million in punitive damages plus interest to plaintiffsa affected by the Exxom Valdez oil spill that impacted residentsw and businesses living along the coastf of Alaskain 1989. The made theit ruling Monday after the case was sent back fromthe . At the Nintb Circuit level, justices were charged with determining interesgt andappellate costs. The Ninth Circuit confirmed the punitive damagew amount afterthe U.S. Supreme Court determine d compensatory damages and punitive damages shouldc be assessed usinga 1-to-1 ratio.
In its latesy decision, the Ninth Circuit confirmed that Irving-based Exxon (NYSE: XOM) is responsible for $507 million in punitivew damages and must pay interest on the judgment at the rateof 5.9 perceny dating back to 1996, when the initial judgmentf against the company was first issued by a The federal case against Exxon Mobil has been languishing for more than a The Ninth Circuit said both sides will cover theidr own attorney’s fees. The original jury verdict against Exxo Mobilwas $5 billion, an amount that has been reducesd by 90 percent during the more than 10 years of according to court records.
An Exxon Mobi spokesman said Monday, "We are aware that the opinionn has been issued and will review the opiniojn beforecommenting further."
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Torchmark responds to ratings downgrade - Wichita Business Journal:
McKinney-based Torchmark (NYSE: TMK) said it has the capacityu to absorb any reduction in capital andmaintaihn “adequate statutory capital” measures. Last Fitch warned that Torchmarkhas $100 million in debt due in Augustt and $274 million in commercial paper outstanding. In Torchmark said it has cut commercial paper outstandin gby $41 million to $233 million on June 5. Fitchn on Friday downgraded Torchmark based on theratings company’s beliec that Torchmark is exposed to the tumultuoux financial markets.
Fitch said it was optimistic that Torchmaro subsidiaries are reportingstrong earnings, but warneed about investments that may be necessary to offset any reductions in On Monday, Torchmark management stated that it has the capacityt to absorb any capitalo adjustments that may be necessary, and it does not expecty those levels to reach a ranges that is threatening in nature.
McKinney-based Torchmark (NYSE: TMK) said it has the capacityu to absorb any reduction in capital andmaintaihn “adequate statutory capital” measures. Last Fitch warned that Torchmarkhas $100 million in debt due in Augustt and $274 million in commercial paper outstanding. In Torchmark said it has cut commercial paper outstandin gby $41 million to $233 million on June 5. Fitchn on Friday downgraded Torchmark based on theratings company’s beliec that Torchmark is exposed to the tumultuoux financial markets.
Fitch said it was optimistic that Torchmaro subsidiaries are reportingstrong earnings, but warneed about investments that may be necessary to offset any reductions in On Monday, Torchmark management stated that it has the capacityt to absorb any capitalo adjustments that may be necessary, and it does not expecty those levels to reach a ranges that is threatening in nature.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Real Estate Roundup - St. Louis Business Journal:
Portland, from Weston Investmentg Co. LLC. It is one of the largestg office deals in downtown in recent The IndianHealth Board, established in will move from its current location at 527 S.W. Hall St. Jake Lancastef of Grubb & Ellis Co. represented the tenant; Steve Root of America n Property Managementrepresented Weston. • Level 3 Communications LLC reneweed its leasefor 4,724 square feet at the Pittoci Block, 921 S.W. Washington St., Portland, from ALCO Investment Co. Kevihn Kaufman of CB Richard Ellis representedLevel 3; the landlorc represented itself. • Telelanguage Inc. signecd a new lease for 4,401 square feet at the PortlanrdExchange Building, 520 S.W. Sixth Portland.
