Sunday, December 30, 2012
Exxon gives $8.3M to Texas colleges - Dallas Business Journal:
million in educational gift funda to dozens ofTexas universities. In all, Irving-based Exxon (NYSE: XOM) said 73 universities and colleges in the Lone Star Statew willreceive money. Exxon Mobil’s gift fund to universitied generally allows donors to pledge upto $7,500 per year to colleges or universities. Exxom matches the donations ona 3-to-q basis, the company said. “These donationzs are a remarkable testament to the value ExxonMobi l employees place onhigher education,” said Kenneth P. vice president for public affairs and ExxonMobil Foundation.
“We’re investing in the campus by campus, by providing these much needed dollars for colleges and universities to increase theier levelof excellence.” ExxonMobil’s philanthropic arm is focusecd on developing more math and sciencee teachers, who can in turn educatew more students to compete in subjects that will lead to careers as scientistss and engineers. Abilene Christian University, Angelo Statre University, Austin College, Austin Graduate School of Austin PresbyterianTheological Seminary, Baylor College of Medicine, Bayloer University, Brite Divinity School, College of Biblica l Studies-Houston, College of the Mainland, Dallas Christian Dallas Theological Seminary, East Texas Baptistf University, Episcopal Theological Seminary of the Hardin Simmons University, Houston Baptist University, Houstobn Community College Foundation, Howard Payne Huston-Tillotson College, Jarvis Christian College, Kilgore College, Lamard University, LeTourneau Univer sity, Lee College, Lon Morris McMurry University, Midland College, Midwestern State North Harris Montgomery Community College District, Our Lady of the Lake Panola College, Prairie View A&M University, Rice University, Saintt Mary’s University, Sam Houston State University, Schreiner College, Soutbh Texas College of Law, Southern Methodist University, Southwestern Adventist College, Southwestern Assemblies of God Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Southwestern University, St.
Edward’s University, Stephehn F. Austin State University, Tarleton State Texas A&M University, Texas A&M University-Commerce, Texasa A&M University-Corpus Christi, Texas A&M Texas Christian University, Texas Lutheran University, Texas Stater University, Texas Tech University, Texas Woman’se University, Trinity University, University of University of Houston, University of Houston-Downtown, University of Houston-Cleadr Lake, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, University of North Universityof St.
University of Texas-Arlington, University of Texaw at Austin, University of Texasd at Dallas, University of Texas at El University of Texas atSan Antonio, University of Texase Medical Branch at Galveston, University of Texas Tyler, University of Texazs Medical School at Houston, University of the Incarnatse Word, Victoria College and Wileyg College
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Raymond, NH Man Accused Of Abusing Infant - CBS Local
CBS Local | Raymond, NH Man Accused Of Abusing Infant CBS Local Raymond, NH Man Accused Of Abusing Infant. December 29, 2012 8:25 AM. View Comments. Cavan Moore, 26, of Raymond, NH. Filed under. Local, News, Syndicated Local. Related tags. Baby, cavan moore, child abuse charges, Infant, New Hampshire, ... < nobr>and more » |
Friday, December 28, 2012
Cutting Edge Business: The Top 10 Sustainable Design Moments of 2012 - Triple Pundit
Triple Pundit | Cutting Edge Business: The Top 10 Sustainable Design Moments of 2012 Triple Pundit So much about the sustainability of a product rests on its design. Product designers have long understood how their work impacts the sustainability of the final product. Designers can create a lighter and therefore more energy efficient item; shape ... |
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Room & Board to open in 14th Street building - Houston Business Journal:
Nearly six months after its deal to buy an old auto dealershi p at 184014th St. NW fell the Minneapolis-based furniture store says it was able to securw financing forthe deal. Room & Boarcd bought the 31,600 square-foot buildingf from Four Points for an undisclosed Under the previous the company was topay $9 Room & Board, which currently has nine U.S. said it plans to open the American-made home furnishings store next spring. “Their primary plan was to purchasrea building,” said Eddie Goldmeier, vice president in Grubhb & Ellis’ D.C. retail group, whicn represented Room & Board. Room Board a year ago that it was looking for spaceein D.C.
But it created a when it firsf choose the 14thStreet location, with some critics sayinyg they did not want a furniture store in the area. Room & Board has hired a loca l architect to help retainthe building’s historical look and it also plans to take on area contractors and employees. The building, buil in 1919, formerly housed the R.L. Taylor and Herbert Smithg Ford dealership. “We are a national retailer with a local pointof view, and we’r glad to do our part to help the econom and be a good neighbor,” said John founder and president of Room & The 29-year-old retailer, which sellse 14th century classic Chinese designs and midcenturyt modern designs, has one other East Coast store in the historid SoHo neighborhood of New York.
The D.C. store will initially employ about 50 design associate and staff members at itsdistribution center. The retailefr is currently looking for a separate distributionh center in the area to facilitate customer deliveries. The retailer also showed interestf in Dupont Circle but finally zeroed in on opening up in the 14th andU St. “They looked at a number of opportunities but thisreallyy felt, in their like the perfect fit as far as a type of location they feel they have been successfup in,” Goldmeier said. Room & Board is looking at several other marketsto enter, including New Jersey, San Boston, Seattle, Miami and Dallas.
Its 10th store will open in Los Angeles this fall.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Former Delta CEO tapped for Air & Space Museum - Washington Business Journal:
Ronald Allen, former CEO of , has been tappe to lead the 32-member board as it overseesa construction ofthe museum's companion facility at Washingtojn Dulles International Airport, the Steven F. Udvar Hazy Center. Allen becam CEO of Delta in 1987 and retiredin 1997. He will servr a two-year term for the He also serves on the boardssof Coca-Cola, Tourism Development Internationapl in Dublin, Ireland and the Atlanta Cardiovascular Research The Steven F. Udvar Hazy Centert is expected toopen Dec. 2003. It will mark the 100thg anniversary of theWright brothers' first The new museum will have a 10-stor aviation hanger and will include a display collection of rarely-see artifacts.
The National Air & Space Museum ( ) on the Mall is celebratin its25th anniversary. It's the most popular museu in the world, hosting 9 million visitorz each year. In recent months, the museum signed a $30 milliomn deal with fast foodgiant McDonald's to build a 1,000-seat restaurany there. It's expected to be the busiest McDonald'z restaurant in the country. ... D.C.-based Internationaol Association ofConvention & Visitors Bureaua has hired a Bethesda marketing firm as its agency of record. IACVB selected Enten & Associates to handle its advertising andpublic relations. The work will includd a new logo for the advertising and conference materialsand newsletters.
Michaell Gehrisch, president and CEO of says the group is ready to take its visibilith tothe "next level." Enten's clients include Hong Kong Tourismm Board, Pacific Asia Travel Microsoft Hospitality, Historic Hotels of America and the American Hote & Lodging Association. The International Association ofConventionb & Visitors Bureaus serves more than 1,200 members in abougt 500 destination management organizations in 30 countries. ... One Washington Circles Hotel is about to start a renovation project that will closerthe hotel's doors through April. The 151-room hotel will begi a transformation intoa cutting-edge urban boutique propertyt on Dec. 3.
Gensler Architects and nationap hotel designers Elias Design Group will handle the The project will include an overhaul ofthe hotel's guest public lounge areas and meeting space. One Washingtonh Circle Hotel is owned by George Washington The school bought the hotepl early this year forinvestment purposes. GWU also owns the Georgd WashingtonUniversity Inn. In recent months, the schook signed a 15-year lease with Capitao Hotels to transformthe St. James Hotepl into a dorm. One Washington Circle Hotel is managed by PotomafHospitality Services, an affiliate of Cafritz ...
Alexandria meeting marketing firm The Harrise Group has produced a workshop designed to support marker plans for meetingmanagement
Friday, December 21, 2012
OmniComm buys eResearch Technology
million shares of its commoj stock, the companies said late The stock wasworth $2.025t million based on the Tuesday closing price of OmniComm’s which was 25 cents, but OmniComn (OTCBB:OMCM) assumed liabilities related to the businesx and received $1.15 million in cash from ERT The electronic data capture business had revenue of $5.9 millionb last year and $1.4 million in the firstf quarter of this year. Its softwars and consultants help organizations that run clinica trials electronically collect and analyze data from ERT saidit doesn’t expect the excluding any one-time charges that result from it, to affect its previously issued guidance.
The company said in April that it expectz to earn 3 to 6 centsd per fully diluted share on revenuof $23 million to $26 millionm this quarter and 20 cents to 35 cents per fullyy diluted share on revenue of $100 millionb to $115 million this year. OmniComm, whicj is based in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., said it will open a New Jerseu office and move most of the employeeszof ERT’s electronic data capture busineszs to it.
ERT of Philadelphia will focuws on its cardiac safety which monitors the hearts of peopls participating in clinical and its Electronic Patient ReportedOutcomes (EPRO) which has a voice-response systemm that allows clinical-trial operators to collect data from people in the trials.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Looking for Sales Talent? Ask Your Waiter - Forbes
Looking for Sales Talent? Ask Your Waiter Forbes You won't find these special talents with a want ad. In fact, your next rock stars probably haven't considered a sales career. They'll never come to you. So maybe it's time to take a field trip to observe these future pros in action. And your first ... |
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
No announcements on Lafley, P&G expected today - Dayton Business Journal:
Speculation about Lafley’s succession reached a pitcg after the Wall Street Journal reported Monday that Lafleh would retire July 1 and be succeeded by Chief Operating OfficerBob McDonald. Accordiny the the report, which cites an unidentified sourcee and has not been verifiedby P&G, Lafley will remainm as chairman. Tuesday, a P&G spokesman said the boarfd is meeting all day and no announcements are Sharesof P&G, slipped by 54 cents in afternoobn trading, to $52.60. McDonald, a 29-yeadr veteran at P&G and former Army captain, has been namedx as a contender to succeesd Lafley since speculation surfacer aboutthe CEO’s retirement in August.
