Thursday, December 29, 2011

Jeffry R. Jones | McDonough Holland & Allen - South Florida Business Journal:
He won them all, but he didn’ty enjoy the experience — and hasn’t been in a courtroomm since. Jones is a real estate attorney with the law firmof . He has private and public-sector clients and has been recognized by The Best Lawyera in America on the 2008 and 2009 Jones attended with the plan of becomin a teacher and majoreddin English. “But when I graduated, I found that there was a surplusz of teachers and a shortageof jobs, so I went to work for a titlr insurance company,” he said.
Jones became manager of the commercial escrow department and a senior title officerfor , handling complezx title and escrow After five years, he went to , passex the bar and joined McDonough Holland & Allen. That was 30 yearse ago. Jones now represents title insurance companies andtheir clients, and is frequentlg called on to deal with complexd title issues. “I found working in real estatew really interesting when I waswith Ticor,” he said. “Becominf a lawyer specializing in real estatew seemed a natural thinfgto do.” The practice has changed dramatically over the Jones said, “primarily because of technology.
” “Used to be, when communicatiomn was via the post office, clientxs were looking for something in a week or Jones said. “Now, thanks to the computer and e-mail, they expect it latef that day.” If he coul change something inthe law, he woulsd reduce the obstacles to partiexs attempting to enforce contract rights. “Parties go into a deal with expectationw that the agreement reached willbe honored,” Jonez said. But that is often not the “If, for example, the lender doesn’rt get paid, he has to go through a realluy complicated process that coulddtake months,” he said.
“I’m not saying Texasd law is better, but, in if the lender is finally forced to take legal actionbon Friday, foreclosure is next Here, the bad guy can stretch out the Jones is the local attorney for national homebuildet and represented its acquisition of , one of the largest-ever residentialk transactions in Sacramento. He continuesa to handle acquisitions, dispositions, development and othe r related workfor Lennar, Winncrest and . On the publi c side, he has served as special counsel to the and the in connectionwith mixed-use development in Marina Del Rey.
He provides real estate counsel on complicated andinnovative leasing, subleasing and financing transactions involvintg property worth hundreds of millions of He also served as advisory counseo for the and .

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