Saturday, October 30, 2010
Vistec shipping first product out of W
The $5 million advanced electroh beam lithography system was fullhy constructedat Vistec’s facility at the Watervlie t Arsenal. It will be used at the Army Researcbh Laboratoryin Adelphi, Md. to further scientific technology and analyses fordefense It’s the first system builrt at the company’s new high-tech manufacturinv facility and clean room in refurbished Building 125. Vistec’s systems are used to etch patterns oncomputer chips.
Ther announcement comes just seven months aftef Vistec moved into its permanent headquarters in a formert Army machine shop at the Watervliet Vistec announced in 2006 plans to move its headquartersx in Cambridge, England, to the Albany, N.Y. area. The Assemblg provided $30 million in funds toward the relocationhof Vistec’s global headquarters, research and manufacturing and business operations from Cambridgew in the United Kingdom to the arsenaol campus and the state university’s As part of the move, Vistec was expected to invesgt $125 million at the arsenal campuse and Albany NanoTech, with more than 130 high-technology jobs projectes to be created over five yearxs involving Vistec and its supplier network.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Cephalon Reports Record Earnings and Raises 2010 Guidance - MarketWatch (press release)
RTT News | Cephalon Reports Record Earnings and Raises 2010 Guidance MarketWatch (press release) The company is updating its guidance for full year 2010. Total sales guidance is $2.69-$2.73 billion. This includes expected CNS franchise sales of ... Cephalon Ups 2010 Guidance Following Q3 Results (CEPH) Cephalon Q3 Profit Rises; Updates FY10 Outlook - Quick Facts Cephalon Q3 Profit Rises, Tops View; Boosts FY10 Outlook - Update |
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Dedicated employees, loyal clients keep 30-year-old company on the grid - bizjournals:
While Quigley concedes he can’ always make the lowestg offer on aggressively competitiveconstruction bids, cliente continue to call on his 30-year-old companyg because of their relationship with Terry’s Electric. “We’ve got a good reputationj in the industry. We’ve alway s done right by our customers. If we’vee had a job, we’ve come through for Quigley said, who credits his employees with being a key factor inthe company’s success.
The company which has completed projects such asthe 360,000-square-foof Orlando Magic RDV Sportsplex and the 1,338-suite Caribe Royale Resort & Conventionm Center — most recently finished the 100,000-square-foot KOA Elementart School in Poinciana. The opening of Walt Disney Worlr was a major factor in choosingthe company’ headquarters, said Quigley, who movefd to Florida from Kansas City, Mo., in 1978. In Quigley sold the business to a utilities compantyin Hartford, Conn., and then bought it back in December 2006. Thoughh Terry’s Electric finished 2008 with $38.
5 million in Quigley said he has been forcedx to cut back significantly due to the effect of the econom y onconstruction and, more specifically, the residentiap market. Quigley said the which previously brought inabout $1 million a monthh in residential work, is now lucky to do $100,000 a Currently, the company’s biggest project is International Drive’e 34-story Peabody Orlando which will keep workers busy until Septembert 2010. The project includes a new 750-room hotel 650,000 square feet of convention space and a privatewatee park.
Looking ahead, Quigley said several hotel projecta are inthe pipeline, and he has utilityu work to fall back on for including Florida Power Light, Progress Energy and the Orlando Utilities Commission. Quigley also finds comfort knowing his company is faring bette r than most of itscompetitors — whichu makes him optimistic about its abilituy to persevere through the down economy. In Quigley hopes to retire next leaving his namesake company in the handsa ofhis children. Three of Quigley’s seven children, all of whom have workede for the company atsome point, currentlyt work for Terry’s Electric.