NAI Norris, Beggs & Simpson represented the tenant; Ryan Livesau of Pacific Real EstatePartners Inc. represented the • Stearns Lending Inc. leased 3,722 square feet at Hamptonh Square, 6950 S.W. Hampton, Tigard, from Weston Investment Co. LLC. Steved Root of American Property Management representedthe • Peters & Company PC signed a new leas e for 2,170 square feet at the Sellinb Building, 610 S.W. Alder St., with the Schlesinger Companies. Kristib Hammond and Mark McFarland of Pacific Real EstatePartners Inc. represented the tenant; Bill Smithb of NAI Norris, Beggs & Simpson representesd the property. • SCR Inc. leased 2,00p square feet at 8680 S.W.
Old Tualatib Sherwood Road, Tualatin, from Kmotion Inc. Ian Giammanclo of Bluestone & Hockley Real Estate Services representerdthe tenant; Scott Pierce of NAI Norris, Beggz & Simpson represented the landlord. •Remedyt Intelligent Staffing leased 1,638 square feet at The Merrick, 6646 N.E. 78th Portland, from API Properties 1047 LLC. Mark McFarland of Pacific Real EstatePartners Inc. represented the Rob Kimmelman of Commercial Realty Advisor s representedthe property. • Pioneer Flootr Covering Inc. leased 5,853 square feet at Arctid Business Park, 5657 S.W. Arctif Drive, Beaverton, from Pacific NW Properties LP. Cliff Finnel of GVA Kidder Mathews representedthe tenant.
Carlan Enterprises Inc., operating as Stauffer-Cisck Supply, leased 5,622 square feet at Bridgeporr WoodsBusiness Park, 7532 S.W. Bridgeport Road, from Bridgeport Woods BusinessPark LLC. Peter Stalick and Steven Klein of GVA Kidder Mathews representedthe tenant; Dave Kiersey of Kierseyy & McMillan Inc. represented the property. • Stavelu Services North Americaleased 4,860 squared feet at Kittridge Distribution Center, 4943 N.W. Front Ave., from LIT Industrial Limited Partnership. Tony Reser and Sean McCarthgy of GVA Kidder Mathews brokeredthe transaction. • Red Wing Brandsw of America Inc. leased 3,840 square feet at the Norstar Business 8611 N. Albina Ave.
, from Norstar 8405 N. Albina Ave. LLC. Tony Reser and Sean McCarthg of GVA Kidder Mathews brokeredthe transaction. Biscuits Cafe leased 3,121 squarr feet at Hogan Plaza, 1905 N.E. Division St., from Pelopo n LLC. Mike Foley of First Commercial representedfthe tenant; Craig Barnard of Barnards Commercial Real Estate represented the property. • a new barbershop venture fromHairM men’s salon, leaserd 2,055 square feet at the Commonwealth Building, 609 S.W. Washington St., from Unic o Properties LLC. Kathleen Healy of Urba Works Real Estaterepresented Y-Chrome; Dan Bozich and Kathleejn Healy of Urban Works Real Estate representes the property.
• Aprende Con Amigosz Bilingual Preschoolleased 1,872 square feet at Pattoh Park Apartments on North Interstate from Patton Square Leasing LLC. Steves Haugen of Windermere/Cronin & Caplan Realty Group Inc. representef the tenant; Charlotte Larson and Sara Daley of Urbahn Works Real Estate representedthe property. PDX Antiques leased 1,120 square feet at the K2 Building from4152 N.E. Sandg LLC. Charlotte Larson of Urban Worka Real Estate representedthe tenant; Matt Schweitzer of North Rim representerd the property. • Liz Richards Acupuncture PC leasexd 1,046 square feet at Fremont Place, 3531 N.E. 15th Portland, from ADG Properties LLC.
