Saturday, December 31, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Jeffry R. Jones | McDonough Holland & Allen - South Florida Business Journal:
He won them all, but he didn’ty enjoy the experience — and hasn’t been in a courtroomm since. Jones is a real estate attorney with the law firmof . He has private and public-sector clients and has been recognized by The Best Lawyera in America on the 2008 and 2009 Jones attended with the plan of becomin a teacher and majoreddin English. “But when I graduated, I found that there was a surplusz of teachers and a shortageof jobs, so I went to work for a titlr insurance company,” he said.
Jones became manager of the commercial escrow department and a senior title officerfor , handling complezx title and escrow After five years, he went to , passex the bar and joined McDonough Holland & Allen. That was 30 yearse ago. Jones now represents title insurance companies andtheir clients, and is frequentlg called on to deal with complexd title issues. “I found working in real estatew really interesting when I waswith Ticor,” he said. “Becominf a lawyer specializing in real estatew seemed a natural thinfgto do.” The practice has changed dramatically over the Jones said, “primarily because of technology.
” “Used to be, when communicatiomn was via the post office, clientxs were looking for something in a week or Jones said. “Now, thanks to the computer and e-mail, they expect it latef that day.” If he coul change something inthe law, he woulsd reduce the obstacles to partiexs attempting to enforce contract rights. “Parties go into a deal with expectationw that the agreement reached willbe honored,” Jonez said. But that is often not the “If, for example, the lender doesn’rt get paid, he has to go through a realluy complicated process that coulddtake months,” he said.
“I’m not saying Texasd law is better, but, in if the lender is finally forced to take legal actionbon Friday, foreclosure is next Here, the bad guy can stretch out the Jones is the local attorney for national homebuildet and represented its acquisition of , one of the largest-ever residentialk transactions in Sacramento. He continuesa to handle acquisitions, dispositions, development and othe r related workfor Lennar, Winncrest and . On the publi c side, he has served as special counsel to the and the in connectionwith mixed-use development in Marina Del Rey.
He provides real estate counsel on complicated andinnovative leasing, subleasing and financing transactions involvintg property worth hundreds of millions of He also served as advisory counseo for the and .
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
PBJ poll: Raising corporate tax wrong - Portland Business Journal:
Sixty-seven percent said no, 29 percent said yes and 3 percengwere undecided. • “Nobody wantzs to pay higher taxes — least of all business owners like me. the state must balance its budget and we cannof cut out the vital servicew thatit provides.” • “Let’s stop demonizingb government and acknowledge that tax revenues pay for vital • “The last thing Oregon needs is to give small businesses one more reason not to grow • “Oregon needs to stop lookinf at this as an incom e problem and tag it as the spendingh problem that it • “How about a sales tax to increase • “I don’t get it.
Why not repealp the kicker tax?” • “The argument that a higher corporate income tax will drive away businessais nonsense.” • “Oregon, the land of trees and no jobs. This is a greay way to run businesses out ofthe
Saturday, December 24, 2011
HDNet's 'Dan Rather Reports' Investigates the Billion-Dollar Prison Prospecting Industry
billion, a price tag that has doubled sincew 2003. The federal governmen t has morethan 90,000 people in custodg on an average night, and only 25,000 beds to put them in. So the U.S. along with Immigration and Customz Enforcement have been outsourcing morethan 65,000 detaineez to a far-flung network of more than 1,8009 state, local and private contract prison The Marshals Service itself has custodyy of tens of thousands of prisoners, but does not own nor operatw a single detention facility The number of Federal detaineed has sky rocketed in recent yearx - more than 2000 percent since 1981 - and with the increasinglyg severe shortage of federal enterprising local governments and private prisonj companies have been happy to fill in the gap -- for a But it's the taxpayers who are ultimately footing the So, every morning, the routind begins.
U.S. Marshals monitor the crusg of inmates lining up for the vans that will take them to theidrcourt hearings. These vans will then have to take them back to a jail cell for thenight and, more often than not, that cell will be at a count y or city jail renting beds to U.S. Marshale with funds from the U.S. Government. It is a billion-dollar game of musical A retired supervisor withthe U.S. Marshals remembers shuffling inmates to and from Hawaii whered thousands of dollars were spent to fly prisoners on regularcommercia flights.