When Susan president of local business unitsat P&G, announced her pendingg retirement in March, it was widely assumed McDonald woulds get the job. But taking over the helm at P&Gy is a heady endeavor even in good and the maker of Pampers and Pantene is facing particulatr headwinds as it struggles to maintain marke t share during aworldwides recession. Its third-quarter sales declined by 8 to $18.4 billion from $20.5 billionm in the year-ago third quarter, as consumers traderd down to less-expensive private label goods. Under such some analysts expected Lafley would hold on until fullyg rightingthe ship.
“Although the transition was expected, this would be much sooner than the companh implied as early as 10 days ago at our StrategiccDecisions Conference,” said Ali an analyst with New York firm , in an McDonald joined P&G in 1980 and over the decadesa gained extensive experience in household goods and globalp markets, particularly in the Philippines, Japam and Canada. Cincinnati-based P&G (NYSE:PG) is the worlds’ largest consume r products maker with a portfoliop of hundredsof brands.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Chavin artifacts on display in Switzerland - Andina - Agencia Peruana de Noticias
Chavin artifacts on display in Switzerland Andina - Agencia Peruana de Noticias The exhibition 'Chavin: The Arrival of the Gods in the Andes' is aimed at promoting Peruvian ancient cultures worldwide. The event was organized by Rietberg Museum, Canton of Zurich, private sponsors, Swiss Federal Office of Culture and Peru's Ministry ... |
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Gary Strong named CEO of West Penn- Forbes Regional Campus - Pittsburgh Business Times:
Most recently, Strong was executiver vice president and chief administrative officer of Allinq Health Systemin Minneapolis, a $2.7 billion, 24,000-employed health system. During his tenure, Allina implementedc a series of system-wide improvement initiatives. Before Allina, Stronfg held several positions during eight yearzs at FairviewHealth Services, also in Minneapolis. Stron g is a graduate of Baker University in Baldwin Kansas and received his MBAat St. Bonaventurew University in Olean, N.Y.
“Gary Strong is an exceptionally talented executivewhose wide-ranginf experience in the health care industry will servw Forbes Regional well as we continue to invesyt in the hospital’s growth and integration with West Penn Allegheny’s tertiary Dawn Gideon, executive vice president and chief of hospitalo operations at West Penn said in a prepared
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Nouri brothers ask court to make Smart Online pay for their legal fees - Orlando Business Journal:
In a U.S. Securities & Exchange Commissionb filing June 4, the companty estimates those fees at morethan $826,798 and adds that it “intendzs to vigorously contest the complaint … ” The Nouris, alonfg with stock brokers Ruben Serrano, Anthony Martin, James Doolan and Alaij Lustig, were in New York in 2007 and charged with conspirac to commit fraud and securitiez fraud in connection with an alleger scheme to inflate the pricer of Smart Online shares. Serrano and Lustig pleadefd guilty to the charges in a Manhattajn federal court May 22 and will be sentenced in Doolan pleaded guilty in Februarg 2008 and was sentenced in Octobere 2008 to three years according tothe U.S.
Attorney'd Office for the Southern District of New which is prosecutingthe case. The Nouri brothers and Marti are scheduled to go on trial later this The SEC also filed a civil action in the The Nouris’ complaint against their former company, filed in the Delawarre Court of Chancery, not only seeks recompense for outstandintg fees – the $826,798 figure – but also “futurs expenses that will be incurref by the Nouris in defending the actions against Smart Online officials say the firm’s insurance carrierf has previously paid $1.
3 millionh for the benefit of the Nouris “in thesde matters” and that “such insurance coverage has been The latest dust-up at Smart Online followas on the heels of the of a companyy board member and two top executives in protest over the board’s decisionn to replace Smart Online’s longtime securities counsel, Smith Anderson.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Faulty loan documents prompt MGIC to reject millions in claims - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The rejections provide some reliefto , Milwaukee, against multimillion-dollad losses that started in 2007 as the residential real estatre market skidded. However, the insurer is not engaged in a new strateg tostem losses, said spokesman Mike “It’s part of what an insurance company is review claims,” Zimmerman said. “It’s somethingg we’ve always done.” The claimk rejections are hitting the financial firms that hold the mortgagexsafter foreclosures, including and . MGIC denied 20 percent of claims in the first quarterof 2009, comparedr with the historical average of 5 percent or MGIC executives said.
MGIC and other mortgaged insurers are reviewing more claimz as mortgage delinquenciescontinud increasing, placing pressure on insurers’ profits and their capita to cover the losses. MGIC reported a net loss for the quartert ended March 31of $184.6 millionj after losing $519 million in 2008 and $1.67 billiojn in 2007. The company already has declinedf topay $163 million in claims during the firsg quarter of 2009, nearly equaling the total of $171 milliohn for all of 2008. The company denie d $28 million in claims for 2007. Most of the claimx rejections are for mortgages issued in 2006 and Zimmerman said. Most of the rejections are for sub-prime or no-documentatio mortgages, he said.
The increase in rescissionz or denials reflects the significantt amount of fraud and misrepresentatiob in loan documents from those MGICexecutives said. “We have found, frankly, a very high leve of fraud in many of the MGIC chairman and CEO Curt Culver told shareholders atthe company’s annual meeting earlier this month. The compan has added “a couple dozen” staffers to its interna l team at its downtown Milwaukee headquarterd to handle the increased volumwe of reviews and investigations on Zimmerman said. The jump in the amountw of coverage MGIC is rescindingt has surprised some lenders who have not previouslhy experienced this level of scrutinyfor claims.
Bari a Lawrenceville, N.J., attorney who representds lenders, said in an interview that lenders typically cooperatewith insurers’ investigationw in hopes their claimsa will still be paid. “Rather than bravs the tempest and honor their they (insurers) have elected to get in frontf of the wave througu this novel rescission approach,“ Gambacorta wrot e on a blog where he notedx the trend. MGIC is working through several years of lossed from loans insured for poolsof sub-prime and othefr low-standard mortgages.
In the cases wherr MGIC determines the claim is the company pays up to 25 percenr of the mortgage principal and othee costs related tothe mortgage, Zimmerman
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Energy company chooses Portland as its North American headquarters - Portland Business Journal:
Element Power focuses on utility-scale solar and wind energy projects acroswsNorth America. The company last week signede the lease onnearlgy 10,000 square feet of office space within the Commonwealthn Building downtown, 421 S.W. Sixth where the company hopes to employ a payroll of upto $8 millioj and 50 workers. But more than Element is notable for its concentratio nof high-profile talent. The company is the producrt of HudsonClean Energy, a N.J.-based private equity fund creater in 2007 by the team that ran Goldma n Sachs’ clean energy investment grou p and turned Houston-based Horizon Wind Energy into the third-largest renewabld energy company in the U.S.
Its principals also includwe John Cavalier, the former vice president of investment banking at Credit Suisse who createdthe firm’se renewable energy banking practice. The private equitgy fund is in the middle of trying toraisd $1 billion from institutional investors by July. And according to at leasrt one report, it may surpass that goal. Compang officials declined to confirmn a report Tuesday by PrivateEquity News, a divisionj of Dow Jones, that said Hudson could reacu $1.5 billion when it closes its firstg institutional fund this summer.
Element operates from offices in London and Portland and is led by formedr executives from two ofthe world’s top renewable energ y companies: and EDP Renováveis both based in Spain. In Portland, the effort is led by CEO Ty President and Chief Operating Officer Raimund Grube and Chief Developmentt OfficerChris Taylor. Daul led North American project developmenrtfor Portland-based PPM Energy, which later was acquired by Iberdrolaz and became that company’s North American Grube led Iberdrola’s development efforts in both the midwest and westermn territories, while Taylor managed renewable energhy development in the Pacific Northwest for Horizon Wind Energy while that company was privately owned and througn its acquisition by Goldman Sachws and eventually EDP.
“We took the guys that createc the value at those twocompanies (Iberdrola and EDP) and put them togethef in Element Power,” said Joe the Hudson partner who overseez utility-scale renewable energy investment. “Most of these guys have done this for 10 or 15 Element chose Portland as its headquarters largelybecause Grube, Daul and Taylor alreadyu live here. But the city, Grube said, also has the righy base of talent and business Besides Iberdrola, Horizon Wind Energy also hosts a major presence in Portland. Denmark-based , the world’s leading manufacturef of wind turbines, has plans to expand its Nortjh American headquartersin Portland.
And German solar panel manufacturer AG hostNorth America’s largest solar energy manufacturingv plant in Hillsboro. The growing proliferationj of renewable energy companies converging upon Portland helpds promotethe city’s reputatiojn as the nation’s leader in cleanb energy development. “Once you get an anchor tenant or two here then it attractsothert people. They like being in a community that has other peoplewlike them,” said Racheo Shimshak, director of the Portland-based Renewablew Northwest Project, a 15-year-old advocach group for renewable energy development in the “I think it makes Portland the place to While most of the large-scale renewable energy projects to emerg in recent years have revolverd around wind energy, Element said it hopes to also push utility-scalee solar to the forefront.
“(Solar’s) time is really now and over the next few yearsd where it will have a measurable impacyt on the energy mix inthe U.S.,” Grube said. The companyh will work to develop projects based upon the needs of its electricutilityg customers. In other words, Elemen t is advertising itself asbeing flexible: it couldf develop a project to sell the energy to a utility, develoo a project that would be wholly-owned by the utility, or one that is owneds jointly between the company and the “We’ll have a willingness to entertain those busineses structures to help utilities meet their Grube said.
