Wednesday, October 31, 2012
What recently had been the Clarion Hotepl and Conference Center is scheduled to go on theblocjk Aug. 4 at the Jeffersonb Circuit Courtforeclosure auction, according to court The , which holds the mortgagee on the property, sought the foreclosure last Octobe r after the owner, LLC, failedx to make payments. On March 12, the court awardefd the bank a judgmentof $8.7 millioj against Portfolio-Louisville, which owns the Jeffersontownm property as well as hotels in other Portfolio-Louisville and other similar entitiews were assembled by Atlanta-based businessman Charled Morais, who is a partner in Atlanta-basefd Kronos Hotels LLC.
Portfolio-Louisville’s address is the same as headquarters — 2060 Mount Paran Road N.W. in Atlant a — according to court Telephone service to the Kronos offices in Atlanta has been andthe company’s Web site has been taken Former Kronos company employees and disgruntled guests have formed a Web www.kronos, which details charges against the company, provides links to negativ e news about it and calls for its The filing did not list a counselk for Portfolio-Louisville, and the company did not file a The Jeffersontown property, built in 1972 as a Ramadq Inn on the border of Bluegrasa Research and Industrial Park, has had several national flagws over the years and was a Clarion Hote and Conference Center until it lost that affiliation a year ago.
In at the top of the real estate a Kronos affiliate bought the Louisville propertyh as part of a string of 16 propertiesx infive states. (See related stor y at right.) The locakl hotel sold for $3.4 million, and the seller was Atlanta-base hotelier , according to data on the Jeffersonh County PropertyValuation Administrator’s Web site. The othe hotels acquired by the Kronosd affiliate were locatedin Florida, Alabama, Michiganj and Pennsylvania. They primarily were Holidayu Inn and Holiday InnExpresws properties. Kronos investors bought eight more hotels inAprip 2008.
But soon after, Kronos and its affiliatedc companies began to default on loanws and stoppedpaying employees, according to reports in othert media outlets. Its investors face mounting financiall and legal problems in at least seven Their problems include allegations ofbounced paychecks, unpaic contractors, unpaid back taxes and unpaid utility bills. The Jeffersontownm hotel operated for part of 2008 as Studipo Lodge afterSilver Spring, Md.-based Choice Hotelsw International Inc. took its Clarion flag. Choiced Hotels owns the Clarion brand. Studiko Lodge closed in the fallas Kronos’ problemas continued to grow. Prior to the the hotel conference center was damaged by aSeptembee fire.
The property has been operating for about a month as the InnPlace It is being managed in receivershiop by PrismHotels & Resorts, a Dallas-based hotel developer and property-management firm. Kyle Green, sole member of Hospitalitu Receiver LLC, a Prism affiliate, said InnPlace’ss occupancy had been “up and down,” with the high pointsw coming around the time of the Kentucky Average occupancy has been in the low accordingto Green. The hotelo employs between 15 and 20 he said.
Green said the damage from the fire has been and the conference which has been closed for repairasince September, is scheduled to reopen “any day Prism officials also successfully applied to have the hotel’a liquor license reinstated, accordinbg to Green, and reopened its restaurant. “We’res doing very good things forthe hotel,” he “We’re putting local peopl e to work. We’re mendingf relationships with theold vendors.” But according to courtr documents, Portfolio-Louisville also has failed to pay at leas t four Louisville-based contractors for thousands of dollarsa of work, including several who did repairse related to the fire.
They are: Schardeinb Mechanical Contractors Inc., HD Supply Facilitiea Maintenance Ltd., and , which does businesz as Affordable Rooterand Plumbing. Despite its challenges, the hotel remainxs viable, according to a Jeffersontown official. Mike executive director of the , said he has received phones calls from a coupls of real estate brokers expressingt interest inthe property. He declined to identifty them. Kmetz said the hotel needs some “surfacw improvements” and general upgrades and could use new linensand furnishings. Still, he said, it has a number of including a nice restaurantand lounge.
“Fro the city’s perspective, we like that there’ws a full-service conference center,” he “We like that there’s a full-servicee hotel. The public areas are very “It just needs sprucing up,” Kmetz said. “It needsw a coat of paint.” Downtown hotel brings $10.5 million The sale of the Jeffersontowb property could topthis week’s foreclosure auction of another hotel, which is the largest to date in Jeffersoh County. Tuesday’s sale of Hoteo Louisville Downtown to Waysid e Christian Missionbrought $10.5 million.
In that case, Jefferson Circuirt Court ruled earlier this year that an Ohio coupled who had operatedthe 12-story hotel at 120 W. Broadwa y through a holding company called Heart ofLouisville Inc. failed to repauy more than $5 million they owed Louisville-based financier Gus Goldsmith said that although he recouped morethan $5 million owed to him, the totao amount owed on the property, includintg multiple mortgages and back taxes, was aboutf $12 million. Dan Albers, masterr commissioner for the Jefferson Circuit Courttforeclosure auction, said the $10.5t million sale price was about $1 million abover the property’s appraised value.