Even after Hawaii, when Patin o was serving in El TX, the cost of housing and transporting prisonerswas "I remember specifically signing checks betweenb two, two and a half to three million on a monthly basis for that county, " Patino said. While the governmentr is looking into questions about the increase in detentiojn costs and how to decrease thistaxpayer burden, the new government officr in the Justice Department that was createed to manage this massive system got derailed when immigration detention was movedd into the Department of Homeland Security "Dan Ratherf Reports: Bed of Controversy " premieres on HDNet, Tuesday, June 16 at 8:00 p.m. ET with an encorer presentationat 11:00 p.m.
ET to accommodate West Coast Prim Time. HDNet ( , is a network that is original, thinks independently and delivers unique contenrtand provocative, authentic programming that appealz to men of all ages, delivered in true high definition. HDNegt is the exclusive, high definition home for original programming, including television's only HD news featurr programs "HDNet World Report," and the Emmy Award winninhg "Dan Rather Reports," featuring legendary journalist . Only HDNeyt goes beyond the headlines to deliver real news that is redefining the way we look atour world.
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HDNet also deliver the world's largest and most diverse concert line-uop through the HDNet Concert Series. The HDNe t Concert Series features leading artists and bandsincludinh Coldplay, , and more. HDNet also features revealingt lifestyle programmingfeaturing "Art Mann Presents," "Vegas Confessions," "Deadline" and "Get Out!"" HDNet is also the exclusive high definitiob home to critically acclaimed and awar d winning documentaries as part of the InFocus "NASA on HDNet" presents all live shuttle launcheds through 2010. Only HDNet Movies ( , deliverzs exclusive Sneak Previews of new movie s before theyhit theaters.
The HDNet Moviees Sneak Preview series featuresx top Hollywood stars in critically acclaimede performancesincluding , , , , , , , , , , , , and . . In additionb to being the exclusive home ofSneaik Previews, HDNet Movies present viewers with over one hundred films and an average of twenty-fivew "HD Premieres" each month. HDNet Moviesd viewers enjoy the best filmds from the classics of the to favorite films from the 1980saand 1990s, to recently released theatricalo films. HDNet Movies offers subscribersw a premium movie viewing experience intrue HD, and more originall movies shot entirely in HD than any othetr network.
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Thursday, December 22, 2011
Missouri to cut at least more $100M from budget, axe at least 200 more jobs - St. Louis Business Journal:
Missouri will have to cut at leasyt 200 more state jobs through attritionand that’s in addition to the Budget Directorr Linda Luebbering said. Missouri has about 58,000 full-time Gov. Jay Nixon is expected to announce his plans for the additional cost cuts in two before fiscal 2010 startsJuly 1. The statwe now expects nearly $7.4 billion in revenu for fiscal 2010, about $370 million less than the roughly $7.
8 billiojn that state had anticipatedin January, Luebbering More than 85 percent of the state’sx revenue stream comes from individual income taxe s (60 percent) and sales taxes (25 “Our revenue stream is directly relatede to people working and buying,” Luebberingt said. “People are not working as many Some have losttheirt jobs. People are just not buying.” Missouri’s seasonallu adjusted unemployment rate was During this past GeneralAssembly session, the legislatured passed a $23 billion operating budget and spent nearly $1.
3 billion in federal stimulus funds, includiny $800 million for core programs, such as health care and The rest was spent on one-time Stimulus funding will dry up after 2011.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Catholic hospital chain backs out of joint venture with Centene - Birmingham Business Journal:
, founded by the Archdiocesee of Boston, said it was withdrawint from the partnershipFriday night, just days beford it was to take effect Wednesday. Caritas plans to continuer to participate inthe state-subsidized program that will providew health-care services for 165,000 low-income working adult s who are not eligible for Medicaid or employer-sponsored But the hospital system will participate only as a health-carr provider, not a co-owner of the venture.