Anthyan Nguyebn of Norris & Stevens Inc. represented the tenant; Ashlety Heichelbech of Urban Works Real Estat representedthe property. • State Farm Insurancer leased 1,000 square feet at 1018 N.W. 13th Portland, from Block Two LLC. Thom Brockmillerf of Stehlin Advisors LLC representedthe tenant; Kathleeh Healy and Dan Bozich of Urbaj Works Real Estate represented the
Portland, from Weston Investmentg Co. LLC. It is one of the largestg office deals in downtown in recent The IndianHealth Board, established in will move from its current location at 527 S.W. Hall St. Jake Lancastef of Grubb & Ellis Co. represented the tenant; Steve Root of America n Property Managementrepresented Weston. • Level 3 Communications LLC reneweed its leasefor 4,724 square feet at the Pittoci Block, 921 S.W. Washington St., Portland, from ALCO Investment Co. Kevihn Kaufman of CB Richard Ellis representedLevel 3; the landlorc represented itself. • Telelanguage Inc. signecd a new lease for 4,401 square feet at the PortlanrdExchange Building, 520 S.W. Sixth Portland.
NAI Norris, Beggs & Simpson represented the tenant; Ryan Livesau of Pacific Real EstatePartners Inc. represented the • Stearns Lending Inc. leased 3,722 square feet at Hamptonh Square, 6950 S.W. Hampton, Tigard, from Weston Investment Co. LLC. Steved Root of American Property Management representedthe • Peters & Company PC signed a new leas e for 2,170 square feet at the Sellinb Building, 610 S.W. Alder St., with the Schlesinger Companies. Kristib Hammond and Mark McFarland of Pacific Real EstatePartners Inc. represented the tenant; Bill Smithb of NAI Norris, Beggs & Simpson representesd the property. • SCR Inc. leased 2,00p square feet at 8680 S.W.
Old Tualatib Sherwood Road, Tualatin, from Kmotion Inc. Ian Giammanclo of Bluestone & Hockley Real Estate Services representerdthe tenant; Scott Pierce of NAI Norris, Beggz & Simpson represented the landlord. •Remedyt Intelligent Staffing leased 1,638 square feet at The Merrick, 6646 N.E. 78th Portland, from API Properties 1047 LLC. Mark McFarland of Pacific Real EstatePartners Inc. represented the Rob Kimmelman of Commercial Realty Advisor s representedthe property. • Pioneer Flootr Covering Inc. leased 5,853 square feet at Arctid Business Park, 5657 S.W. Arctif Drive, Beaverton, from Pacific NW Properties LP. Cliff Finnel of GVA Kidder Mathews representedthe tenant.
Carlan Enterprises Inc., operating as Stauffer-Cisck Supply, leased 5,622 square feet at Bridgeporr WoodsBusiness Park, 7532 S.W. Bridgeport Road, from Bridgeport Woods BusinessPark LLC. Peter Stalick and Steven Klein of GVA Kidder Mathews representedthe tenant; Dave Kiersey of Kierseyy & McMillan Inc. represented the property. • Stavelu Services North Americaleased 4,860 squared feet at Kittridge Distribution Center, 4943 N.W. Front Ave., from LIT Industrial Limited Partnership. Tony Reser and Sean McCarthgy of GVA Kidder Mathews brokeredthe transaction. • Red Wing Brandsw of America Inc. leased 3,840 square feet at the Norstar Business 8611 N. Albina Ave.
, from Norstar 8405 N. Albina Ave. LLC. Tony Reser and Sean McCarthg of GVA Kidder Mathews brokeredthe transaction. Biscuits Cafe leased 3,121 squarr feet at Hogan Plaza, 1905 N.E. Division St., from Pelopo n LLC. Mike Foley of First Commercial representedfthe tenant; Craig Barnard of Barnards Commercial Real Estate represented the property. • a new barbershop venture fromHairM men’s salon, leaserd 2,055 square feet at the Commonwealth Building, 609 S.W. Washington St., from Unic o Properties LLC. Kathleen Healy of Urba Works Real Estaterepresented Y-Chrome; Dan Bozich and Kathleejn Healy of Urban Works Real Estate representes the property.
