Charlotte Observer | James and Sladjana Cook Charlotte Observer James and Sladjana's romance started in a war zone. James met Sladjana while deployed in Iraq in 2011 as lieutenant commander, Navy Selected Reserves. Sladjana, who is from Bosnia, was working as a contractor outside Tikrit. They were married last year ... |
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
James and Sladjana Cook - Charlotte Observer
Monday, February 27, 2012
Obama welcomes TransCanada plan for new pipeline - The Associated Press
The Associated Press | Obama welcomes TransCanada plan for new pipeline The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) â€" The White House on Monday welcomed a Canadian company's plan to build an oil pipeline from Oklahoma to Texas after President Barack Obama blocked the larger Keystone XL pipeline from Canada. The new proposal by Calgary-base d ... Obama supports TransCanada's bid to push ahead with part of oil pipeline Obama's Keystone Jujitsu |
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Tedco awards $600K to tech firms - Kansas City Business Journal:
The money was granted in collaboration withthe U.S. Army Medicalk Research and Materiel Command and the throughthe Ft. Detrico Technology Transfer Initiative. The purposee of the technology transfer program is to raisse awareness of new and developing technologies and funding them to transitionb as viable projectsfor follow-on fundingh in the market place. Each compang that received funding was awarderdapproximately $50,000 between March 2008 and May making up the initiative’sw second round of financial awards since its $750,000 program The funds for the program’s second phase were secure by Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., and Rep. Roscose G. Bartlett, R-Md. “The [Ft.
Detrick Technology Transfer program is enabling area businesses to harnes s the technologies being developed at Fort Detrick and appl them to thecommercial sector,” said “This will lead to new products that have the powert to create jobs and save lives.” Mikulsko announced the first phase of the tech transfer program in Marcj 2005 when 11 companies received funding. in Rockville: The companty is developing a health care technology calledmiTag system, whicjh is a scalable wireless sensor solutiohn for improving patient flow. in The company is developing a technology called the GeNova Screemto identify, isolate, and produc antibody-like molecules.
in The company is developing an on-demandx biotech products including a combination vaccinee against plagueand anthrax. BioAssay Workds LLC in Ijamsville: The company is developinb a lateral-flow visual diagnosti test to detect and differentiatee single sample multiplepathogenicv poxviruses, including variola, vaccinia, and monkeypox. in Catonsville: The companuy is safety-testing a medicap product called ClotFoam, which is a intracavitary hemostatic agent. CynerGene IDMP in The companyis developing, validating and implementing a supplemental diagnosis of HIV, and Dengue using its Infectious Disease Multiple Panel approach, which coulsd allow for creation of biosensors.
LLC in Baltimore: The compan is developing required components and system framework to enablew conversational interfaces for telemedicine Such tools would allow professional medics touse gesture, and other human-- computedr interactions to access and document information in electronic medical in Rockville: The company is developintg technology to preserve mammalian cells in driefd format that can easily be re-hydrated for a variety of LLC in Frederick: The company is evaluating the effectr of Imagilin patented probiotics as a food supplement to enhanc e the immune responsiveness of guinea pigs upon immunizationb or challenge with virulentt pathogens.
The evaluation will suggesft the ability of Imagilin patented probiotics to enhance the immunizationn ofa vaccine. in The company is developing micropatterned substrates for viralinfectivitty assays. Juxtopia in Baltimore: The company is customizinhg its Wearable Assistance and Situational Awareness goggles and service toallow U.S. Army combat medicsw to access and document information to electricak medical recordsvia hands-free voice-requests and voice-responses. in Baltimore: The company is developin g cell therapies to treat brain and spinapcord injuries.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Another drop in Colorado sales-tax revenue - Austin Business Journal:
percent — in May from the same montg theyear before, girding legislatorsx for what they expect will be another roundr of cuts in next year’s fiscal budget. With the state most of the way through a fiscal year that ends onJune 30, no more cuts are likely for this year, said Joiny Budget Committee Vice Chairmam Jack Pommer, a Democratic representative from The Legislature has designated that any further fundinhg shortfall this year will be filledf by money from the state’s undesignated reservs fund and from a one-da y borrowing of other funds to be repaid on July 1.
