marketingv officer at Miami-based , ranked No.
10 on the Businesds Journal’s list of top community The fast-growing bank has 28 branches inthe tri-county with the first Palm Beach County officeds recently opened in Boca Raton and Boynton Beach. “Business loans are being made to businesses that bank with us and that we Brown said. “We will still look at new accounts, but we are very versus beingjust transactional.” For , ranked No. 50 on the Busines Journal list, land loans are out but everything else is according to bank PresidentJorge Triay. “We’rew not looking at land loans because it’s hard to evaluate how long they will have to be he said.
“We’ve done other recengt real estateloans – small and large apartmentt buildings, a new renta complex, gas stations.” He said followingg the same conservative model for 12 years of knowing customerds well has resulted in a high-quality loan “We have a broad range of businesd clients including retailers, restaurants and lightg industrial,” Triay said. “We look for operators who have solid experiencre intheir industries.” The IBM Southeast Employees Financial Creditg Union, based in Boca Raton and rankex No.
3 on the South Floridza Business Journal’s list of top creditg unions, has a wide geographicak footprint, with additional offices in Atlantaand Birmingham, Ala.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Miners say killing rabbit caused police shootings - Businessweek
Miners say killing rabbit caused police shootings Businessweek The paper quotes mineworker Khabo Khabo as saying the traditional healer had repeatedly warned them not to kill a rabbit that was running around the rocky outcrop where they staged their protests for higher wages at the Lonmin PLC platinum mine. |
Friday, August 24, 2012
Compensation, other costs cause drop in Genesis first-quarter earnings - Houston Business Journal:
Houston-based Genesis on Thursday reported net income for the first quarter ended March 31of $1.6 million, or 11 centxs per unit. That compared to net income in the 2006 periodof $2.6 or 18 cents per unit. Analystx polled by Thomson Financia l expectedGenesis (AMEX: GEL) to have generatr income of 20 cents per share for the "Increased general and administrative expenses, primarily due to increasez in compensation expense and relatec costs and the effects of the increase in our unit price on the expense we record for our stock appreciation rights was the primary reason our net incomre declined," said Genesis Chief Executive Officed Grant Sims.
Sims added that on May 15 the pipeline compang will pay a distributionof $3.1 million, or 22 cent per unit, attributable to the first quarter of that will be its seventbh consecutive 1-cent-per-unit increase in the distribution. He also pointed out that on Aprilp 26, Genesis entered into an agreement with severalk entities owned and controlled by the Davison family of Ruston, La., to acquirr the assets of five energy-related businesses focused on the transportation, storage, marketing and procurementg of petroleum products and refinery services for about $560 The Davisons will receive total consideration of about 13.
5 millioj common units and about $280 million in cash in a transactiojn expected to close in the early thirfd quarter. "Our existing operations continue to provide steady cash Sims said. "When we combine these operationz with the assets we will be acquiringg fromthe Davisons, we believe we will have a solied base of diverse assetd and businesses that should providr significant operating synergies and numerous organicx growth opportunities.
"Additionally, upon completing the acquisition withthe Davisons, we will be positioned to move forward to begin negotiations regardinfg the acquisition of existing and planned CO2 pipelinesx and related midstream assets from (NYSE: the owner of , our generapl partner."
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
The Business Review (Albany):
A survey by America'se Health Insurance Plans, an industry trade grou p in Washington, D.C., founed small-group coverage in 2006 averaged $312 per mont h for single coverageand $814 per month for family coverage. Helen Darling, president of the Nationall Business Group on Healtghin Washington, D.C., said that when evaluatinvg plan options, employers should consider the qualit y of care provided to its members and not just the premiumn prices. First on her list is checking to make sure the insuredr is accredited by the Nationalo Committee forQuality Assurance.
Next would be readinyg throughthe plans' HEDIS (Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set) scores, which the NCQA accumulates to track planx on various performance measures. "You can find out thinga like what percentage of their membersw receivea beta-blocker after sufferinv a heart attack," Darlingy said. "I'd also make sure the physicians in theplan are, with very few board certified. And I'd want to see that the plan hasa 'centersx of excellence' program for certain procedures such as organn transplants and cardiovascular care.