His stepson, Mark Neveu, recentl was promoted to president of the And Quigley’s wife, is the company’s executive vice president.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Apple: Master of Miracles - PC World
PC World | Apple: Master of Miracles PC World I really wonder if Steve Jobs had all of Apple's master plan thought out back in 2003 or so. He is truly a genius if he did. ... |
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Summer Sanders one of three Roseville natives elected to Sac-Joaquin Section ... - Granite Bay View
Granite Bay View | Summer Sanders one of three Roseville natives elected to Sac-Joaquin Section ... Granite Bay View Summer Sanders couldn't remember the number of Sac-Joaquin Section swimming titles she won at Oakmont High School. ... |
Saturday, October 23, 2010
CU economist Wobbekind: Colorado to lose up to 65,000 jobs in 2009 - Business First of Columbus:
“We think the Colorado economy will likelyt parallel or slightly follow the recovergy of the national which we see leveling off in the thirx quarter and growing in thefourthy quarter,” Wobbekind said in a statement. “We think the rate of job lossez will slow throughout the rest of this and potentially turn positive by the end of the Wobbekind made his remarksx as part of a midyear update on his 2009 economic originally forecast inDecember 2008. Coloradio likely will lose 55,000 to 65,009 jobs in 2009, Wobbekind said in his updatefd forecast. That’s far more than the 4,300-job loss he expectesd last December.
“In the first part of this we’ve more than lost the jobs created in the previoutwo years,” he “It’s going to take at least the next two years to recovet those lost jobs.” Hiring in the educational and health care servicess sector has been slightly positive in mostly because employers were still fillingg a backlog of needed hires in areas such as Wobbekind said. The natural resources and mininf sectoris flat, but could potentially see some positivee job growth if energy exploration in the state he said. “There are some jobs being but pretty much across the board the sector are taking a veryhard hit,” he said.
Amony the most affected sectors has been the professional and businessservicess sector, which includes many high-paying jobs such as lawyers, computer systems designers and scientific research and developmenyt groups. “The single most surprising area and the one that has had the largestr job loss has been in professional and business services,” Wobbekind said. “It’s been a very importanft category for jobs during the last severaol years as the economgy has surgedand it’s been one that has been hit surprisinglh hard in this downturn, at leasft by our assessment and by many The leisure and hospitality sector saw very weak retailo numbers for the first four months of the especially in mountain resort towns.
The rest of the year is expecterd tobe weak, but should improver compared with the firsy four months of the year, the statemenft said. “This is not going to be a great year for tourisjm byany means, but it probablyy will get a little better going forwarcd than it was in the beginning of this he said. The Leeds Business Confidenc Index did show an uptick suggesting improvement in the third After plunging to a record low in the firsyt quarterof 2009, the forward-lookinvg LBCI surged upward, from 35.5 to 47.5 for the third quartef of 2009. All six index components postedstee gains, and two of the for the state economy and passed the neutral mark of 50.
overall, the LBCI remains below 50 as leaders expressesd continued concernsabout profits, hiring and capital
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Stimulus briefs - South Florida Business Journal:
The economic stimulus bill createde the newbond programs. The legislatiojn appropriated $10 billion for Recovery Zone EconomivDevelopment Bonds. The federal government will subsidizee 45 percent of the interest on thesretaxable bonds, which will enable state and locakl governments to lower their borrowing costs. Thes e bonds can be used for a variety of economicddevelopment projects, including job training and educationak programs. The legislation appropriated $15 billion for Recoveryy Zone Facility Bonds.
Private-sectoe businesses can use these tax-exempt bondxs to finance depreciable capital projectzs in designatedrecovery zones, which are areazs with high levels of poverty, unemployment or The White House announcer a new Web portal that will make it easie r for states, localities and privat e contractors to report their use of economic stimulu funds.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Alarms over radiation from thyroid cancer patients - The Associated Press
WISC Madison | Alarms over radiation from thyroid cancer patients The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) â€" Cancer patients sent home after treatment with radioactive iodine have contaminated hotel rooms and set off alarms on public ... Markey raises radiation concerns |
Monday, October 18, 2010
eFuture Information Technology Inc. Announces Anticipated Accounting Adjustments
The specific areas being assessed for accounting adjustments relatto (i) our accountingh for a depository reserve we must maintain in China for employese social security costs, (ii) the timing of our recognitiom of revenues upon sales of some of our softwarse products, and (iii) the methodd by which we calculate our costzs of revenues. First, we have determinexd that we have not reservefd an adequate amount for thesepurposezs and, as a result, will revise our previously-reported unaudited earnings for the above As a foreign private issuer, we are not required to file quarterlyt reports but have traditionally provideds such information to investors.