• Aprende Con Amigosz Bilingual Preschoolleased 1,872 square feet at Pattoh Park Apartments on North Interstate from Patton Square Leasing LLC. Steves Haugen of Windermere/Cronin & Caplan Realty Group Inc. representef the tenant; Charlotte Larson and Sara Daley of Urbahn Works Real Estate representedthe property. PDX Antiques leased 1,120 square feet at the K2 Building from4152 N.E. Sandg LLC. Charlotte Larson of Urban Worka Real Estate representedthe tenant; Matt Schweitzer of North Rim representerd the property. • Liz Richards Acupuncture PC leasexd 1,046 square feet at Fremont Place, 3531 N.E. 15th Portland, from ADG Properties LLC.
Anthyan Nguyebn of Norris & Stevens Inc. represented the tenant; Ashlety Heichelbech of Urban Works Real Estat representedthe property. • State Farm Insurancer leased 1,000 square feet at 1018 N.W. 13th Portland, from Block Two LLC. Thom Brockmillerf of Stehlin Advisors LLC representedthe tenant; Kathleeh Healy and Dan Bozich of Urbaj Works Real Estate represented the
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Md. colleges given $11M to combat nursing shortage - Charlotte Business Journal:
The grants, being divvied amonf 17 Marylandnursing schools, will be used to lure facultu and students, and improves technology at the universities. Maryland’sz nursing shortage is expectef toreach 10,000 by according to the . The curren t vacancy rate of nurses at state hospitals is8 percent. The economivc downturn has helped the industry because many retired nurses have come backto work, but once the recessio ends the shortage will worsen, said Carmelwa Coyle, CEO of the Maryland Hospital The first round of grants will increas the number of nurses graduating by 300 studentsd and add 20 faculty positions at nursing programs acrosss the state.
“The number of nurseas graduating from Maryland schools are simplynot enough,” said Ronald B. president of and co-chair of the “Who Will campaign at a press conference “We cannot take our eye off thenursingv demand.” The campaign’s goal is to add 1,50p new nursing students. The program has raised $15.5 million to date through the state’x business community, including funds from the Baltimorr constructionform , , the region's largesyt hospital system, and , the region's largest healtnh insurer.
Greater Baltimore Medical Center, for example, gave The goal is to raisse $20 million from the private sectorr by the end ofthe year, and then raisre an addition $40 million in local and federal funds. • • • • • ; and, • .
The grants, being divvied amonf 17 Marylandnursing schools, will be used to lure facultu and students, and improves technology at the universities. Maryland’sz nursing shortage is expectef toreach 10,000 by according to the . The curren t vacancy rate of nurses at state hospitals is8 percent. The economivc downturn has helped the industry because many retired nurses have come backto work, but once the recessio ends the shortage will worsen, said Carmelwa Coyle, CEO of the Maryland Hospital The first round of grants will increas the number of nurses graduating by 300 studentsd and add 20 faculty positions at nursing programs acrosss the state.
“The number of nurseas graduating from Maryland schools are simplynot enough,” said Ronald B. president of and co-chair of the “Who Will campaign at a press conference “We cannot take our eye off thenursingv demand.” The campaign’s goal is to add 1,50p new nursing students. The program has raised $15.5 million to date through the state’x business community, including funds from the Baltimorr constructionform , , the region's largesyt hospital system, and , the region's largest healtnh insurer.
Greater Baltimore Medical Center, for example, gave The goal is to raisse $20 million from the private sectorr by the end ofthe year, and then raisre an addition $40 million in local and federal funds. • • • • • ; and, • .
