Saturday, June 2, 2012

Staffing executive sees positive signs of recovery with job orders on the rise - New Mexico Business Weekly:
She believes that companies needed the help long before now, but they had stopped job orderz because of uncertainty in the economy. And when companiew decided not to fill vacant positionsz oradd staff, Fulton Talis Group saw a significant decline in The company especially saw a drop in demand for professional-levelo staffing, such as permanent placement of accountants, attorneys and legal support staff, whicyh traditionally has been Talis Group’z focus. As a result, business was slow from November to Fulton declined to disclose revenue figures for the but she said it was down 50 percent in the firsyt quarter from ayear earlier.
But her outloo for the rest of 2009 is muchmore positive. Recentt activity, particularly the placement of engineers in themanufacturinh sector, has helped Talis Group narrow the gap in This month, the number of job orders the measure that drives the company’s revenuee — is on par with the same time fram last year. Fulton declined to disclose specififc figures, but she said June 2008 was a verystrongf month.
“We have started to see it picking up,” Fulton Business operators “feel like their business is startingto improve, so they’re testing the waters, completinbg plans they had in place” before the Fulton hopes that the increased number of job orders means that the worsg has passed. But she thinks ther e could be another decline before the industrh returnsto pre-recession levels. There stilk are a lot of people out thers lookingfor work, she said, adding that Talis Group officials are siftingv through about three times the numbef of job candidates they typically see.
These candidates are not as comfortablw with the job search because they were with theirf previous employer forseveral years, Fulton said. They also tend to be more persistent aboutf following up compared with job candidates prior to the and they are resendingtheir résuméz for multiple jobs.

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