Sunday, September 30, 2012

Times' retirement plan hit by $154M loss - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Net assets of the plan for the Times, whichg owns the Globe and T&G, fell to $417.7u million. The plan was particularly hard hit bysome $171.r5 million in losses within several mutual funds. For example, the plan’ds largest holding, the Vanguard 500 Indexz Investment fund, suffered a nearly 40 perceny lossin value. Another fund in the portfolio, the Vanguard Asset AllocationInvestmengt fund, dropped nearly 32 percent Only one of its major fund holdings, the Dodgw & Cox Income Fund, poste a positive return in 2008. Investmentx in fixed income and insurancse assetsgenerated $5.3 million in income. Dividend income of $11.65 million also helped offset losses.
Interest income from the company’s borrowing from its retirement fundtotaled $594,000. The Time has traditionally matched a fraction of Globe contributions totheir 401(k) accounts, however a proposa in front of leadership would eliminat e the program.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Schwarzenegger: Shriver changed tune on recall run - Detroit Free Press

Schwarzenegger: Shriver changed tune on recall run

Detroit Free Press

Arnold Schwarzenegger says his wife, Maria Shriver, was told to "snap out of it" by her mother for her attempts to persuade him against running for California governor in 2003, a conversation that ultimately opened the door to his successful candidacy.

and more »

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Jimmy Hoffa flashback, 2002: 356-page FBI report adds up to few new clues - Detroit Free Press

Jimmy Hoffa flashback, 2002: 356-page FBI report adds up to few new clues

Detroit Free Press

A 349-page report the FBI turned over to the Oakland County prosecutor earlier this year told largely the same account that agents pieced together more than two decades ago. And the significance of a much-ballyhooed piece of evidence -- a strand of ...

and more »

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Chiang: 50 days to California financial meltdown - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
Chiang said the state’s cash balance is dangerousl y closeto insolvent. The state is operating on the proceedd of revenue anticipation notes and internal That is expected to get the stater throughJune 30, but that’s aboutf it. There is little reserve to carryg into protractedbudget negotiations, which usually happens with the California budget. Chiangt said the state will exhaust all available cash sometimsin July. “Without immediate solutions from the Governor and Legislature, we are less than 50 days away from a meltdownb of State government.
This presents a terrible threaytto California’s economy and to the State’se delivery of basic public services,” said Chiang. “q truly balanced budget is the only responsible way out of the worsrt cash crisis since the Great Revenue hasfallen $827 beloe the projections assumed in the May budget California personal income tax collections were 23 percenty below estimates made in May. Corporate taxes were 29 percent beloa estimates and sales tax collectionswwere 3.3 percent below expectations. Thos e shortfalls combined fell $668 milliobn short of projections used in the Maybudgey revision.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Business conditions worsen in Missouri, Kansas, index reports - St. Louis Business Journal:
in January and 55.3 in February 2008, said Monday. An indec number greater 50 indicates an expanding economyy for the next three tosix months. “Sincw the beginning of the the state’s transportation equipment and partws manufacturing industry has lostalmost 10,000 Creighton Economics Professor Ernie Goss said in a release. “I expecy this industry to be Missouri’s turnarounsd industry and will provide an early signal of aneconomic expansion.” The Kansas Business Conditions Index fell for the fourtn time in five months in February, when it registerer 38.4, down from 39.6 in January and 44.3 in Februaru 2008.
“Until the final quarter of 2008, the aircrafgt and parts manufacturing sector in Kansas had weatheredfthe recession,” Goss “However, the global recession has beguh to have a substantial negative impact on the overall stats economy. The aircraft and parts manufacturint industry will be the turnaround industrhy for Kansas and will provide an earlg signal of the beginning of aneconomidc expansion.” The Mid-America Business Conditions Indexc was 34.6 in February, up from 33.5 in January and down from 49.5 in Februaruy 2008.
, of which Goss also is director, has conductexd a monthly survey of supplg managers in nine states since 1994 to producwe leading economic indicators ofthe Mid-Americaw economy. States in the surveh are Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Oklahoma and South Dakota.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Stolen Valor Act revisited - Beaufort Observer

Beaufort Observer

Stolen Valor Act revisited

Beaufort Observer

SMSgt George Schryer (ret.) is a 24-year Air Force veteran. He served as a B-52 tailgunner (see insert on the masthead) in Vietnam. Tailgunners were trained to not only protect the plane from the rear from enemy fighters but to also assist other B-52's ...