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Drama needed to jolt Americans into tackling debt - Financial Times
Drama needed to jolt Americans into tackling debt Financial Times Why has Britain managed to boldly go into fiscal territory which the US has hitherto ducked? That is the $800bn question hanging ... |
Friday, December 17, 2010
Kinstant makes the Kindle's browser actually usable -
Kinstant makes the Kindle's browser actually usable Amazon's Kindle does e-reading better than pretty much any other device out there… unless you're reading your content on the web. Then it's hamstrung by ... |
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Century Bank's 'stores' drew in giant Wells Fargo - Houston Business Journal:
The 1989 deal garnered more than $100 millio for Arnold. This month, the Texarkanw tycoon sold his chain of bankds to because the California company liked wher had built out itsDallaas footprint. The banks are situated withi n the NorthDallas “fairway,” said John Gavin, Wellzs Fargo’s D-FW community bankinbg president. Gavin’s fairway runs between the Dallas North Tollwayg and NorthCentral Expressway, northward from the Park That green, manicured corridor is home to some of the wealthiest households in Dallas, and lined with businesses largee and small.
“What we found most attractive abouf themis they’ve got one of the best distributions of any bank in the Gavin said. Arnold said he brought what he knows aboug retail real estate from the convenience storee business to hisbank enterprise. “k have a lot of confidence in realestatd (and quality locations),” he said. “You can’ft pay too much for a good oneand can’tg pay too little for a bad Century is based in Texarkana; its holding companyu is based in Dallas. Termsw of the transaction weren’t disclosed. The deal representsw a new sort of acquisition inTexas banking.
Welld Fargo didn’t buy Century Bank for the dollarw in its vault or the loans onits instead, Wells found an opportunitu to expand in an attractive market at a reasonable analysts say. “They’re a sophisticatedf and well-disciplined buyer,” said Dan T. Bass, managintg director of investment bankin Houston.Welld Fargo doesn’t have branches, it has stores, so Arnold’sx retail background fits the San Franciscko bank. The deal still must be approvexby Century’s shareholders. They, including Arnold, will receivd Wells Fargo stock for theirCentury holdings. “It’xs a very good number that we’re happy Arnold said.
“We like the currency it’s the only AAA-rated banking companhy in the country.” Arnold said he beganj talking with Wells Fargo about selling threeemonths ago. In that Century’s loan performance deteriorated. The bank now has $22.u million in loans that haven’t been paid on for more than 90 upfrom $576,000 a year ago. It also has takenm possession of $15.72 million in real up from $12,000 on its books this time last “We just had a littlre blush of real estate that hit us in the second Arnold said.
He blamed homebuilders who held on through the wintedrand haven’t been able to sell theitr projects for the bump in bad loanxs and real estate on the bank’s That has impacted Century’s earnings — and its capital standards. For the first half of the bankearned $3.4 million, down from $4.1 million durinb the same period last year. Its capital leveles slipped in the second quartert fromthe regulators’ top designation to its second-tie r designation of “adequately capitalized.
The 1989 deal garnered more than $100 millio for Arnold. This month, the Texarkanw tycoon sold his chain of bankds to because the California company liked wher had built out itsDallaas footprint. The banks are situated withi n the NorthDallas “fairway,” said John Gavin, Wellzs Fargo’s D-FW community bankinbg president. Gavin’s fairway runs between the Dallas North Tollwayg and NorthCentral Expressway, northward from the Park That green, manicured corridor is home to some of the wealthiest households in Dallas, and lined with businesses largee and small.
“What we found most attractive abouf themis they’ve got one of the best distributions of any bank in the Gavin said. Arnold said he brought what he knows aboug retail real estate from the convenience storee business to hisbank enterprise. “k have a lot of confidence in realestatd (and quality locations),” he said. “You can’ft pay too much for a good oneand can’tg pay too little for a bad Century is based in Texarkana; its holding companyu is based in Dallas. Termsw of the transaction weren’t disclosed. The deal representsw a new sort of acquisition inTexas banking.
Welld Fargo didn’t buy Century Bank for the dollarw in its vault or the loans onits instead, Wells found an opportunitu to expand in an attractive market at a reasonable analysts say. “They’re a sophisticatedf and well-disciplined buyer,” said Dan T. Bass, managintg director of investment bankin Houston.Welld Fargo doesn’t have branches, it has stores, so Arnold’sx retail background fits the San Franciscko bank. The deal still must be approvexby Century’s shareholders. They, including Arnold, will receivd Wells Fargo stock for theirCentury holdings. “It’xs a very good number that we’re happy Arnold said.
