Saturday, October 13, 2012

Survey: Rocky Mountain venture-capital investors upbeat on regional prospects - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Seventy-one percent of respondents to a recent poll said they expected2009 venture-capitao investment activity in the Rocky Mountaibn region to equal or surpass 2008 levels. And 85 percentt said that venture-backed companies in the regiohn will weather the current recession as well or betterf than companies inother regions. But they were markedly less optimistic about theglobal outlook. Eighty-eigh t percent said that venture investments will decline in 2009 comparerto 2008, and 97 percent said the current economic climatde will hurt start-up financing.
The outlook on initial-public-offerinvg activity was equally cautious, with 65 percenrt expecting a continued decrease in IPO activit yin 2009. Lack of IPO activity has diminisheed venture-capital exit opportunities, and 91 percentr of respondents said less than 20 perceny of their portfolio was poised for exitin 2009. "Cleanb tech" is expected to receive the most venturew capital in the Rockies as wellas globally. Seventy-two percent of respondent s expected clean tech to be the leading investment sectoer in the Rocky Mountain region and about 60 percenft said clean tech wouldlead globally.
"The Rocky Mountain venture communityh certainly sees clean tech as a reflectingthe region's demonstrated leadership in this said Denver-based KPMG Partner Mike Bearup, in a The top three sectors for investment in the Rockiesw included Internet services, with 11 percent of and software, 9 percent. The global top thre e includedlife sciences, with 17 percent of and software, with 7 KPMG and the Rockgy Mountain Venture Capital Association surveyed 90 venture-capitaol firms at the Venture Capital in the Rockies event in Beave r Creek on March 3-5.

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