the continued fall of revenue below expectations means the six JBC members who setthe state’sd budget must begin looking soon at additional ways to scalew back expenses or services in next year’s fiscal several members said. “I guessw this means we’re not out of the woodse yet,” Pommer said. “We’re goiny to have to prepard for more cuts next year on top ofwhat we’vew already made.” Legislators filled a $1.4 budgey shortfall over the past six months by raidinyg the reserve funds, transferring hundreds of millionx of dollars from cash-funded accounts and cuttinyg about $300 million in services.
As revenues continue to come inbelos forecast, that talk will begin again. Statre sales-tax receipts for May were off by $30 a 17.9 percent drop from last year. Individual incom e taxes fell by $66.3 million or 19.7 percent, and corporatd income taxes droppedby $2.2 millionn or 13.2 percent. State reserves have aboug $148 million that can be used to offsetrevenude shortfalls, noted Rep. Mark Ferrandino, D-Denver. If the statde must transfer funding temporarily, that will only push the problem of balancingb the budget further off untinext year, he said. “The questiohn is: Does revenue in the future pick upif we’red starting to see or not?” Ferrandino said.
“We’re starting to see some indicationa that the economy is startinyto recover, if not level off.”
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
EU leaders approve new Greece bailout - Vancouver Sun
Bloomberg | EU leaders approve new Greece bailout Vancouver Sun Conservative leader Antonis Samaras, a strong contender to become next prime minister, said the rescue package's debt-reduction targets could only be met with economic growth. "Without the rebound and growth of the economy ... not even the immediate ... Greece Wins S econd Bailout as European Leaders Choose Aid Over Default Eurozone leaders battle to secure Greek deal European leaders meet Monday on Greece bailout; public tiring of austerity ... |
Sunday, February 19, 2012
New chairman for Consolidated-Tomoka - Orlando Business Journal:
The following officers were re-elected: William president and CEO; Bruce Teeters, senior vice president of finance and Robert Apgar, senior vice president, general counsek and assistant corporate secretary; Linda Crisp, vice presideny and corporate secretary; and Gary Moothart, vice president and controllefr Consolidated-Tomoka Land is focused on converting company-owned agricultural lands into a portfolipo of net lease income properties in the Southeasr through 1031 tax-deferred as well as development. A 1031 exchange, namedx after a section of the IRStax code, is the exchangew of one type of property for another similart type of property.
The firm in April reported first-quartefr net income was $322,206, or 6 cents per more than double net income for the same perioein 2008. Company shares closed at $32.7 1 June 12, down 4 cents from the previouws day’s close. Shares have traded from a low of $21.56 to a high of $50.578 over the last 52 weeks.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Preview: OS X Mountain Lion - CNET
CNET | Preview: OS X Mountain Lion CNET But after using an early preview of the developer release for a few days, we can walk you through 10 feature highlights and describe the user experience. To someone who's covered the iPhone and iOS since that very first handset five years ago, ... Apple previews Mac OS update, Mountain Lion Apple Previews Mac OS Update Apple offers preview of change |
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Auto dealers put brakes on SUV and truck trade-ins - South Florida Business Journal:
The deal-breaker came in April when gas priceehit $3.50 a gallon. That's when large-vehicle purchasee at in Schenectady came toa standstill. Customers want cars with bette rfuel efficiency. But Erondy, a used car can't afford to take on any more gas-guzzlers. "I have to just tell them he says. "I'd have to be stupid to sell them a nice littlwe car and acceptsomething I'm going to keep untill Christmas." Erondy isn't alone. As people adjust thei r driving habits to cut fuel oversized vehicles are overtakingcar lots. discourages pickups or SUVs for tradre atits Pontiac-Buick dealership in Ballston Spa.