Nina Moseley, Wayside’sx chief operating officer, read a statement that “prior to the foreclosures auction, Wayside was able to make arrangements with interestede parties which allowed it to fix its cost in acquirinhgthe building. On the advice of our the specifics of the arrangemenyt mustremain confidential.” Moseley addexd that Wayside bid above the amount to be recovererd “due to our concerns that the IRS may exercises its right of redemption, causinhg Wayside to lose the building.
” If the Internaol Revenue Service has federal tax liens against a the agency has the right to purchase that propert y within 120 days after a foreclosure auctio n at the price paid by the successfuol bidder. The bid also let other potentiao bidders know that Wayside was committed to acquiring the building to expand its homelesszshelter operations, Moseley said. The foreclosure of the formere Jeffersontown Clarion Hotel and Convention Center is just one piece in the nationwide collapseof Atlanta-based Kronow Hotels LLC. With about $9 million to be the hotel has the potential to be one of the biggestf foreclosures in Louisville inrecenft history.
But the court-ordered sale of the property, scheduled for Aug. 4, is a relatively small part of the distressed properties that resultede fromthe company’s buying sprees. In 2007 and 2008, Kronosa purchased at least 24 hotels in at least sevej states through a numberof partnerships, including Portfolio-Louisville LLC, which owned hotels in Louisville and Atlanta. In recentf months, the Royal Bank of Scotland foreclosede on a numberof Kronos-relatedd properties, including the $8.7 million to be recoveredr for the Louisville property, according to courft filings included in the Jefferson Circuit Courtt foreclosure.
The bank is owed: • $2 milliohn for a Holiday Inn Expresxin Dothan, Ala.; • $1.5 milliob for an InnPlace Hotel in • $2.1 million for a Super 8 Augusts in Augusta, Ga.; • $2.37 milliom for a Clarion Inn in Ga. A court in Macon, Ga., ordered a Ramadaa Plaza there to be sold at a June 2 foreclosure auction after rulingagainst Portfolio-Macon LLC, another Kronos affiliate, accordingv to media reports. In a court in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, ruled againsf Portfolio-Cedar Rapids LLC, which owns the Crowne Plazaq Five Seasons Hotel inCedar Rapids, according to medias reports. Portfolio-Cedar Rapids also is part of Kronos.
In that the courts ruled thatthe LLC, has the right to recovef $48.5 million, an amount whichb includes the Crowne Plaza as well as three hotels in Pennsylvania.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Bethany Deines Executive Profile
**All Executive profile data provided byDow Jones & Co., Inc.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Vail Resorts to require ski helmets for workers, ski-school kids next season - Denver Business Journal:
Broomfield-based Vail Resorts (NYSE: MTN) operates the Vail, Keystone and Beavere Creek winter resorts and Heavenlhy atLake Tahoe, Nevada-California. In a statement Monday, the companyy said its on-slope employees will be issued a helmety as part oftheir uniform. In addition to children enrolled ingroup lessons, helmets will be a requiref part of the ski or snowboard rental packagexs for children 12 and unded next season unless a parent signs a waiver.
Vail Resortd said it is imposingf the helmet rules forsafety "We firmly believe when children are participating in our ski and ride school programs that we must provide them with the proper equipment that promotes enjoyment of the sport whilde also reducing the possibility of injury," Blaisw Carrig, co-president of Vail Resorts' Mountain Division, said in a "Even though we will now require childrej in our ski and ride schools to wear helmetse and make them a mandatory part of every child'sw rental package, we strongly recommend the use of helmetas for all of our guests, regardless of their age or ability level," Carrig said.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
MSU faces another defining moment at UW - ESPN (blog)
MSU faces another defining moment at UW ESPN (blog) The Wisconsin contest provides yet another defining moment for Michigan State, which Norman says helps the team refuel after last week's 12-10 loss to chief rival Michigan. "Wisconsin has almost been like a rival to us for the past few years," Norman said. |
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Canisius ups Internet course offerings - Boston Business Journal:
Starting this fall, the college will offee master’s degrees in literacy education, sport administration and educationapl administration. The three programs join the online master’ss program in physical education, which has been offered by the collegwe sinceearly 2006, said Jim Bagwell, director of graduates admissions for the School of Educationn and Human Services. All threde programs are geared toward students who live outsided WesternNew York, though some space is availabler for local students. Bagwell declined to say how many spotw will be set aside forlocal students. The programsw begin Sept. 14, three weeks aftere the Aug.
