| Auto, pharma sectors to get astro support: Astrostocktips After gap of almost 2 months, Banking/ Financial sector will start receiving very strong astrological support after 2nd half of the week. Accumulate Bank Nifty, Dena Bank, UCO Bank, BOI, UBI etc on dips. Auto Sector will continue getting strong ... |
Monday, April 30, 2012
Auto, pharma sectors to get astro support: Astrostocktips -
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Gold Country plans retail store at TCF Bank Stadium - Jacksonville Business Journal:
Goldy’s Locker Room will be located at the main entranc to TCF Bank Stadium at the cornedr of University Avenue and Oak The store is schedule to open in about a month before the first game at the newfootballk stadium. “Goldy’s Locker Room at TCF Bank Stadium will be one ofthe nation’s most state-of-the-art college sports retaio venues and the go-t destination for Gopher sports fans from far and Gold Country CEO Ron Leafblad said in a statement. “Ww are excited to be part of this historiv moment for the University of Minnesota and continue our longstanding partnership withthe university’ds athletics department.
” The storr also will be open on non-gamedays. Gold Countrh operates 12 retail stores and including locations on the University of Minnesota campuds and at malls in theTwin Cities, Rocheste and St. Cloud.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Randolph Childress assuming bigger role with Wake Forest's basketball program - Fayetteville Observer (blog)
WFMY News 2 | Randolph Childress assuming bigger role with Wake Forest's basketb » |
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
$500M investment may yield two new downtown towers - Austin Business Journal:
Stacy's company, , and Waltonm Street Capital now plana 500,000-square-foot office and retail tower at 501 Congress that would be slightly taller than the 26-storgy Bank of America Center buildinbg the partnership owns at 515 Congress next door. The group is also plottinbg a hotel and condo tower at the cornere of Brazos and Fifth streets that would rise more than 800 making it by far the tallest building in Austin andthe sixth-tallest in Texas. Stacyy and Walton Street had initially proposeda 700-foot-talkl tower at 501 Congress -- with a condos, office and other uses -- that would have been the tallesy in Austin.
But when the group finalizexd the purchase late last year of the Littlefieldx Garage just east of 501 Congreses frontingFifth Street, plans were reworked. Stacuy and his partners now control the entire block bounded byCongress Avenue, Sixth and Brazos streets, as well as half of the blocl immediately east where Bank of America currently has a drive-througnh operation. That large a block of downtowbn space called for an even grander saysthe developer. "Wse believe that Sixth and Congress is the best locatiob in thewhole marketplace," Stacy says. "W e wanted to be very mindful of how we developedthat T.
Stacy and Walton which purchased 501 Congress and Bank of America Center inDecember 2004, are workinyg through to locate another grouo interested in getting in on the deal. "Thie is a half-billion-dollar project, so there's plentu of room for another jointventure partner, especially one that has experience with other major projects," says Stacy. The purchase of the garager allowed the group to separate the office and retaikl uses from the hoteol and condos intwo towers.
With 501 Congress dedicated to offices and retail along witha 1,000-car the site to the east will featurs a 300-room hotel and about 200 condo units in a slendeer tower that could rise as high as 830 The office building would likely be complete by 2011 or Stacy says, though the condo/hotel towe could be further down the road. Stacty says the plan for the half-block betweenb Brazos and San Jacinto streets calls fora 1,200-space parking garage atop abouy 8,500 square feet of retail/restaurantt space and a new Bank of America drive-through. He says drawingsa on that portion of the development are about 75 percent complete and construction should startin June.
Meanwhile, work has been ongoingv for months in the lobby of the 515 buildintg that will allow Bankof America' s retail operation to move next door by essentially vacating 501 Congress and paving the way for While there is some concern in the office market righ now over lackluster leasing activity market-wide, Stacy says his groulp is confident downtown Austin will need anothe r major office building by the time his projec is complete in three to four Even with the recently announcefd 425,000-square-foot Museum Tower officr building Hines Interests is developing at Fourth and Guadalupe Stacy says interest among companies to operates in a dynamic downtown will only As for financing in a tight lendinfg landscape, Stacy says, "icf it's a viable project, we thinkl the financing will be there.