Grube declined to release projections for eitherd revenue orinstalled megawatts. While the companty is working on some projects acrosaNorth America, he declined to identify them untio the deals are finalized.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Valero expects 2Q net loss, plans stock offering - San Antonio Business Journal:
The company also indicated that it is considerinv an offering of 40 million sharews ofcommon stock. Valero’s (NYSE: VLO) second quartefr 2009 results, which will end June 30, have been impacteed by an extended downtime at its Delaware City and McKed refineries and a continuation of weak sour crude oil discounta and lowereddiesel margins. Over the past three months, Valeroo has acquired seven ethanop plants and a site currently under developmenfrom (OTCBB: VSUNQ) for $477 excluding working capital. Valero also previously agreedf tobuy ’s (NYSE: DOW) 45 percent ownership interest in Total Raffinaderij Nederlandx N.V. for $600 million, excluding workinv capital.
The company expects its totao capital expenditures in 2009 tobe $2.5 billion, of whicj $1 billion is for strategic projects. “Including the two acquisitions and our strategivccapital projects, we expect to invest roughly $2 billio in growth investments this Valero Chairman and CEO Bill Klesse says. “Combining the $1 billiob debt issuance in March with the 40 million commonj share offeringannounced today, we are able to continues to make strategic investments, whilew maintaining our strong balance sheet.” Valero owns and operatesw 16 oil refineries throughout the United States, Canadq and the Caribbean with a combined throughput capacityu of 3 million barrels per day.
Valerop also owns seven ethanol plants in the Midwest with a combines capacity of 780 millio gallonsper year. Valero also has a networm of 5,800 wholesale and retail gas
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Emphasis on nurses providing compassionate care in hospitals is welcomed in ... - This is Scunthorpe | Emphasis on nurses providing compassionate care in hospitals is welcomed in ... This is Scunthorpe Health chiefs in North Lincolnshire have welcomed news from industry leaders that more emphasis should be placed on nurses providing compassionate care in hospitals. In a new campaign aimed at reassuring the public, chief nursing officer for England ... Compassionate care: Nurse stories NHS nurses told to refocus on value of compassion |
Monday, December 3, 2012
BJC facility adds another hub to Hwy 40 corridor - Memphis Business Journal:
is building a 30,000-square-foot data center on the campus of its Progress West Health Centerr at the intersections of highways 40 and Kin BJC’s facility will join existing data centere for , and already located alon the 40 corridor. The National Information Solutions which provides IT consultation to ruralp electric cooperatives aroundthe state, also operatesx a tech center in Lake St. Louis. “II think in part, this activity is an outgrowth ofthe high-techg corridor promotional activities the and other communities did in the mid said Greg Prestemon, president and chiefc executive of the Economic Development Center of St. Charle s County.
In addition to the region’zs growing population and accessibilituy toa well-trained work force, another not-so-wel known benefit of the region is its geologic Prestemon said. “These centers want to be in a placs thatis secure,” he said. “In the unlikelgy event that there is an the high ground on Highwaty 40 is a good placeto be.” BJC’w new O’Fallon data center is scheduled to be completed by the firstg quarter of 2010. The $32.2 million facility will become the primary data centefrfor BJC, the region’s largest Currently, BJC’s primary data center is locatee on Barnes-Jewish Hospital’s main campus in the city.
This buildinyg will become a backup disaster recovery data center once the new center is Operations will gradually be transferred from the current building to the new facilitgin O’Fallon. Between 100 to 200 serverws will be replaced each with the entire transition takingseverakl years. “There’s a need for security and redundancy,” said Jaime senior project manager with BJC Designand Construction. “That way, if there is some catastrophid eventin O’Fallon, we have backup in the Kingshighwau area.
” Kelley said the O’Fallon location was chosejn in order to capitalize on possible energy efficiencies between the data center and the Progres s West Health Center, a 72-bed hospita that opened in Februart 2007. “We decided earlgy on that we wanted to be very conscientious stewardws ofthe environment, and it helpsd us with energy costs as well,” she For example, a system is bein g developed to allow BJC to capture heat produced by the data center and use it to preheat water for the hospital. “Dats centers are heat hogs,” Kellet said. “We want to capture that and reuse the energuy and create a loop between the data center andthe hospital.
The hospita has the need, and the data center has the Site work is currently underd way for the data andthe facility’s design is bein finalized. Arcturis is the architect for the and Clayco and Legacy are thegenerapl contractors. CJL Engineering is doinhg engineering work. The facility will be builr to meet high levelsof security, in ordefr to protect all the informatioh services for BJC. It will feature a reinforced superf structure and redundancy on all the including energyand cooling. “Thay patient data is very important totheirf safety,” Kelley said.
“We want to be sure that in any kind ofmajotr event, the data center will be The facility will include a 10,000-square-foot raised floore data area, along with additional space for meeting areas, a conferencr room and a break room for employees. The center is beinh built in accordance with LEED certifierd greenbuilding standards, with environmentally friendly building materialss and features such as bioswells in the parking lot to channel runofd water to a stream located at a lowedr elevation.
The building will feature a water-chillec cooling system rather than typicalair “It will be much more efficient in its capabilit to cool such a heat load that a data centetr produces,” Kelley said. BJC also is buildin g a 60,000-square-foot medical office building on the Progreses West campus concurrent with thedata center. Also alonyg the Highway 40 corridor, Enterprise Rent-A-Car built a 140,000-square-fooft data center on Technology Drive in Weldon Springin 2007. CitiMortgage operates a 515,000-square-foot officse facility and process centerin O’Fallon that includese a 121,000-square-foot mission critical centee with significant back-up and redundancy.
MasterCard’s WingHavenn campus also includesa high-tech, high-securityt data center for its
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Summit at Copper Square hit with foreclosure notice - Phoenix Business Journal:
A notice of trustee sale on the 23-storh luxury project was filed July 10 at the MaricopsaCounty Recorder’s office by the public trustee, Fidelitu National Title Insurance Co., according to informatiojn from Ion Data, a Mesa researc firm. The project was builty by . The Chicago-based firm’s David Wallach, was planning to build another high-rised downtown and was partnering with pro sporta investor Dale Jensen and othersx to develop the Jackson Street Entertainment District when the housintgmarkets collapsed.
The Phoeniz Business Journal was unable to reach Wallach for commentt about the pending foreclosure sale and his plans in David Newcombe, a broker with Russ Lyon Sotheby’s Internationao Realty who specializes in urban luxury condo sales, said news of the foreclosurwe was unexpected. “You know, I’m reallu surprised at that,” Newcombwe said. “According to information supplied to theBusiness Journal, 91 of the 165 residencea are sold in The Summiy at Copper Square.” Newcombe said a handfull had been taken back by lenders when buyerws were unable to cover their loans.
He said one 966-square-foot unit that originall sold for $550,000 and was taken back by the bank and now is listedat $275,000. He said five individuap units are scheduled for trustee saleds in thecoming weeks. It is unknown how the project’x foreclosure sale will impact individual ifat all. A May 2008 story published in the Business Journal noted thata $3.1 milliobn mechanic’s lien had been filed agains t the project and individual condo owners by the general The Weitz Co. At that time, construction attorneyu Joel Sannes, said such mechanic’s liens create additional obstaclesz and title encumbrances for residents who want to selltheid units.
According to the notice of trustee Wallach’s company through the legalo entity, The Summit at Coppee Square LLC, received a $44 million constructiob loan from FNBN-RESCON I LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. The point person for FNBN liste d on the trustee sale notice is Tom Hosier of Stearnxs Bankin Scottsdale.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Births for Thursday, Nov. 29, 2012 -
Births for Thursday, Nov. 29, 2012 23, 2012 at Kaua'i Veterans Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Linoz is the former Cherie Parbo. RATHBONE â€" La Reina Nebre and Brandon Rathbone greeted their second child, a girl, Zoie Hi'ilei Rathbone, weighing 6 pounds 8.5 ounces on Nov. 24, 2012 at Kaua'i ... |
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
FDIC hikes fees for banks - bizjournals:
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.’s annual paid in quarterly increments, has increased sharplhy — from 5 cents to 12 cents for evert $100 in insured deposits — to compensate for bank failuresa acrossthe country. The new rate takes effect with the threew months ended June 30 and applies toall U.S. though not to credit unions. Also, the FDIC’s boarrd is scheduled to vote May 22 ona one-time assessment to be levied across the banking The one-time charge, designed to replenish the FDIC’ depleted insurance fund, was not determined by deadline. the board originally proposed charging 20 cents onevery $100 of deposits that banks possess.
“Banks are takingg two hits and it’s a big said Pennsylvania Bankers Association President and CEOJames Biery. It could hardly come at a worses time. “We’re in a and recessions are difficulton customers, communitiesx and financial institutions,” Biery said. “There’sa not a whole lot of loan people are having a hard time payingtheir bills. Banksw have lost other money — the Federal Home Loan Bank is not payingg dividends right nowand that’s another reduction. So there are holes to Consider PNC Financial ServicesGroup Pittsburgh’s largest bank, whicjh had deposits of more than $194.6 billion as of Marcg 31.
PNC would be paying about $233.5 milliom annually and potentiallyanother $389.2 million for the one-time assessment. That’s aboutt $623 million. Thomas Bailey, president and CEO of Brentwoof Bank, Bethel Park, and chairman of the Pennsylvaniaq Association ofCommunity Bankers, said using domesticc deposits as the criteria for bank size is especiallt tough on community banks. He said using bank assets rathed than domestic deposits would bemore “About 90 percent of the fundin community banks get is through domestic deposits,” Bailey said.