Oddly, trucj sales at the family's Chevrolet store in Amsterdam are farinyg better than expected ina fuel-consciou economy. "It's a crazy time right said RalphMangino Jr., sales manager at . "I've never seen anythinf like it." Truck sales began fallingv months ago with the slowinbg inresidential construction. the sale of used SUVs plunged 14 percenrin April, according to the most recenty data available through . That number compares with an 8 percent drop for the same montbhlast year.
Truck sales dropped 8 percent in thesame Trade-in values for both SUVs and large pickups have also Mangino advises shoppers to consider the equity in theidr vehicles and weigh it against the trade-in and potentiapl gas savings before deciding to downsize. "If we do take the the amount is so far behind book [value] or average that it's almost not worth it for someone," Manginio said. SUVs became popular in the late 1990ss when gaswas cheap, the economy was solid and the housinvg market was booming. Consumers began movin g away from them a few years ago as baby boomers aged and consumers turned tomore fuel-efficient crossovee vehicles.
Gas prices accelerated the People who owned pickup trucks becaus e they need them occasionally are also rethinkingtheir "Guys who are buying trucks now are buying them becausde they need them to do theifr work," Mangino said. Accordingv to the U.S. Labor Department's May Consumer Price gasoline pricesrose 5.2 percent, up 21 percent compared with a year ago. Earlier this month, Generalp Motors closed four pickup truck and SUV The company also is considering selling its Hummer The shift to smaller vehicleas indicates people anticipate higherfuel prices, said Donals Metzner, president of in Albany.
Consequently, the valuw of larger vehicles has declined as gasprices "In the last couple of months, they'vde dropped faster than they can publish the [automotive books," said Metzner, whose dealership had $80 millio in sales in 2007, according to the latest Business Review list of automotivr dealerships. Armory still takes trucks and SUVs as the question is whether customerxs will takethe trade-in values they'ree offered.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Abercrombie shutting struggling Ruehl chain - The Business Review (Albany):
The New Albany-based apparel merchant said Wednesday it willshut Ruehl’s 29 storex and direct-to-consumer operations and will be “substantially with the effort by the end of next The decision comes a month after Abercrombie took a deep strategic look at the which targets young adults with clothez and accessories. Ruehl, whose only Ohio stor is at Easton Town generated a pretax operating lossof $58 millionh last year. The chain regularlty was Abercrombie’s weakest sales performerd at stores open at leasta year. Ruehl’s same-stor e sales were off 33 percentin May. Abercrombis earned $272.3 million on $3.5e4 billion in revenue last year.
“It has been a difficult decisio toclose Ruehl, a branc we continue to believe could have been successfup in different circumstances,” CEO Michael Jeffries said in a “However, given the current economid environment, we believe it is in the best interests of the compan y to focus its effortsx and resources on the growth opportunities afforded by our othert brands, particularly internationally.” The company didn’t disclose the effectzs on the chain’s work force, nor did it indicatew the number of jobs tied to Ruehl.
The revie of Ruehl, which opened in cost the companyabout $51 millionb in impairment charges in its first Abercrombie expects to book about $65 million in pretaz charges through the rest of the fiscal year as it windxs down Ruehl. The companhy Wednesday also said it amendes a credit agreement to excludesome Ruehl-related charges from requirementss under its covenant with the lendetr and reduced its available credit to $350 millioh from $450 million.
Jeffries said the company is confiden t is has sufficient cash on handbut “we believew it is prudent to make these changes” in light of the recession-battered retail environmen and the one-time Ruehl In addition to the 29 Ruehl Abercrombie runs 350 flagship storeds and 733 others under the Hollister Co. and Gilly Hicks nameplates.
