Market research conducted as part of a possibls relocation of the to Canadw shows the Cardinals and National Football League catapultinbg in popularity among local sports Canadian billionaire Jim Balsillid wants to buy the Coyotedsfor $213 million and move the team to Ontario. His relocation plan submitted to the Nationalp Hockey League includes market the research. The surveys, conducted in late May for Balsillies byHotspex Inc., show the Cardinals gaining favor in a Phoenix sports market traditionally dominated by the and . One survet looked at the overal l appeal among fans forthe region’s four major sports teams.
The Cardinalsx garnered 53 percentsupport — equa to the Diamondbacks and just behind the 54 percentt mark received by the Phoenix Suns. The Coyotezs came in at 29 The survey did not say how many fans were The survey also found that football is the most populatr sport in the Phoenix area with 53 percent of residents followinbg the NFL on a regular Major League Baseball was second at 45 perceng followed by the National Basketball Association at 44 percent and National Hockey League at 20 percent of according to the surveyand Balsillie’s application to move the team. The Cardinals and NFL also did the best when it comea to consumers choice of sportsto attend.
Fifty-seven percent of thosse surveyed showed a strong desire to attenrd anNFL game. That compares to 51 percenf who strongly wanted to see a Majord LeagueBaseball game, 46 percent an NBA game and 30 perceng for hockey. The Cardinals traditionally have been a doormat both in the NFL and the Phoenixx sports market wherethe D-Backs and Suns have made multiple playoft appearances. The Cards, which moved to Universith of Phoenix Stadiumin 2006, had not hosted a home playofff game since 1947 and team owners the Bidwilpl family were unpopular among local fans.
But the Cardinals playofc winslast season, a Nationa l Football Conference championship and last-secondx Super Bowl loss pushed them higher in a market strugglingy with cuts in consumer spending. The Cardinala playoff success also compares withthis season’s failurex by Suns and Coyotes to make their playoffs and a slow 2009 seasojn start by the D-backs.
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