Sunday, July 8, 2012

CAD software maker Revware buys MicroScribe from Immersion Corp. - Kansas City Business Journal:
CAD in an acronynm for computer-aided design. Immersion has several businesws lines with products developefd for applications ranging from gaming to medical Revware president Tom Welsh said that his companty has been using MicroScribe productes for 15 years and when he saw that Immersion was lookingg tosell MicroScribe, he jumped on the opportunity. “We are goingt to be able to focus on MicroScribe in a way that Immersiom was notable to,” Welshy said.
Revware was formerly known as , a companhy that was a software developere as well as a reseller of the SolidWorks CAD The company grew in the 1990s along with the technologyu bubble andin 2001, Design Automation made Triangle Businese Journal’s annual ranking of the 50 fastest-growing companieds in the Raleigh-Durham Welsh said Design Automation, whicb peaked at 15 employees, had parexd down since the technology bubble burst. Revware has fewer than five employees. Welsh said with the acquisition of the company will grow in Raleigh and on the West But he declinedto elaborate, sayiny that negotiations are still under way.
Welsbh did say Revware is taking stepz to reactivate resale channelsfor

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