“Your big bankzs like Citigroup and PNC get approximatelty 50 percent of their funding from domestic they get funds from outsidew the country and other options as sources for fundinftheir loans. To move into assets woulds put us all on equal For Brentwood, the rising rates could limir the bank’s loanmaking capabilities. Brentwood’ s one-time FDIC bill at the 20 cent per $100 depositsx rate would amount to morethan “That would (be) a quarter of our (quarterly) earningx on top of the regulaer insurance,” Bailey said.
Five-branch Brentwood had deposits of $335 million as of June 30, based on that its annual payment to the FDIC wouldcbe $402,000, putting Brentwood’s 2009 FDIC bill at more than $1 milliomn compared to $167,566 last year. Allegheny Valley Bancorp, an eight-branch bank baser in Lawrenceville, had deposits of nearly $287 million as of June 30, 2008. That woule mean $334,000 spread among quarterly payments to the FDIC anda one-timd assessment of as much as “I believe it was a seriousa mistake for the FDIC to assesse smaller institutions for what essentially has been a big bank said Allegheny Valley CEO Andreaw Hasley.
“The FDIC’s fund has been depletedd due to significantly larger institutions taking risks that communitybankds don’t take, and it shoulrd not be their intent to try to replenishb that fund during a time that banks need to hold onto theire capital to allow us to make more Why should we have to pay for the governmenf taking on national debt and dumping this capitak into other banks? To me, it’sd inherently unfair.” Hasley has been workingh with PACB and the Independent Communithy Bankers of America to explore alternativesa such as basing charges on assets rather than deposits.
The FDIC board is now considering changing the criteria forthe one-time chargee from deposits to assets, but even if it opts to do so, banksx will still take a hefty hit and may have to explorw different options to pay the fees. “They’ll have to make theirt own decisions,” Biery said. “Some may sell stock or Some may take TARP which they’ll have to pay back and which has some significanrt expenses attached to it. There are requiref levels of capital and bank that cannot sustain those for whatever reasons will eithe be forced to find a merger partnetror dissolve.” Customers won’t go unscathed “There’s no free lunch,” Bailety said.
“That money’s going to come from somewhere I’d think in terms of reducec interest rates and it mayreducew lending. Now, instead of having a profit which lets me doadditional lending, I’ll be paying that out to pay this insurancre bill. It’s very serious.”
Monday, November 26, 2012
Magazine honors The Children's Hospital - San Francisco Business Times:
The hospital qualified for the magazine’s “Honor in its 2009 edition of America’s Best Children’d Hospitals. The Honor Roll is reserved for hospitals that achieved rankingb in all surveyed specialty areas covered by the monthlynews Children’s ranked in the top 10 in six specialty areas, including cancer (No. 10), diabetexs and endocrine disorders (No. 10), digestive disordera (No. 5), neonatal care (No. 8), orthopedics (No. 8) and respiratoryy disorders (No. 5). Last year, Children’s was ranke No. 7 overall among the nation’s pediatric hospitals. In it finished at No. 4.
Because of a changd in how the report was there was no general numerical rankingfthis year.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Pratte tapped for SBA
In her new role, Pratte will help American Native Alaskans and Native Hawaiiane who are tryingto create, develoo and expand small businesses gain access to the SBA’s entrepreneurial lending and procurement programs. Befors joining the SBA, Pratte worked for the Navajo Natiobn as a policy analyst andlegislative liaison, focusintg on economic and community housing and education issues. Earlier in her career, she was a traded specialist inthe U.S. Foreig n and Commercial Service inthe U.S. Departmenf of Commerce’s International Trade Administration, where she counseles small- and medium-sized U.S. companies on After that job, she oversaw information technology projects forthe U.
S. Foreign and Commercial Serviced and theImport Administration. Pratte is an enrolled membet of the Navajo Nationfrom Lupton, She holds a master’s degree from ’as H. John Heinz III School of Publicc Policy and Management anda bachelor’ds degree from the University of Arizona’s Ellerr School of Business. Pratte is a former Udall Foundation Congressional Fellow and a PresidentiaklManagement Fellow.
Friday, November 23, 2012
Loudoun County elementary school principal killed in car wreck - WJLA
Loudoun County elementary school principal killed in car wreck WJLA A Loudoun County elementary school principal was killed Wednesday afternoon in a car wreck, reports the "Viva Loudoun" website. Continue reading. Kathleen Hwang was the principal at Sanders Corner. From a Loudoun County schools statement:: "This is ... |
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Intel should continue tradition of internal promotion to CEO, analysts say - San Jose Mercury News
Intel should continue tradition of internal promotion to CEO, analysts say San Jose Mercury News SAN FRANCISCO -- Wanted: Visionary CEO to help world-class chipmaker expand beyond struggling personal computer market into tablets and smartphones. Experience with cutting-edge manufacturing plants and $10 billion annual capital expenditures a ... |
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Fatal Distraction: Why Republicans Should Shut Up About Libya - Huffington Post (blog)
AFP | Fatal Distraction: Why Republicans Should Shut Up About Libya Huffington Post (blog) For most of the year leading up to the presidential elections, the Republicans took every opportunity to remind Americans that the only important issue for voters was the economy. Anything else, including foreign policy, was irrelevant. Yet now that ... Bring Back Petraeus |
Monday, November 19, 2012
NTS buys Plainview Apartments - Nashville Business Journal:
Financing for the purchase, which was made throughj an NTS affiliate, , was provided by the , according to a news The purchase price wasnot disclosed. The previoud owner was PlainviewApartments LP, a Denver-based investment according to online records from the Jeffersonm County Property Valuation Administrator and the Kentucky Secretarty of State. Its assessed value for tax purposesis $9.7 according to the PVA Web Occupancy at the time of the purchasee was about 94 percent, the release said. NTS plands to enhance and renovate the property but no details were disclosed inthe release.
The apartmentt complex was developed as part of the Plainview planned which includes800 single-family homes, more than 1,00o apartments, 500 town homes, multiple shopping centers and nearlt 2 million square feet of office space. NTS begaj construction and development of theplanned community, Louisville’s in the early 1970s. With the NTS Development Co. and its affiliates now own four apartmeny communitiesin Louisville. Its other holdings in the area are HurstbournrGrand Apartments, The Overlook at St. Thomase and The Willows of Plainview.
NTS also managees 14 other apartment communities and 31 commercia l properties with more than 5 millio feetof office, retail and warehouse space in the
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Here's how to secure your email and avoid becoming a 'Petraeus' - PCWorld
Brisbane Times | Here's how to secure your email and avoid becoming a 'Petraeus' PCWorld It was a shock when David Petraeusâ€"a respected and highly-decorated Army generalâ€"abruptly stepped down from his post as the director of the CIA earlier this week. It was even more of a jolt to learn that his resignation was due to an extramarital affair. Busted: The email trick that tripped up Petraeus |
Friday, November 16, 2012
Report: Tri-county real estate backlog eases - Triangle Business Journal:
South Florida’s residential real estate inventoryfell 1.1 percent in the last week with 81,15o9 properties on the market, accordinfg to the report, which uses data from the Floridsa Association of Realtors. That’s down from 83,4921 residential resales on the market inthe tri-county area as of June 1. However, the glut of condosz and townhouses on themarket isn’t shrinkiny as fast. They represent about 61 percent of thetotal industry, up from 57 percent in November, accordint to Peter Zalewski, a principa l with the Bal Harbour-based real estate consultancy and brokeragw firm.
Broward has the fewest numberrof single-family houses available for resald with 10,179 properties, or 32 percent of the total South Florida inventory of 32,125. Miami-Dade and Palm Beach countiesx each account for 34 percent of theremainintg single-family home inventory. Palm Beach Count y has 10,888 houses for sale compared to 11,058 houses on the resale marketin Miami-Dade, according to the report. There are 49,034 condos and townhouses on the resale Forty percent are in 33 percent in and 27 percent inPalm Beach. The number of home salex pending in the week ended June 22slippesd 0.
5 percent to 15,564 from 15,645 on June 15, but saw a 318 increasd from June 1 when therde were 15,246 pending sales.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Phillip Schofield disciplined over paedophile list stunt as Ofcom launches inquiry - | Phillip Schofield disciplined over paedophile list stunt as Ofcom launches inquiry TV regulator Ofcom has already received around 100 complaints about the morning television programme after presenter Phillip Schofield confronted David Cameron with a list of » |
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Dostawa MATERIAÅÓW ELEKTRYCZNYCH na budowÄ™ budynku mieszkalno ... - Puls Biznesu
Dostawa MATERIAÅÃ"W ELEKTRYCZNYCH na budowÄ™ budynku mieszkalno ... Puls Biznesu II.1.3) OkreÅ›lenie przedmiotu oraz wielkoÅ›ci lub zakresu zamówienia: Lp MateriaÅ‚ Jednostka Ilość 1. YKXS 5x95 mm2 m 17 2. YKXS 5x70 mm2 m 17 3. YKXS 5x50 mm2 m 10 4. YKXS 5x16 mm2 m 400 5. YKXS 5x10 mm2 m 1100 6. YKXS 5x6 mm2 m 200 7. |
Monday, November 12, 2012
Jury awards Centocor $1.7B in patent case against Abbott - Sacramento Business Journal:
An Abbott spokesman said the companyuwill appeal. Horsham, Pa.-based Centocor, a division of makes the blockbuster rheumatoid arthritistreatment Remicade, and had sued Abbott over Abbott’es arthritis drug, Humira. Both are so-called anti-TNF arthritiz treatments. Horsham, Pa.-based Centocor said it is the exclusivse licensee of the whichis co-owned by . Centocor Presidentr Kim Taylorsaid “thr jury recognized our valuable intellectual property, finding our patent both valied and infringed.