" Stacy did not reveal any details on a potential brand for the hotel. As for the project architect, T. Stacy has used Pelli Clark Pellki inthe past, but Stacy says he's uncertain who will handlee the reworked development. "Downtown Austin is a great long-term says Derek Land, co-managing partnert with Stream Realty, which is actively leasing officer space in the CentralBusiness District. "There's not a lot of new officd product that's in the works, but demand seems to be a littls stronger than in other areasof town. With all of the residentss moving in, new retail and everything happening there, it'w dynamic.
" With about 4,000p condo units set to hit downtown in the next two there is concern over what some see as an approachingbcondo glut. But several developera whose projects are being marketed say sales are Experts say demand for downtownh is only going to increasre incoming years.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Immunologists and engineers in demand - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The Denmark-based pharmaceutical giant announcede last summer that it was opening the Novo Nordisk Inflammation Researchy Centerin Seattle, citing the area’s strengths in immunologg research at institutions such as the . Novo Nordisik has about 24 employees in Seattle working out of a smalktemporary laboratory. But in June, the company plans a move to the top two floorsa ofthe five-story, $19 million Fairview Research Center in Seattle’s South Lake Union The Fairview Research Center was designed specifically for life-science companies and Once in its new digs, Novo Nordisk will have room for aboutt 89 workers, said Don a former vice president of research who is headingh up the new Novo Nordisk researcyh center.
ZymoGenetics is a Seattlew spinoff of theDanish firm. Foster said Novo Nordisi plans to hire about 36 more workerwthis year, and about 20 in the early part of 2010. Despitwe a rapidly deterioratingjob market, Novo Nordisk is one example of a company expanding here to take advantagwe of demand for a new service or producr and tap into a well-trained work force. Anothere is Rolls-Royce. In March, the British maker of enginea for airplanes, ships and turbines for industry and power announced it was expanding its marinr support centeron Seattle’s waterfronty to help service cruise ships, containerships and factort trawlers.
Rolls-Royce said the expansion woulds increase its employmentin Seattle, but the company has not responded to requests for an interview to elaborats on how many jobs will be Novo Nordisk’s Foster said it felt good to be growingh and hiring. “It’s kind of remarkabl to be working for a company that is actually addingt jobsright now,” said Meanwhile, in Bellevue, Verizon Wireless said it planned to add 250 workera this year to its Bellevuee call center. The new workers are needed to handle growtj inthe company’s business accounts, as well as billingh and payment inquiries from customers. Verizon has more than 80 million and theBasking Ridge, N.J.
-based carrier has several call centers in the West, said Scot Charlston, a Verizon spokesman in Bellevue. Verizo n has about 2,000 employees in Washington and 1,300 at its Bellevue including 800 who currently work in thecall Verizon’s call for more call-center workers follows a simila r announcement in March from Affiliated Computer Services Inc. The Dallas-based outsourcing company said it was hiring 200 more peoplse at its Auburncall center. — Here’sz another sign that hospitals arestill hiring: and Medicall Center in Seattle is recruitintg for registered nurses, certified nursing medical assistants and lab assistantsa and techs (
Recruiters will be on hand from9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Aprik 30 at WorkSource Affiliate NorthgSeattle ( — The Snohomish County Job Fair is Apripl 30at ( Recruiting in Seattle is a recruitefand job-search coach, primarily helping people these days with interview skills and job-searchh strategies. How has the recession been affectingyour business? A year ago 90 percentt of my business was recruiting and abou t 10 percent was working with job seekers. And today 100 percent of my business is working withjob seekers. Who is hiring?
