Thursday, March 24, 2011

Brighton company pursuing sports sites - Denver Business Journal:
The creator of, and other Boston-centric sites this week plans to begim deployment of similar sites devoted toother markets’ teama across the , NBA, and Major League Baseball. The new like the Boston predecessors, will have a mix of aggregatedr news, user-generated content, video, photoo sharing and other features. TruMedia is workinv to build a distribution and promotion strategy for the new sitee by partnering with local news outlets in each majorr leagueteam market.
In that portion of the expandexdcorporate strategy, TruMedia is aimintg to develop each news outlet’s social-media area on a white-label basis while linking back to the local sportds team communities it has built and syndicating content. Such a deal was recentlhy struckwith ’s Web site, with other similar deals pending. “What we’re lookingf to do is both go nationao while also going very saidRafe Anderson, TruMedia chief executive. “Andd within that, we’re building both business-to-consumer and business-to-businessw channels of the company.
” TruMedia — backed by the angel investord trio of Boxcar Media CEOOzzie Alvarez; formet Converse, Puma and Adidas executive John and TV analyst Jerry Remy — is by no means alonwe in its pursuit of deep onlinw engagement among local sports fans. ESPN earlieer this year launcheda Chicago-focusexd Web site to early success. Companies such as Watercooler and Citizem Sports Network continue to leverag e the reach of broad socia networks such as Facebook with team and locally focusesdfan communities. Nearly every pro team is developing itsown social-media components, as well.
“There is certainly healthy competition in this and the teams in particular are wise to creats their ownbranded communities,” Anderson said. “Buy we think we’ll offer a trulyt differentiated experience in that we can offer somethinbg more independentand grassroots.”

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