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and more »

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Clackamas water board member, manager wrestle over binder, draw county ... -

Clackamas water board member, manager wrestle over binder, draw county ...

Sterling told police he was putting away his notebooks after the meeting when Moore walked up to his section of the table and grabbed the binder out of his hands, yelling, "Give it to me!" Moore, though, claimed he told Sterling he was going to take it ...

Friday, September 21, 2012

LA landmark Campanile closing to make way for new bistro - Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times

LA landmark Campanile closing to make way for new bistro

Los Angeles Times

Campanile, the seminal Los Angeles restaurant founded in 1989 by Mark Peel and his then-wife Nancy Silverton, is closing. Prolific restaurateur Bill Chait and critic »

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ustream's Automatic Copyright Protection Just Killed The Salesforce Keynote ... - TechCrunch

Ustream's Automatic Copyright Protection Just Killed The Salesforce Keynote ...


The Salesforce/Dreamforce keynote was interrupted during its Ustream streaming due to copyright protection. Wow!!! Ustream's automatic copyright protection just killed the Salesforce Keynote during the Coke Spot!! #df12 â€" Brian ...

and more »

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Phillies get taste of reality after Series win on MLB show
The Pen will be narrated by former Phillies relief pitchefr and MLB Network analysrMitch Williams. The program takes a look at the players’ livesw following the team’s 2008 World Series win and the pressures of keepingg their roster spot for the 2009 The series features relief pitchersBrad Lidge, Ryan Madson, J.C. Scott Eyre, Clay Condrey, Chad Durbin, Gary Jack Taschner, J.A. Happ, Chan Ho Park and bullpen coachMick Billmeyer, and follows them to everything from fishingy trips and youth baseball games to the Whitr House for a post-World Series visit. The program also speak s with players following the sudden deatu of longtime Phillies broadcaster Harrt Kalas onApril 13.
“As a reality-based seriesw The Pen is the ultimat e look into the lives ofthesed players, both on and off the field,” said Tony president and CEO of MLB Network. “So much of what we know abouty relief pitchers is based on statisticsand saves, and a seriee like The Pen gives a leve l of familiarity to each player.” The program marks the first program ever produced usinb a camera and microphones installed in a Major Leagure bullpen to film in-game and practicew footage. Two other cameras were installed in CitizenBank Park, one behinx home plate and one at low firsf base, and were controlled by MLB Network’s headquartera in Secaucus, N.J.
Producer Dannu Field suited up as a catcher with a camera attache to his mask to capture footags during spring trainingin Clearwater, Fla. The majority owner of the MLB Networj is MajorLeague Baseball. Philadelphia-based (NASDAQ:CMCSA, CMCSK), Cox Communications, DirecTV and Time Warnedr also own interests inthe

Sunday, September 16, 2012

COGIC moving convocation to St. Louis in 2010 - Memphis Business Journal:
Kevin Kane, president of the Memphids Conventionand Visitors’ Bureau, says COGIxC officials cited better hotel rates and a largetr convention facility in St. Louiws as reasons behind the decision. St. Louis has over 35,000 hotek rooms citywide, while Memphis has 20,653 roomxs citywide. Sources say COGIC made the decision without renegotiatingh withthe city. “We’re disappointedr to hear they are relocatingt after 102 yearsin Memphis,” Kane says.
Averaging over 50,00p0 delegates over a seven-day period, COGIC’xs convocation is the largesft convention held in Memphis each COGIC has an existing contract to hold the convocationb in Memphisthrough 2011, but its contracgt has a clause that allows the national churc h organization to move with 18 months’ meaning the 2009 convocatiohn will be held in Hotel consultant Chuck Pinkowski says COGICf has openly held discussions with othe r cities for years, but has always come back to its headquartersx city. “It makes me wonder why they didn’r negotiate with the city unless it was already a done Pinkowski says.
“Any other city that looke at that many peoplw over an extended period of time is looking at a big pieceeof business.” Pinkowski says the CVB, the city of Memphi and hotels now are faced with fillingb the void COGIC will leave behind. “Wed won’t fill it with a 25,000 delegatre convention, but there will be opportunitiesw to fill it with three or four goodsizedx conventions,” Pinkowski say.
“The result could be more profitable in thelong

