Friday, August 12, 2011

Business conditions improve in Missouri - St. Louis Business Journal:
in June — its highest level sincer September — up from 47.3 in May and 46.5 in June said Wednesday. June was the ninth-straight montbh for which the index was belowsthe growth-neutral 50. “Over the past year, Missouri has lost more than 34,00o0 manufacturing jobs,” Creighton Economics Professor Ernie Goss said ina “Our survey indicates that these losses continued for Economic activity was particularlhy weak for durable or heavy including vehicle manufacturing and firms linked to that According to government employment data, 8,000 Missouri workers gave up theier job search or otherwise left the work forced over the past three months.
As the Missouri economyg improves in themonths ahead, many of these worker s will re-enter the work force, addin to the state’s jobless rate. I expectt the unemployment rate to stabilizs at a seasonally adjusted rateof 9.5 percenf in the third quarter of The index for the Midwestf moved above growth neutral in June for the first time sinc e October, with a 49.3 up from 46.6 in May but down from 50.5 in June 2008.
The regiom lost jobs for the 17th time in the past 18 The index is calculated from a survey of supply managers in the The , of whichh Goss also is director, has conducted the monthlg survey of supply managers in nine states sinces 1994 to produce leading economic indicatorws of the Mid-America economy. States in the survet are Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma and Soutuh Dakota.

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