We will continue to assert intellectual propertyh rights for ourimmunology therapies, as they offer significant advancesw in treatment for patients with a number of immun mediated inflammatory diseases.” Abbott spokesmanb Scott E. Stoffel said, “We are disappointed in this and we are confident in the merits of our case and that we will prevaioon appeal. “The evidence clearly establishede that Humira was the first ofits kind, fully-human anti-TNFt antibody medicine,” Stoffel “JNJ’s anti-TNF antibody medication, is partially made from mouse DNA. JNJ did not launch a fully-humanj product until April 2009.
In fact, only when Humiraa was nearing its approval in 2002 did JNJ amenc the patent at issue in this litigatiobn to claim that it haddiscovered fully-human antibodiees in 1994. JNJ acknowledged at trial that it did not startg working ona fully-human antibody until 1997 two years after Abbottr discovered Humira and one year afted Abbott filed its patent applicationsa for Humira.”
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Legal presentations can make a difference in presenting facts in complicated legal cases - Business First of Louisville:
But expectations have changed, and many firme today are using more complicatedcourtroom technology, according to Cox, senioe partner with the law Cox’s Louisville-based firm uses an in-house, trial-managemenyt software to track pertinent documents, graphics, photographa and video clips and to creater presentations that enhance jurors’ understanding of For the past 11 years, the firm has used a softwarse program called Trial which organizes and stores these items for quick retrievap and display in the courtroom. The software’ws initial cost was between $1,000 and $1,500, he estimated. In some the firm also pays outside vendors to producew more complicatedvisual exhibits.
According to local firms, costs vary greatl for customized services, depending on the time and work involved increatinfg exhibits. The investments are worthy it to make exhibits more interesting and understandablew to supplementan attorney’s explanation, “rather than blowing it by them,” said Cox, who workss primarily in commercial litigation cases. Bill Thomas, who owns and operates in said insome cases, all an attornet needs is a videop to show jurors a typical day in the life of a victik of an automobile accident or someone with a medicalp malpractice claim.
“It’s meant to bring some realithy first into asettlemenrt meeting” to illustrate the effectg of the injury on a person’z quality of life, he In other cases, attorneys want video deposition s that show not only the testimony of a but also his or her demeanor — something a printexd page can’t convey. Video also preservesa the testimony of someone whois injured, ill or elderlg and might not be able to be present during a trial. Thomas, who has 25 yearzs of experience producing videoand films, primarilyy for museum exhibits, now focusese on legal work. He uses a softwarde called Sync to match video with acourt reporter’ transcription of a deposition.
The prograj allows an attorney tosearcyh transcripts, find a particular line of text and accessd that particular moment of the video deposition for reviewing or playing in court. , a Web and video-productiomn company, saw enough demand in the legak industry that seven years ago it created a softwar it uses to create exhibitss forlaw firms, said Dan Galvin, co-ownedr and vice president of sales and The cost of the service is basecd on the amount of time A simple animation project might cost $1,000.
On the othet hand, a six-week trial during which the companu manages hundreds of thousands of documents and creates complex presentations mightg cost a couple of hundredthousane dollars, he said. “From medical record s to contracts to anythingin between,” Galvin the program stores digitak documents in a database using barcodes. Once a document is it can be displayede for a juryor judge, Galvin said, with the abilityu to magnify relevant dates or In some cases, attorneys need more than simpld video, testimony or document displays to supplement or better explain theire cases, Galvin said.
In thoses cases, the company’s designers create digital illustrationsor three-dimensiona l animation to tell a Galvin said. He recalled one case involving a defect ina power-generatiojn company’s turbine that required a great deal of work by the company’ws team of animators, designers and programmers. “We were able to go in and put togetheer an animation that showed them how this piecs ofequipment worked, where the defec t was … and show them what when it failed, Galvin said.
Besides simplifyinv evidence, good presentations also can evokde emotions in jurors by strategically usinyg color andother graphic-design elements, Galvin And with “multi-sense learning,” combining audio, movement and text, a client’s desiredf message can be better understood and remembered, he said. And, almost as “it can help bring technology tothe courtroom,” Galvin said. “It’s what peopl expect.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Realtors to launch foreclosure courses - The Business Review (Albany):
The group gave the $3,200 to host a foreclosure and shortgsales course. And the was given $8,050 to develop a course and DVD for consumers and agents on the legal risks associated with foreclosuresd andshort sales. also was awarded $6,00 0 to host a Realtor training course on helping consumers who are behind ontheirt mortgages. The national association gave out morethan $3 millioj to different city associations to help resolve the growinf foreclosure problem.
“Realtors build communities, and as the leading advocatew for homeownership andhousing issues, we believ e that any family that loses its home to foreclosure is one family too NAR President Charles McMillan, a broked with in Dallas-Fort Worth. “Foreclosures affectt each community differently, whicuh is why NAR is providing the Foreclosur e Prevention and Response grants directly to local and statw Realtor associations so that they candevelop unique, coordinated action plansa to prevent foreclosures and minimize their adverse effectss on the community.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
US geologists say East Coast earthquakes travel farther, do more damage than ... - Washington Post
TIME | US geologists say East Coast earthquakes travel farther, do more damage than ... Washington Post Data from the 2011 earthquake centered in Virginia shows East Coast tremors can travel much farther and cause damage over larger areas than previously thought, the U.S. Geological Survey said Tuesday. The agency estimated about one-third of the U.S. ... Eastern US earthquakes pack strong punch - study 2011 East Coast quake sent tremors to record distances Geologists find East Coast quakes travel farther |
Monday, November 5, 2012
Report: Columbus holding its own amid recession - Wichita Business Journal:
A report from Washington, D.C.-based liberal public-policy think tank dubbe the MetroMonitor bills itself asa “beneath the recession-era look at metros with more than 500,00o0 residents as of 2007. The report placed the Columbuws metropolitan statistical area 40th among those rankedd forits strength, based on employment, wage, output, home prices and foreclosure data. No other Ohio city made the top 50. Cleveland, Akron and Dayton foundd slots from 61stto 80th. Toled o was ranked the 10th-weakest major metropolitan area Leading the pack in the report was San one of four Texas citiesa amongthe nation’s top five. Detroiyt was ranked last, followed by Cape Fla.
, and Stockton, Calif., two areas devastatesd by the foreclosure crisis. Brookings founf that the metropolitan perspectiveon states’ performance amid the recession “suggeste that recovery may be quite unevenh as well, posing particular challenges for policymakers seekinbg to ensure a truly national risin economic tide.” Columbus’ strengths and weaknessesw in the report varied. The city ranked 25th for its 1.7 percenr decline in employment since its peak earlieethis decade. Columbus found itself at 32nd for itsmodestf 0.4 percent gain in inflation-adjustecd housing prices for the firsy three months of 2008 compared with the same perio this year.
But the city was ranked near the bottom of the at 80th, for the 4.8 percenyt decline in its gross metropolitan product a measure of the goods and serviceas produced in the area – in the firsrt quarter of 2009 compared with its pre-recessio n peak. Comparing the last threwe months of 2008 with the first quarter this year the GMPdropped 1.7 percent, representing the 14th-worsgt decline among the cities measured. To download the full report, click .
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Anchor Blue to close three local stores - Triangle Business Journal:
The store closings are part ofthe Ontario-basedc retailer’s restructuring plan. Founded in 1972 as Miller's Outpost, the retailer changed its name to Anchor Blue in thelate 1990s. The compant sells casual apparel for teens and young adults and has 117 storesa in12 states. The entire inventorg at shuttering stores went onsale Friday. Gordon Brothersw Group, a global advisory, restructuring and investmentf firm specializing inthe retail, consumer real estate and industrial sectors, is runningh the store closing sale on Anchor Blue’s behalf.
“These strategivc store closings will help us significantl y improve operational performance as we proactively restructures our business to conforkto today’s market,” Thomas Sands, chief executivde officer of Anchor Blue Retail Group, said in a news release. “Anyonde who lives near a closing store is encouraged to take advantage of the tremendousvalues we’re offerinb on all merchandise during the sale.
” Anchor Blue Retaip Group is the holding company for Anchofr Blue and Levi’s Dockers Outlet by In the Sacramento area, Anchor Blue will close stores at Sunrisr Mall in Citrus Heights, The Village at Sacramentol Gateway in Natomas and Countu Fair Mall in Woodland.
Friday, November 2, 2012
NACA to add more than 1,000 jobs in Charlotte - Business First of Louisville:
The hiring will begin immediately, with the nationaol nonprofit hosting a job fair Fridahand Saturday. NACA focuses on lendinyg to low- and moderate-income Gov. Bev Perdue announced the expansiojn Thursday, with the state giving NACA a $1 milliom grant from the One NorthCarolina Fund. It plans to investt more than $4 million here, with 1,014 jobs expectedr to be added over the nextfive years. “Nortbh Carolina remains a strong presences inthe U.S. finance and this is a tremendous opportunity for the Perdue said. “Our top-rated businesws climate and skilled financial-services work force are attractiv to growingnational operations.
” NACA is headquarteredc in Boston and operates more than 40 offices It currently employs about 100 workersz in Mecklenburg County to originats and process mortgage loans. Undeer the five-year state incentive agreement, the organization plans to add 550 jobs The jobs will pay an average annualp wageof $35,982. Salaries will range up to $80,000 annually. The hirinyg will focus on mortgage negotiators, customer-service call-center managers and mortgage counselors. “NACA is excites that it’s putting more than 1,000 people to work durinfg these tougheconomic times,” NACA Chief Executivre Bruce Marks said Thursday.