Saturday, September 15, 2012

US, Libya Pledge Cooperation in Attack Probe - Voice of America (blog)

Deutsche Welle

US, Libya Pledge Cooperation in Attack Probe

Voice of America (blog)

The United States and Libya have agreed to cooperate closely in investigating the deadly attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi by suspected Islamist militants that killed the American ambassador to Libya and three members of his staff. The White ...

US and Libya to cooperate in embassy attack probe

Deutsche Welle

U.S., Libya to work closely in embassy attack probe

Chicago Tribune

Libya pledges to help US catch American officials' killers (blog)


Friday, September 14, 2012

Hearing set to certify Chinese drywall class - South Florida Business Journal:
The plaintiffs’ homes were constructed with what they allege was defectivseChinese drywall. , built the The judge also set a possible trial date forSeptember 2010. Lawyers workiny on the case say it may be the firstt Chinese drywall case set fortrial nationwide. High-sulfur Chinese drywall is believed responsibl e forstrong odors, metal corrosion and health complaints in thousands of homes in Florida and the Southeast. Federal class action suits were combinerd recently inNew Orleans. , The Blumstein Law Firm and allegde inthe Miami-Dade suit that the defectived drywall emits toxins, including carbon disulfide, carbonyl sulfide and hydroge n sulfide.
They believe drywall manufactured in Chin a was used in as manyas 60,000 Floridz homes and as many as 100,000 in the U.S. durinb the building boom between 2004and 2007. The stat e case was filed in February on behalf of Jason and Melisswa Harrell and other homeowners who purchaseddefectivwe homes. In a press release, the firms said the defectivre drywall was installed inthe Harrell’s home by the South Kendall Construction Corp., and suppliedr by In an interview in January, Soutgh Kendall Construction’s president told the Business Journal he was investigatinhg the problem, but he has not responded to additionap requests for comment.
Repeated attemptsz to speak to officials at Bannet Supply have notbeen

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Leo A Daly creates new embassy for Chad - Nashville Business Journal:
The building at 2401 Massachusetts Ave. formerly houser the Embassy of Malaysia, which has already movecd out to anew location. Chad’s embasshy currently sits at 2002R St. NW and employeexs are scheduled to move into the prime Massachusettsx Avenue addressin August. Leo A Daly is providintg architectural, engineering and landscape design serviceds to completely renovatethe 40-year old, 8,300 square-foor building in two phases. Construction started in March. All floors will be re-donwe to create meeting and officer space, as well as the Ambassador’s suite.
Sustainabl interior finishes will be highlighted by craft and art pieces from The ceiling will be replaced to incorporatre new heating andcooling equipment, air distributiobn systems, and lighting and data cable High-tech communications and security systemsa also will be installed throughout the facility. Landscape improvements will include repairing stonr work at the front step and a new walkway fromthe street.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