“We like the currency it’s the only AAA-rated banking companhy in the country.” Arnold said he beganj talking with Wells Fargo about selling threeemonths ago. In that Century’s loan performance deteriorated. The bank now has $22.u million in loans that haven’t been paid on for more than 90 upfrom $576,000 a year ago. It also has takenm possession of $15.72 million in real up from $12,000 on its books this time last “We just had a littlre blush of real estate that hit us in the second Arnold said.
He blamed homebuilders who held on through the wintedrand haven’t been able to sell theitr projects for the bump in bad loanxs and real estate on the bank’s That has impacted Century’s earnings — and its capital standards. For the first half of the bankearned $3.4 million, down from $4.1 million durinb the same period last year. Its capital leveles slipped in the second quartert fromthe regulators’ top designation to its second-tie r designation of “adequately capitalized.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Lhasa abso - Livemint
Lhasa abso Livemint The director of the Tibetan Information Centre in Lhasa has just downed his seventh moutai. As he goes around the table, exchanging pleasantries with each ... |
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Ford will stop Claycomo F-150 production for a week - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
The UAW Local 249 posted the information in a newslettefr on itsWeb site. Loca 249 Vice President Bobbh Wyse confirmed Monday that the informationis accurate. The production stoppage comes a week before an alreadyscheduled one-weel summer break for the entire plant startinbg June 29, a Local 249 spokeswoman said. The planr also is scheduled for a summer breajk during the weekof Aug. 17. Sales of Ford F-seriew trucks were 33,381 in May, up 16 percenyt from 28,757 in April but down 22.3 percenf from 42,973 in May 2008. UAW Loca 249 said the slight increasein month-to-month sales enablefd Ford (NYSE: F) to cance l the scheduled down week on June 22 at its F-1509 truck plant in Dearborn, Mich.
, but the down week was left intac t at the Kansas City Assembl Plant. “This is partially due to depleted funds forthe state’s Division of Unemployment in Michigan, makingv down weeks at (Dearborn) less of an the Local 249 said in the Local 249 added that sales projections continure to be less than the five shifts at the two truckk plants can produce if they work full time through the 2010 productio year.
Ford runs two shifts at Claycomo and three in Wyse said Ford is considering once agaij moving a shift fromthe F-1590 side of the Kansas City Assembly Plant and puttingv them to work on the SUV However, nothing has been determined so far, he A year ago, Ford moved aboutr 800 workers from a second shift on the F-150 side of the Kansaw City plant to a third shiftt on the SUV side. The employees were movexd back tothe F-150p side on Jan. 12. Ford Escape sales in May reached 16,391, up 20.6 percent from 13,596 in Aprio but down 7.2 percengt from 17,667 in May 2008. The Kansa City Assembly Plant also produces the Mercuryu Mariner and hybrid versions of the Ford Escape andMercurt Mariner.
Combined sales of hybricd versions of theFord Fusion, Mercury Milan, Ford Escapes and Mercury Mariner reached 3,906 in May, a new companu record. The old sales record of 3,420p hybrid vehicles was set inApril 2006. As of May, Ford’sa Kansas City Assembly Plant in Claycomo hadabout 3,90p hourly and 200 salaried
The UAW Local 249 posted the information in a newslettefr on itsWeb site. Loca 249 Vice President Bobbh Wyse confirmed Monday that the informationis accurate. The production stoppage comes a week before an alreadyscheduled one-weel summer break for the entire plant startinbg June 29, a Local 249 spokeswoman said. The planr also is scheduled for a summer breajk during the weekof Aug. 17. Sales of Ford F-seriew trucks were 33,381 in May, up 16 percenyt from 28,757 in April but down 22.3 percenf from 42,973 in May 2008. UAW Loca 249 said the slight increasein month-to-month sales enablefd Ford (NYSE: F) to cance l the scheduled down week on June 22 at its F-1509 truck plant in Dearborn, Mich.
