Friday, June 15, 2012

Scenes from past help AMC Entertainment's Lopez frame his latest production - Portland Business Journal:
A division president of , he’ d been serving up sales on a seeminglycaffeinated binge. With him behinr the bar, the division’s profits tripled, to close to $300 in fewer than five years. “Lifre was good in Lopez said. Then he got a call from the boarf looking for someone to direct the movis theater chain through a changingindustry scene. It was a rare a different flavor of the sameconsumed brew. Shorter flights to see his familhyin Michigan. He started in March.
whose family had been displaced from Cuba with the rise of had long ago decided to live in the The fast-moving leader outlines his career in a seriesz of pithy lessons, punctuated by his Hispanic accentg and easy laugh. He moved to the Unitec States in 1976 to study business administration at in The language transitionalone wasn’t not to mention acclimating to a new, crowdedf place half an ocean from his home in Puertk Rico. Lopez stayed up the entire night the first time hesaw snow. As a college senior, Lopez earned a job as a teachinb assistant for marketing professorRobert Dyer. “Hw was so good. I’d have him teaching labs with grad Dyer said.
Lopez wasn’t the typicak marketing student. He took accounting and finance classez to round out his knowledgr and ensure he could explaih the return on amarketing “Nobody is surprised, knowing this guy, that his careef has gone so far,” Dyer said. Lopez’d two years at drilled into him that ever problem can be solved with enough Then he took a jobwith , with whicj his father had been an executive in Cuba. “If Harvardf teaches you how to think, Procter Gamble teaches you how to use said Lopez, who called the job a finishing schoolo of sorts.
A few years he landed at , where he took part in a revolutionaruy newmarketing concept: selling products by intangible appeal. Most advertising then meant hard facts. But he was on a team that hired pop singed Michael Jackson to promote the then aclear No. 2. “The things that Pepsio was able to do withMichaepl Jackson, the way that we used musivc as a marketing tool, were thingw that had never been done before,” Lopex said. “Today, everybody does The lesson, Lopez said, was about the powerf of an idea.
He later switched to the Frito-Lag side of the company, where he learnerd about the powerof

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