UGA inks blockbuster media deal - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
million media rights and marketinfg deal that puts Georgia in the upper echelon ofcolleger contracts. The new worth $11.6 million annually, would be the most lucrative annualk rights agreement incollege football, accordingf to data from Street & Smith’se SportsBusiness Journal, a sistef publication of Atlanta Business Chronicle. The deal tops the $11 millio annual deal recently reachedwith . The tota l payout would rank No. 5 in the above every Southeastern Conference institution except the . The deal will help Georgi a stay at amongthe .
The Bulldogse generated the second-highest revenue in collegee football and ranked in the top 15 overalkl in sports incomein 2007-2008, according to a reporty June 15 in SportsBusiness Journal. Georgia’zs previous deal was worth between $8.2 million and $8.3 millionm annually, according to SportsBusiness Journal. "Wed are extremely pleased to partner with ISP Sportas to deliver Georgia Bulldog programming to the Bulldog Nation and UGA Athletics Director Damon Evanz said ina statement.
"Thia agreement will provide the infrastructure to deliver our conteng and message through varioue mediums that will continue to make the Universithy of Georgia a leader inintercollegiated athletics." The deal also appears to be the largesr for Winston-Salem, N.C.-based ISP, according to the SportsBusiness Journal. "We are elated to extenxd our relationship with an outstanding universityu and oneof America's truly elites athletic programs," said Ben Sutton, ISP chairmanj and CEO, in a "We have enjoyed an excellentt relationship with Damon and his remarkable team of administratorws and coaches and look forward to an even greater partnershi in the years to come.
We appreciate the university'x confidence in ISP and are committed to providing the Bulldog Nation with the finesftin programming, corporate marketing, salea and service.” ISP is the currentt manager of the Bulldogs’ sponsorship and marketing rights. Underr the new deal, ISP adds radio broadcasting and coaches’ television show rights. and its WSB-AjM 750 affiliate previously heldthose properties. The radip station has broadcast gamessince 1939, and held the radiko network and coaches’ show rightsd since 1995. In a separate deal with Cox Radio, WSB will remain the Bulldogs’ flagshipo station for the nexteight years.
"I’m especially pleasedx that WSB News/Talk 750 will continur to be ourflagshi station," Evans said. "We have a long history and tradition with WSB whichu is one ofthe country’s premier radio That relationship will continue providing the very best coverage for Georgia sports teams."

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Catch the Wind secures $18.8M - Houston Business Journal:
million in a private placemenr financing to help push more sales of its new wind sensorefor turbines. Manassas-based Catch the which trades on the Toronto Venture soldroughly 16.7 million sharese at a price of Canadian $1.30 apiece in what it hopesd to be its last majoer equity financing before generating enough revenure from its laser wind-sensing product, to pay for operations. Company officials also participate d in theinvestment round, along with institutional bringing its total equitgy fundraising to date to nearly $35 , Research Capital Corp. and Canaccord Capitak Corp.
served as placemen t agents for this latestt fundraising in return for 6 percent of the gross proceed and additionalstock options. Spun off last year from LLC, a fibe r optics laser company that still sharea the sameheadquarters space, Catch the Wind has been developing similard technology that senses when wind is imminent, helpingf reorient a turbine to capture that wind befor e it passes. Most wind turbinexs can realign its blades only after itfeels wind, so they’re often too late to actuall benefit from gusts, company officials said.
“Before, it was the horse-and-bugguy approach to measuring wind,” said Phil Rogers, who foundecd Optical Air Data Systems nearly 20 years ago with his wife beforee leaving recently to serve as CEO for Catc hthe Wind. “Think about increasing the gas mileage of your he said. “You’ve already bought your car. But if I can sell you somethinh that doubles the gas mileage ofyour car, you would save more He estimates the Vindicatort can capture 10 percent to 30 percent more wind for which in turn helps generate more clean electricitt and ultimately revenue for theirt operators.
Catch the Wind recently sold its firs t unitto , a Canadian environmental monitorinbg equipment maker, while starting its first two-month field test with the Nebraskaa Public Power District on its largesy wind farm with 36 wind The local company, which said it’s also talking to federal agencies, hopes to use that trial’s resultzs later this summer to marker to other wind turbine manufacturers and wind farm operators. With six full-timwe employees, Catch the Wind expect s to at least double that count by the end of this The company, which had $5.
5 million in cash and equivalents on hand as of Marcn 31, is also considering whether to list itselr on an American exchange later this year. “Wes aspire to that,” Rogers said. “Ij just can’t say when.”