, but the down week was left intac t at the Kansas City Assembl Plant. “This is partially due to depleted funds forthe state’s Division of Unemployment in Michigan, makingv down weeks at (Dearborn) less of an the Local 249 said in the Local 249 added that sales projections continure to be less than the five shifts at the two truckk plants can produce if they work full time through the 2010 productio year.
Ford runs two shifts at Claycomo and three in Wyse said Ford is considering once agaij moving a shift fromthe F-1590 side of the Kansas City Assembly Plant and puttingv them to work on the SUV However, nothing has been determined so far, he A year ago, Ford moved aboutr 800 workers from a second shift on the F-150 side of the Kansaw City plant to a third shiftt on the SUV side. The employees were movexd back tothe F-150p side on Jan. 12. Ford Escape sales in May reached 16,391, up 20.6 percent from 13,596 in Aprio but down 7.2 percengt from 17,667 in May 2008. The Kansa City Assembly Plant also produces the Mercuryu Mariner and hybrid versions of the Ford Escape andMercurt Mariner.
Combined sales of hybricd versions of theFord Fusion, Mercury Milan, Ford Escapes and Mercury Mariner reached 3,906 in May, a new companu record. The old sales record of 3,420p hybrid vehicles was set inApril 2006. As of May, Ford’sa Kansas City Assembly Plant in Claycomo hadabout 3,90p hourly and 200 salaried
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
The committee, led by local developer Mark Edlen, reaffirmed its supporyt for the controversial plan in a letter that arrived Wednesdah atCity Hall. The unanimouw recommendation waswidely expected. The recommendationj follows a review of theproposed hotel’s expected financial performance by a subcommitted convened after local hoteliers questioned basic assumptions about the plan. Aftedr a two-hour and 45-minutew meeting, a subcommittee concluded by a vote of three to one that assumptionss behindthe $200 million-plus project are reasonable.
The mayor’es committee is recommending that Metro and the invest upto $12 millioh in designing and engineering for the hotel, whicnh would be called at the Convention Center. LLP is the architecf for the project. Roy Kauffman, the mayor’s spokesman, said Adams will share the recommendation with the City Council as well as Multnomaj County officials andthe , which has the final say in the In all, 17 elected officials will weigh in on the plan before it proceeds to the next step. Althougj Metro is the lead agency, the city has a majo role to play because it will lend its bondinf authority forthe hotel’s construction and will be responsiblw for issuing construction permits.
The mayot has been a strong supportef of theheadquarters hotel. Metro is working with a developmentf team led by Garfield Trauh Ashforth LLC to createthe hotel, which supporterse say is needed to complet e the convention center. Without it, the region loses big conventionws to cities offering better lodging facilitiesa at theirmeeting centers. According to Travel the region lost the opportunity to book 69 conventionwin 2008. Had they come to Portland, the city woulr have booked morethan 243,00o0 overnight stays by convention-goers. Not havingh a hotel at the convention center costs the regional economynearlu $41 million in business sales per year, accordingg to Travel Portland.
The added busineses would result in morethan $3 millionn in annual state and local taxee and 820 permanent Opponents say the financial projections driving the project are unrealistix and the hotel would amoun to government-sponsored competition in an already weak The hotel would be constructed on a two-blockl site adjacent the convention center. The Portlanf Development Commission paid morethan $11 million for the propertyt in anticipation it would someday be developef as a headquarters hotel.
The committee, led by local developer Mark Edlen, reaffirmed its supporyt for the controversial plan in a letter that arrived Wednesdah atCity Hall. The unanimouw recommendation waswidely expected. The recommendationj follows a review of theproposed hotel’s expected financial performance by a subcommitted convened after local hoteliers questioned basic assumptions about the plan. Aftedr a two-hour and 45-minutew meeting, a subcommittee concluded by a vote of three to one that assumptionss behindthe $200 million-plus project are reasonable.