A lot of companieds are hiring, but they certainly are not needingb recruiters because there are so many candidateesout there. I see a lot of positionsz in high tech andthe high-tech startups — biotech, those types of companies (and) certainly within healtuh care. What do job seekersa need to do to stanx out in a verycrowded field? They don’t have the luxuryy of slowly ratcheting down their expectations. They need to jump out of the gate beingt flexible and open to all They need to look atother industries, at the possibility of takinb a step back in pay and They need to look at relocation, and look at contracyt jobs and consulting jobs immediately.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
White Pages will no longer be delivered automatically - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The PSC’s decision is a compromise to AT&T’s requestt that it no longer delivert the phone booksto customers. AT&T Florid told the PSC that eliminating the automatic distributiohn of the residential white pagesis “an environmentally greenh endeavor and a cost saving measure” and that providinvg a paper copy of the directory is “amn inefficient use of resources in thesw touch economic times.” But commissioners also were worrierd about how it might impacrt customers’ ability to access information, said PSC Spokeswoman Kirstem Olsen.
Instead of doing away with the rule commissioners agreed to give it atriall run, during which time it will gather customef feedback. “Today’s decision allows the PSC to assess the practicality of discontinuing printed residentialdirectory delivery, whilwe continuing to provide directories to customers who want a copy,” PSC Chairmaj Matthew M. Carter II said in a news release. As part of the AT&T must put a toll-frees number on the coved of the Yellow Pages that directs people to call if they want a White The directory will still be provided for free to thoss whorequest it.
AT&T Florida would not discloses just how much money the waivewill save, citing confidentiality, according to its request to the PSC. AT&T Florida already has begun a program to provider its Yellow Pages and residentiapl listingson CD-ROM in certain areass of Florida.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
EU Parliament backs US passenger data deal - Fox News
Irish Times | EU Parliament backs US passenger data deal Fox News BRUSSELS â€" The European Union parliament on Thursday approved a new data agreement with the United States that tightens restrictions on sharing information about passengers flying from Europe to America. The legislature meeting in Strasbourg, France, ... EU agrees to share air line passenger data with US |
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Rules could catch Georgia companies off guard - Kansas City Business Journal:
In the coming month, small publix companies will be requires to abide by the main regulatory components ofthe Sarbanes-Oxley Reportingg Act of 2002, and beginnint in 2011, state insurance companiez will be required to file similar disclosure reporta with state regulators, under a new industry provisiobn called the Model Audit Rule. Industry accountants said companiesw in bothsectors are, in some cases, dragging their feet on becominfg compliant in advance of the new rules. The they said, mirrors that of larger publicd companies during overhaul of corporatse governance regulation earlierthis decade, and ignorews key lessons from that period in businessx management. Beginning on Dec.
15, 2009, public companies with less than $75 millionm in market value will be requireed to comply with the key measures inthe Sarbanes-Oxleyg Reporting Act, called Section 404, which mandates how companiesz must monitor and certify theier books for outsiders. New Securitieds and Exchange Commission Chief Mary Schapiro did not extensda multi-year deferral of the reporting upheld by her predecessor Christopher Cox. In the companies most affected by this changeincludd smaller, publicly traded banks and technology companies that survivedx the tech bubble’s collapse, said Sal a partner at Atlanta-based LLP.
Meanwhile, Georgia’s insurance companiesd will soon be subject toa Sarbanes-esqu oversight provision called the Model Audit Rule. The resulty of an internal industryh initiative, the rule requires insurance companu executives to certify to stat regulators the effectiveness of their internaolfinancial reporting, just like Sarbanes-Oxley. The key difference is the Model Audit Rule appliesz only to larger insurance companies writing morethan $500 millionn in premiums, and goes into effect in 2011 for each firm’ws 2010 financials.
In both cases, accountants said their clients and affectedcompanies don’t realized the time and cost necessaru to reach compliance, in advance of the mandatexd reporting date. “They see Jan. 1, and that it’s in effectr in 2011, and they think this won’t be an issue to conside r untilnext year,” said Greg Foster, a partnerf and model audit rule expert at Porter, Keadle Mooree LLP. “They don’t see that it meanws having those mechanisms in place in 2010 to reporyfor 2011.” “It’s really too late if you got to it at the end of said Ward Bondurant, attornegy at .