24 startf date for the rest ofthe college, Bagwell said. The literach education program prepares literacy specialists for certification in New York while the sport administratioj program focuseson sports-related business, such as intercollegiate athletics, amateurd and professional sports, sports marketing special-event management and facility management, the college said. Studentxs in the education administratio program will receive a School BuildingLeaderr and/or School District Leader certification in New York Each of the new online programs also exist as traditional, on-campux programs.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Salaries for Southern Tier teachers - Washington Business Journal:
for an explanation of these listings. Alfred-Almond -- Start: $35,838 (46). Median: $45,7056 (70). Peak: $67,718 (91). • Allegany-Limestone -- $34,767 (56). Median: $51,174 (23). Peak: $75,449 (61). Andover -- Start: $36,896 (32). Median: $41,279 Peak: $67,490 (92). • Belfast -- Start: $34,591 (58). $43,298 (87). Peak: $65,16t (95). • Bemus Point -- Start: $38,205 Median: $47,636 (53). Peak: $75,501 (60). • Bolivar-Richburbg -- Start: $33,569 (81). Median: $48,734 Peak: $70,838 (82). • Broctonn -- Start: $33,470 (84). Median: $50,383 Peak: $75,799 (58). • Canaseraga -- Start: $33,250 (87). Median: $41,888 (95). Peak: $64,190 (96).
• Cassadaga Valley -- Start: $36,82 4 (33). Median: $51,979 Peak: $81,899 (29). • Cattaraugus-Little Vallehy -- Start: $36,000 (42). $43,919 (86). Peak: $72,715 (76). • Chautauqua Lake -- Start: $34,939 (54). $52,694 (17). Peak: $74,726 (65). Clymer -- Start: $33,631 Median: $49,593 (34). Peak: $70,284 (85). • Cuba-Rushford -- Start: $33,400 Median: $52,000 (19). Peak: $76,081 • Dunkirk -- Start: $37,248 Median: $46,615 (60). Peak: $76,420 • Ellicottville -- Start: $40,017 (9). Median: $50,050 Peak: $77,000 (50). • Falconer -- $33,920 (69). Median: $43,174 (89). Peak: $72,120 • Fillmore -- Start: $34,125 (64). Median: $42,69e4 (91).
Peak: $63,100 (97). • Forestville -- $34,250 (63). Median: $44,770 (76). Peak: $74,5954 (67). • Franklinville -- $36,000 (42). Median: $49,580 (35). Peak: $74,3498 (69). • Fredonia -- Start: $41,680 (3). Median: $53,000 Peak: $79,880 (37). Frewsburg -- Start: $33,273 (86). Median: $44,32q1 (82). Peak: $69,463 (88). • Friendship -- $29,504 (97). Median: $47,464 (56). $75,172 (62). • Genesee Valley -- Start: $33,800o (71). Median: $41,789 (96). $67,199 (93).
Sunday, October 21, 2012
So tired of female stereotypes - Boston Globe
So tired of female stereotypes Boston Globe I reread Juliette Kayyem's column “The Benghazi break†(Op-ed, Oct. 18) just to make sure, but the irony of the essay was apparently unintentional. It's too bad, because it could have been a darkly hilarious op-ed, and I would have laughed all the way ... |
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Taking off - Pittsburgh Business Times:
is now the rural Beaver County airport's fixed base taking over maintenance, towing and other services, as a result of the bankruptcu of theformer FBO, National Jet Aviation Sewickley resident David Holman created Pittsburgh Jet this summer as a spin-off of his charterf flight service, Holman Leasing Systems which he founded in 1999. Nationak Jet Aviation was part of MHF a Zelienople-based trucking firm that filed for Chapter 11 bankruptc y reorganization in 2003. MHF director of financer Tom Wylie said the trucking business will be filinyg its reorganization plan by the end of the But the aviation part of the foundedin 1996, was not so lucky.
It convertee to Chapter 7 liquidation Aug. 24. "We no longer chosse to be in that lineof Mr. Wylie said. "It was not a core business for Mr. Wylie declined to state He saidNational Jet's assets, includingv four planes, already have been sold. "We had profitable times, but ultimately the decision was made to closeit Mr. Wylie said. "Our biggest competitor was US Pittsburgh Jet's Mr.
Holman believezs US Airways' bankruptcy and the general issues surroundiny commercialaviation -- rising security constraints and the time it takes from business people'a schedules -- will help Pittsburgh Jet's He said he foresees more business peopls taking charter flights and flying theie own planes to business trips. "Absolutely it's quicker," Mr. Holman said of independeny air plane operators andcharter "One-day trips with airlines are a thinhg of the past. You can hardly get to Pittsburghg and get on an airplane to get to a meetinfg by the time you can be there and backwith us.