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Genmar warranties still good - Triangle Business Journal:
Tracy Carrell says the letter came after boat manufacturer on Monday filed for Chapter 11bankruptcy protection. Genmar owns 15 differen t brandsof boats, which meand dealers everywhere are She says cash customers for boats at her dealership have remainef strong. But trouble financing in the current economty means others have been forcec tohold off. “The boating business has been affectex a lot like cars she says. The petition to reorganiz its debts was filexdin U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Minneapolis where the company is headquartered along with more than 20related subsidiaries. Genmarr has between 100 and 199 creditors.
It lists its assetes in the rageof $10 million to $50 million and its liabilitiess between $100 million and $500 million, according to courgt documents. The largest unsecurede creditorsare Maslon, Edelman, Borman, a Minneapolis-based law firm which is owed $186,700. Merchantt & Gould, a law firm in is owed $155,800. The only securedd creditors are and FifthThirdc Bank, according to a storyg in the Minneapolis Star Genmar said it has received commitment for a debtor-in-possession financing proposal from both In a statement, Genmarf Chairman, CEO and largest shareholder Irwinh Jacobs said sales of the company’s fishing boats, luxuryt yachts and other products started to decline in but worsened in recent months.
The company’sd sales in fiscal which endsin June, are likely to be abouty $460 million, off by more than 50 percent from fiscal 2008. “If someone would have said to me as recentlu as even one month ago that Genmadr would someday be filing forChapter 11, I wouldr have said it was not even a remote Jacobs said. Genmar had been makinyg some strategy changes inrecent months, announcing plans to launch a line of less-expensive aluminum boats. A spinoff company, Greenville, Pa.-based VEC Technology, and othedr Jacobs-related companies aren’t included in the VEC is now in the business of making giant bladesfor energy-generatintg windmills.
Law firm Fredrikson & Byron in is representing Genmar in thebankruptcy

Friday, September 7, 2012

Salaries for Southern Tier teachers - Business First of Buffalo:
for an explanation of these • Alfred-Almond -- Start: $35,838 (46). $45,705 (70). Peak: $67,718 • Allegany-Limestone -- Start: $34,767 Median: $51,174 (23). Peak: $75,449 (61). Andover -- Start: $36,896 (32). Median: $41,279 Peak: $67,490 (92). • Belfast -- Start: $34,5911 (58). Median: $43,298 Peak: $65,165 (95). • Bemus Point -- Start: $38,2054 (17). Median: $47,636 (53). Peak: $75,501 (60). • Bolivar-Richburg -- Start: $33,5690 (81). Median: $48,734 (43). Peak: $70,838 (82). Brocton -- Start: $33,470 (84). Median: $50,383 Peak: $75,799 (58). • Canaserag -- Start: $33,250 (87). Median: $41,888 (95). Peak: $64,199o (96).
• Cassadaga Valley -- Start: $36,82r (33). Median: $51,979 (20). Peak: $81,899 (29). Cattaraugus-Little Valley -- Start: $36,000 (42). $43,919 (86). Peak: $72,715 (76). • Chautauqua Lake -- $34,939 (54). Median: $52,694 (17). Peak: $74,72 (65). • Clymer -- Start: $33,631 (80). $49,593 (34). Peak: $70,284 (85). Cuba-Rushford -- Start: $33,400 Median: $52,000 (19). Peak: $76,081 (55). Dunkirk -- Start: $37,248 Median: $46,615 (60). Peak: $76,42p (52). • Ellicottville -- Start: $40,017 (9). Median: $50,050o (29). Peak: $77,000 (50). Falconer -- Start: $33,920 Median: $43,174 (89). Peak: $72,12p (78). • Fillmore -- Start: $34,125 Median: $42,694 (91).
Peak: $63,10 (97). • Forestville -- Start: $34,250 Median: $44,770 (76). Peak: $74,594 (67). • Franklinville -- $36,000 (42). Median: $49,580 (35). $74,349 (69). • Fredonia -- $41,680 (3). Median: $53,000 Peak: $79,880 (37). • Frewsburg -- $33,273 (86). Median: $44,321 (82). $69,463 (88). • Friendship -- Start: $29,504 Median: $47,464 (56). Peak: $75,172 (62). Genesee Valley -- Start: $33,800 (71). $41,789 (96). Peak: $67,199 (93).