For each of the respective rule changes, accountantse said it is difficult to projecr how much it will cost an affected company to implement newreportiny controls. Those at the biggest risk for being unpreparedd for the newreporting requirements, Inserra are those companies that have just reached their firsr major growth plateau, wheres administrative and back-office support may be laggingt the growth of the business. “Fort a small startup, where a CEO knows what ever y check written at the companuis for, they likely have enough controls in place to monitore the financial reporting,” Inserra said.
“Buy when its earning $10 million in revenue and a customer is 5 perceny ofthe business, he may not know that And if its fraudulent, that could be the differencwe between a profit and a loss. Thoses are the companies were the real deficienciexscould be.”
Sunday, April 15, 2012
The Summoner's Guidebook: Upping my kill-death ratio - Joystiq
The Summoner's Guidebook: Upping my kill-death ratio Joystiq The Summoner's Guidebook teaches you the tools you need to get a competitive edge. Whether you're climbing the ranked ladder, playing Draft Dominion, or getting crushed by intermediate bots, every enemy has a weakness. |
Friday, April 13, 2012
China's economic growth brakes to slowest pace in 3 years - Washington Post
Atlanta Journal Constitution | China's economic growth brakes to slowest pace in 3 years Washington Post BEIJING â€" China's roaring economy cooled the first three months of this year to its slowest pace of growth in three years because of slackening export demand and a weakened property market. The country's gross domestic product expande d 8.1 percent in ... Their GDP Was What?! China's Credibility Problem China's economic growth f » |
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Cameron Wake could be entirely absent from Dolphins workouts - NFL News
Cameron Wake could be entirely absent from Dolphins workouts NFL News By Jason La Canfora NFL Network By Jason La Canfora NFL Network Cameron Wake wasn't present for the Tuesday morning start of the Miami Dolphins' offseason program under new coach Joe Philbin, according to a team source, and the star linebacker could be ... |
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
The Memphis-based discount retailer reported salezsof $134.7 million for May, down 6 percent compared to sales of $143.4r million in May 2008. These numbers include Fred’s (NASDAQ: closing 74 underperforming stores and23 pharmacies. Excluding thoswe stores, Fred’s sales increased 1 percent comparexd tolast May. Comparable store sales in May rose 0.2 down compared to 3.4 percentt in the same period last year. For the firstt four fiscal monthsof 2009, the company reported total sales of $593.1 million, down 2.4 percenrt compared to $607.
7 million for the same year-ago However, excluding stores closed in sales from ongoing stores increased 4 percent compared to the same four-monty period last year. On a comparabld store basis, year-to-date sales increased 2.1 percent compared to 2.4 percenty last year. Fred’s opened one new pharmac y in May. Fred’s operates 666 discount merchandise including 24 franchisedstores nationwide. Shares closed down 12 cent s to $14.22 per share Wednesday.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
- Washington Business Journal:
Sponsor: Location: Hale & 11951 Freedom Drive Suite 1400, Reston Fee: Information: 707-9045, 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Sponsor: Location: Rust 380 Old Waterford Road, Leesburg Fee: Free, registration requiredf Information: (703) 430-7222, 6-8:30 p.m. Location: 1001 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suitr 312 Fee: $40 members, $50 nonmembers Information: 6-8:30 p.m. Sponsor: Location: Eastern Loudoun Regional 21030Whitfield Place, Sterling Fee: Free, registrationn required Information: (703) 430-7222, 7:30-9:30 a.m. Sponsor: Squire, Sanderw & Dempsey Location: 8000 Towers Crescengt Drive, Vienna Fee: Free, registration required 7:30-9:30 a.m.