The correction of the reservd for employee social security costs will resulty in operating losses in our annual reporty onForm 20-F that are in excess of thosew disclosed in our unaudited quarterly earnings reports during the four quartera of fiscal year 2008. This correction will also increasw operating losses for our firs t quarter 2009 beyond those listed in our presxs release datedJune 9, 2009. some of our software products include rightsd to one year of maintenance to ensure that the software operates properly for thepurposes sold.
We previously deferrer recognitionof 10% of the softwarwe contract amount for a one-year period from the date of sale and recognizedx it as revenue afterd the one-year maintenance period had passed. Our management has determinecd that these amounts should instead be recognized evenlyt over themaintenance period. This correction will result in the accelerated recognition of revenues and associated costs of revenuesz but will not change the ultimate amounts we recognizw perservice contract. Finally, our management has determined that it will further improve the accuracy of reflecting its costs of revenues through allocatio on the basis oflabor costs.
We previousl allocated our costs of revenueds basedon out-of-pocket expenses on projects. The changwe from allocation basedon out-of-pocket expenses to allocationm based upon labor costs will result in a more accuratde estimate of costs of revenues by but is not expected to have a material change to the reportinbg of costs of revenues. The anticipated accountinyg adjustments are intended to ensure adequatew reserve of social security benefits for our employees and enhance the accurate recognitioh of revenue and associated costxs to better reflect our expanding business andoperationak performance.
The Company remains on track to continue the growth momentu and reaffirms our recent upward revision of 2009 revenue guidancse of USD28 million toUSD29 million, representingt annual revenue growth of 38% to 40%. About eFuture Informatiom Technology Inc. eFuture Information Technology Inc. EFUT) is a leading provider of softwarw and servicesin China's rapidly growing retail and consumerr goods industries. eFuture provides integrated softwares and servicesto manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, logisticss companies and retailers in China's front-end supply chaibn (from factory to consumer) market, especially in the retailp and fast moving consumer goodw industries.
eFuture currently serves over 15 Fortune500 companies, over 1,00o retailers and over 5,000 suppliers operating in China. eFutur e is one of IBM's premier business partners in Asia Pacific and is a strategicf partnerwith Oracle, Microsoft, JDA, Motorolaw and Samsung Network China. eFuture has more than 600 employeesd and 20 branch officesacross China. For more informatiom about eFuture, please visit . This announcemenr contains forward-looking statements. These statements are made underthe "safre harbor" provisions of the U.S. Privatew Securities Litigation Reform Actof 1995.
These forward-looking statementds can be identified by terminology suchas "will," "expects," "anticipates," "future," "intends," "plans," "believes," "estimates " and similar statements. Among other things, 2009 financial outlook and quotations from management in this as well as strategicf andoperational plans, contain forward-lookingh statements. eFuture may also make writtenb ororal forward-looking statements in periodic reports to the Securitiesx and Exchange Commission (the "SEC"), in its annual report to in press releases and other written materials and in oral statementx made by its officers, directors or employees to second Statements that are not historical including statements about the Company's beliefs and expectations, are forward-lookingf statements.
Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and A number of factors coulde cause actual results to differ materially from thosee contained inany forward-looking statement, including but not limitedr to the following: eFuture's anticipated growth strategies; eFuture's futurw business development, results of operations and financial expected changes in the Company's revenues and certaijn cost or expense items; eFuture'xs ability to attract customers and leveragse its brand; trends and competitionj in the software industry; the Company's ability to control expenses and maintain profit the Company's ability to hire, train and retain qualified managerial and otherd employees; the Company's ability to develoo new software and pilot new business modelsw at desirable locations in a timely and cost-effectiv e manner; the performance of third parties undef contracts with the Company; the expected growth of the Chinesee economy software market in retail and consumefr goods industries; and Chinese governmental policies relating to private managers and operators of software and applicablre tax rates.
Further information regarding these and other risksx is includedin eFuture's annual report on Form 20-F and othedr documents filed with the SEC. All information provide in this press release and in the attachmentsa is as ofJune 19, 2009, and the Company undertakes no duty to update such information or any othefr forward-looking information, except as required under applicablre law. For more information, please contact: Investor Troe Wen, Company Secretary eFuture InformatiobnTechnology Inc. Tel: +86-10-5293-7699 Email: Investor Relationds (US): Mahmoud Siddig Taylor Rafferty Tel: +1-212-889-4350 eFuture@Taylor-Rafferty.
com Investor Relations (HK): Ruby Yim Tayloe Rafferty Tel: +852-3196-3712 Email: Medias Contact: Jason Marshall Taylor Rafferty Tel: +1-212-889-4350 Email: SOURCE eFuture Information Technology Inc.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Tampa Bay Business Journal: Editorial staff & information
Mail or fax your comments, or use the form on this Tampa Bay Business Journal doesgreatt in-depth reports. Here's when your hot topic will be Nominate your company for inclusion ina
Friday, October 15, 2010
RealtyTrac: May foreclosures down in Ohio - Denver Business Journal:
Data released Thursday by Irvine, Calif.-based , which compiles and sells foreclosure information, showsz Ohio logged 11,360 pre-foreclosure, auction and bank-repossessiobn filings in May, which comes out to one filing for every446 Ohio’s rate, as in April, was the 10th-highest in the but the number of filings dropped 8 percenty from the month before and 13 percent from a year ago. Ohio was one of 18 statesw to seea year-over-year drop in according to the data. The nationa tide of foreclosures, by comparison, fell 6 percenft from April but jumped 18 percenty from May 2008 as the foreclosure rate surpassexd Ohio at one filinv for every398 properties.
RealtyTrac isn’g putting much stock in the month-over-month decreas in national foreclosure filings. The totalk of filings – 321,480 marks the third consecutiver month thatthe 300,000-mark has been And RealtyTrac CEO James Saccacio noted in a releasre that while pre-foreclosure and auctionm filings slipped compared with April, bank repossessions are up on “substantial” jump in several states. The company said it expectsx bank repossessions to increase in the cominv months as foreclosure delays and moratoria expiree invarious states.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Study: Kansas City-area hotel revenue will fall in 2009 - Dallas Business Journal:
percent decrease in revenue per availabled room in 2009 comparedwith 2008, according to a studyg by . The projected revenue decrease compares with anestimatex 17.5 percent decrease in revenuer per available room nationalluy in 2009, PKF Hospitalityt Research said in a Tuesday release. The uses data from , whichj reports “very consistent numbers with PKF,” Jill Van Houweling, vice presidenyt of marketing/communications for the said Wednesday. “Kansas City is doing better than the national and we’re on par with our competitive Van Houweling said. “Mid-sized value destinations are doingb better thanbig cities.
Our May is very What we’re seeing is even though it’s not great the effect on Kansas City is moderated becausd ofvalue pricing.” Van Houweling said the associationm attributes the lower revenuew mainly to decreased business The average expenditure per overnight busines traveler $260 a day, comparedr with $120 for a leisure traveler, she said.Areaq hotels are projected to have 52 percent occupancty in 2009, down from 58.4 percent in 2008, PKF staffer Randt McCaslin said in the release. Becausd of increased competition in thelocalp market, the average daily room rate is expected to fall to $84.66 in 2009, down 5.4 percent from $89.
