Sunday, April 22, 2012

Immunologists and engineers in demand - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
The Denmark-based pharmaceutical giant announcede last summer that it was opening the Novo Nordisk Inflammation Researchy Centerin Seattle, citing the area’s strengths in immunologg research at institutions such as the . Novo Nordisik has about 24 employees in Seattle working out of a smalktemporary laboratory. But in June, the company plans a move to the top two floorsa ofthe five-story, $19 million Fairview Research Center in Seattle’s South Lake Union The Fairview Research Center was designed specifically for life-science companies and Once in its new digs, Novo Nordisk will have room for aboutt 89 workers, said Don a former vice president of research who is headingh up the new Novo Nordisk researcyh center.
ZymoGenetics is a Seattlew spinoff of theDanish firm. Foster said Novo Nordisi plans to hire about 36 more workerwthis year, and about 20 in the early part of 2010. Despitwe a rapidly deterioratingjob market, Novo Nordisk is one example of a company expanding here to take advantagwe of demand for a new service or producr and tap into a well-trained work force. Anothere is Rolls-Royce. In March, the British maker of enginea for airplanes, ships and turbines for industry and power announced it was expanding its marinr support centeron Seattle’s waterfronty to help service cruise ships, containerships and factort trawlers.
Rolls-Royce said the expansion woulds increase its employmentin Seattle, but the company has not responded to requests for an interview to elaborats on how many jobs will be Novo Nordisk’s Foster said it felt good to be growingh and hiring. “It’s kind of remarkabl to be working for a company that is actually addingt jobsright now,” said Meanwhile, in Bellevue, Verizon Wireless said it planned to add 250 workera this year to its Bellevuee call center. The new workers are needed to handle growtj inthe company’s business accounts, as well as billingh and payment inquiries from customers. Verizon has more than 80 million and theBasking Ridge, N.J.
-based carrier has several call centers in the West, said Scot Charlston, a Verizon spokesman in Bellevue. Verizo n has about 2,000 employees in Washington and 1,300 at its Bellevue including 800 who currently work in thecall Verizon’s call for more call-center workers follows a simila r announcement in March from Affiliated Computer Services Inc. The Dallas-based outsourcing company said it was hiring 200 more peoplse at its Auburncall center. — Here’sz another sign that hospitals arestill hiring: and Medicall Center in Seattle is recruitintg for registered nurses, certified nursing medical assistants and lab assistantsa and techs (
Recruiters will be on hand from9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Aprik 30 at WorkSource Affiliate NorthgSeattle ( — The Snohomish County Job Fair is Apripl 30at ( Recruiting in Seattle is a recruitefand job-search coach, primarily helping people these days with interview skills and job-searchh strategies. How has the recession been affectingyour business? A year ago 90 percentt of my business was recruiting and abou t 10 percent was working with job seekers. And today 100 percent of my business is working withjob seekers. Who is hiring?
A lot of companieds are hiring, but they certainly are not needingb recruiters because there are so many candidateesout there. I see a lot of positionsz in high tech andthe high-tech startups — biotech, those types of companies (and) certainly within healtuh care. What do job seekersa need to do to stanx out in a verycrowded field? They don’t have the luxuryy of slowly ratcheting down their expectations. They need to jump out of the gate beingt flexible and open to all They need to look atother industries, at the possibility of takinb a step back in pay and They need to look at relocation, and look at contracyt jobs and consulting jobs immediately.

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