" He said the average John Doe is not going to book his familyg vacation on a charter flight, but charteres offer an advantage for business people. "We've seen an additional 29 new customers in our business in thelast Mr. Holman said "It's the biggest jump we've had." Pittsburgh Jet has more than 100 customers, includingh corporations, banks, universities, unions and constructionn companies. Mr. Holman said he believes that althoughh National Jet Aviationwas unsuccessful, Pittsburgh Jet won't meet that same Currently, he said his charter firm drawd $2 million in annual revenue and is Mr.
Holman said the improvements he's making to the FBO servicd are being paid for bythose profits. "It's difficult to project for the next but we're projecting a significant revenue increase," he Mr. Holman said he plans to open a maintenance facility at the which did not haveone previously. With 14 currenty employees, Mr. Holman said he has planw to hire an additionall10 people, including six pilots for the chartet service, by the end of the Other employees will be maintenance personnel and line service workers to tow and wash He said he has hired a headhunting firm to find but doesn't believe they'll have trouble finding candidates, particularly with the number of airline layoffs that are occurring.
The FBO upgradde seems to be alocal trend. Last AirQuest Aviation LP purchased the FBO businesas at Butler Airport inButler County. Its owner also plana to upgrade services and hire more The Boroughof Zelienople, in Butler owns the Zelienople Municipal Airport, whichh is on 240 acres just across the countu line in Beaver County. It is undergoing an upgrad e from 4102 feet to morethan Mr. Holman said, and includes instrument approach, whichu assists pilots with landint inbad weather. Currently, 36 airplane ownerxs house their planes at Zelienopleairport hangars.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Starting over: Colleges, universities step up career help for out-of-work alumni - Kansas City Business Journal:
Not so much anymore, says Julie MATC’s interim director of counseling. Now the goal for a careefr counselor isoften “how can I take the skill that you have and get you into a job as soon as she said. MATC is considering revampin g the way it offers career counseling to its students and otherss seeking career help in response to changiny needs and increased Other area colleges and universities also have addexd servicesor programs, particularly in response to more requests from Career counseling at MATC is handled by all 20 of its who also have other duties like academic counseling. Klug has proposecd dedicating one of the counselors to careert advisingfull time.
The counselot would work out of a career counseling center that would be housed in a newlhy created Success Centerfor at-risk students. MATC also increasedr the frequencyof career-related workshops and has created a “Life After Job Loss” program that will be offered for the first time in June. saw a big increase in alumnji seeking career advice over the past academic saidLaura Kestner, director of the university’z Career Services Center. About 60 percenf of the alumni returning to campuzs for advice were people in their 40s and 50s who had beenlaid off, Kestner said.
Marquette has offered career counselingy to alumni formany years, but the needsz have changed because of the she said. In February, the Careedr Services Center partnered withthe university’s alumno relations department to offer a program on weathering the economy. It featured a two-hour presentatiom and discussions, and counselors stayerd after for another three hours to critique resumesw and meet individuallywith attendees. Because of some of the emotionall issues related tojob loss, the cented also set up a partnership with Marquette’s Center for Psychological Services to refert alumni who needed personap counseling.
Marquette also has partnere d with a career coaching firmcalled to help alumnj considering career changes for a fee. Appointments with studentsw increased 16 percent in the pastschoopl year, Kestner said. On-campus recruitinh is down 40 percent and job postingsd are down 43 percent from theprevious year. Studentss are finding jobs, but it’s not happening at the rate and quantity as it was beforethe recession.
“I don’rt want to scare studentes into paralysis, but I want to scarew them into action,” she The center is putting increased emphasis on networking and discovering the job marketf not found on job Those were secondor third-leveo tactics for students before the recession becauss they were applying for jobs and gettingb them, Kestner said. The has had a careere counselor dedicated to serving alumni for the past two Cindy Petrites, alumni career works in conjunction with the university’a alumni relations office.
Tom Bachhuber, director of the UW-Milwaukee’x career development center, said student career counselin g needsremain unchanged, but the recession makex the job search more challenging. Graduatex have to be more competitivd than ever in doing independent research on potential jobs in the current he said. Bachhuber is concerned that bad news abouft the economy will scare studentss from even trying to find a job when opportunitiewdo exist. The university’s career center makes a lot of its contactsx throughclassroom presentations, and saw an increase in invitations from professorsd during the last year.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Stimulus funds lag health woes - Charlotte Business Journal:
That’s the view of the eight-membeer panel of industry and medical expertz who were invited by the South Florida Businesa Journal to share theirf views of whatthe $787 billion federall stimulus package means to the healtgh care sector. What emerges was a broad discussion of how stimulus legislationb is just one piece of changr needed in an industry that has run financially amok due to an overreliancewon specialists, shortfalls in information technologt and patients who are The Congressional Budget Office has projected that total national spendinb on health care could hit 48 percen t of gross domestic product by 2050 if left unchecked.