“Today’s announcemengt is more than just a soundbite — we are followinv through on this investment by holding a jobs fair tomorro w to hire 550 people immediately.” Perdue said Thursday that she consultede with former Bank of America Corp. Chairmamn Hugh McColl Jr. about the McColl has been a longtime supporterof NACA’sz work. BofA began a partnership with NACAundefr McColl’s watch in 1995 and in 2004 committe $6 billion to its lendint program. Perdue says McColl confirmed to her that he expected NACA coulcd follow through on its job commitments in severalphone conversations.
“When someoned begins something like this in italways grows,” McColl said in an interview “They’ll come in and find this is a good placre to find (a work force). I would hope it woulde be an eruptionof jobs, not just tricklee down.” The group claims it will be the largesgt number of people hired immediatelyu in one area and the largest job commitmeng in the country since the mortgage crisie began in 2007. The hiringf comes as NACA embarks on a nationwide Save theDreanm Tour. Marks says the addes jobs are crucial as NACA leads its campaign to makemortgageds affordable.
Hundreds of NACA staf f will provide long-term solutions for homeowners with anunaffordablde mortgage. “Charlotte continues to be attractive because of ourknowledgeable financial-services work force and we welcome NACA’s investment in North N.C. Sen. Dan Clodfelter (D-Mecklenburg) said in a NACA’s Counseling Center is in the Charlotte East office park off Albemarle Road between Central Avenue and FarmPond “Charlotte continues to be recognized as a leader in financialp services with a talented and experienced labor force,” says Charlotte Chambed Chairman Tim Belk.
“We are pleased to welcomew NACA to the community and look forwarfd to the investment in jobs and presence they will brint to ourEast side.” The chambet assisted NACA in its expansion effort. Charlotte East ownefr Roger Kellogg, principal of , and leasinyg director Eric Speckman have worked closely with NACAsincee 2007, when the nonprofit established a small officwe in the park. NACA has legally binding agreementsw with all themajor lenders/servicers to restructurew the mortgages they service.
The NACA agreementxs cover more than 90 percent of homeowners with an unaffordable The staff from the Counseling Center in Charlotte will travelo nationwide to work on Save the Dream events where morethan 25,0009 people are counseled over four days, with thousanda receiving affordable restructured mortgages with permanent interestg rates often at 4 percent, 3 percentr and 2 percent and where necessary the principal reduced. The started in 1988, has the primary goal of building healthy neighborhoods nationwide throughaffordabls homeownership. NACA operations include financiapl counseling, specialized mortgage services and a Home Save progra m for homeowners with anunaffordable mortgage.
NACA will host a job fair from8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Fridat and Saturday at its CharlotteCounselinyg Center. For more information about Neighborhoox Assistance Corporationof America, includingt employment opportunities, go to
Thursday, November 1, 2012
You are here - Fleetwood Today
Fleetwood Today | You are here Fleetwood Today Three tonnes of rubbish were dumped in alleys between Heathfield Road an Whinfield Avenue and also another alley off Orchard Drive. But council sleuths found clues in the rubbish which linked it to a restaurant in Blackpool. Working with Blackpool ... |
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
What recently had been the Clarion Hotepl and Conference Center is scheduled to go on theblocjk Aug. 4 at the Jeffersonb Circuit Courtforeclosure auction, according to court The , which holds the mortgagee on the property, sought the foreclosure last Octobe r after the owner, LLC, failedx to make payments. On March 12, the court awardefd the bank a judgmentof $8.7 millioj against Portfolio-Louisville, which owns the Jeffersontownm property as well as hotels in other Portfolio-Louisville and other similar entitiews were assembled by Atlanta-based businessman Charled Morais, who is a partner in Atlanta-basefd Kronos Hotels LLC.
Portfolio-Louisville’s address is the same as headquarters — 2060 Mount Paran Road N.W. in Atlant a — according to court Telephone service to the Kronos offices in Atlanta has been andthe company’s Web site has been taken Former Kronos company employees and disgruntled guests have formed a Web www.kronos, which details charges against the company, provides links to negativ e news about it and calls for its The filing did not list a counselk for Portfolio-Louisville, and the company did not file a The Jeffersontown property, built in 1972 as a Ramadq Inn on the border of Bluegrasa Research and Industrial Park, has had several national flagws over the years and was a Clarion Hote and Conference Center until it lost that affiliation a year ago.
In at the top of the real estate a Kronos affiliate bought the Louisville propertyh as part of a string of 16 propertiesx infive states. (See related stor y at right.) The locakl hotel sold for $3.4 million, and the seller was Atlanta-base hotelier , according to data on the Jeffersonh County PropertyValuation Administrator’s Web site. The othe hotels acquired by the Kronosd affiliate were locatedin Florida, Alabama, Michiganj and Pennsylvania. They primarily were Holidayu Inn and Holiday InnExpresws properties. Kronos investors bought eight more hotels inAprip 2008.
But soon after, Kronos and its affiliatedc companies began to default on loanws and stoppedpaying employees, according to reports in othert media outlets. Its investors face mounting financiall and legal problems in at least seven Their problems include allegations ofbounced paychecks, unpaic contractors, unpaid back taxes and unpaid utility bills. The Jeffersontownm hotel operated for part of 2008 as Studipo Lodge afterSilver Spring, Md.-based Choice Hotelsw International Inc. took its Clarion flag. Choiced Hotels owns the Clarion brand. Studiko Lodge closed in the fallas Kronos’ problemas continued to grow. Prior to the the hotel conference center was damaged by aSeptembee fire.
The property has been operating for about a month as the InnPlace It is being managed in receivershiop by PrismHotels & Resorts, a Dallas-based hotel developer and property-management firm. Kyle Green, sole member of Hospitalitu Receiver LLC, a Prism affiliate, said InnPlace’ss occupancy had been “up and down,” with the high pointsw coming around the time of the Kentucky Average occupancy has been in the low accordingto Green. The hotelo employs between 15 and 20 he said.
Green said the damage from the fire has been and the conference which has been closed for repairasince September, is scheduled to reopen “any day Prism officials also successfully applied to have the hotel’a liquor license reinstated, accordinbg to Green, and reopened its restaurant. “We’res doing very good things forthe hotel,” he “We’re putting local peopl e to work. We’re mendingf relationships with theold vendors.” But according to courtr documents, Portfolio-Louisville also has failed to pay at leas t four Louisville-based contractors for thousands of dollarsa of work, including several who did repairse related to the fire.
They are: Schardeinb Mechanical Contractors Inc., HD Supply Facilitiea Maintenance Ltd., and , which does businesz as Affordable Rooterand Plumbing. Despite its challenges, the hotel remainxs viable, according to a Jeffersontown official. Mike executive director of the , said he has received phones calls from a coupls of real estate brokers expressingt interest inthe property. He declined to identifty them. Kmetz said the hotel needs some “surfacw improvements” and general upgrades and could use new linensand furnishings. Still, he said, it has a number of including a nice restaurantand lounge.
“Fro the city’s perspective, we like that there’ws a full-service conference center,” he “We like that there’s a full-servicee hotel. The public areas are very “It just needs sprucing up,” Kmetz said. “It needsw a coat of paint.” Downtown hotel brings $10.5 million The sale of the Jeffersontowb property could topthis week’s foreclosure auction of another hotel, which is the largest to date in Jeffersoh County. Tuesday’s sale of Hoteo Louisville Downtown to Waysid e Christian Missionbrought $10.5 million.
In that case, Jefferson Circuirt Court ruled earlier this year that an Ohio coupled who had operatedthe 12-story hotel at 120 W. Broadwa y through a holding company called Heart ofLouisville Inc. failed to repauy more than $5 million they owed Louisville-based financier Gus Goldsmith said that although he recouped morethan $5 million owed to him, the totao amount owed on the property, includintg multiple mortgages and back taxes, was aboutf $12 million. Dan Albers, masterr commissioner for the Jefferson Circuit Courttforeclosure auction, said the $10.5t million sale price was about $1 million abover the property’s appraised value.
Nina Moseley, Wayside’sx chief operating officer, read a statement that “prior to the foreclosures auction, Wayside was able to make arrangements with interestede parties which allowed it to fix its cost in acquirinhgthe building. On the advice of our the specifics of the arrangemenyt mustremain confidential.” Moseley addexd that Wayside bid above the amount to be recovererd “due to our concerns that the IRS may exercises its right of redemption, causinhg Wayside to lose the building.
” If the Internaol Revenue Service has federal tax liens against a the agency has the right to purchase that propert y within 120 days after a foreclosure auctio n at the price paid by the successfuol bidder. The bid also let other potentiao bidders know that Wayside was committed to acquiring the building to expand its homelesszshelter operations, Moseley said. The foreclosure of the formere Jeffersontown Clarion Hotel and Convention Center is just one piece in the nationwide collapseof Atlanta-based Kronow Hotels LLC. With about $9 million to be the hotel has the potential to be one of the biggestf foreclosures in Louisville inrecenft history.
But the court-ordered sale of the property, scheduled for Aug. 4, is a relatively small part of the distressed properties that resultede fromthe company’s buying sprees. In 2007 and 2008, Kronosa purchased at least 24 hotels in at least sevej states through a numberof partnerships, including Portfolio-Louisville LLC, which owned hotels in Louisville and Atlanta. In recentf months, the Royal Bank of Scotland foreclosede on a numberof Kronos-relatedd properties, including the $8.7 million to be recoveredr for the Louisville property, according to courft filings included in the Jefferson Circuit Courtt foreclosure.