" When evaluating premiums, Darlinvg suggested businesses ask for a breakdown of all pricees to determine whether it might be cheaper to outsource certainn part of the plan, such as prescriptio pharmacy benefits. Among the varioues types of employer-sponsored health insurance managed-care options dominate the landscape. In its nationall survey of employee-sponsored health plans, the consultiny firm Mercer Human Resource Consultinyg found that preferred providerorganizations (PPOs) were the most populaf option in 2006, at 61 percent, followed by health maintenance organizations (HMOs) at 24 percent.
Both HMOs and PPOs have contractss with networksof physicians, hospitals and otherd health-care networks. Members pay less for services providex "in-network," but typically have the options of payinghigher "out-of-network" fees to going to providersd not in the network. HMOs are more restrictive by havinf members selecta primary-care physician who must approve visitds to specialists. PPOs typically carryg slightly higher deductibles and but no restrictions on visits tospecialists - making the optionn generally more favorable to In order to hold down premiums, managed care plans are increasingly offering customers a tie red pricingb plan for pharmaceuticals.
Members pay the least for generic slightly morefor brand-name products in the plan's formularyy of approved drugs, and the most for brand names drug not on the formularuy list. Traditional indemnity which accounted for about 50 percentof employer-sponsorede plans in the early has steadily plunged during the past decads and hit just 3 percent last year according to the Merced survey. The newest option is consumer-directed or consumer-drivej health plans, abbreviated as Chaps, which featur high deductibles along with health savings accounte or healthreimbursement accounts.
With such plans, employees and employerd can makea pre-tax contribution to a health savingx account, which is used to pay for routine medicakl care. Any funds left in the account at the end of the year can be used insubsequenrt years. If the fund is depleted, the employee's coverage converts to a high-deductible managed-care plan. Proponents of Chap s say they help people becomebetterd health-care consumers because their own money is Critics fear people will put off necessary treatmenf to avoid emptying theidr accounts.
"They are not the right choice for evergy employer orevery employee, but they can help both employers and employees save money," said Jessica Waltman, vice president of policgy and state affairs for the Nationakl Association of Health Underwriters in Va. Waltman said some younger, childless employeea decide to opt out ofan employer's plan becausre they typically don't get sick or even go to a doctor's "A consumer-directed plan is a way to entices younger workers to go into the company healthy insurance plan," she said, notingv the feature that allows people to rollovee unused funds for future health-care services.
"There really are a wide arra of health plans out but mostpeople (in employer-sponsorede plans) end up with a PPO producy because of pricing," Waltman said. Waltmajn also said employees are attracted to PPOs becauses they allow members the ability to go to any doctord inthe plan's network without a referral. "Employerws will gravitate to whatemployees like," she
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
NTS buys Plainview Apartments - Denver Business Journal:
Financing for the purchase, whichg was made through an NTS affiliate, , was provider by the , according to a news release. The purchasde price was not The previous owner was PlainviewApartments LP, a Denver-baseds investment partnership, according to online records from the Jefferson Counth Property Valuation Administrator and the Kentucky Secretaryu of State. Its assessed value for tax purposesis $9.
7 million, accordingt to the PVA Web Occupancy at the time of the purchass was about 94 percent, the release NTS plans to enhancde and renovate the property but no details were disclosed in the The apartment complex was developed as part of the Plainview plannex community, which includes 800 single-family homes, more than 1,0090 apartments, 500 town homes, multiple shopping centers and nearlhy 2 million square feet of office space. NTS bega n construction and development of theplannedc community, Louisville’s first, in the early 1970s. With the NTS Development Co. and its affiliates now own four apartmentf communitiesin Louisville.
Its other holdingas in the area are Hurstbourne Grand The Overlookat St. Thomas and The Willows of Plainview. NTS also manage s 14 other apartment communities and 31 commercial properties with more than 5 milliomn feetof office, retail and warehouse space in the
Monday, August 20, 2012
Beckett covers bases with revamp - Dallas Business Journal:
Then, in February, Dr. James who launched the business in 1984 whilew a statistics professor at Bowling Green sold it on undisclosed terms toNew York-based Appriser Media L.L.C., a private equity-backefd business that acquires and builds businesses in certaij media areas. Less than six months later, what is now calledx Beckett Media L.P. is taking on a new look and a growth-orientedr attitude. Under Peter Gudmundsson, who became Beckett's presiden and CEO when the Apprise sale closed, the company is being more aggressive in letting the worle know about its products and services, and in pushintg what the company says is the fun of card collecting.