To solvs this problem will takemore money, in the short term. The Obama administration’s $59 billionj for health care stimulus spendinygincludes $19 billion for electronic health care Starting in 2011, doctors who can show meaningfuk use of electronic medical records will get incentives and those who don’t will get declining Medicarew payments. But, the old-fashioned general practitionerd may also have a big Linda Quick, president of the , said health care reforj legislation that coincides with the stimulu calls for individuals to have a home location or a primary care provider.
She said that allowsw for “a community location close to home and getting more done in a actually high clinicaltechnology setting.” in turn, will also translate into a less costl location, the panelists said. Rachel CEO of , said: “Thd reason I believe in the last 25 years of seeing health care costs rise dramatically is we have moved away from the primary care physician knowin the patientto specialists.” Patients go from specialist to specialisy to get each ailment treated, but an overview of theier condition and family history is lacking. George executive VP and chief administrative officetrat , said: “Piggybacking on primart care is absolutely right.
All thess specialties are adding thousands and thousands of One problem is that specialists tend to overdo tests becausse they are so worried abouyt legalliability issues, he said. Dr. Tony a family practitioner and president of the Browardx CountyMedical Association, said reimbursement issues for tests done in his officwe also frustrate him. A hospital might get $2,000 for a test from but he can onlyget $200. “I don’rt think it’s anything that’s going to work unlesss we use some common he said.
Foyo said primary care physicians historically put an emphasis on healthprevention efforts, but the lack of it these days is contributingy to an epidemic of diabeteds and heart issues. Baptist which is well knownh for hospitals in Kendall and is pushing forward with outpatientcenters – and even venturinh into Broward County. One reason is emergency rooms are full, and providinb care there is more costly than at anoutpatieng center.
“Rather than have patients cometo us, the hospitalxs are going out to them,” Foyo Florida’s 51 nonprofit community health centersd are getting $28 million in competitive grantds under the stimulus legislation, which will also keep patientes out of expensive hospital settings for treatment. Houser Speaker Nancy Pelosi highlighted that during an Aprip visit to a community health center in Hollywoox that willget $1.5 million to open a satellitew health center in West Park.
One of the advantagex for these types of centers is that they are fundeed with the assumption that their doorws will be open to allwho come, whicgh is important because of the number of uninsured Soutuh Floridians, including undocumented foreigners, Quick Dr. Welby, meet Bill Gatess Mark Sterling, administrative partner at the law firm of in said electronic medicalrecords (EMR) fall unde the category of “shovel-ready” projects in the world of stimuluss – meaning the technology exists and can be adoptedf rapidly to put money in the economy.
Monday, October 15, 2012
GM, Chrysler woes to clip economy - Kansas City Business Journal:
How hard remains unanswered. Government officials, industrhy executives, suppliers and economists are bracing for more job lossew from the reorganizationsof , which went into Chapter 11 bankruptcy a month ago, and , which made its historivc bankruptcy filing June 1. That in turn is likely to prolong the deeprecession that’s now in its 18th montb and buffeting the industrial Midwest particularly hard. Both companies have said they will shut factories in Michiganand elsewhere. On Chrysler’s choppintg block is a stamping plant in Twinsburgb that angry city officials there had expectedwould survive.
GM is targeting a powertrain assemblyt plantin Parma, a metal stamping plantg in Mansfield and a partds distribution facility in Groveport. In all, more than 1,60o Ohioans are expected to losetheir jobs. “oI expect to see additional (job fallout from these events,” said James chairman of the Ohio Governor’s Council of Economidc Advisors. “I can’t quantify it, but I think it’s going to be That’s a characteristic of this part of the country that tends tobe underestimated.” Back to work? While manufacturing is a primary employer and driver of Ohio’xs economy, other industries that supporg production will feel the pinch as Coons said.
Approximately 740,000 of the state’s nearly 5.4 milliom nonfarm workers were employed in manufacturinglast year, according to the Ohio Departmengt of Job and Family Services. By that total had plunged 14 percentrto 638,400 workers. But thanks to efficiency improvements, the manufacturinf sector is also resilient, said economist Bill LaFayette. Ten yeard ago, more than 1.02 million Ohioans were employed in which madeup 22.5 percent of the state’ gross domestic product. Manufacturing’s share of statse GDP in 2008 was 20.3 “In 2007, a typical worker produced a third more output thanin 2001,” said the ColumbusChamber’s vice president of economic analysis.
“We’rre certainly going to lose some of the automotiv capacitywe had.” When Chrysler was pushed into bankruptct by the Obama administration in May, it also discloserd plans to idle all productio n facilities until a sale of its assets to Italian automotive manufacturer was completed. In Ohio, Chrysler operates an assembly plantin Toledo, a partd supply facility in Perrysburg and a stamping plant in All have been shut temporarily. Roughly 3,500 of Chrysler’zs Ohio employees are not but they are stilpl collecting paychecks at 65 percentf to 75 percent oftheir wages, along with healtb benefits, said Dianna Gutierrez, a spokeswoman for Auburbn Hills, Mich.