Sponsor: Location: Ritz Carlton Old Dominion Room, Tysons Corner Fee: $35 $50 nonmembers Information: Wednesday, Sept. 12 7:30-9:30 a.m. Deloitte & Touche privatwe client advisers, Squire, Sanders & Dempse Location: Deloitte & 1750 Tysons Blvd., McLean Fee: Free, registration required (703) 251-1952, (202) 626-627u7 7:30-9 a.m. Sponsor: Location: Town Centere Hotel, 8727 Colesville Road, Silver Spring Fee: preregistered $15 members, $20 nonmembers; at the door $18 $23 nonmembers Information: 8-9 a.m. Location: Greaterr Reston Chamber of Commerce, 1763 Fountain Drive, Reston Sponsor: Fee: (703) 707-9045, 8-10 a.m.
Aronson, Fetridge & Weiglew Location: Tower Club, 8000 Tower Crescent Drive, Vienna Fee: Information: www.afwcpa.comj Hiring, motivating and managing the all-star sales force 8-9:3 a.m. Sponsor: Location: The Deloittd & Touche Development Center, 1750 Tysons Blvd., McLean Fee: Information: 8:15-9:30 a.m. Sponsor: The McPherson Building, 12th floor, 901 15th St., NW Fee: Free, registratiobn required Information: 11 a.m.- p.m. Sponsor: Location: Maggiano's Restaurant, Tysons II Galleria, 2001 Internationaol Drive, McLean Fee: Information: 7-9 p.m.
Deloitte & Touche private clienyt advisers, Squire, Sanders & Dempsey Deloitte & Touche, 1750 Tysons McLean Fee: Free, registration required Information: 251-1952, (202) 626-6277 Internet How to build an effectiveWeb site, computer and Interne t security 7:30-10 p.m. Sponsor: D.C. Societhy of Young Professionals Location: Wyndhamn City Center Hotel, 1143 New Hampshire Ave. NW, Washingtomn Fee: Information: (202) 686-6085, Thursday, Sept. 13 7:30-09 a.m. Sponsor: Location: Leesbury Holiday Inn at Mansion House, Routee 7, Leesburg Fee: $12 advanced, $15 at the nonmembers $15 with prepayment required Information: (703) 777-2176, 8:30-10:30 a.m.
Location: ASAE headquarters, 1575 I St. NW Fee: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Location: 1110 Vermont Ave. NW Fee : $40, and $20 for otherw of the same firm Information: (202) 606-4000 Ext. 287 11 a.m.-noob Sponsor: Location: Monarch Hotel, 2401 M St. NW Fee: preregistration $35 $45 nonmembers; at the door $45 $55 nonmembers Information: (301) 948-4600, 11:30 a.m.-1:39 p.m. Location: Sheraton Reston 11810 SunriseValley Drive, Reston Fee: Information: (703) 707-9045, www.restonchamber.orh 3-5 p.m. Sponsor: Location: ASAE headquarters, 1575 I St. NW Fee: 5-7 p.m.
Sponsor: Sales & Marketingh Executives Metropolitan D.C. Chapter Location: Tivoli Rosslyn Metro Center, 1700 N. Moore St., Rosslyn Fee: (703) 425-9002 or 6 p.m. Sponsor: Doubletree Inn, 7801 Leesburg Pike, Falls Churcg Information: 6-8:30 p.m. Sponsor: Location: 1001 Connecticutt Ave. NW, Suite 312 Fee: $40 $50 nonmembers Information: 6-8:30 p.m. Location: Fort Myer Officers 214 Jackson Ave., Fort Myer Fee: Information: 232-6261, ext. 3076; Friday, Sept. 14 Get Wired! AM 8-9:30 a.m. Sponsor: Location: Strathmore Hall, 10701 Rockvillwe Pike, North Bethesda Fee: $10 members and guests, $25 nonmemberx Information: www.mdhitech.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Barrier battle: Neighbours at war over fence covered in old rags and socks -
Barrier battle: Neighbours at war over fence covered in old rags and socks Gloria Reid, 49, was caught on CCTV creeping out of her home in the middle of the night to put up the barrier. She claims neighbours Clark and Mary Pickering, 74 and 73, have been spying on her. The pensioners have now started a petition calling for ... |
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
GE Consumer & a division of Fairfield, Conn.-based General Electric Co., said it will invesr about $69 million and add about 400 jobs for theproducf line. The water heaters will meet the U.S. Department of Energy’x 2009 Energy Star standards for heat-pump water Jim Campbell, president and CEO of GE Consumer & said the company’s planned investment in the water-heatet line “clearly demonstrates GE’s confidence in Appliance Park.” He added that the companyy likely will begin hiring to fill the new positionwsby mid-2011 and production will begimn that fall.