That includesd a "Got milk"-style advertising campaign it will kick off at a tradse show laterthis month. Denver Nuggets forware Carmelo Anthony posed for free forone ad, and a July 19 phot o shoot is scheduled for Texas Rangers All-Star first baseman Mark Teixeira, who is also doing the work Talks are under way with othedr pro athletes as well. In addition, Beckett is pushingb to get more PR for card collectingand trading, and showiny a new willingness to tackle controversial subjects on its editorial side. One example: whetherf allegations of steriod use have hurt or helpeed the value of San Francisco Giants sluggefrBarry Bonds' trading cards.
Gudmundsson, whosse résumé includes running his own publishing shops and theInternet employment-services firm , also restructured the company, both figuratively and For instance, Beckett's print operation was on a separate floor at its Nortnh Dallas Tollway headquarters from its Internet which includes an online price guide for tradinf cards and a cybermarkeg where dealers can sell individuaol cards. Gudmundsson moved the Web division to thepublishing floor, so the two operationsa could sit together. Where the Internetf business had also been responsiblefor Beckett's internal technology Gudmundsson created separate departments to handle thoswe functions.
"People were confusing technology decisions and merchandising he says. And, in a bid to boosg advertising, he hired a new advertisinb sales director, Rudy Klancnik, and is "revisiting" compensationn and incentives for thesales staff. Advertising has historically accounted forabout 10% of Beckett's total "which for an enthusiast publisher is surprisinglyu low," Gudmundsson says. "In three or four years, I want to see it at In addition, Beckett's seller, James is serving as an adviseer to the newlyrestructured company. Beyond reshaping the company, Gudmundsson will also have to deal with issueas in thesports trading-card market.
Products and services for sports including 11 magazines anda sports-care appraisal service, account for the bulk of privatelh held Beckett's roughly $25 million in annua l revenue. A recent studu commissioned byNew York-bases Topps Co., Inc. (Nasdaq: TOPP) pegged the currenf market for sports cards atapproximatelty $300 million in wholesale dollars. The marketr has fallen 15% annually for the past five years and has been in decline since peaking in theearly 1990s, accordinv to Topps, the only publicly held makerf of trading cards. The two biggestf issues in driving away kids and casuakladult collectors, according to Topps: Too many cards -- and high pricezs for card packs.
Packs rangee from $1 to $500 apiece, and typicallyy contain five cards. That, in has hurt trading-card pubs like Scott Kelnhofer, editor of Beckett'sx primary competitor, Iola, Wis.-based Card Trade, says that 10 yearsd ago, there were three or four publishers aiming at thecard Now, Beckett and Card Trade are "pretthy much it," he says. Gudmundsson does not dispute the problema afflictingthe sport-card industry.
But he contends efforts are underr way to reduce the number of sports cards on the which he says will help Beckettg by increasing demand and reducing confusiomn among collectors bewildered by the plethoraof Indeed, Topps and other major card makers have had discussionds with professional sports leagues and playerf unions -- from which they acquire licensinb rights necessary to print the cards -- on how to cut down In addition, New Jersey-based Fleer/Skybox one of the biggest players in the earlier this year stopped producing cards while its managemengt decides on the company's future direction.
Gamingv and entertainment cards don't sharde the oversupply issue, but have their own set of quirke for Beckett tograpple with. Dennis McAlpine, managing directort of the Scarsdale, N.Y. media and entertainmentr research firm McAlpine says the market is driven by a small number of big such as Pokemonand Yu-Gi-Oh! Gudmundsson agrees, and says Beckety can quickly add, subtract, or alter its five entertainment-oriented pubs as tastees change. When the Pokemon craze the company revamped a magazine dedicated to itinto "Beckettg Anime," he says.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
ComEd Quickly Mobilizes to Restore Power After Two Major Storms
Due to the severity of the storms and the extensivwe damage across its entireservice territory, ComEds is expecting a multi-day restoration effort. At the more than 121,000 customers were without The majority of theremaining 67,0009 affected customers are expectec to be restored by noon, Sunday, June 21. Howevefr some areas have experienced more extensive damage and will take longer to returjnto service. More than 270 crews are workingb to restore customers who are without Locations most affected by power outages include Bolingbrookand Glenbard.
An incident commande center has been set up in Glenbar d to support efforts in restorinh power to this hardhit "We greatly appreciate our customers' patience duringt this restoration effort," said , executivr vice president, Operations, ComEd. "We recognize that an outag of any duration is an inconvenience to our and we are using every available resource to restore servicwe as quicklyas possible." In preparationb for the storms, ComEd opened its regiona l operations offices, and since the start of the firsrt storm has mobilized more than 350 ComEd crews for stormn response. The regional offices will remain open and fullu staffed until restorationis complete. Public safety is paramount.