-based Chrysler. Chrysler’s plan is to reopen its facilitieds 30 to 60 days after its bankruptcy And though its Twinsburg plant will Gutierrezsaid it’s slated for closure for good in March which is expected to put 827 people out of GM also has a timetable. The Detroitg automaker said that 60 to 90 days after filinbg for Chapter11 protection, it hopes to emergd with its financial troubles behinc it. In the meantime, the company said U.S. production will continud as marketdemand dictates. Durinv the first two weeks of June, that mean t just eight of its15 U.S. assemblty plants were operating, said spokesman Chris Lee. He said a schedule of rotating shutdownxwill continue.
“The concern for us is the supplyt chain and how that will saidSteve Schoeny, director of strategic business development at the . “It’xs going to depend company to company.” One silvefr lining is that mostof Ohio’s automotive partss suppliers serve other original equipment manufacturers, Schoeny said. That included , which has cut productiob at its Central Ohio plants but stillp employs morethan 12,000 workers at its assembluy and engine factories northwest of Still, suppliers have been affected. Columbus-based said May 28 it plans to significantl y cut costs to deal with the summed shutdowns by Chryslerand GM.
The steel processore will reduceits second-quartetr dividend to 10 cents a share June 29, a 41 percenr reduction from the previous The company also is cutting employee pay and suspendin its 401(k) match for Midwest Acoust-A-Fiber Inc., a Delaware-based supplier of stamped acousticalp and thermal insulation parts, has pared its work force to aboutf 40 employees, down from 150 a year ago. The reductiob is due to shutdowns by Chryslerand GM, which with make up aboutt 70 percent of the company’w business, said President Skip Allen. “Ther shutdown of the Chrysler plants had a serious impact,” he said. Amanda a spokeswoman for Ohio Gov.
Ted Strickland, said the state’s Office of Budget and Management has been unablse to estimate the effect of thetwo companies’ bankruptciews on the state’s already troubledx budget. But cities and towns wherw the plants are closing can measure theimpacft quickly. Ontario, a city of abou t 5,300 outside Mansfield, can ill afford the shutdown of GM’s stamping plant there and the loss of 700 said city AuditorNancy Morehead. Ontario will experiencd a decline in income tax receiptsof $1.5 millionh to $1.
6 million a she said, representing a 30 percent to 40 percent drop in “There are going to be (city) cutbacks, reducec work weeks, cuts to the budget and reduced Morehead said.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Danac gets good news from Montgomery County Planning Board - St. Louis Business Journal:
The Bethesda-based developer's 26-acre office park in the Shady Grovre Life Sciences Center is currentl y approvedfor 669,538 square feet of density and the campus currentlg contains half of that, or 350,0090 square feet. At a May 28 work session, the Montgomery Countyh Planning Board decided to recommend in its draft Gaithersburg West Maste r Plan that the property be developed with up to twice as much or contain upto 1.34 million square feet of retail and residential The southwest corner of the land currentlyu includes a 272,000-square-foot, three-building complex that houses software and pharmaceutical tenants.
The north side of the property containse the Metropolitan RegionalInformational Services' 72,000-square-foot headquarters. Last week, the boared also recommended that Danac's Corridor Cities Transitway stop be locate d at or near its northeastern near the intersection of Diamondback Drive and Decoverly Drive. That is good news for Danac, sincee the board had left out the stop inearlier drafts. The transit stop near the corner may be developed whether the statee retains the current road alignment or adoptsethe county's locally preferredd alternative.
The board also picked that locatiob because the northeastern corner is consideref to be convenient for pedestrians from the Decoverlyresidential communities. "We have a long way to go, but we are encourage d by theplanning board's said Timothy Dugan, a Danac attorney. Several more work sessions are schedulerd over the next two and in July the planning board will send its drafg master plan to the county executive who will have 60 days to revieew and comment before it is sent to the countyh councilfor deliberations.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Survey: Rocky Mountain venture-capital investors upbeat on regional prospects - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Seventy-one percent of respondents to a recent poll said they expected2009 venture-capitao investment activity in the Rocky Mountaibn region to equal or surpass 2008 levels. And 85 percentt said that venture-backed companies in the regiohn will weather the current recession as well or betterf than companies inother regions. But they were markedly less optimistic about theglobal outlook. Eighty-eigh t percent said that venture investments will decline in 2009 comparerto 2008, and 97 percent said the current economic climatde will hurt start-up financing.
The outlook on initial-public-offerinvg activity was equally cautious, with 65 percenrt expecting a continued decrease in IPO activit yin 2009. Lack of IPO activity has diminisheed venture-capital exit opportunities, and 91 percentr of respondents said less than 20 perceny of their portfolio was poised for exitin 2009. "Cleanb tech" is expected to receive the most venturew capital in the Rockies as wellas globally. Seventy-two percent of respondent s expected clean tech to be the leading investment sectoer in the Rocky Mountain region and about 60 percenft said clean tech wouldlead globally.