“Bh withdrawing from the joinft venture and serving the poor as a provider in the upholding Catholic moral teaching at all they are able to carry forware the critical mission of Catholichealth care,” Cardinao Seán O’Malley said in a statemen t Friday night. “Our singular goal has been to providew for the needs of the poor and underserved in a mannefr that is fully and completely in accorxd with Catholicmoral teaching.” Sandy McBride, a spokeswoman for told the Boston Globe that the end of the joinrt venture won’t have an impact on the health plan.
She also said she couldn’r provide information about the financiall impact of the In March, Centene Corp.’s subsidiary, , a contract to manager health-care services for thousands of low-income patients in partnership with Caritas Christi Healtn Care. Centene had said it would consolidate the financiap operations of the joing venture and by the fourth quarter of had expected annual run rate revenueof $100 millionn to $125 million. St. Louis-basex Centene Corp. (NYSE: CNC), led by Chairman and Chief ExecutiveMichaekl Neidorff, provides managed care programs and related serviceds to individuals under Medicaid.
It also operatea health plans in Georgia, Indiana, New Jersey, Texas and Wisconsin.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Poll: New York headed in the wrong direction - The Business Review (Albany):
The institute, affiliated with , found that 63 percent of surveyed voters said the state is goint in thewrong direction. For the firs time, that includes majoritiexs of voters in everypolitical group, regiomn of the state and age Less than 25 percent of poll respondentsa said the state is on the rightg track, a record-low reading for the four-year-old “Democrats, Republicans and independengt voters all strongly agree that the Senate fighg is bad for New York and making it harder to enacf critical legislation,” said poll spokesman Steven “Republicans, Democrats and independents also agree that the situation in the Senate is a ‘farce’ and an ” A majority of voters said the ongoing gridlocj in the state Senate is “za farce and an embarrassment.
” Another 31 percent called it “businese as usual in New York politics.” Twelver percent said it was “true democract in action.” The state Senate has been paralyzexd for two weeks as Republicans and Democrat s continue to fight over who controls the Still, the survey found that the majore players in the leadership battle remain unknown to a majoritg of voters. The poll was conductexd June 15-18 by telephone calls to 626 registeree NewYork voters. The margin of error is 3.9 percentage The survey’s full result can be found at
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Google Earth satellite pictures will zero in on Civil War locations - Philadelphia Business Journal:
A $285,000 state grant will fund a program that will use Googlw Earth satellite pictures to let peopld study from afar sites like Civil War Pennsylvaniasays it's the first state to do Google Earth will work in partnership with Carnegie Mellon University, the and the National Civil War The users could see a panoramic view along the state'e Civil War trails or zoom in on an inscriptiohn on a monument. The home of the macabrr now has plans to expand its event space andcateringt services. The , which is at 19 S. 22nd St., has expandex its space for special events and plans totarget corporations, nonprofitsx and private clients.
The college hired a caterer, Cateringt By Design, of Conshohocken, and expanded its event space, allowing dinners for 375 people and receptionsfor 800. is the cornerstone of severall new initiatives that are intended to make our fabulous facility a destination for the entirePhiladelphia community," said Dr. Georged Wohlreich, director and CEO of the College of The College of Physicianz is home tothe country'sz oldest medical society, founded in 1787. To the public, the college may be best known for the whichfeatures 20,000 objects, including preserved anatomical and pathological medical instruments, items of memorabilia and medical illustrationd and photographs.
Historic Laurel Hill Mansio in Fairmount Park reopened for tours onApril 1. The Georgian-style house, which dates to 1767, will be open on weekends from now untill June 30 and Wednesdays to Sundays afterdJune 30. The house is administeref by the Women forGreate Philadelphia. Admission is $5. For more information, call 215-627-1770p or visit .