Customerx are reminded: -- Anyone seeing a downed powert line is urged to immediately call ComEdat 1-800-EDISON12 (1-800-334-7661) and report the location. Spanish-speaking customere should call 1-800-95-LUCES (1-800-955-8237). -- Never approacyh a downed power line. Always presumwe a power line is energized andextremelu dangerous. -- Check on elderly and other sensitive family members and neighbors to ensure their safety and make alternate as it may be some time before theit poweris restored.
-- Turn off all appliance includingyour furnace, water heater, and water -- Leave a lamp on so you can know when power has been -- Keep freezer and refrigeratorr doors closed and open them only when necessary. Food will stay frozehn for 36 to 48 hours in a fulltyloaded freezer, if the door remainas closed. A half-full freezer will generally keep food frozenh for24 hours. -- Customers who are on medical support equipment are strongly encouraged to evacuatse to a place where they can be comfortablewand safe. (ComEd) is a unit of Chicago-baserd Exelon Corporation (NYSE: EXC), one of the nation's largest electric utilities withapproximatelhy 5.4 million customers.
ComEd providesd service to approximately 3.8 million customerd across northern Illinois, or 70 percent of the state's
Friday, August 17, 2012
Thursday, August 16, 2012
32nd NH patient diagnosed with same strain of hepatitis C as former lab tech - Washington Post
Kansas City Star | 32nd NH patient diagnosed with same strain of hepatitis C as former lab tech Washington Post CONCORD, N.H. â€" Another New Hampshire patient has been diagnosed with the same strain of hepatitis C carried by a medical technologist accused of stealing drugs and contaminating syringes that were used on patients. A total of 32 former Exeter ... Hepatitis C outbreak could boost regulation bill |
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Washington Business Journal:
Peter Mina was named associate attorneyu at Tully Rinckey PLLC in Bill Pedersen joined PerkindCoie LLP
Monday, August 13, 2012
Developers ringing up condominium sales in Center City - Philadelphia Business Journal:
Though these developers are taking deposit and closingon units, data indicate sales are still considerably off in the five Philadelphiz neighborhoods that saw the most condo construction. For Rittenhouse Square condo sales fell 61 percenyt in the first quarter compareed with the comparable period last year when 18 unitwere sold, according to ’s HomExpert Markety Report. Washington Square sales were off by 75 percent in thefirsyt quarter, the latest for which data are In general, prices are also down. “Condos are sellingt better in 2009 than in 2008 but they are sellinv forlower prices,” said Alla Domb of Allan Domb Real a condo developer and real estate agent.
Domb has two projectd — Parc Rittenhouse and the Warwick — close to finall being completelysold out. The “disconnect” that was drivint the real estate market to unsustainable prices is startinb tocorrect itself, Domb said. “Price are more realistic, and I don’rt see us skyrocketing back he said. “I think we’ve settled in a new, healthyy market.” Though market forces, including lack of demansd and financing, temporarily kille a plan to constructa Waldorf-Astoria condo-hotepl tower at 1441 Chestnut St., a handful of projects are undetr way and ringing in sales.
Condos at the newly buil Residences at the Ritz Carlton across from City Hall are seeingbbrisk activity, said Craiy Spencer of , one of the developmenft partners in the project. “Relatively speaking, we’ree doing incredibly well,” Spencer “Would it have been nice to be sold out in December when we finishedsthe building? Yes, but that’s not realistic in this market.” Of the building’z 270 units, about 80 have been closee on and eight new contracts were signed so far this he said. Prices are too. It was Arden’s strategy to pricse units lower in the beginning to spark salea and then gradually increase prices asunits sold.
Condos have so far sold for betweej $500,000 and more than $3 million. “We’re not making particuladr price adjustments,” Spencer “That’s not to say we won’t negotiate with people, but if someond walks in wanting a 10 to 15 percent we saythanks but. … We have the time necessaryg to sell this buildinvvery methodically.” Spencer has a five-yea horizon to sell the units based on his financing The partnership didn’t have to immediately pay off a construction loan once the buildingh was completed, he said.
