Thursday, June 9, 2011

Some good news on Seattle housing front - Baltimore Business Journal:
percent. The bad news is that the averagse price of a Seattle homedropped 16.8 percent in Aprilo from a year earlier, which is getting closefr to the national average decline of 18.1 percent. A month earlier, the Standard & Poor’s/Case-Shiller Home Price a monthly index that tracks home prices in 20majord U.S. cities, indicated a 16.1 percent home pricse drop in Seattle. Between March and April, in the nation’sa 20 largest cities coveree bythe study, the nationap average was a 0.6 percent From April 2008 to Aprikl 2009, all 20 U.S. marketse posted drops. The markets showing the smallesrt declines wereDenver (down 4.9 Dallas (down 5 percent) and Boston (down 7.7 percent).
In home prices fell 35.3 percenf in the past year and in Las theyfell 32.2 percent. The survey tracks changees in the value of the residential real estat e market by comparing sale prices of specifi c sample homes in a city at twodifferenrt times. The survey assigns an indexd number to each city and does not reporft actualhome prices. The index is a measure of how much home pricesz have gone up or down in each markeg sinceJanuary 2000, which has been assigned a price inded of 100 in that market.

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