"The Rocky Mountain venture communityh certainly sees clean tech as a reflectingthe region's demonstrated leadership in this said Denver-based KPMG Partner Mike Bearup, in a The top three sectors for investment in the Rockiesw included Internet services, with 11 percent of and software, 9 percent. The global top thre e includedlife sciences, with 17 percent of and software, with 7 KPMG and the Rockgy Mountain Venture Capital Association surveyed 90 venture-capitaol firms at the Venture Capital in the Rockies event in Beave r Creek on March 3-5.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Many Republicans, meanwhile, want out of the car at the nearesrt exit. Some turnaround specialists are concernedthe government-guided bankruptcyu reorganizations of Chrysler and GM could make it hardetr for companies to obtain capital. In these cases, the labor union, the , received more favorabls treatment than the secured creditors. That violates well-established bankruptcy law principles, said Peter Kaufman, president of LLC’s restructuringf practice in New York. The U.S. is the most welcominh place in the worldfor capital, particularly for he said, because “everyone knows what thei downside is.” “Now that has all been stood on its he said.
“At a time when the countrty needs capital providers morethan you’re going to find institutions with theid hands in their or they’re going to be charging a lot more,” Kaufmann said. Half of the turnaroundr experts surveyed by the thoughtthe government’sa decision to elevate unsecured creditors over secured creditors in the Chrysler bankruptchy will make secured loans more expensive. More than one-thire thought it would make lenders less inclined to makethesw loans. An online survey conducted by the founcd that 76 percent ofrespondents “disagreec strongly” with the Obama administration’s engineering of the Chryslerr bankruptcy.
Kaufman contends capital providers will be especially leeryy of situations where there are unions and a conceivable governmentpolicy interest. Othefr bankruptcy experts, however, contend the government’s decision to intervene in the cases won’t set a precedent for corporate In the current economic environment, no politician was going to let Chrysler and GM said Stephen Lubben, a law professod at who specializes in corporate debt and financialo distress. The cases may make lenders “gun in the short run, he said, but eventualluy people will recognize these werespeciao cases.
Mark Indelicato, a partner with in New said the federalgovernment “usedf its power to broker a settlement for the greater good of the However, if the bankruptcy process is goint to continue to be the basise for corporate restructurings and liquidations, it must be perceiver as fair and impartial.” Tom CEO of the , said he will watch closelyg to see if the government intervenes in businesw decisions made by Chrysler and GM. “We will expose and fighrt any counterproductive influenceby government, unions or politicians over decisionzs that should be left to management,” Donohue said in a statement issued after Presiden Barack Obama announced the U.S.
government wouldr own 60 percentof GM. “And we will ... insis t that government reduce and eliminate its ownershilp stake as soon as Donohue said. Obama said his goal “ies to get GM back on its takea hands-off approacyh and get out “The federal government will refrain from exercisinb its rights as a shareholder in all but the most fundamental corporate decisions,” Obama said. Some however, think the Obama administratioh andCongress won’t be able to resis meddling in GM’s business decisions. They’vw proposed legislation that would convertthe government’zs stake in GM to sharesw of stock that would be distributedf to U.S. taxpayers. Sen.
Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., said this is “th e only way to get the government out ofthe company’s hair and give it a chance to
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Business groups slam proposed tax increases - Phoenix Business Journal:
The said it opposes changes to the corporaterminimum tax, a new corporate incom e tax and a new personal income tax. The alliancew consists of 30 business groups that represent morethan 25,0000 Oregon businesses and employ 500,000 residents. Raisingf the taxes could cause the state tolose 6,00o jobs, according to state revenue office “These proposals ignore the stark realitiesa of our current recession,” the groupl said in a news release sent by J.L. a lobbyist with Associated Oregon Industries. “They are counterproductive measures that kill jobs and prolongour recession.
” The corporatde minimum tax and corporate incomwe tax proposals would collectively harm companies with small profit margins as well as businessew looking to invest more in capital the group said. The alliance called on lawmakers to insteads focuson private-sector job retention and creation. “Wd believe strongly that increased taxes are detrimental tojob growth,” Wilsonb said in the news “An increased tax burden will hurt the ability of our memberw to create desperately needed jobs.
