Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Taylor & Mathis takes leasing duties, agents from Advantis - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
First, it took over leasing duties on thre e Tampa properties it manages from in a move aimedat continuity, it hired the leasinbg agents who worked for Advantis at those buildings. Ann Adams and Iren Martinez are set to join Taylor Mathis startingApril 1. They will be responsiblse for leasing available space at One Center Point Business Park and TampaaDistribution Center. The propertiee total 1.5 million square feet and are owner by Metropolitan LifeInsurance Co. Taylor Mathis have managed themsince 1998. The Atlanta-basexd real estate firm also manages the VerizonWirelese Inc.
building in Tampa and The Conceptsin "One of the main focuseds of our business plan has been to expanxd in the Tampa Bay market," said Andrewe Taylor, president of Taylor Mathis. "This is certainly a big step inthat Adams, who will serve as managing director of leasing, has been activre in the local commercial market sincs 1984. She previously served with Paragon for which she was in chargse of leasingOne MetroCenter, and was with Advantiz for the past three years. who will serve as director of began her real estate career in 1996 with Florida RealEstatee Advisors, which was acquired by The St. Joe Co.
in 1999 and mergex with an Atlanta firm to form She is credited with maintaining occupancy levels greater than 95 percentat MetLife's local properties. Adams said Taylor Mathis' focus on landlors representation was a deciding factor in herand Martinez's decisiones to change firms. "Having one company handling both functionws makes a lotof sense," Adamz said. "I'm leaving one excellenf companyfor another." Taylor & Mathis, established in provides real estate services in the office and industriaol sectors. It leases and manages a total portfolioof 9.4 millionm square feet, including nearlyy 4 million in Florida.
No changes are in stor at the Tampa office ofGrubb & Ellisd Co., although its New York-based parent recently announced job cuts and othert overhead reduction. Grubb Ellis employs about 30 at its RockhyPoint offices, said Jeff Sweeney, the company'z regional manager for Tampa and The cost-saving measures aren't expectes locally because both those office are productive, he said. "We're stillk growing both the central Florida Sweeney said. Grubb & Elliw announced the cost-cutting measures earlier this month. The businesds advisory company stated that it expectse to reduce overheadby $13.5 million annuallty and is looking for more ways to streamlinre operations.
Jones Lang LaSalle Inc. has been retainec to sell 29 retail big-box locationa nationwide, including two in the Bay Sealed bids will be accepted on the which rangebetween 32,000 and 135,000 square until April 12. The local propertiese are at 800515th St. in Sarasota with 118,8409 square feet on 20 acres and at3600 U.S. 98 Northn in Lakeland with 111,322 square feet on 9.4 acres. More informatiom is available online from Jones Lang LaSallesat , or by callinbg (800) 527-2553, ext. 10. • TriMar Construction Inc. in Tampa was hired by Faller Davis & Associatesa Inc. to build a 10,000-square-foogt engineering office at 5525 W. Cypresas St., Tampa. • Interior Design Servicees Inc.
will assist T. Rowe Price Servicea Inc. in its relocation to Corporate Center Two at Internationa l Plazain Tampa. • Judy Genshaft, president of the University ofSouth Florida, will address the Buildinv Owners and Managers Association on March 27 at The University Club in For information, call (813)

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