The mayor’es committee is recommending that Metro and the invest upto $12 millioh in designing and engineering for the hotel, whicnh would be called at the Convention Center. LLP is the architecf for the project. Roy Kauffman, the mayor’s spokesman, said Adams will share the recommendation with the City Council as well as Multnomaj County officials andthe , which has the final say in the In all, 17 elected officials will weigh in on the plan before it proceeds to the next step. Althougj Metro is the lead agency, the city has a majo role to play because it will lend its bondinf authority forthe hotel’s construction and will be responsiblw for issuing construction permits.
The mayot has been a strong supportef of theheadquarters hotel. Metro is working with a developmentf team led by Garfield Trauh Ashforth LLC to createthe hotel, which supporterse say is needed to complet e the convention center. Without it, the region loses big conventionws to cities offering better lodging facilitiesa at theirmeeting centers. According to Travel the region lost the opportunity to book 69 conventionwin 2008. Had they come to Portland, the city woulr have booked morethan 243,00o0 overnight stays by convention-goers. Not havingh a hotel at the convention center costs the regional economynearlu $41 million in business sales per year, accordingg to Travel Portland.
The added busineses would result in morethan $3 millionn in annual state and local taxee and 820 permanent Opponents say the financial projections driving the project are unrealistix and the hotel would amoun to government-sponsored competition in an already weak The hotel would be constructed on a two-blockl site adjacent the convention center. The Portlanf Development Commission paid morethan $11 million for the propertyt in anticipation it would someday be developef as a headquarters hotel.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Charlie Knuth Heads to MN For Treatment - WHBL Sheboygan
WHBL Sheboygan | Charlie Knuth Heads to MN For Treatment WHBL Sheboygan Charlie Knuth, of Darboy, has a genetic skin disease c » |
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Helix Energy to reduce Cal Dive stake - Charlotte Business Journal:
The Houston-based offshore energy compangy plans to offer 20 million shares in Cal Dive througjh a public offeringat $8.50 per with an option for underwriters to purchase an additionapl 3 million shares to covet over-allotments. Helix (NYSE: HLX) also has agreefd to sell Cal Dive anadditional $14 millionj worth of shares at a price equal to the Houston-based Cal Dive (NYSE: DVR) has 94 millionb shares outstanding. When the offering closes and Cal Dive repurchaseesits allocation, Helix’s ownershipl in Cal Dive will be reduced to 25 percent from 51 according to a regulatory filing with the . If the over-allotmenyt option is not exercised, Helix’ ownership will be 28 percent.
Helix expects to use the proceedzs for generalcorporate purposes. Helix sharea closed at $11.25 on Fridahy and were tradingat $11.92 mid-morning Monday, whiled Cal Dive shares closesd Friday at $10.09 and were trading at $9.85 mid-morning on Monday.
The Houston-based offshore energy compangy plans to offer 20 million shares in Cal Dive througjh a public offeringat $8.50 per with an option for underwriters to purchase an additionapl 3 million shares to covet over-allotments. Helix (NYSE: HLX) also has agreefd to sell Cal Dive anadditional $14 millionj worth of shares at a price equal to the Houston-based Cal Dive (NYSE: DVR) has 94 millionb shares outstanding. When the offering closes and Cal Dive repurchaseesits allocation, Helix’s ownershipl in Cal Dive will be reduced to 25 percent from 51 according to a regulatory filing with the . If the over-allotmenyt option is not exercised, Helix’ ownership will be 28 percent.
Helix expects to use the proceedzs for generalcorporate purposes. Helix sharea closed at $11.25 on Fridahy and were tradingat $11.92 mid-morning Monday, whiled Cal Dive shares closesd Friday at $10.09 and were trading at $9.85 mid-morning on Monday.
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