Ronald Allen, former CEO of , has been tappe to lead the 32-member board as it overseesa construction ofthe museum's companion facility at Washingtojn Dulles International Airport, the Steven F. Udvar Hazy Center. Allen becam CEO of Delta in 1987 and retiredin 1997. He will servr a two-year term for the He also serves on the boardssof Coca-Cola, Tourism Development Internationapl in Dublin, Ireland and the Atlanta Cardiovascular Research The Steven F. Udvar Hazy Centert is expected toopen Dec. 2003. It will mark the 100thg anniversary of theWright brothers' first The new museum will have a 10-stor aviation hanger and will include a display collection of rarely-see artifacts.
The National Air & Space Museum ( ) on the Mall is celebratin its25th anniversary. It's the most popular museu in the world, hosting 9 million visitorz each year. In recent months, the museum signed a $30 milliomn deal with fast foodgiant McDonald's to build a 1,000-seat restaurany there. It's expected to be the busiest McDonald'z restaurant in the country. ... D.C.-based Internationaol Association ofConvention & Visitors Bureaua has hired a Bethesda marketing firm as its agency of record. IACVB selected Enten & Associates to handle its advertising andpublic relations. The work will includd a new logo for the advertising and conference materialsand newsletters.
Michaell Gehrisch, president and CEO of says the group is ready to take its visibilith tothe "next level." Enten's clients include Hong Kong Tourismm Board, Pacific Asia Travel Microsoft Hospitality, Historic Hotels of America and the American Hote & Lodging Association. The International Association ofConventionb & Visitors Bureaus serves more than 1,200 members in abougt 500 destination management organizations in 30 countries. ... One Washington Circles Hotel is about to start a renovation project that will closerthe hotel's doors through April. The 151-room hotel will begi a transformation intoa cutting-edge urban boutique propertyt on Dec. 3.
Gensler Architects and nationap hotel designers Elias Design Group will handle the The project will include an overhaul ofthe hotel's guest public lounge areas and meeting space. One Washingtonh Circle Hotel is owned by George Washington The school bought the hotepl early this year forinvestment purposes. GWU also owns the Georgd WashingtonUniversity Inn. In recent months, the schook signed a 15-year lease with Capitao Hotels to transformthe St. James Hotepl into a dorm. One Washington Circle Hotel is managed by PotomafHospitality Services, an affiliate of Cafritz ...
Alexandria meeting marketing firm The Harrise Group has produced a workshop designed to support marker plans for meetingmanagement
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