(blog) | In Celebration Of Muse's Olympic Anthem, Here Are Four To Compare It To (blog) In Celebration Of Muse's Olympic Anthem, Here Are Four To Compare It To. Muse's 'Survival' chosen for London Olympic games Muse's 9;depressing' London 2012 song Survival slammed by fans Do you like Muse's Olympic anthem? |
Friday, June 29, 2012
In Celebration Of Muse's Olympic Anthem, Here Are Four To Compare It To - (blog)
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Total smoking bans at colleges a growing trend - San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco Chronicle | Total smoking bans at colleges a growing trend San Francisco Chronicle In this June 26, 2012 photo, a student waits for a bus behind a no smoking sign at the State University of New York at Albany in Albany, N.Y. Tobacco use bans are sweeping campuses nationwide. (AP Photo/Mike Groll) Photo: Mike Groll, Associated Press / ... Colleges move toward absolute bans on smoking |
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Wimm One - CNET
Wimm One CNET The Android-powered Wimm One from Wimm Labs isn't a looker, but this smart watch has the chops to satisfy your inner geek. |
Monday, June 25, 2012
Cincinnati credit unions:
So where have the credit unionws been inall this? For the most part, they’re doingh just fine, thank you. “We’re lookingg for loans to make,” said Catherin Herring, CEO of . “Wwe have plenty of liquidity. And we have not had delinquenciese or bankruptciesincrease dramatically.” Communicating Arts, with $48 millioh in assets and just one office in is typical of local credit unions. They have avoided subprimer loans, they haven’t made many loans beyond GreaterCincinnati and, as a result, they haven’t suffererd from the amount of loan problems that have causes a meltdown in the broader financial system.
Communicating Arts is far from alon e amongcredit unions. “We’re still we’re still safe and we’re better capitalized,” said Tim CEO of Fairfield-based . “We kind of stuckm with our knitting.” Credit unions, by theirf very structure, are less likely to have run into problem during the financial They can put only upto one-fourth of thei r assets into mortgage lending. Just 12.5 percenft can go into commercial Boellner said. Most go to car loans or consumeer loans. And credit unions are ownec bytheir members. They don’t have separate shareholders toanswer to. Many distribut profits back to theier members in the formof dividends.
So the temptation to take riskxs to boostprofits isn’t there. “The only people we’re beholde n to are the people who walk in the Boellner said. Ohio’s 422 credi t unions have $18 billion in assets. That’s a speck on the banking scene, making up just 6 percent of the industry, said Patrick Harris, spokesman. Credit uniona tend to be much too. They average about $45 milliom in assets. Their makeup makes a Harris said. “It’s basically people sharing their he said ofthe structure. “So they have to err on the side of The resultsshow that’s happening. Delinquencies at Communicatingf Arts have heldbelow 0.
75 percentg of assets last year and in 2007, Herrinb said. And its profits have held up well. It generatefd a return on assets ofabout 0.75 percent last year beforwe paying dividends to And those members as a group received $138,000p in bonus year-end dividends last down just slightly from $145,000 in 2007. Its capitalk hovers between 13 percent and 14 percent of much higher thanmost banks. AurGroup, with $135 millio n and five offices, is amon the 10 largest local credit Its delinquent loanstotaler 1.85 percent at year-end. That’s much higher than its typical levelk around1 percent, Boellner said. But it’s stil l much better than Ohio’s bank average of 2.
5 percent as of the thirsd quarter, according to the Tighter loan common these daysamong banks, haven’gt been an issue at credit unions. Harris said he hasn’tg heard of any credit unions making it tougher to geta “Nothing has changed here,” said Steve CEO of , Greater Cincinnati’s second-largest credir union with $350 million in assets. “We make loans to our Last year “was probably one of the best years we’ve ever he said. Assets and deposits both grew 13 while loans jumped 20 he said. Kemba’s number of memberws rose 10 percent. And its capital toppesd 13 percent of Why thesolid growth?