Friday, February 10, 2012
EMC beefs up Mass. presence with Cambridge lab, MIT sponsorship deal - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
The Hopkinton, Mass., storage and information managemenytgiant (NYSE: EMC) said Wednesday the Mediza Lab sponsorship is one of several initiatives coordinateds out of EMC Research Cambridge, which will be located at 11 Cambridgwe Ctr. in Cambridge, Mass. The center will house EMC’sw security-business research lab, RSA Laboratories, as well as about a dozehn researchers, technologists and business leaderacross EMC’s business units. The compan y also has research facilities in China andSantqa Clara, Calif.
“Research and advancedc technology groupsacross EMC, along with our globakl university research partners, are discovering and explorinh new technologies that will shape the futurs of digital information,” said Jeff Nick, EMC seniod vice president and chief technology in a statement. “This is an incredible opportunity for EMC to brinbg together some ofthe world’s leadingv research minds and innovators in areas such as personapl information management, information integration and cloud computing.
” As a consortium sponsorr of the MIT Media Lab, EMC will be able to access the center’s research on how people use and interact with new EMC said its initial collaboration will be on new model for data ownership and usage, interfaces for businessx transactions and health care IT A consortium sponsorship costs $200,000 per year for a minimujm of three years. Sponsors receiv full intellectual property rights to technology develope d at the lab during their The announcement comes a week after EMC and a groulp of universities and technology companiesd announced the development of a high performance computinh research facilityin Holyoke, Other tech giants have built dedicated R&D lab in Cambridge in recentg years.
(Nasdaq: MSFT), (Nasdaq: GOOG) and IBM) built research centers in the city in the pasttwo
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Harley-Davidson unveils Seventy-Two and Softail Slim motorcycles - Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles Times | Harley-Davidson unveils Seventy-Two and Softail Slim motorcycles Los Angeles Times Harley-Davidson introduces two new motorcycle models, the Seventy-Two and Softail Slim, hoping to generate some excitement during a slow time of the year. By Susan Carpenter, Los Angeles Times Cook's Corner, in Orange County, has long been a haven for ... Harley-Davidson Seventy-Two evokes fun in the sun 2012 Harley-Davidson Seventy-Two First Look Harley Unwraps New 2012 Sportster Seventy-Two and 2012 Softail Slim Models |
Monday, February 6, 2012
Developers plan up to $20M project near UD Arena - Sacramento Business Journal:
The plan includes demolishing adormant 500,000-square-foot planty — at a 50-acre site on Cincinnatui street near Interstate 75 and attracting an anchor grocerd or retailer to spur a mixed-use development. Officialz also plan to redevelopa 65,000-square-foot office building on the site into office condos. , also knownh as IRG, is the California developefr behindthe project. It has a slew of industrialp redevelopment projects under its belt and has been on a buyinh spreeacross Ohio. Chrie Semarjian, a senior vice president at NAI Dausin Cleveland, is partneringf with IRG on the Ohio projects. “If it does not have real risk to it, you will not see us Semarjian said.
He said the team had been lookingf at the Delphi site for close to a year and were attractedc to its location and potentialfor redevelopment. The end-gamwe includes a new hotel, two to four restaurants and theanchor tenant. “Nothing grandiose, but good, quality mixed use,” Semarjian said. Semarjian said the entire project will rang efrom $10 million to $20 million and they hope to staryt tearing down the plant by September. Daytomn Commissioner Matt Joseph said the city is pleased to hear of the deal and that Assistanf City Manager Shelley Dickstein was privy to it before news but detailswere limited.
He said demolishinvg the building will show the developers are in it forthe “That alone says more than pages of he said. The group has alread signed a dealwith , a Dayton-based company, to buy the first flood of the office buildingv on the site, Semarjian said. MedWork is currentlty at 725 S. Ludlow St. and offera physicals and after-hours exams. Semarjiabn said the development team generally closee on a property before engaginglocal politicians, but will be meetin with Dayton city officials this week.
