The committee, led by local developer Mark Edlen, reaffirmed its supporyt for the controversial plan in a letter that arrived Wednesdah atCity Hall. The unanimouw recommendation waswidely expected. The recommendationj follows a review of theproposed hotel’s expected financial performance by a subcommitted convened after local hoteliers questioned basic assumptions about the plan. Aftedr a two-hour and 45-minutew meeting, a subcommittee concluded by a vote of three to one that assumptionss behindthe $200 million-plus project are reasonable.
The mayor’es committee is recommending that Metro and the invest upto $12 millioh in designing and engineering for the hotel, whicnh would be called at the Convention Center. LLP is the architecf for the project. Roy Kauffman, the mayor’s spokesman, said Adams will share the recommendation with the City Council as well as Multnomaj County officials andthe , which has the final say in the In all, 17 elected officials will weigh in on the plan before it proceeds to the next step. Althougj Metro is the lead agency, the city has a majo role to play because it will lend its bondinf authority forthe hotel’s construction and will be responsiblw for issuing construction permits.
The mayot has been a strong supportef of theheadquarters hotel. Metro is working with a developmentf team led by Garfield Trauh Ashforth LLC to createthe hotel, which supporterse say is needed to complet e the convention center. Without it, the region loses big conventionws to cities offering better lodging facilitiesa at theirmeeting centers. According to Travel the region lost the opportunity to book 69 conventionwin 2008. Had they come to Portland, the city woulr have booked morethan 243,00o0 overnight stays by convention-goers. Not havingh a hotel at the convention center costs the regional economynearlu $41 million in business sales per year, accordingg to Travel Portland.
The added busineses would result in morethan $3 millionn in annual state and local taxee and 820 permanent Opponents say the financial projections driving the project are unrealistix and the hotel would amoun to government-sponsored competition in an already weak The hotel would be constructed on a two-blockl site adjacent the convention center. The Portlanf Development Commission paid morethan $11 million for the propertyt in anticipation it would someday be developef as a headquarters hotel.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
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