Behle r echoes other credit union leaders: no subprimee loans, no mortgage problemsx and few delinquency problems. Bad loans haven’f been anywhere near the problem for credit unions that they have been formany banks. Ohio credig unions’ delinquency rate was 1.21 percenyt of assets in the third quarter of according to the Ohio CreditUnion League. It didn’r rise much from a year ago, when the rate was 1.11 And it’s less than half of Ohio 2.5 percent.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
BRETT OLINGER TABBED CAPITAL ONE ACADEMIC ALL ... Radford University Athletics TOWSON, Md. â€" Radford graduate Brett Olinger (Timberville, Va. / Broadway) added to his list of accolades on Thursday afternoon, as he was named to the ... |
Friday, June 22, 2012
Stratos Product Development Adds Michael Albin, Ph.D., as ... - MarketWatch (press release)
Stratos Product Development Adds Michael Albin, Ph.D., as ... MarketWatch (press release) As Principal Scientist at Applied Biosystems, Michael developed technology for ... Dr. Albin added, "From my previous positions at Applied Biosystems and in my ... |
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
FP&L rate hike request called
Representatives from those agenciesdblasted FP&L’s rate increase at a public hearingv Thursday morning in Fort In the first hour and a half of the only opposition was expressed. “W e believe the amount they’re asking for is excessive. It’s just too much to ask for in today’es economic times,” said J.R. Kelly, public counselk with the Florida Office ofPublic Counsel. The Juno Beach-base utility is struggling to make the case that it is alreadyg the most efficient utility inthe state, and it woulx use additional funding to reinvest in greatetr efficiency.
It has asked for approval of an increasew to its base rate that would raised the average residentialbill – 1,000 kilowatt hours – by $12 per FP&L projects that lower fuel costs – mostlhy natural gas and coal will lower the average residentiak bill next year by $17, so its request actuallyt won’t raise anyone’s bill. FPL has argued that its proposal, if approverd by the , will decreasse the typical billby $5 monthly or 4 percentg starting on January 2010. But Kelly and others said Thursday mornin g that fuel prices are not Kelly argues the rate increase wouldx guarantee a return on investmentof 12.
5 percentt for the utility, and that every one percenty represents $130 million. “That is just too much Maybe five years in the futurer we will have aflourishing economy,” Kellyh said, adding that his office supportx a return of 9.5 or 10 percent. Accordinfg to Kelly, FP&L has already acknowledged they over-collectes $1.25 billion from rate-payers for depreciation. In opening remarks, Marlende Santos, the utility’s vice president of customer service/sales and said customers benefit fromthe utility’ws strong financial position.
“When we save on our customers save onour bills,” she But speaker after speaker said the grim economyy – foreclosures, unemployment and droppingh home values – made this the wronhg time for rate increases designerd to enhance the utility’s financial position. “We doubt they need any increase at allto own, operatee and maintain their system,” said Robert Sheffel Wright, an attorneyt with Tallahassee-based Young van Assenderp, who was speaking on behalfd of the Florida Retail Federation. The Public Service Commission, which regulates state utilities, will decids in mid-November whether to grant FPL's request.
The PSC will hold hearing again Friday, 10:30 a.m. at the Nortn Dade Regional Libraryin Miami; and 6 p.m. at the Plantation City Councilp Chambers.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Boatmaker Genmar files Chapter 11 - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
The petition to reorganize its debts was filed Monday afternoojin U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Minneapolis alongg with more than 20related subsidiaries. Genmar has between 100 and 199 creditors. It listsd its assets in the rageof $10 million to $50 milliobn and its liabilities between $100 million and $500 million, accordingv to court documents. The largest unsecured creditorsare Maslon, Borman, Brand, a Minneapolis-based law firm which is owed , a law firm in Minneapolis, is owed Law firm in Minneapolis, is representinf Genmar in the bankruptcy case. The only securef creditors areand , accordinbg to a story in the Minneapolis Star Tribunse .
Genmar said it has received commitment fora debtor-in-possession (DIP) financing proposal from both In a statement, Genmar Chairman, CEO and largest shareholder Irwin Jacobs said sales of the company’s fishinvg boats, luxury yachts and other productxs started to decline in 2008, but worsenex in recent months. The company’s sales in fiscal which ends in June, are likely to be aboug $460 million, off by more than 50 percent fromfiscaol 2008. “If someone would have said to me as recently as even one monthb ago that Genmar would someday be filing forChapter 11, I woul have said it was not even a remotd possibility,” Jacobs said.
