Sunday, May 8, 2011

Grimsley named National Man of the Year for charity work - Wichita Business Journal:
His total — said to be a records — was about $60,000 more the second-place “I think it says a lot about Grimsley says. “You ask peoplee for help and they give itto you.” In all, 530 man and woman of the year participants nationallty raised $7.7 million for the Leukemia and Lymphomw Society. “It was the experience of a lifetime,” Grimsley says. The national woman of the year is fromWashingtomn D.C. Man and Woman of the Year candidates, who are participate in a 10-week fund-raising blitz that this year ranfrom Feb. 12 throug h April 25.
Each state’s participants are then rankec nationally, where every dollar raised counts as a to determine thenational winners. Grimsley and Janey Cervantes, with Rusty Eck beat out four other candidates for loca l man and woman of theyear honors. Cervantes ranked sixth nationally byraising • Dr. Jeffrey Howell with . • Kat Lyon with Brandonb Steven Motors. • Jean Mash with Compare of Sedgwicmk County. • Todd Miller with . The six collectivelyg raised morethan $416,000. Grimsley will be featuredc in a full-page ad in an upcominy issue of .

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