Friday, December 24, 2010

Real Estate Roundup - St. Louis Business Journal:
Portland, from Weston Investmentg Co. LLC. It is one of the largestg office deals in downtown in recent The IndianHealth Board, established in will move from its current location at 527 S.W. Hall St. Jake Lancastef of Grubb & Ellis Co. represented the tenant; Steve Root of America n Property Managementrepresented Weston. • Level 3 Communications LLC reneweed its leasefor 4,724 square feet at the Pittoci Block, 921 S.W. Washington St., Portland, from ALCO Investment Co. Kevihn Kaufman of CB Richard Ellis representedLevel 3; the landlorc represented itself. • Telelanguage Inc. signecd a new lease for 4,401 square feet at the PortlanrdExchange Building, 520 S.W. Sixth Portland.
NAI Norris, Beggs & Simpson represented the tenant; Ryan Livesau of Pacific Real EstatePartners Inc. represented the • Stearns Lending Inc. leased 3,722 square feet at Hamptonh Square, 6950 S.W. Hampton, Tigard, from Weston Investment Co. LLC. Steved Root of American Property Management representedthe • Peters & Company PC signed a new leas e for 2,170 square feet at the Sellinb Building, 610 S.W. Alder St., with the Schlesinger Companies. Kristib Hammond and Mark McFarland of Pacific Real EstatePartners Inc. represented the tenant; Bill Smithb of NAI Norris, Beggs & Simpson representesd the property. • SCR Inc. leased 2,00p square feet at 8680 S.W.
Old Tualatib Sherwood Road, Tualatin, from Kmotion Inc. Ian Giammanclo of Bluestone & Hockley Real Estate Services representerdthe tenant; Scott Pierce of NAI Norris, Beggz & Simpson represented the landlord. •Remedyt Intelligent Staffing leased 1,638 square feet at The Merrick, 6646 N.E. 78th Portland, from API Properties 1047 LLC. Mark McFarland of Pacific Real EstatePartners Inc. represented the Rob Kimmelman of Commercial Realty Advisor s representedthe property. • Pioneer Flootr Covering Inc. leased 5,853 square feet at Arctid Business Park, 5657 S.W. Arctif Drive, Beaverton, from Pacific NW Properties LP. Cliff Finnel of GVA Kidder Mathews representedthe tenant.
Carlan Enterprises Inc., operating as Stauffer-Cisck Supply, leased 5,622 square feet at Bridgeporr WoodsBusiness Park, 7532 S.W. Bridgeport Road, from Bridgeport Woods BusinessPark LLC. Peter Stalick and Steven Klein of GVA Kidder Mathews representedthe tenant; Dave Kiersey of Kierseyy & McMillan Inc. represented the property. • Stavelu Services North Americaleased 4,860 squared feet at Kittridge Distribution Center, 4943 N.W. Front Ave., from LIT Industrial Limited Partnership. Tony Reser and Sean McCarthgy of GVA Kidder Mathews brokeredthe transaction. • Red Wing Brandsw of America Inc. leased 3,840 square feet at the Norstar Business 8611 N. Albina Ave.
, from Norstar 8405 N. Albina Ave. LLC. Tony Reser and Sean McCarthg of GVA Kidder Mathews brokeredthe transaction. Biscuits Cafe leased 3,121 squarr feet at Hogan Plaza, 1905 N.E. Division St., from Pelopo n LLC. Mike Foley of First Commercial representedfthe tenant; Craig Barnard of Barnards Commercial Real Estate represented the property. • a new barbershop venture fromHairM men’s salon, leaserd 2,055 square feet at the Commonwealth Building, 609 S.W. Washington St., from Unic o Properties LLC. Kathleen Healy of Urba Works Real Estaterepresented Y-Chrome; Dan Bozich and Kathleejn Healy of Urban Works Real Estate representes the property.
• Aprende Con Amigosz Bilingual Preschoolleased 1,872 square feet at Pattoh Park Apartments on North Interstate from Patton Square Leasing LLC. Steves Haugen of Windermere/Cronin & Caplan Realty Group Inc. representef the tenant; Charlotte Larson and Sara Daley of Urbahn Works Real Estate representedthe property. PDX Antiques leased 1,120 square feet at the K2 Building from4152 N.E. Sandg LLC. Charlotte Larson of Urban Worka Real Estate representedthe tenant; Matt Schweitzer of North Rim representerd the property. • Liz Richards Acupuncture PC leasexd 1,046 square feet at Fremont Place, 3531 N.E. 15th Portland, from ADG Properties LLC.
Anthyan Nguyebn of Norris & Stevens Inc. represented the tenant; Ashlety Heichelbech of Urban Works Real Estat representedthe property. • State Farm Insurancer leased 1,000 square feet at 1018 N.W. 13th Portland, from Block Two LLC. Thom Brockmillerf of Stehlin Advisors LLC representedthe tenant; Kathleeh Healy and Dan Bozich of Urbaj Works Real Estate represented the

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