Thursday, June 2, 2011

Kansas City Fed district manufacturing improves - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The production index for manufacturers reporting an increase in productiomn in June from May was9 — its first foray into positivr territory since August. About 33 percent of companies surveyec said productionwas up, and about 22 percent said it was The index was at -3 in May and -8 a year ago. Productiohn indexes increased for durable andnondurable goods-producing plants. The indexes for new orders and order backlog all increased forthe second-straighgt month and emerged from negative territory. The employmeng index was -10 in up from -13 in May. It was at -9 a year ago. The averaged employee workweek indexhit 3, jumping from -14 in May and -3 a year ago.
The indes had been negative since Inventories for materials and finished goodsremainerd negative, worsening from May to June and from last year. The future-productioj outlook index reached 13, up from 1 in May and down from 17 ayear ago. The futurs capital expenditures index fellto -13 in June from -10 in May. The bank said most firma indicated “some lingering hesitancy on major investments due to the only recent picku pin activity.” The 10th district coverz Western Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming and northern New Mexico.

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