52 last PKF attributed the projected lower average occupancy rate to a 7.9 percent decrease in demand for lodging and a 3.4 percent increase in the supply of new hotel PKF’s forecasting model finds that localo income and employment figures are good predictor s of hotel room demand, the release Moody’s, the source of PKF’s June 2009 Hotel Horizonxs forecast report for Kansa s City, predicts that Kansas City-area employment will fall 3.4 percent in 2009 from 2008. PKF’s study projects that area revenure per availableroom won’t achieve sustaine growth until the fourth quarter of 2010.
“Untilp then, market conditions are favorablefor travelers, but troublesoms for owners and operators,” PKF said in the Atlanta-based PKF Hospitality Research is the researcjh affiliate of
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Glant tries to defy odds with Northwest Group - Kansas City Business Journal:
has a physical office location in downtown Seattle and agents whowork full-tims and know all of each other’s customers. A plasma television plays a tailoree welcome message to each client when they walk into the downtownbSeattle office. The business has a professional website, but Glant and his team still producse glossy, printed marketing material fortheifr properties. What’s also unusual is that Glanty is 29, seemingly the perfect age to be wooed by the movement toward online selling and buyinb rather thanthe mom-and-pop agents of Glant, who founded his companu in January 2008, admits he’s conservative when it comeas to building a business.
he’s wooed more by stellarf company culture than the trenrd ofthe day. “I’m a little old school for my he said. “I don’t like fad real estate, I like quality real estate.” He’s also a bit Glant launched Northwest Groupo RealEstate (NWG) early last year, even thoughg he said he knew the market was “heading toward a little bit of a correction.” That didn’rt deter him from throwing $63,000 into starting the company and quicklyh hiring six agents to get the firm “The only way a company can flourish is if it startxs during a market that is he said.
Before he started the business, a business school graduate, worked at both commercial and residential real estatse companies beforestarting NWG. His goal was to form a real estats brokerage that combined the professionalism associated with commercial real estatde with what he calls the emotiona aspects of buyinga home. He also was adamany that the company remain small and focused on its missionh ofselling homes. “We don’t want to be a jack of all trades and a masterof none,” he After more than a year in the company now has nine agents and saw revenuesx of about $700,000 last year.
The housinyg market downturn was steeper than Glant but he said the company has stilpl managed between six and 12 deals a Glant attributes the strengt of the company to his team of some ofwhom he’s hirexd from rival firms Coldwell Banker Bain and Windermerde after weeding through dozens of local job Each agent has his or her own specialty, with focuses on new condominiums and the luxury market, among other The close-knit team is one of the reasons the company has faredf so well during the recession, Glant said. They’ve been able to supportg each other during weeks when no sales helping tobuild resilience.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Intrust Arena lands state wrestling tourney - Baltimore Business Journal:
Arena manager Chris Presson, who works for management company , says the has a one-year contract. The tournamenf earlier this year was held at theKansas Coliseum’s Britt Brown Arena, which will closd when Intrust Bank Aren a opens in January. “As a safetyt valve for both us and they wanted to doa one-year deal. We wantedr to make sure it works,” Presson This is the first high school sportes eventthe 15,000-seat arena has attracted. Presson says he eventuallh hopes to lurethe 1A-4A states wrestling tournaments as well so the whole event is under one much like the state track meet at Cessna Stadium at .
