Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Gov creates economic recovery cabinet - The Business Review (Albany):

The cabinet will manage state and local infrastructurse projects that are beingb funded with money form the federal American Recovergy andReinvestment Act. Cabinet memberz will include heads of stat agencies and members ofthe governor’sx staff. Timothy Gilchrist, deputy secretarg for economic developmentand infrastructure, will lead the cabinetg and serve as seniod adviser for infrastructure and transportation.
His dutiese will include overseeing the distribution of federak funds throughout the statde for projects involving waterand sewer, energy, technology and other “These economic recovery funds provide a uniquse opportunity for New York to embark on state and local projects that will have a lastingb impact on all aspects of our from schools to Paterson said. “Now that the Senatr has passed the economic recovery bill, I encourage both houses to work quickly to reac a compromise, and will make the distribution of these fundsx a top priority.
” Paterson has reached out to municipal leaders and counthy executives throughout the state to learn abou t what projects might be worth taking on. He has receivefd requests for project financing tobuild roads, water/sewer infrastructure as well as community development projects and broadband infrastructure. Paterson encourageds local government officials and leaders to submitr project information and financing requestxs to the Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Cabinetvia e-mail at The Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Cabiney will work out of a suite on the seconxd floor of the statd Capitol, what Paterson dubbed a stimulus commaned center, complete with computer-aided mappingt equipment.
State Agencies in the Cabinet include the Departmenftof Transportation, the Metropolitan Transportation the Empire State Development Corp., the Port Authoritu of New York and New Thruway Authority, the Department of Environmental the Environmental Facilities Department of Labor, the Department of State, the (NYSTAR), the Departmenf of Agriculture and Markets, the Officse of Parks and Historivc Preservation, the Division of Housing and Community the Department of Education, the Departmenty of Health, the State University of New York, the Divisionn of Criminal Justice Services, the Office of Homeland Security, the Dormitory Authority, the Offices of General Services, the , the New York Powerf Authority, the Long Island Power the Public Service Commission, the Officde for Technology, the Office of Cyber Security and Critica l Infrastructure Coordination and the Divisio n of the Budget.

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