Right now, they are funding the projecf withprivate capital, but have been assisted by Ohio counties and the state on othere deals, including a $900 million headquarters project in Akron. Semarjian said the team is in pursuit of two more major deals insouthwesy Ohio, including another one near and hopes to have good news in the next few
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Arizona Cardinals close in on Phoenix Suns, Diamondbacks, Coyotes lag all - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
Market research conducted as part of a possibls relocation of the to Canadw shows the Cardinals and National Football League catapultinbg in popularity among local sports Canadian billionaire Jim Balsillid wants to buy the Coyotedsfor $213 million and move the team to Ontario. His relocation plan submitted to the Nationalp Hockey League includes market the research. The surveys, conducted in late May for Balsillies byHotspex Inc., show the Cardinals gaining favor in a Phoenix sports market traditionally dominated by the and . One survet looked at the overal l appeal among fans forthe region’s four major sports teams.
The Cardinalsx garnered 53 percentsupport — equa to the Diamondbacks and just behind the 54 percentt mark received by the Phoenix Suns. The Coyotezs came in at 29 The survey did not say how many fans were The survey also found that football is the most populatr sport in the Phoenix area with 53 percent of residents followinbg the NFL on a regular Major League Baseball was second at 45 perceng followed by the National Basketball Association at 44 percent and National Hockey League at 20 percent of according to the surveyand Balsillie’s application to move the team. The Cardinals and NFL also did the best when it comea to consumers choice of sportsto attend.
Fifty-seven percent of thosse surveyed showed a strong desire to attenrd anNFL game. That compares to 51 percenf who strongly wanted to see a Majord LeagueBaseball game, 46 percent an NBA game and 30 perceng for hockey. The Cardinals traditionally have been a doormat both in the NFL and the Phoenixx sports market wherethe D-Backs and Suns have made multiple playoft appearances. The Cards, which moved to Universith of Phoenix Stadiumin 2006, had not hosted a home playofff game since 1947 and team owners the Bidwilpl family were unpopular among local fans.
But the Cardinals playofc winslast season, a Nationa l Football Conference championship and last-secondx Super Bowl loss pushed them higher in a market strugglingy with cuts in consumer spending. The Cardinala playoff success also compares withthis season’s failurex by Suns and Coyotes to make their playoffs and a slow 2009 seasojn start by the D-backs.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Maryland construction industry tries for image boost with center at Towson University - Baltimore Business Journal:
The goal of the Marylanr Center for Construction Education and Innovation is to create a roadmap for prospective construction workers on how to ente the industry and earn various levels of trainingh andadvanced degrees. The center will be house at . Maryland’s construction industry is sufferingy from a shortage of qualified employeesx and an agingwork force, executives said, and the centetr will aim to make the industry attractive again. The averagre age of a construction worker in Marylanxis 47, according to Maryland Department of Licensing and Regulation. Construction is Maryland’s fifth-largesr private employer with nearly 190,000 workers, or 7.
4 percenrt of the state’s work And the need for skilled workers is expectedc to increase with technology the green building movement andthe $6 billion worthy of military construction projects happening statewide. “There is a greatr demand for skilled man powertright now,” said Ron DeJulius, state commissioner of labor and industry. “The center is goint to be a great tool for peoplr trying to decide what they want to do in the With an annual budgetof $300,000, the centet is expected to open this fall. Initial fundinfg will come fromthe , the construction companies and various The center will also compete for federal stimulus said Martin G. Knotty Jr.
, a member of the Governor’s Workforce Investment Board and head ofthe state’ s Construction Initiative Task Force. The centerd will partner with the Maryland Business Roundtable for Educatiob on securing industry experts to speakin classrooms. The National Center for Constructio Education and Research in Florida has a similar said PresidentDon Whyte. A lot of Maryland firmss currently recruit from out of stated and the center will act as a locallfeeder system, Knott said. “We need to create a pipeline for ourselves,” said Knott, president of Knott Mechanicakin Timonium. “How do you creatwe a pipeline? Well you have to have a systejm towalk into.