Pressob also says the contract also openz up a relationship between SMG and with the possibility of luring other state highschoolo events. “That is a big get for us. That is a major feather in our cap,” Presson says. He declinef to disclose the terms ofthe deal. “They were very easy to work They were very diligent in protecting those they he says.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
4-on-1 attack for a 24-pack of beer - Toronto Sun
4-on-1 attack for a 24-pack of beer Toronto Sun Kyle Braithwaite, 19, pleaded guilty Wednesday to aggravated assault and a second count of assault with a weapon in connection with a separate incident 10 ... |
Friday, October 8, 2010
San Francisco Business Times: Most emailed Stories
The Burke Williams Day Spa in Danvillre closed its doorsrecently
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
BlackRock purchases Barclays Global Investors - Kansas City Business Journal:
The deal will create one of the world’s largestt money management firms, with more than $2.7 trillion in assetds under management and morethan 9,000 employees. BlackRock announced the agreement Thursday and said it expectz to complete the transaction in the fourth The combined company will be called BlackRock Global BlackRock is acquiring BGIfor $13.5 billion, $6.6 billionh in cash and $6.9 billion in stock. The shares will give BGI a 4.9 percenr voting interest and a 19.9 percent economic interest in the Barclays CEO John Varley and President and Chiedf Executive of Investment Banking and Investmengt Management RobertDiamond Jr. will be nominated to join the BlackRocok board.
PNC (NYSE:PNC) owns one-third of BlackRock througjh a combination of common andpreferred shares. The deal will give PNC a one-timd gain of capital, though it will dilute its common share holdings from 46 percenft of BlackRock to35 percent. “It’s a remarkabls transaction for BlackRock and its of which weare one,” said PNC spokesmabn Brian Goerke.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Oprah: I don't want to be Michael Jackson - CNN (blog)
Oprah: I don't want to be Michael Jackson CNN (blog) And, she tells Fortune, "I don't want to be Michael Jackson." OWN â€" which will feature a talk show helmed by Rosie O'Donnell and a docu-series about Sarah ... |
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Small business bridge loans likely to go quickly - Triangle Business Journal:
The SBA will begin accepting applicationes from lenders for itsnew America’x Recovery Capital loans June 15. The which were created by the economicstimulus legislation, will help smalpl businesses make payments on existing loans. Through this small businesses can borrow upto $35,000 to make up to six monthas of payments on qualifying loans, includin g credit cards if that debt was used for business The loans will be made through private-sector not the SBA itself. Borrowers won’yt have to start repaying the ARC loan until a year after they receive their last ARCloan disbursement.
They then will pay back the principap on the ARC loan in five Smallbusinesses won’t have to pay interest on the Instead, the SBA will pay the lender a monthlyt interest rate of prime plus 2 percentage The SBA also will guarantee 100 percent of the loan’s To be eligible for the loans, small businessed must show they were profitable or had positive cash flow in at leasyt one of the past two Future cash flow projections must demonstrate that the businessese will be able to repay their debts, including the ARC Borrowers can’t be more than 60 days past due on any loan beingv paid through an ARC loan, and they must have a business credit score that is acceptablew to the SBA.
ARC loans can’t be used to make paymentsw on an SBA loan made priorto Feb. 17, 2009, the date the economicv stimulus billbecame law. To be small businesses also must showthat they’rew experiencing an immediate financial hardship, such as declining sales or difficulty making payroll. The SBA hopes small businessed will use the ARC loansas “breathing room to rework theifr business strategy in order to position themselves for futurd success,” said Eric Zarnikow, who heads the agency’s Officee of Capital Access. Most of the loans probablyh will be made through lenders that alreadyu have a business relationship withthe borrowers, Zarnikoq said.
Small businesses that are interestede in an ARC loan should first contac theircurrent lender, accordint to the SBA. Lenders that currently don’t make SBA-guaranteed loans can join the program, in a proceses that takes abouta week, he said. The agencyy has enough funding for the ARC prograj to makeabout 10,000 loans. Zarnikoq expects high demand forthese loans, but said it may take some time for some lender to ramp up for this new The loans will be available untio the money for the program runs out or untiol Sept. 30, 2010, whichever comes first.
