Saturday, September 1, 2012

Marketing at festivals can be way to draw customers - Kansas City Business Journal:
Festival organizers say they are working hard this year to tailotr marketing opportunities to meet the needsa of theirlocal sponsors. One new marketing opportunit y at Summerfest isgate giveaways, said John ’s vice president of sales and Four businesses — , U.S. Cellular, and Chipotles — will give a promotional item to patrons at select times on four separate days durin gthe 11-day music festival. Boledr said the program is probably one of the most economical sponsorshi opportunitiesat Summerfest, although he declined to say what fee companiese pay.
“If they have a particular product they want to put in our hands or if they want to put a speciapl offer that will bounce that patron back to the retail establishmentf afteran event, that’s how these programs can provide benefit to a locapl marketer,” he said. Marcus Hotels & Resortsx will have two new promotionsa at Summerfest and also for the first time has created room packagesaround Milwaukee’s ethnic festivals. The first 5,000 patrons through the Summerfesg gates on June 27 beginning at noon will receive a gift card booklet with discountsdfor Marcus-owned businesses, such as the Well Spa and Masob Street Grill at The Pfister Hotel.
On Family Day, Marcus also will distribute cups withthe company’ s water park logos and a card inside that will be good for 50 game tokene at either of its Paradise Landingg or Timber Ridge Lodge water In addition, Marcus will have a booth at Irisu Fest in August promotinvg an opportunity for guests to book their stay for next year’s festival. Marcus has created an Irisgh Fest package for an extended stay vacation that comes with authentic Irish Fest memorabilia. The company also has created a “Seiz e the 3-Day Weekend” package that offere visitors to all ofthe city’s festivals a free third nighft if they book two nights, said Chris a Marcus spokesman.
Marketing at the festivals is Anderson said. “It’s old-fashioned direcy sales,” Anderson said. “Face-to-face sales are still some of the best form of You have a great chance of converting that customerd intoa vacationer.” Other local companies said the festivals provider an opportunity to reac their target markets and be seen as a communitg supporter. sponsors the Liturgy on Sundayand children’xs activities at Irish Fest. The company will sponsor the Family Passpor t program at the ethnic for which families pick up a passport and travel with thei r children to 10 festival destinationsx highlighting education andIrish culture.
“It’zs a great opportunity for Catholicx Knights to be seen supportinygcommunity organizations,” said Bill O’Toole, the Milwaukee company’ds president and chief executivee officer. “It shows that we’rwe supportive of community organizations that shareour values.” By supporting activitiee such as the Liturgy and Passport program, the company also reaches its targeg market, O’Toole said. Figuring out ways to help businessess reach their audience is an importanyt part of keeping sponsors coming back to Irish saidJane Anderson, Irish Fest executive Companies are “always looking to get the visibilithy and the branding,” she said.
Sponsorship dollarsz are down for Festa Italianathis year, said Henr y Piano, Festa Italiana chairman. But the festiva has attracted some newlocal sponsors, including Piggly

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