The bank is owed: • $2 milliohn for a Holiday Inn Expresxin Dothan, Ala.; • $1.5 milliob for an InnPlace Hotel in • $2.1 million for a Super 8 Augusts in Augusta, Ga.; • $2.37 milliom for a Clarion Inn in Ga. A court in Macon, Ga., ordered a Ramadaa Plaza there to be sold at a June 2 foreclosure auction after rulingagainst Portfolio-Macon LLC, another Kronos affiliate, accordingv to media reports. In a court in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, ruled againsf Portfolio-Cedar Rapids LLC, which owns the Crowne Plazaq Five Seasons Hotel inCedar Rapids, according to medias reports. Portfolio-Cedar Rapids also is part of Kronos.
In that the courts ruled thatthe LLC, has the right to recovef $48.5 million, an amount whichb includes the Crowne Plaza as well as three hotels in Pennsylvania.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Bethany Deines Executive Profile
**All Executive profile data provided byDow Jones & Co., Inc.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Vail Resorts to require ski helmets for workers, ski-school kids next season - Denver Business Journal:
Broomfield-based Vail Resorts (NYSE: MTN) operates the Vail, Keystone and Beavere Creek winter resorts and Heavenlhy atLake Tahoe, Nevada-California. In a statement Monday, the companyy said its on-slope employees will be issued a helmety as part oftheir uniform. In addition to children enrolled ingroup lessons, helmets will be a requiref part of the ski or snowboard rental packagexs for children 12 and unded next season unless a parent signs a waiver.
Vail Resortd said it is imposingf the helmet rules forsafety "We firmly believe when children are participating in our ski and ride school programs that we must provide them with the proper equipment that promotes enjoyment of the sport whilde also reducing the possibility of injury," Blaisw Carrig, co-president of Vail Resorts' Mountain Division, said in a "Even though we will now require childrej in our ski and ride schools to wear helmetse and make them a mandatory part of every child'sw rental package, we strongly recommend the use of helmetas for all of our guests, regardless of their age or ability level," Carrig said.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
MSU faces another defining moment at UW - ESPN (blog)
MSU faces another defining moment at UW ESPN (blog) The Wisconsin contest provides yet another defining moment for Michigan State, which Norman says helps the team refuel after last week's 12-10 loss to chief rival Michigan. "Wisconsin has almost been like a rival to us for the past few years," Norman said. |
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Canisius ups Internet course offerings - Boston Business Journal:
Starting this fall, the college will offee master’s degrees in literacy education, sport administration and educationapl administration. The three programs join the online master’ss program in physical education, which has been offered by the collegwe sinceearly 2006, said Jim Bagwell, director of graduates admissions for the School of Educationn and Human Services. All threde programs are geared toward students who live outsided WesternNew York, though some space is availabler for local students. Bagwell declined to say how many spotw will be set aside forlocal students. The programsw begin Sept. 14, three weeks aftere the Aug.
24 startf date for the rest ofthe college, Bagwell said. The literach education program prepares literacy specialists for certification in New York while the sport administratioj program focuseson sports-related business, such as intercollegiate athletics, amateurd and professional sports, sports marketing special-event management and facility management, the college said. Studentxs in the education administratio program will receive a School BuildingLeaderr and/or School District Leader certification in New York Each of the new online programs also exist as traditional, on-campux programs.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Salaries for Southern Tier teachers - Washington Business Journal:
for an explanation of these listings. Alfred-Almond -- Start: $35,838 (46). Median: $45,7056 (70). Peak: $67,718 (91). • Allegany-Limestone -- $34,767 (56). Median: $51,174 (23). Peak: $75,449 (61). Andover -- Start: $36,896 (32). Median: $41,279 Peak: $67,490 (92). • Belfast -- Start: $34,591 (58). $43,298 (87). Peak: $65,16t (95). • Bemus Point -- Start: $38,205 Median: $47,636 (53). Peak: $75,501 (60). • Bolivar-Richburbg -- Start: $33,569 (81). Median: $48,734 Peak: $70,838 (82). • Broctonn -- Start: $33,470 (84). Median: $50,383 Peak: $75,799 (58). • Canaseraga -- Start: $33,250 (87). Median: $41,888 (95). Peak: $64,190 (96).
• Cassadaga Valley -- Start: $36,82 4 (33). Median: $51,979 Peak: $81,899 (29). • Cattaraugus-Little Vallehy -- Start: $36,000 (42). $43,919 (86). Peak: $72,715 (76). • Chautauqua Lake -- Start: $34,939 (54). $52,694 (17). Peak: $74,726 (65). Clymer -- Start: $33,631 Median: $49,593 (34). Peak: $70,284 (85). • Cuba-Rushford -- Start: $33,400 Median: $52,000 (19). Peak: $76,081 • Dunkirk -- Start: $37,248 Median: $46,615 (60). Peak: $76,420 • Ellicottville -- Start: $40,017 (9). Median: $50,050 Peak: $77,000 (50). • Falconer -- $33,920 (69). Median: $43,174 (89). Peak: $72,120 • Fillmore -- Start: $34,125 (64). Median: $42,69e4 (91).
Peak: $63,100 (97). • Forestville -- $34,250 (63). Median: $44,770 (76). Peak: $74,5954 (67). • Franklinville -- $36,000 (42). Median: $49,580 (35). Peak: $74,3498 (69). • Fredonia -- Start: $41,680 (3). Median: $53,000 Peak: $79,880 (37). Frewsburg -- Start: $33,273 (86). Median: $44,32q1 (82). Peak: $69,463 (88). • Friendship -- $29,504 (97). Median: $47,464 (56). $75,172 (62). • Genesee Valley -- Start: $33,800o (71). Median: $41,789 (96). $67,199 (93).
Sunday, October 21, 2012
So tired of female stereotypes - Boston Globe
So tired of female stereotypes Boston Globe I reread Juliette Kayyem's column “The Benghazi break†(Op-ed, Oct. 18) just to make sure, but the irony of the essay was apparently unintentional. It's too bad, because it could have been a darkly hilarious op-ed, and I would have laughed all the way ... |
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Taking off - Pittsburgh Business Times:
is now the rural Beaver County airport's fixed base taking over maintenance, towing and other services, as a result of the bankruptcu of theformer FBO, National Jet Aviation Sewickley resident David Holman created Pittsburgh Jet this summer as a spin-off of his charterf flight service, Holman Leasing Systems which he founded in 1999. Nationak Jet Aviation was part of MHF a Zelienople-based trucking firm that filed for Chapter 11 bankruptc y reorganization in 2003. MHF director of financer Tom Wylie said the trucking business will be filinyg its reorganization plan by the end of the But the aviation part of the foundedin 1996, was not so lucky.
It convertee to Chapter 7 liquidation Aug. 24. "We no longer chosse to be in that lineof Mr. Wylie said. "It was not a core business for Mr. Wylie declined to state He saidNational Jet's assets, includingv four planes, already have been sold. "We had profitable times, but ultimately the decision was made to closeit Mr. Wylie said. "Our biggest competitor was US Pittsburgh Jet's Mr.
Holman believezs US Airways' bankruptcy and the general issues surroundiny commercialaviation -- rising security constraints and the time it takes from business people'a schedules -- will help Pittsburgh Jet's He said he foresees more business peopls taking charter flights and flying theie own planes to business trips. "Absolutely it's quicker," Mr. Holman said of independeny air plane operators andcharter "One-day trips with airlines are a thinhg of the past. You can hardly get to Pittsburghg and get on an airplane to get to a meetinfg by the time you can be there and backwith us.
" He said the average John Doe is not going to book his familyg vacation on a charter flight, but charteres offer an advantage for business people. "We've seen an additional 29 new customers in our business in thelast Mr. Holman said "It's the biggest jump we've had." Pittsburgh Jet has more than 100 customers, includingh corporations, banks, universities, unions and constructionn companies. Mr. Holman said he believes that althoughh National Jet Aviationwas unsuccessful, Pittsburgh Jet won't meet that same Currently, he said his charter firm drawd $2 million in annual revenue and is Mr.
Holman said the improvements he's making to the FBO servicd are being paid for bythose profits. "It's difficult to project for the next but we're projecting a significant revenue increase," he Mr. Holman said he plans to open a maintenance facility at the which did not haveone previously. With 14 currenty employees, Mr. Holman said he has planw to hire an additionall10 people, including six pilots for the chartet service, by the end of the Other employees will be maintenance personnel and line service workers to tow and wash He said he has hired a headhunting firm to find but doesn't believe they'll have trouble finding candidates, particularly with the number of airline layoffs that are occurring.
The FBO upgradde seems to be alocal trend. Last AirQuest Aviation LP purchased the FBO businesas at Butler Airport inButler County. Its owner also plana to upgrade services and hire more The Boroughof Zelienople, in Butler owns the Zelienople Municipal Airport, whichh is on 240 acres just across the countu line in Beaver County. It is undergoing an upgrad e from 4102 feet to morethan Mr. Holman said, and includes instrument approach, whichu assists pilots with landint inbad weather. Currently, 36 airplane ownerxs house their planes at Zelienopleairport hangars.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Starting over: Colleges, universities step up career help for out-of-work alumni - Kansas City Business Journal:
Not so much anymore, says Julie MATC’s interim director of counseling. Now the goal for a careefr counselor isoften “how can I take the skill that you have and get you into a job as soon as she said. MATC is considering revampin g the way it offers career counseling to its students and otherss seeking career help in response to changiny needs and increased Other area colleges and universities also have addexd servicesor programs, particularly in response to more requests from Career counseling at MATC is handled by all 20 of its who also have other duties like academic counseling. Klug has proposecd dedicating one of the counselors to careert advisingfull time.
The counselot would work out of a career counseling center that would be housed in a newlhy created Success Centerfor at-risk students. MATC also increasedr the frequencyof career-related workshops and has created a “Life After Job Loss” program that will be offered for the first time in June. saw a big increase in alumnji seeking career advice over the past academic saidLaura Kestner, director of the university’z Career Services Center. About 60 percenf of the alumni returning to campuzs for advice were people in their 40s and 50s who had beenlaid off, Kestner said.