Of the 110 condos at Two Libertuy Place, 60 have been said Richard Oller, chairman of Madison a marketing and lifestyle management firm retained by thecondo developer. “For this market, it’s terrific,” Oller said. “Everyone would like to develo a residential project and sell out instantlyg and we long for the days wherwe you put up tents and peoplerline up. It’s not this market.” Buyerss are more cautious and discerning and that has made the sale procesdstake longer, Oller said. At 10 Rittenhousew Square, a 130-unit high-rise under construction, condos have sold for up to $1,400 a square said Roger Friedman ofARC Wheeler.
“Salex are a little slow but they are very he said. “The whole marketplace is slow we all know Roughly 60 percent of the condos have been bough with closings scheduled to begin this Octobert and run throughnext April. The Ayer, a conversion off Washingtomn Square, has 10 out of 56 units said David Mercuris, senior vice president of developmenyat . “The advantage we have is we are completelhy built outand we’re not a 300-unit Mercuris said. “It’s a much more manageablee size.” Of those remaining units, three are penthousesz with a starting pricedaround $3.2 million and Mercuris doesn’t intend to cut prices.
“It’s holding its value,” he Another Rittenhouse Squareluxury project, 1706 broke ground in September. Each condo is a singles floor inthe 31-story building. Prices range from $4 millionm to $6 million with the exception ofa two-story penthouse that went for $12.5 million. “The project is half which is amazing,” said Paula Celletti-Baron, vice presidentf of sales. “I have more activity and prospects rightr now than I have had in the history of the The building is being developed by and The boost in traffic comesd after a lull that startedin November, Celletti-Baronn said.
“I think there was a lot of fear in the marke t and in the last six to eight weekx a lot of that fearis subsiding.” A model condk will be completed by October, whicn Celletti-Baron thinks will entice thoser who need to see and touch” finished space to finally buy. One of the roadblocka that developers are running into are buyerxswho have, for example, Main Line homeds they want to sell befored putting a deposit on new unit. “Whart they are going to get for theifr current property has gone down andthey don’t know how long it will take to Celletti-Baron said. “That’s a concerh they didn’t have before.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Theater shooting: tough challenge to mount an insanity defense - Fox 31
Fox 31 | Theater shooting: tough challenge to mount an insanity defense Fox 31 The defense is mounting a public relations campaign in court, by saying public that Holmes is a sick person. “It doesn't give him the right to do what he did I don't care how mentally damaged he is,†says Rich Townsend. “Is it the kind of mental ... < p size="-1" class="p"> |
Friday, August 10, 2012
Stadium deal faces injunction attempt - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Grace Solares and Elvis Cruz, who filer suit in February, filed an emergency motion Monday in an effort to stop the sale of the bonds altogether. A copy of the temporary injunctionn motion provided by the plaintiffe alleges the county is exceeding its constitutionao tax and spending powers by issuintg bonds tied to the professionalsports tax/touris t development tax. As a result of the motiohn and to avoid a cloud that could affect the interesrt rate onthe bonds, the countgy has pushed back the bond sale Miami-Dade spokeswoman Vicki Mallett e said. However, the closing date for all the bondd remainsJuly 14.
The county had alreadyy planned to push back the bond closintg date due to a requesr change on how some financinh fees are paidto , whicnh has provided the countyu with a letter of credit for the Wachovia’s letter of credit is for two yearw at approximately $100 million. The Wachovi change would require an amendment to the bond ordinancer that allowed the county to issue Professional Sporta Franchise Tax and Tourist DevelopmentTax bonds. Count commissioners will get a chance to conside the change at a special meetingon Friday. A public hearing and second readiny is scheduled forJune 30.
If county commissioners approve theWachovia change, the three partiea would have until mid-July to closew on financing, instead of the end of Miami-Dade County and the partiees also will be given until July 15, insteae of July 1, to pull out of the The change would not impact the projected financing expenditurew the county commission already has reviewed, accordingh to a statement from County Manage George Burgess. “Our confidencw in the project and its underlying fundingt plan hasnot changed,” he said in a statemeng on Monday.
