Friday, April 13, 2012

China's economic growth brakes to slowest pace in 3 years - Washington Post

Atlanta Journal Constitution

China's economic growth brakes to slowest pace in 3 years

Washington Post

BEIJING â€" China's roaring economy cooled the first three months of this year to its slowest pace of growth in three years because of slackening export demand and a weakened property market. The country's gross domestic product expande d 8.1 percent in ...

Their GDP Was What?! China's Credibility Problem

Fox Business

China's economic growth f »

1 comment:

  1. Global Crude prices are in downturn. Government of India or GoI has announced the deregulation of diesel prices and since then the prices of commodity have come down significantly. The steep slide in global crude oil prices will also lot of help India in containing its current account deficit and fuel price inflation. India imports 80% of its crude oil requirement. COMEX Crude is trading on a negative side and the breakout either side of the range i.e. 52.05 on the upside or 50.49 towards, down, is significant from a long term perspective.
    Commodity Tips
