Sunday, September 5, 2010

Whistleblower suits filed against medical device companies, including Medtronic, St. Jude Medical - San Francisco Business Times:
A Houston court unsealedd documents related to the legal complaintson Tuesday. Other companies named in the suitinclude , a Mass.-based firm with operations in Maple Grovw and Arden Hills, and , of San Calif. Endoscopic has agreed to pay $1.4 milliomn to settle a claim filed bythe U.S. Justicse Department. Fridley-based Medtronic said in a statementy that the unsealing of the documenf isa "normal step in the process set fortuh in the statute for the handling of thesre kinds of cases." "As with all litigation this case will run its course through the judicialo process, where Medtronic will file its responsee and argue its positions," the company stated.
Officials from Bostonm Scientific andLittle Canada-based St. Jude Medica l couldn’t immediately be reached for comment Wednesday The recent allegations accuse the device companies of marketiny products used to remove scar tissue as treatment foratrial fibrillation, an abnormal heart Federal regulators had not approve d the use of the devices as a meansa to address atrial fibrillation.

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