Genmar had been makinfg some strategy changes inrecent months, . A spinoff Greenville, Pa.-based , and other Jacobs-related companiea aren’t included in the VEC for energy-generating windmills.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Lions Gate sells 49% interest in TV Guide - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
It is not the first time One Equity Partners has been involvefd with the TVGuide assets. The firm was set to for $255 Macrovision . Allen a former partner in One Equity failed bid, will participate in the venture, serving as "Given their longstanding interest in the channel and the alignment of our they are the ideal partners. OEP is a distinguishedx and well-capitalized firm that shares our vision of buildinv a dynamic entertainment channel drivenby Lionsgate-brandedr content that will prove to be a major force withimn our industry," Lions Gate Co-Chairman and Chief Executivew Officer Jon Feltheimer said in a Feltheimer will lead the channel's executive supported by Lions Gate's television management One Equity Partners will retaimn the option of buying anothere 1 percent of the assetes "under certain circumstances," the statement said.
Lionxs Gate (NYSE: LGF) is based in Santa Monica.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Scenes from past help AMC Entertainment's Lopez frame his latest production - Portland Business Journal:
A division president of , he’ d been serving up sales on a seeminglycaffeinated binge. With him behinr the bar, the division’s profits tripled, to close to $300 in fewer than five years. “Lifre was good in Lopez said. Then he got a call from the boarf looking for someone to direct the movis theater chain through a changingindustry scene. It was a rare a different flavor of the sameconsumed brew. Shorter flights to see his familhyin Michigan. He started in March.
whose family had been displaced from Cuba with the rise of had long ago decided to live in the The fast-moving leader outlines his career in a seriesz of pithy lessons, punctuated by his Hispanic accentg and easy laugh. He moved to the Unitec States in 1976 to study business administration at in The language transitionalone wasn’t not to mention acclimating to a new, crowdedf place half an ocean from his home in Puertk Rico. Lopez stayed up the entire night the first time hesaw snow. As a college senior, Lopez earned a job as a teachinb assistant for marketing professorRobert Dyer. “Hw was so good. I’d have him teaching labs with grad Dyer said.
Lopez wasn’t the typicak marketing student. He took accounting and finance classez to round out his knowledgr and ensure he could explaih the return on amarketing “Nobody is surprised, knowing this guy, that his careef has gone so far,” Dyer said. Lopez’d two years at drilled into him that ever problem can be solved with enough Then he took a jobwith , with whicj his father had been an executive in Cuba. “If Harvardf teaches you how to think, Procter Gamble teaches you how to use said Lopez, who called the job a finishing schoolo of sorts.
A few years he landed at , where he took part in a revolutionaruy newmarketing concept: selling products by intangible appeal. Most advertising then meant hard facts. But he was on a team that hired pop singed Michael Jackson to promote the then aclear No. 2. “The things that Pepsio was able to do withMichaepl Jackson, the way that we used musivc as a marketing tool, were thingw that had never been done before,” Lopex said. “Today, everybody does The lesson, Lopez said, was about the powerf of an idea.
He later switched to the Frito-Lag side of the company, where he learnerd about the powerof
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
$1M donation gives UT graduate programs a boost - The Business Review (Albany):
Ungerleider, who received his bachelor'x degree in psychology in 1970 from UT while competing as a said he's creating the fellowship named for the current university president to help attract top graduatde students from around the The first class of Powers Graduat Fellows will enter the university in fall 2009. "Wr have an absolute gem here with the said Ungerleider, "and we have a visionaryt sitting in the president's I wanted to honor The gift has been facilitated by Ungerleider througy the Foundation for Global Sports an outreach and mentorship educationa l fund, where Ungerleider is a trustee. "Wee are indebted to Dr.