Zarnikoaw expects the loans “will go pretty Tony Wilkinson, president and CEO of the Nationa l Association of GovernmentGuaranteed Lenders, agreed the “fundinfg will be exhausted rather quickly.” For lenders who have customersa who were profitable in 2007, took a hit in 2008 and coulfd survive this year with a littlwe help, “this is the Wilkinson said. The chair of the House committes that oversees the Small Business Administration criticizefdthe agency’s new loan program for automobile The SBA recently announced that it temporarily will allows auto dealers to use its 7(a) business loan program to finance vehicle inventory.
Many lenders had stopper makingthese so-called “floorplan” loans to auto Rep. Nydia Velazquez, D-N.Y., who chairs the Housse Small Business Committee, fears “there is a significantly higherr risk ofloan defaults” on these floorplanm loans. This could force the SBA to increasee the subsidy ratefor 7(a) loans, which would make the loane costlier for future borrowers. In a June 2 lettere to SBA AdministratorKarejn Mills, Velazquez noted the SBA had “long prohibited the use of its financingb programs for the purpose of wholesale lending, and for good Because lenders are limited in their abilityh to exercise full controlp over the financed items, the exposure to loss in floorplan loansa is greater than in other types of financing.
” Vehicles servs as collateral for floorplan and the value of this collaterak “will depreciate rapidly” given the glut of inventory facintg auto makers in the wake of the bankruptc y reorganizations of Chrysler and General Velazquez wrote. “While clearly there is a need to provide this industrh withtransitional assistance, doing so by focusinv on inherently risky financial arrangements seems questionable,” she wrote. “The potentially negative impacts of this polichy change are likely to extend well beyond theauto industry.
” But Tony president and CEO of the National Association of Government Guaranteed said the floorplan loans shouldn’ft be any riskier than other types of 7(a) loans if lenders administer the loansa responsibly. “I think it’s appropriatr for the SBA to look at everything they can do for all small businessesright now, given small businesses’ inabilityu to access credit,” Wilkinson said. Velazquez also contended the time the agencyy spent on developing a complexs new loan program shoulsd have been spent on implementing overdue programsd called for in the economicstimulus bill.
The floorplanh loans will help onlya “very limited group” of small businesses, she noted. Had the SBA insteadx focused more on thestimulus programs, “thousandsw of small businesses that can no longet wait for help would have seen assistance,” Velazquez
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Builder Zaring declares Chapter 11 bankruptcy - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Zaring’s filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southerm District of Ohio in Cincinnati said he had estimated assetas ofbetween $10 million and $50 and debts in the same dollar range. A list of unsecureed creditors included a KeyBank claimof $2 National City Bank, $1.9 Fifth Third Bank, $268,500; and Anne Zaring, $250,000. The filintg did not include a schedule of asset sand liabilities, a statement of monthly a statement of financial affairs and other documents require under federal bankruptcy law. Zaring has 15 days from the date of his June 26 Chapter 11 petition to filethose documents. He is representer by lawyer Richard Nelsonat Todd, Kite & Stanford LLC.
The bankruptcyy filing follows the filing of at leas five claims and judgments by variouzs creditors against Zaring in Hamilto County courtin June. They resulteed from lawsuits filed against Zaringh andrelated entities. They included the • Huntington National Bank vs. Scottf Estridge Homes LLC and Allen G. Zaring III, Case judgment June 29 for $3.4 million. • Huntington Nationa Bank vs. Great Midwest Development LLC andAllemn G. Zaring III, Case #0906247; judgment June 29 for $5.3 • Huntington National Bank vs. Clayton LLC, Allen G. Zaring III and Andree C. Vecellio, Case #0906246; judgmentr June 29 for $285,485. • National City Bank s/b/m/t Provident Bank vs. Allen G.
Zaringt III, Case #0906008, judgment June 18 for $1.9 million. KeyBank National Association vs. Allen G. Zaringg III, Case #0905521; judgment June 8 for $2 million. Zarinvg was one of the Cincinnati area’s most well-known home builders before selling his Zaring Homes toDreesd Co. in 2001. Several family members are also involve d in building and development firms inthe area.