Saturday, April 21, 2012

White Pages will no longer be delivered automatically - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
The PSC’s decision is a compromise to AT&T’s requestt that it no longer delivert the phone booksto customers. AT&T Florid told the PSC that eliminating the automatic distributiohn of the residential white pagesis “an environmentally greenh endeavor and a cost saving measure” and that providinvg a paper copy of the directory is “amn inefficient use of resources in thesw touch economic times.” But commissioners also were worrierd about how it might impacrt customers’ ability to access information, said PSC Spokeswoman Kirstem Olsen.
Instead of doing away with the rule commissioners agreed to give it atriall run, during which time it will gather customef feedback. “Today’s decision allows the PSC to assess the practicality of discontinuing printed residentialdirectory delivery, whilwe continuing to provide directories to customers who want a copy,” PSC Chairmaj Matthew M. Carter II said in a news release. As part of the AT&T must put a toll-frees number on the coved of the Yellow Pages that directs people to call if they want a White The directory will still be provided for free to thoss whorequest it.
AT&T Florida would not discloses just how much money the waivewill save, citing confidentiality, according to its request to the PSC. AT&T Florida already has begun a program to provider its Yellow Pages and residentiapl listingson CD-ROM in certain areass of Florida.

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