Ungerleidetr for this generous gift," said "He clearly understands the importancew of graduate students to the success of our I am deeply honored that he chose to name this significant fellowship programafter me." Despite receivinhg his master's and doctor's degrees from anothed institution, Ungerleider chose The University of Texasa at Austin for his gift to supportf the president's goal of becomin g the top public research institution in the country.
Ungerleidedr said in conversations with Powers he learnesd that while many top prospective graduate students woulxd like to attendUT Austin, the university losews some because they are offered better financia l packages elsewhere. To learn more about graduate education atthe university, Ungerleider looked at the university's most prestigious graduate fellowshipp program, the Donald D. Harrington Graduate and met with several Harringtongraduate fellows. He said he was impresses with the model of supporting the very best student witha multi-year package and providing a communithy of mentors and peers to enhance the graduatee experience.
Ungerleider said he wants to createw another fellowship program to honor the academic excellencee of the next generation and continue the practicr of graduate students developing their own expertise under the mentorshipp ofseasoned faculty. "In 2010, the Graduate School will celebrateeits 100-year anniversary and will look towarcd the future of graduate education at the said Victoria Rodríguez, vice provost and dean of graduate "This inspiring gift is vital to fulfilling our visioj of attracting the highest qualityt students to the Graduate School.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Robin Roberts' chemo caused her illness - New York Daily News
New York Daily News | Robin Roberts' chemo caused her illness New York Daily News The cure that helped “Good Morning America†co-host Robin Roberts beat breast cancer may have caused the new disease she's battling, experts said Monday. And before Roberts undergoes a bone marrow transplant to combat MDS, or myelodysplastic syndrome, ... 9;Good Morning America' co-host Robin Roberts has blood disorder |
Sunday, June 10, 2012
LinkedIn: So far, no user accounts breached - | LinkedIn: So far, no user accounts breached LinkedIn said Saturday that none of the 6.5 million user passwords that were stolen and published on a website have been used to get into member accounts. It's important to know that compromised passwords were not published with corresponding email ... LinkedIn posts update on passwo rd leaks 7 Tips To Toughen Passwords Password breach: LinkedIn brand hurt |
Friday, June 8, 2012
Supreme Court delays Chrysler/Fiat merger - Nashville Business Journal:
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsbervg granted a motion filed by Indiana state pensiomn funds to delay the merger between the American and Italian automakers in whatthe U.S. Treasurty Department said was an administrative extensiob designed to allow sufficient time for the Supremse Court to explore whether or not a stay is according to several published reportslate Monday. The Supremw Court move extends a stay alread y issued by a lower court that was set to expirer lateafternoon Monday. Fiat has givenh Chrysler until June 15 to finisjhthe merger. Attorneys for the pension funds arguee that they would receive just pennies on the dollarr fora $42 million loan given to However, U.S.
Solicitor General Elena Kagan said the imminengt collapse ofChrysler — said to be losing upward of $100 millionb daily — was of greater concern to government officialsz than the loan dispute. Underr Chrysler’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization, Chryslet announced last month789 U.S. dealershipx will lose their franchises by June 9 as part of the Chrysler said it will close at leastfour Milwaukee-areaw dealerships: Braeger Chrysler 6133 S. 27th St., Milwaukee; Dodge City of 4640 S. 27th St., Milwaukee; John Quaden Dodge, Okauchee; and Lakelan d Jeep, Oconomowoc. Chrysler also intende to close its engine planft in Kenosha in 2010 underthe reorganization.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Education funding still falls short despite federal stimulus infusion - Pittsburgh Business Times:
That was the sentiment of an eight-membedr panel of education, training and government expertd gathered by the South Florida Business Journal to examine howthe $787 billion federal stimulus package is impacting the region’ education and workforce traininbg sectors. The panel marked the thirr in theBusiness Journal’s ongoing stimulus aimed at tracking and analyzing the flow of money from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act into South Florida. Florida’s Legislature was the only one nationally to request a federal waiver that allowed it to take moneyt from education and replace it with stimulus dollars whiler other states used stimulus dollars to augmentthe budget.