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wells Fargo Insurance Services nabs Las Vegas brokerage in buying spree - Business First of Louisville:
The brokerage network, part of (NYSE: WFC) said the deal closede June 1. Terms were not disclosed. According to has been in businesassince 1999, when it was foundec by John Grady, and focuses exclusively on healtuh and benefits insurance, with customers in the construction, health-care, auto sales and home development Grady is now managing directofr of employee benefits. Wells Fargo Insurancs Services isthe world’s fifth-largest insurance brokerage and the nation’s largest bank-owned brokerage, accordinb to Business Insurance magazine’s 2008 with more than 200 offices in 37 states. The brokerages network has been on a buyin gspree recently.
It bought Novato’s and in early and about a month beforre that acquiredWalnut Creek-based , an employe e benefits consulting firm that also has offices in Houstoj and Seattle, among other dealzs in recent months.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

William Boyd Printing site sold for $1.3M - Business First of Columbus:
Ltd., an affiliate of Cos. in Cliftoj Park, closed on the $1.3 millionh purchase on June 3. Cass Hill intendas to convert theformer 1.3-acre industrial site at 39-49 Sheridan Ave. into an office/retail/residential project. The property is locatedd behindthe & Suites on Chapel Street, near the heart of the city’s entertainmen district. Tony Sabatino of representede the seller. Cass Hill was represented by Eileemn Lindbergof /Albany. Marc H. president of Cass Hill Developmentf Cos., couldn’t be reachexd for comment. Cass Hill owns several properties includinga 30,000-square-foot office building on Monroe Street across from the former printing plant.
Boyd Printinvg filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protectio n inSeptember 2005. A federal bankruptcgy judge in March 2008 approved the sale of the buildingxs to help satisfythe company’s debts. Some of the company’x assets were purchased by Carl an officer atBoyd Printing, who openef a separate corporation, Inc., in Colonie. Previous dealsx for the Sheridan Avenue property fizzled before Cass Hill signed a purchase contracflast year.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

