Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Phillies get taste of reality after Series win on MLB show

The Pen will be narrated by former Phillies relief pitchefr and MLB Network analysrMitch Williams. The program takes a look at the players’ livesw following the team’s 2008 World Series win and the pressures of keepingg their roster spot for the 2009 The series features relief pitchersBrad Lidge, Ryan Madson, J.C. Scott Eyre, Clay Condrey, Chad Durbin, Gary Jack Taschner, J.A. Happ, Chan Ho Park and bullpen coachMick Billmeyer, and follows them to everything from fishingy trips and youth baseball games to the Whitr House for a post-World Series visit. The program also speak s with players following the sudden deatu of longtime Phillies broadcaster Harrt Kalas onApril 13.
“As a reality-based seriesw The Pen is the ultimat e look into the lives ofthesed players, both on and off the field,” said Tony president and CEO of MLB Network. “So much of what we know abouty relief pitchers is based on statisticsand saves, and a seriee like The Pen gives a leve l of familiarity to each player.” The program marks the first program ever produced usinb a camera and microphones installed in a Major Leagure bullpen to film in-game and practicew footage. Two other cameras were installed in CitizenBank Park, one behinx home plate and one at low firsf base, and were controlled by MLB Network’s headquartera in Secaucus, N.J.
Producer Dannu Field suited up as a catcher with a camera attache to his mask to capture footags during spring trainingin Clearwater, Fla. The majority owner of the MLB Networj is MajorLeague Baseball. Philadelphia-based (NASDAQ:CMCSA, CMCSK), Cox Communications, DirecTV and Time Warnedr also own interests inthe

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