The situationh concerned paneliststate Sen. Eleanor “We are not starting at the starting The school district in Broward County and those throughout the state are startinh behind thestarting line,” Sobel said. “Theu have had problems for yeard and they areall scrambling.” Veteran educator Robert Parks, a member of the Broward Counth School Board, said, “Many of the large urban districtsx in the nation are afraid of one which is basically a bait and switch with thoses dollars.” What’s even more worrisomre to some experts is that the stimulus money will eventually run out.
“I’nm really concerned about in thre years; what’s going to happen?” said José Vicente, presidenr of ’s North Campus. “This is a Band-Aid.” He said the college’s operating budget was cut $22 million while the stimulu money wasonly $13 million. Parks said Browarfd County’s school system has cut $1.4 billiob from its construction budget in addition to furloughinhg 700 teachers and51 administrators. “We’ve closed all of our school offices forthe summer. We don’t have summer school Parks said. would have been lookingv at cutting its budget byabouft $30 million without $12 million in stimulus said Dorothy K.
Russell, the university’s associate VP for financial affairs andbudget director. The university cut 30 positionesand “had we not had the stimulusw dollars it could have been much more severe.” Georgre Hanbury, executive VP and COO of , said the $1.3 billiobn in stimulus funds given to the state relieveed pressure on the Legislature to furthe r reduce support for Florida Resident Accesss Grants (FRAG), a key source of moneu for students, but he pointed out that the grants used to be $3,00 a year for students and are now The amount is important to students, who find enrollment caps at stated universities and turn to NSU and other private institutions.
He also said that universities are working togethedr to apply for federalstimulusw funding. NSU has a collaborative proposapl with and FAU fora $50 million research building with wet labs, businese incubator space and office s for the U.S. Geological which is helping overseeEverglades “We have shovel-ready projects we have submitted to the Governorr and in the next 60 days we could put 1,009 people to work,” Hanbury said. The competition for thesde typesof projects, is fierce. FAU is getting abourt $12 million in direct infusion from the federastimulus package, but the university also is seeking money from the for labs and Russell said.
April was the monthg to submit applications and the results are expected by The strongest flowof money, so far, appearas to be for programs that help the jobless as the state’sa unemployment rate has hit 10.2 Mason Jackson, president and CEO of job agencuy in Broward County, has seen his budget go from $19 milliomn to $31 million, which has tripled traininb programs and led to the first summer jobs prograkm in more than a decade. That’s allowintg training efforts, such as teaching 60 peopl e how to create greenerIT networks, he said. “Thoss databases are sucking down huge amounts of kilowattas aroundthe country.
” Another example of training is the handicappedd learning about the culinary arts. Jackson said there is abundant opportunity for the unemployed to get vouchers that can be used in publif or private schools if they are pursuingy jobs that the state sees as in The big caveat is unemployment number s need to stop dropping so grads can put their new knowledgeto work. “Yes, we have a lot of trainint money, but there needs to be jobs out Jackson said. He pointed out how press releasews about stimulus job creation always use the terminologu of saved andcreated jobs. “People are coming to me and ‘Where are all the jobs in the stimulus package?
Well, a lot of thosr are avoiding layoffs,” Jackson said. Some stimulus money will have an offshoo benefitfor education. has a new bachelor’s progra m in health care technology records that fits with the push for electronivcmedical records, said Gery vice chancellor of academic “We are creating a workforce that is ready to come in and sustaij that.” Keiser also is seeing people with 15 to 20 yearse of work experience come back to pursue he said. For example, some of them don’t have a degrese in their field “and they realizefd without a degreethey won’t get Palm Beach County received about $10.
2 millionm stimulus dollars for four to five major programs, includinhg in the areas of health and science, said Rick program director of the American Recovery and Reinvestmeny Act effort at the in Palm Beachg County. Hemming said he just endex a discussion with Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center about certification for adozen nurses, a sign of continuef growth in the health care Broward schools’ Parks pointed out that, in addition to more than 250,000p kindergarten-through-twelfth graders, the district has 125,00p adult learners. Health care is a growth he said, but so are fields like high-tecjh automotive technicians.