His success surprised a lot of peopls because Doc hadno in-depthj business experience, and he didn’t have the 70 hours-a-week drive that powers most entrepreneurs. It seemed he’d been in the rightg place at the right time with therightf idea. Unfortunately, all those rights didn’t prevenrt some big wrongs. Not understanding business basics, Doc didn’yt know how to respond to changee ininformation technology, customer preferences and other marketplacwe variables. His head was full of “what I’d like to instead of “what I have to do.” He sat cluelesz behind his big desk while the companhyspiraled downward.
Just before it all came completelyt apart, Doc’s son Barney gave in to his mother’e pleas, left a corporate vice presidency and came home to take Good old Barney managed to savethe day. Now 10 yearw later, Doc was trying to relived his life in business as he wished it had been by leaningt on Barney to do things theway he’r always wanted to do them. Barney has a pretty level head andthick skin, but sometimes he just neede to vent. “I used to chuckle at stories of parents trying to live the liveds they never had through their Barney said around a mouthfulof Tex-Mexx High-Yield Nuclear Chili at the Carolinz Moon Café.
“You know, trying to make a ballerina out of a kid with two left Ithought I’d escaped that.” “Ia your dad at it again?” I’d heard some of Barney’sa stories. “Picture this.” Barney put down his spoonj so he could talk withboth hands. “We’re in the bank president’s office to negotiate an increase in ourcrediy line. We’re financially but credit isn’t easy for anyone to come by these days.
“Just as I’m finishing my speecbh about using the new monet for crucialbusiness growth, Dad pops up with ‘O course, as head of the company, Barnet reserves the right to apply the funds to priorityy needs as he and I see them. That’as what being CEO is all about.’ The bank presidentf had his own idea of what being CEO is all We were lucky to get everythinb signed and get outof there.” “Doc probablg shouldn’t be involved in such I said. “He’s my Barney said. “What am I gonnw do?
Anyway, I get a call a couple of weekd ago from a businessw reporter down at the and she wants to knowhow we’re doing on acquiring our biggesgt competitor. I tell her I don’t know what she’x talking about, and she says, ‘I have a tip from someoner very close to the head of your company that the financingv is almostlocked in.’ And I say, ‘I’mm the head of this company, and I’m telling you we don’t have any plans …’ Then the light goes on.” “Yourr dad?” I asked. “Why would he start a rumor like that?” “That’s the questionb I asked him about 15second later.
he said to me, ‘youu have to keep your name in the headlinesd so people willknow you’re alive and Stir the pot, let ‘ej speculate.’” Barney shook his head. “Sheesh!” “Ij hope he hasn’t done any more redecorating,” I said. “Just the receptionn area, the main conference room and his officrthis time,” Barney said. “Almosg $60,000! But it’s not only the money. It’s him makinv decisions and making a lot of noise about it becausd hethinks that’s what being a CEO is all It was that over-blown CEO nonsense that almost sank the compangy 10 years ago.
” “I agree with you that he’s tryinf to do through you what he couldn’yt do successfully himself. Doc probably won’t be satisfiedx with any place in the companuthat isn’t right over your “But he’s a good guy and good father,” Barney “even if he isn’t much of a businessman. And sometimees he comes up with somegood I’ll just be careful about how much opportunity he has to make seriouxs waves.” “Good thinking,” I said. “Whoo knows, Barney? You might need an understanding son yourselrsome day.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Marketing at festivals can be way to draw customers - Kansas City Business Journal:
Festival organizers say they are working hard this year to tailotr marketing opportunities to meet the needsa of theirlocal sponsors. One new marketing opportunit y at Summerfest isgate giveaways, said John ’s vice president of sales and Four businesses — , U.S. Cellular, and Chipotles — will give a promotional item to patrons at select times on four separate days durin gthe 11-day music festival. Boledr said the program is probably one of the most economical sponsorshi opportunitiesat Summerfest, although he declined to say what fee companiese pay.
“If they have a particular product they want to put in our hands or if they want to put a speciapl offer that will bounce that patron back to the retail establishmentf afteran event, that’s how these programs can provide benefit to a locapl marketer,” he said. Marcus Hotels & Resortsx will have two new promotionsa at Summerfest and also for the first time has created room packagesaround Milwaukee’s ethnic festivals. The first 5,000 patrons through the Summerfesg gates on June 27 beginning at noon will receive a gift card booklet with discountsdfor Marcus-owned businesses, such as the Well Spa and Masob Street Grill at The Pfister Hotel.
On Family Day, Marcus also will distribute cups withthe company’ s water park logos and a card inside that will be good for 50 game tokene at either of its Paradise Landingg or Timber Ridge Lodge water In addition, Marcus will have a booth at Irisu Fest in August promotinvg an opportunity for guests to book their stay for next year’s festival. Marcus has created an Irisgh Fest package for an extended stay vacation that comes with authentic Irish Fest memorabilia. The company also has created a “Seiz e the 3-Day Weekend” package that offere visitors to all ofthe city’s festivals a free third nighft if they book two nights, said Chris a Marcus spokesman.
Marketing at the festivals is Anderson said. “It’s old-fashioned direcy sales,” Anderson said. “Face-to-face sales are still some of the best form of You have a great chance of converting that customerd intoa vacationer.” Other local companies said the festivals provider an opportunity to reac their target markets and be seen as a communitg supporter. sponsors the Liturgy on Sundayand children’xs activities at Irish Fest. The company will sponsor the Family Passpor t program at the ethnic for which families pick up a passport and travel with thei r children to 10 festival destinationsx highlighting education andIrish culture.
“It’zs a great opportunity for Catholicx Knights to be seen supportinygcommunity organizations,” said Bill O’Toole, the Milwaukee company’ds president and chief executivee officer. “It shows that we’rwe supportive of community organizations that shareour values.” By supporting activitiee such as the Liturgy and Passport program, the company also reaches its targeg market, O’Toole said. Figuring out ways to help businessess reach their audience is an importanyt part of keeping sponsors coming back to Irish saidJane Anderson, Irish Fest executive Companies are “always looking to get the visibilithy and the branding,” she said.
Sponsorship dollarsz are down for Festa Italianathis year, said Henr y Piano, Festa Italiana chairman. But the festiva has attracted some newlocal sponsors, including Piggly