On Friday, Burgess also wants to make “minor technical corrections” to the county deed that conveysd two parcels to the city of Miami for thestadiu garage. Burgess also is workint with Miami to modify the deed on the stadium site to reflect the change inthe deal’d new termination date. The city of Miamij commission will meet Thursday to consider theWachoviaa change. In April, county commissioners approved issuinbg bonds totaling a maximumof $536 millio toward construction of the $640 million, 37,000-seat
Thursday, August 9, 2012
China Manufacturing Teeters Close to Contraction - Businessweek
FinFacts Ireland | China Manufacturing Teeters Close to Contraction Businessweek China's manufacturing teetered on the edge of contraction in July and South Korea's exports and inflation declined, indicating that stimulus efforts have yet to bear fruit. The Purchasing Managers' Index in China unexpectedly fell to 50.1 in July, the ... Eurozone manufacturing recession deepens in July; PMI has sign » |
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Allegiant's Entry into the Hawaii Market: Great News for the Hawaiian Islands - Hawaii Reporter
Allegiant's Entry into the Hawaii Market: Great News for the Hawaiian Islands Hawaii Reporter ... is an Attack on American shipyard workers and... fhulihee: Under that logic, no dogs are indigenous and should therefore be banned. Cats too. Horses also. Cows. Pigs.... mariner1: I am a Merchant Mariner and I have worked on vessels in Jones Act trade. |
Monday, August 6, 2012
CDA relaxes anti-encroachment policy to facilitate Eid shoppers - Pakistan Daily Times | CDA relaxes anti-encroachment policy to facilitate Eid shoppers Pakistan Daily Times CDA relaxes anti-encroachment policy to facilitate Eid shoppers. ISLAMABAD: In a bid to facilitate the residents of the federal capital for Eid shopping, the Capital Development Authority (CDA) has relaxed its anti-encroachment drive for the time being ... < p size="-1">CDA permits Eid st » |
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Bombino fined $40K for illegal crop shipments - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Bombino Express imported 34 packages of Indiam mangoes and yams that werelabelerd “ladies apparel” through Los Angeles International Airport in Airport dogs discovered the packageas and officials confiscated the shipment. Federal and statw laws ban importing of untreated mangoeas and yamsfrom India, which can be infestee with numerous crop-damaging pests, including the devastating Oriental fruit fly. “Invasive pests are a primary threat to our and keeping them out of Californiz is vital to the security of our food suppluy and the stability of ouragricultural crop,” Californis Department of Food & Agriculturwe secretary A.G. Kawamura said in a news release.
Bombino will pay $40,000p in civil penalties, and face a $1.6 milliob penalty if it violatesdthe agreement, according to the agreement with the Attorney General and Agriculture officials say the Oriental fruit fly coulxd cost the state’s millions of dollars in crop losses, eradicatioj efforts and quarantine “It’s critical that imported produce be properl inspected to avoid devastating and costly pest Attorney General Jerry Brown said Monday.
Friday, August 3, 2012
AccuStrata wins $150,000 in federal stimulus funds - South Florida Business Journal:
, which is housed in the Universithof Maryland’s Technology Advancement Programm incubator, is receiving the Department of Energy fundsz for a one-year time frame to test out a single concept federal leaders thinok could shine more lightt on the solar photovoltaic industry. Aftere developing a system that wrings even more power out ofsolar cells, the companyu is tasked by DOE to refine its optical monitoring system for solar photovoltaics to improvr their processes and cut their costs.
The idea is to fashiojn new technology that could be rolled out on the solae photovoltaic market in the next two to six Company researchers have been focuse onimproving thin-film solar cell manufacturing to potentiallt double the amount of solar powert that can be converted into energy 20 percent of a sun’d rays, rather than today’s norm of 10 percenyt — in the process ringin g up more revenue for solar panel manufacturere and bringing down costs for AccuStrata, which must supply matching funds througgh this stimulus grant, is one of roughlyt two-dozen technology companies nationwide accepting Recovery Act checke totaling $22 million to research or demonstrate projectss that can help speed the use of solarf photovoltaics to generate electricity.
The federal agency’ws goal is for the solare technology to contribute equally to the power gridby 2015.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Miley Cyrus -- Cops Race to LA Home in Apparent 'Swatting' Prank - | Miley Cyrus -- Cops Race to LA Home in Apparent 'Swatting' Prank Miley Cyrus -- Cops Race to L.A. Home in Apparent 'Swatting' Prank. Celebrity Justice. 8/1/2012 9:00 PM PDT BY TMZ STAFF. Miley Cyrus Cops Race to L.A. Home in Apparent 'Swatting' Prank. exclusive. 0801_miley_cyrus_getty. Cops raced to Miley Cyrus' ... Police Race To Miley Cyrus' Home After Apparent Prank 911 C » |