“Contrary to what is there is a need forthose individuals,” Parksa said, adding that the jobs have soli starting salaries. Jackson said Workforcs One leaders have to be diligent about utilizing labor market information and talking to colleges and economix development groups about whether statistics accurately portray the need for particulartraining programs. In the Jackson said, airlines such as Eastern wereshuttingf down, but training programs were still churning out would-be flighrt attendants. “We were up to our hips in he said.
A new stats project involving the ConferenceBoard – known for its consume r confidence study nationally – is gathering information from onlinw help wanted ads to help figure out what traininf programs are needed. “That’s going to be valuable for us becausr we can get it right down to the individualoemployer level,” Jackson said. Right now, Floridas accesses this informationby industry. More detailed job Jackson said, will help with logisticall challenges in figuring out whose successfully biddingon shovel-readhy projects and when they are hiring.
The hope is that the jobs that are beinyg created will provide a solid foundation forthe state’xs economic future, which has an overabundance of low payinv service jobs. “We need highe r paid, skilled workers in this state because wehave lower-paird workers that can’t pay taxes,” state Sen. Sobelp said. Florida ranks last amonfg the 50 states and the District of Columbiaz in educational fundingfor K-12. Sobel said the challenge is “how do we improve education becausewe don’ have people paying taxes. It’s a vicious THE DETAILS: State Fiscal Stabilization Fundshovels $53.
6 billion to state and schoopl district coffers nationwide to thwart massive budge cuts and teacher layoffs. It also awards innovative grantss to school systems for reformj andstudent achievement. American Opportunitu tax credit bumps college tax creditto $2,5009 from $1,800 and broadens its eligibility. Increases Pell Grant maximum by $500 to $5,35 0 in 2009 and $5,500 in 2010. Provides tuition assistancs at approved schools for dislocated and other eligible workerw seeking careersin high-demand jobs, which include health care and biotechj sectors. Workforce Investment Act funding increases to providre trainingto low-income, under-employed or dislocatedf workers.
Increased funding through Wagner-Peyser Act, which offers the generapl population jobsearch assistance, placementr help and recruitment services to employers with job Provides $13 billion for Title I grantse for disadvantaged students and $12.2 billion for speciall needs students. Bolsters work-study programk by $200 million, allowing an additionall 133,000 undergraduate and graduate studentsto participate.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Tampa Museum of Art names Seth D. Pevnick curator - Dayton Business Journal:
Pevnick is joining TMA from the at the Gettyh Villain Malibu, Calif. He remains co-curator of its upcomingh The Chimaera ofArezzo exhibition, which opens in July. In his new Pevnick will design and oversee the installationn of the permanent collection in the Barbara and Costaws Lemonopoulos Greek andRoman Gallery. He also will organizer and circulate Greek andRoman exhibitions, performj and publish research on the and educate the public on the museum’ antiquities collection. Pevnick is a doctoralk candidate in the Interdepartmental Graduatd Program of the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology in Los He received a master of arts degree in archaeolog yat U.C.
, a master of arts degree in elementary educatiojn from in Los Angeles and a bachelor of arts in classicalo archaeology from in Hanover, a release from TMA said. TMA’s new locatiob remains under construction at Curtis Hixon Waterfrontt Park indowntown Tampa. The 66,000-square-foof Cornelia Corbett Center building is set to open inearlyt 2010. TMA’s interim facilitgy is located onHoward Avenue.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Summit Funding Company Profile | Company Information
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Saturday, June 2, 2012
Staffing executive sees positive signs of recovery with job orders on the rise - New Mexico Business Weekly:
She believes that companies needed the help long before now, but they had stopped job orderz because of uncertainty in the economy. And when companiew decided not to fill vacant positionsz oradd staff, Fulton Talis Group saw a significant decline in The company especially saw a drop in demand for professional-levelo staffing, such as permanent placement of accountants, attorneys and legal support staff, whicyh traditionally has been Talis Group’z focus. As a result, business was slow from November to Fulton declined to disclose revenue figures for the but she said it was down 50 percent in the firsyt quarter from ayear earlier.
But her outloo for the rest of 2009 is muchmore positive. Recentt activity, particularly the placement of engineers in themanufacturinh sector, has helped Talis Group narrow the gap in This month, the number of job orders the measure that drives the company’s revenuee — is on par with the same time fram last year. Fulton declined to disclose specififc figures, but she said June 2008 was a verystrongf month.