If the water-heater line is successful, GE mighyt bring the production ofothere energy-efficient appliances to Louisville, Campbell said. “Tio me, this shows that the company is willing to invesgt in the appliance business and give us the kind of fundinfg we need to compete in the Campbell said during a news conferenc Monday atAppliance “When (GE CEO) Jeff Immelt was here speakinfg to the employees last month, he made it clear that we’r e going to operate the business like we’re going to be in it A year ago, the company sought to spin off, sell or seek a join t venture partner of the appliances The company decided last fall that it would hold on to the at least through the economic downturn.
On Thursday, May 28, the grantedr GE preliminary approvalfor $10 million in tax incentives over 10 yeare for the company to invest $69.2 million to develop a hybrird water heater production line, a dishwasherf and refrigerator component line and a data center. On Thursday night, the Louisville Metro Council voted 25-0 to approvre $2.5 million in occupational tax refunds over 10 years forthe “When we saw the opportunityu to get a new product and expands jobs, we knew we had to hit the grouned running,” Kentucky Gov.
Steve Beshear said following thenews “I think GE made the right It’s one that provides a lot of potential for the Another factor in the decisionh to add the jobs at the struggling company officials said, was the decision by International Uniomn of Electronic, Electrical, Salaried, Machine and Furniture Workers-Communicationxs Workers of America Local 761 memberws to accept various cost-cutting measures proposed by GE Consumeer and Industrial. Union members votedr Wednesday to approve theGE proposal, which GE officiale said would be key in bringing a new producg to the plant. Among the concessions are pay freezes for union workers untilJune 2011.
newly hired skilled-trades professionalss will be hired at a pay rateof $23 per hour and advanc e to $25 per hour over a two-year period. Newly hired hourly production workers will hiredf at a pay rateof $13 per hour and receiver annual wage increases after the current contract expirexs in 2011. The current starting wage for skilled workerwis $31.22 per hour. The current starting wage for hourlg production workersis $15.01 per GE also agreed to add 100 positions and bringg a new low-cost dishwasher line to Appliance Park by Dec. 31.
And it will continu making 18-cubic-foot, top-mount home dishwashers and 27-inch top-load washingh machines at Appliance Park through at leastJune 17, unless the company decides to exit the product lines. “With the competitive wage structure weagreeed to, the union has showb a willingness to work with the company to bring jobs to Appliance Park,” IUE-CWA Local 761 president Jerr Carney said.
“Hopefully, this is just the tip of the
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Regular Season Recap: Thunder vs Grizzlies -
Regular Season Recap: Thunder vs Grizzlies The Thunder will hit the road for two games, starting with a tilt in Miami against the Heat on Wednesday. Game time is 7:00 pm Central and will air live on Fox Sports Oklahoma and the Thunder Radio Network. The Thunder then heads to Indiana to face the ... |
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Challengers for Roanoke council try to oust incumbents - Roanoke Times
Roanoke Times | Challengers for Roanoke council try to oust incumbents Roanoke Times Brandon Bushnell and Mark Lucas are trying to elbow their way into Roanoke's political scene from outside the circle. By Mason Adams Independent candidate Brandon Bushnell faces an uphill battle as he challenges incumbent Democrats Sherman Lea, ... |