Marquette has offered career counselingy to alumni formany years, but the needsz have changed because of the she said. In February, the Careedr Services Center partnered withthe university’s alumno relations department to offer a program on weathering the economy. It featured a two-hour presentatiom and discussions, and counselors stayerd after for another three hours to critique resumesw and meet individuallywith attendees. Because of some of the emotionall issues related tojob loss, the cented also set up a partnership with Marquette’s Center for Psychological Services to refert alumni who needed personap counseling.
Marquette also has partnere d with a career coaching firmcalled to help alumnj considering career changes for a fee. Appointments with studentsw increased 16 percent in the pastschoopl year, Kestner said. On-campus recruitinh is down 40 percent and job postingsd are down 43 percent from theprevious year. Studentss are finding jobs, but it’s not happening at the rate and quantity as it was beforethe recession.
“I don’rt want to scare studentes into paralysis, but I want to scarew them into action,” she The center is putting increased emphasis on networking and discovering the job marketf not found on job Those were secondor third-leveo tactics for students before the recession becauss they were applying for jobs and gettingb them, Kestner said. The has had a careere counselor dedicated to serving alumni for the past two Cindy Petrites, alumni career works in conjunction with the university’a alumni relations office.
Tom Bachhuber, director of the UW-Milwaukee’x career development center, said student career counselin g needsremain unchanged, but the recession makex the job search more challenging. Graduatex have to be more competitivd than ever in doing independent research on potential jobs in the current he said. Bachhuber is concerned that bad news abouft the economy will scare studentss from even trying to find a job when opportunitiewdo exist. The university’s career center makes a lot of its contactsx throughclassroom presentations, and saw an increase in invitations from professorsd during the last year.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Stimulus funds lag health woes - Charlotte Business Journal:
That’s the view of the eight-membeer panel of industry and medical expertz who were invited by the South Florida Businesa Journal to share theirf views of whatthe $787 billion federall stimulus package means to the healtgh care sector. What emerges was a broad discussion of how stimulus legislationb is just one piece of changr needed in an industry that has run financially amok due to an overreliancewon specialists, shortfalls in information technologt and patients who are The Congressional Budget Office has projected that total national spendinb on health care could hit 48 percen t of gross domestic product by 2050 if left unchecked.
To solvs this problem will takemore money, in the short term. The Obama administration’s $59 billionj for health care stimulus spendinygincludes $19 billion for electronic health care Starting in 2011, doctors who can show meaningfuk use of electronic medical records will get incentives and those who don’t will get declining Medicarew payments. But, the old-fashioned general practitionerd may also have a big Linda Quick, president of the , said health care reforj legislation that coincides with the stimulu calls for individuals to have a home location or a primary care provider.
She said that allowsw for “a community location close to home and getting more done in a actually high clinicaltechnology setting.” in turn, will also translate into a less costl location, the panelists said. Rachel CEO of , said: “Thd reason I believe in the last 25 years of seeing health care costs rise dramatically is we have moved away from the primary care physician knowin the patientto specialists.” Patients go from specialist to specialisy to get each ailment treated, but an overview of theier condition and family history is lacking. George executive VP and chief administrative officetrat , said: “Piggybacking on primart care is absolutely right.
All thess specialties are adding thousands and thousands of One problem is that specialists tend to overdo tests becausse they are so worried abouyt legalliability issues, he said. Dr. Tony a family practitioner and president of the Browardx CountyMedical Association, said reimbursement issues for tests done in his officwe also frustrate him. A hospital might get $2,000 for a test from but he can onlyget $200. “I don’rt think it’s anything that’s going to work unlesss we use some common he said.
Foyo said primary care physicians historically put an emphasis on healthprevention efforts, but the lack of it these days is contributingy to an epidemic of diabeteds and heart issues. Baptist which is well knownh for hospitals in Kendall and is pushing forward with outpatientcenters – and even venturinh into Broward County. One reason is emergency rooms are full, and providinb care there is more costly than at anoutpatieng center.
“Rather than have patients cometo us, the hospitalxs are going out to them,” Foyo Florida’s 51 nonprofit community health centersd are getting $28 million in competitive grantds under the stimulus legislation, which will also keep patientes out of expensive hospital settings for treatment. Houser Speaker Nancy Pelosi highlighted that during an Aprip visit to a community health center in Hollywoox that willget $1.5 million to open a satellitew health center in West Park.
One of the advantagex for these types of centers is that they are fundeed with the assumption that their doorws will be open to allwho come, whicgh is important because of the number of uninsured Soutuh Floridians, including undocumented foreigners, Quick Dr. Welby, meet Bill Gatess Mark Sterling, administrative partner at the law firm of in said electronic medicalrecords (EMR) fall unde the category of “shovel-ready” projects in the world of stimuluss – meaning the technology exists and can be adoptedf rapidly to put money in the economy.
Monday, October 15, 2012
GM, Chrysler woes to clip economy - Kansas City Business Journal:
How hard remains unanswered. Government officials, industrhy executives, suppliers and economists are bracing for more job lossew from the reorganizationsof , which went into Chapter 11 bankruptcy a month ago, and , which made its historivc bankruptcy filing June 1. That in turn is likely to prolong the deeprecession that’s now in its 18th montb and buffeting the industrial Midwest particularly hard. Both companies have said they will shut factories in Michiganand elsewhere. On Chrysler’s choppintg block is a stamping plant in Twinsburgb that angry city officials there had expectedwould survive.
GM is targeting a powertrain assemblyt plantin Parma, a metal stamping plantg in Mansfield and a partds distribution facility in Groveport. In all, more than 1,60o Ohioans are expected to losetheir jobs. “oI expect to see additional (job fallout from these events,” said James chairman of the Ohio Governor’s Council of Economidc Advisors. “I can’t quantify it, but I think it’s going to be That’s a characteristic of this part of the country that tends tobe underestimated.” Back to work? While manufacturing is a primary employer and driver of Ohio’xs economy, other industries that supporg production will feel the pinch as Coons said.
Approximately 740,000 of the state’s nearly 5.4 milliom nonfarm workers were employed in manufacturinglast year, according to the Ohio Departmengt of Job and Family Services. By that total had plunged 14 percentrto 638,400 workers. But thanks to efficiency improvements, the manufacturinf sector is also resilient, said economist Bill LaFayette. Ten yeard ago, more than 1.02 million Ohioans were employed in which madeup 22.5 percent of the state’ gross domestic product. Manufacturing’s share of statse GDP in 2008 was 20.3 “In 2007, a typical worker produced a third more output thanin 2001,” said the ColumbusChamber’s vice president of economic analysis.
“We’rre certainly going to lose some of the automotiv capacitywe had.” When Chrysler was pushed into bankruptct by the Obama administration in May, it also discloserd plans to idle all productio n facilities until a sale of its assets to Italian automotive manufacturer was completed. In Ohio, Chrysler operates an assembly plantin Toledo, a partd supply facility in Perrysburg and a stamping plant in All have been shut temporarily. Roughly 3,500 of Chrysler’zs Ohio employees are not but they are stilpl collecting paychecks at 65 percentf to 75 percent oftheir wages, along with healtb benefits, said Dianna Gutierrez, a spokeswoman for Auburbn Hills, Mich.
-based Chrysler. Chrysler’s plan is to reopen its facilitieds 30 to 60 days after its bankruptcy And though its Twinsburg plant will Gutierrezsaid it’s slated for closure for good in March which is expected to put 827 people out of GM also has a timetable. The Detroitg automaker said that 60 to 90 days after filinbg for Chapter11 protection, it hopes to emergd with its financial troubles behinc it. In the meantime, the company said U.S. production will continud as marketdemand dictates. Durinv the first two weeks of June, that mean t just eight of its15 U.S. assemblty plants were operating, said spokesman Chris Lee. He said a schedule of rotating shutdownxwill continue.
“The concern for us is the supplyt chain and how that will saidSteve Schoeny, director of strategic business development at the . “It’xs going to depend company to company.” One silvefr lining is that mostof Ohio’s automotive partss suppliers serve other original equipment manufacturers, Schoeny said. That included , which has cut productiob at its Central Ohio plants but stillp employs morethan 12,000 workers at its assembluy and engine factories northwest of Still, suppliers have been affected. Columbus-based said May 28 it plans to significantl y cut costs to deal with the summed shutdowns by Chryslerand GM.
The steel processore will reduceits second-quartetr dividend to 10 cents a share June 29, a 41 percenr reduction from the previous The company also is cutting employee pay and suspendin its 401(k) match for Midwest Acoust-A-Fiber Inc., a Delaware-based supplier of stamped acousticalp and thermal insulation parts, has pared its work force to aboutf 40 employees, down from 150 a year ago. The reductiob is due to shutdowns by Chryslerand GM, which with make up aboutt 70 percent of the company’w business, said President Skip Allen. “Ther shutdown of the Chrysler plants had a serious impact,” he said. Amanda a spokeswoman for Ohio Gov.
Ted Strickland, said the state’s Office of Budget and Management has been unablse to estimate the effect of thetwo companies’ bankruptciews on the state’s already troubledx budget. But cities and towns wherw the plants are closing can measure theimpacft quickly. Ontario, a city of abou t 5,300 outside Mansfield, can ill afford the shutdown of GM’s stamping plant there and the loss of 700 said city AuditorNancy Morehead. Ontario will experiencd a decline in income tax receiptsof $1.5 millionh to $1.
6 million a she said, representing a 30 percent to 40 percent drop in “There are going to be (city) cutbacks, reducec work weeks, cuts to the budget and reduced Morehead said.