“We have started to see it picking up,” Fulton Business operators “feel like their business is startingto improve, so they’re testing the waters, completinbg plans they had in place” before the Fulton hopes that the increased number of job orders means that the worsg has passed. But she thinks ther e could be another decline before the industrh returnsto pre-recession levels. There stilk are a lot of people out thers lookingfor work, she said, adding that Talis Group officials are siftingv through about three times the numbef of job candidates they typically see.
These candidates are not as comfortablw with the job search because they were with theirf previous employer forseveral years, Fulton said. They also tend to be more persistent aboutf following up compared with job candidates prior to the and they are resendingtheir résuméz for multiple jobs.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Target wins proxy fight with activist shareholder - Business First of Buffalo:
In a preliminary tally of more than 70 percent of the shares that were cast were votex in favor ofthe company’s proposed slater of directors while also voting to keep the size of the board the same by the similar votiny margin. “Today’s outcome demonstrates the confidence Target shareholders have inour Board’w qualifications, diversity and experience to provide effective and independent oversighg and direction to the company, contributint to the creation of one of the most recognized brandxs in the United States," Target presidentr and CEO Gregg Steinhafel said in a presd release. Target Corp.
(NYSE: TGT) urged its shareholders to vote for a proposao to set the size of the board at 12 and to vote forthe company’w nominees — Mary Dillon, Richard George Tamke and Solomon Dillon is executive vice presiden and global chief marketing officer of McDonald’s Corp.; Kovacevicg is chairman of Wells Fargo Co.; Tamke is a partner at private investmenrt firm Clayton Dubilier & Rice Inc., and Trujillo is CEO of Telstrw Corp. Hedge fund manager William Ackman is the founderr and managing principalof , New York Pershing Square owns 7.
8 percent of Target’s common according to the Target proxy Pershing Square proposed alternativse director nominees, but Targetf executives urged shareholders not to return any proxy card sent by Pershinfg Square. Ackman was trying to gain a seat for himselfcon Target’s board along with four others: formerr Winthrop Realty Trust CEO Michae l Ashner, former Starbucks CEO Jim Donald, Juniperr Financial co-founder Richard Vague and corporate finances and governance expert Ronald Gilson. Ackman, calling his group The Nominees forShareholdere Choice, urged Target shareholders to vote againsgt the proposal to reduce the size of the Targert board.
His group said a vote againstr the proposal would help ensure that at least one of the Nomineexs for Shareholder Choice is Commenting afterthe meeting, Ackman said he and Donald receivec more than 20 percent of the shareholde r vote. "That's a big number in lighrt of what we wereup against," Ackmah said. Ackman said he had hope d for a morepositive outcome, but he stillp believed that the final tally was a victort for shareholders. The shareholders meetinf was held at a new Targegt Store being completed at 1250 West Sunset Drivin Waukesha. Target executives said the site allowed the companhy to showcase its latest generalp merchandisestore design.
The stors is scheduled to open in Target executives said they have met since 2007 with Ackmam to discuss hisideas and, said they were disappointedc that Pershing Square has decided to pursue what Targert management called a costly and disruptive proxy The company, in part, followed Ackman’ds earlier suggestion to sell Target’s credit card receivables. The companyh completed a transaction in May with JPMorgan in which Target sold slightluy less than half its receivables for cash proceeds ofabouf $3.6 billion dollars.
Ackman in May 2008 presentedr the first in a series of proposalas involvingrestructuring Target’s real estate around the theme of a Target’s board concluded that the REIT proposal “was not in the best interesrt of our shareholders” because it wouldn’t create much Target executives said. On May 20, Target reporterd net earningsof $522 million, or 69 cents per for the first quarter ended May 2, compared with $602 million , or 74 a year earlier. Retail sales increased 0.4 perceng to $14.4 billion from $14.w billion in 2008, due to new store expansion that partiallt offset bya 3.7 percentt decline in comparable-store sales.
Target operates a credit card segmentand 1,698 Target storea in 49 states.