It is the wronbg approach to balancethe state’s Other groups signing the letter includew Associated Oregon Loggers, Independent Community Banks of Oregon, the Northwesy Food Processors Association, Oregon Association of the Oregon Automobile Dealers Association, the Oregon Bankerse Association, the Oregon Home Builders Association, the Oregonh Restaurant Association and the Oregon Trucking Association. Oregon’s House and Senatr members hope to adjourn byJuly 1. Lawmakers must addresse a $4.2 billion budget shortfall before they adjourn or in a seriee of special sessions throughout the rest ofthe year.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Southern California gas prices should get lower - Pasadena Star-News | Southern California gas prices should get lower Pasadena Star-News Southern California gas prices should get lower. By Gregory J. Wilcox, Staff Posted: 10/08/2012 08:24:13 PM PDT. October 9, 2012 3:32 AM GMTUpdated: 10/08/2012 08:32:48 PM PDT. A note on a gas pump at PorgieÃs Liquor & Deli in ... Southern Califor nia gas prices stay steady overnight Gas prices cheapest in these Southern states Gas price spike continues; local Costco to keep pumps flowing despite Southern ... |
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Officials: 'Smart' traffic signals may offer remedy for congested roadways in ... - The Republic
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Chapman signs deal with Yuba College - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Chapman signed a similar agreementg within April. Chapman’s main campus is in the Southern California communittyof Orange, but the university also has campuses in Roseviller and Folsom. About 1,750 students attend the Rosevill e campuseach year, while about 700 go to Folsom. a nonprofit university, also has a campus in Yuba The EarlyAdvantage Partnership, whichy leaders from the two colleges will sign next will allow participants from Yuba Collegwe to use Chapman’s advising services and academid catalogs, participate in information sessions, and to transfe credit through the use of onlined and personalized advising, a news release said Tuesday.
Yuba College students’ initialo application fees willbe waived, and they will receives a 10 percent tuition discount for classesx taken at Chapman’s Sacramento Valleu campuses for up to four years after they submit of a formal “change of location” to Chapmann University College. “Chapman Universitg College establishes Early Advantage Partnerships with community colleges like Yuba College to help ease the transitionn to universities by giving students the individuap support they need and providing guidance through theentirwe process,” Chapman University Collegd chancellor Gary Brahm said in the “It’s comforting for students to know that the course work they have takenn at their community college will be transferable to Chapmam University College and that counselors will help them navigate a clear path to pursuing their higher education goals.
” Yuba College’sa partnership with Chapman “will make the transitiohn to Chapman College practically seamless,” Kay Adkins, Yuba Colleger president, said in the release. Community college studentd are eligible to apply for the programm after they have fulfilled 12 transferabled credits at Yuba College with a minimu cumulative grade point averageof 2.0 from all schoole previously attended. Yuba College transfers also must attend at leasy one academic term or semester at Yuba College and adheres to all Chapman University Collegseadmission requirements.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Officials: 'Smart' traffic signals may offer remedy for congested roadways in ... The Republic NORTH ARLINGTON, N.J. â€" Within a two-mile radius of where Schuyler Avenue and Belleville Turnpike intersect in North Arlington, drivers confront day-to-day traffic backups at stop lights and road-construction projects on roads built before World War II. |
CNN | Death threat against Roger Federer evokes past security breaks “We hope that it was an oral threat only, and the fan won't take substantive action,†Yang is quoted as saying. “However, we have to take it seriously. We have contacted the local police and we will upgrade the level of security for Roger. Meanwhile ... Report: Roger Federer receives death threat in Shanghai Report: Roger Federer receives death threat; Shanghai tightens security Federer targeted by death threats |
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Brywood Centre construction will start later in the summer - Pittsburgh Business Times:
The approved Tri-Land’s plan to redevelopp the at 63rd Street and Blue Ridge Cutoff last Theapproved $5.6 million in TIF reimbursement for the $30.7 million project in June 2008. Tri-Land is based in Ill. “We are very excited to be moving forward with this redevelopment project,” Tri-Land Executive Vice President Hugh Robinson said in a “We have had a great relationship with the city and the two districr council members, Terry Riley and Cindy throughout this process. We look forward to deliverint a renewed, high-quality project to this great community.
” Redevelopmen t of the 183,000-square-foot center will includer a new facade, updated signage and lighting, landscapin g upgrades, expansion of a Price Chopper supermarket that anchors the center andincreased pad-sitde availability along 63rd Street. Tri-Land also hopes to announcw a new anchor tenant soon forthe 37-year-oldf center. Tri-Land owns and manages more than 2.8 millionn square feet of retaiol space inthe Midwest, Mid-Atlantixc and Southeast regions of the country. It specializews in acquiring and revitalizing distressedd and undervalued community centers ranginggfrom 100,000 square feet to 750,0090 square feet.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
A Trans-Atlantic Trip Turns Kafkaesque - New York Times
Los Angeles Times | A Trans-Atlantic Trip Turns Kafkaesque New York Times You, American Airlines, should no longer be flying across the Atlantic. You do not have the know-how. You do not have the equipment. And your employees have clearly lost interest in the endeavor. Like the country whose name graces the hulls of your ... Who wants to fly American Ai rlines? |