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Absolute Metal Roofs of North Carolina Wins Award - (press release)
Absolute Metal Roofs of North Carolina Wins Award (press release) Absolute Metal Roofs of North Carolina is proud to announce that they have been recognized as one of the top 200 exterior contractors in the country. Wilmington, NC, December 10, 2011 --( Absolute Metal Roofs, a North Carolina, family-owned ... |
Friday, December 9, 2011
Human Capital: People on the move, May 28 - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):
Achbar named executive director of The and Cultured The New Center for Arts and Culture in Boston appointedx Francine Achbar executive Prior tothis appointment, Achbar served as the organization’a acting director from June 2005 through Januargy 2007, following the resignationb of founding director Shoshana Pakciarz , and has been serving as the institution’ s deputy director since June 2008. Charles appointed sr. VP of PUMA Northh America , based in Westford, appointed Curtisa Charles senior vice president of North American overseeing all sales and sales operations activities for both the PUMA andTretornh brands.
Prior to his appointment to Charleswas CEO/CMO of Keimistre & LLC , where he oversas the apparel business of P.R.P.Se and Akademiks. Cannon Design promotes Spelman toVP ; McDonald returne as associate principal Cannon Designj , an architectural, engineerinh and planning firm with localk offices in Boston, promoted Elizabeth Spelman to vice president. Spelman is a projecgt architect and designer with 14 yearsa of experience managing projects anddirecting teams. In otheer news, architect Debi McDonald rejoined the firm as an associatw principal inthe firm’s Boston office.
RF Walsh Projectr Management adds Hickey as project executived RF Walsh Project Management in Boston added Paul Hickeu as aproject executive. Hickey, who is a registered structural engineer and LEEDaccredited professional, will initiallhy be supporting the development and advancemenr of the UMass-Boston Mastet Plan .
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Join us for the Atlanta World Showcase and International Awardzs at the Cobb Galleria Centreon Thursday, Septembet 17, 2009. The event beginsa at 4 p.m. with a showcase highlighting the offeringx from various nationsand multi-national companies. That's followedx by a fantastic networking opportunity durinbg a cocktail reception at6 p.m.. Our awardws ceremony honoring individuals and companies making a significant contributionmto Atlanta's position as an internationalp business hub is followed by a deliciouss buffet dinner. Tickets are $50 per person or $500 for a tablew for 10. For reservations, pleasse use the link above or contactMichelle .
The Atlanta World Showcase and International Awards is presentedf by Atlanta Business Chronicle in partnershi with Coles College of Business at KennesaaState University; Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport and BDO Seidman, LLP. **Pleasr note: Tickets are non-refundable.**
Monday, December 5, 2011
A Wild Melee Broke Out Last Night When An NHL Player Absolutely Obliterated A ... - Business Insider
USA Today | A Wild Melee Broke Out Last Night When An NHL Player Absolutely Obliterated A ... Business Insider Things got crazy in Nashville last night when the Predator's Jordin Tootoo got into a nasty collision with Sabres' goalie Ryan Miller. Tootoo hammered Miller at full speed, and Miller responded by jumping on top of him and punching him in th e face. ... Ryan Miller/Jordin Tootoo Fight Video: Watch Sabres Beat Down on Predators' Star |
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Sacramento home prices rise 8.1 percent - Sacramento Business Journal:
percent in May. The numbers compare to figureas from Aprilof 2009. The median pricer of homes sold in the Sacramento regiohwas $180,940 in May compared to $166,284 in The figures still are much lower -- 22.4 percent lower -- compared to May of last year. Salesx locally also picked up 1.5 percent over Aprik and were 4.8 more than May of 2008. Nine Californiaa cities individually posted price gains during the CARsaid Thursday. A separate CAR report also showee that the inventoryfor single-family homes in the statre has shrunk dramatically in the past year, but homex nonetheless are taking longer to sell. CAR’sd Unsold Inventory Index for single-family detached homes in May was 4.
2 compared with 8.7 monthx for the same period ayear ago. The inded indicates the number of months needer to deplete the supply of homes on the markety at the current sales The median number of days it took to sella single-familuy home was 53.5 days in May, compared with 49.2 days for the same period a year ago. The report showerd that the number of sales increased statewide in Mayby 35.2 percenrt to a seasonally adjusted rate of 556,590 on an annualized basixs while the median price of an existing, single-family detachef home dropped 30.4 percen t to $267,570. The price in May was up 4.2 percenyt from April’s median.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Fingers Crossed for Fred Meijer's Legacy in Detroit - Huffington Post
Fingers Crossed for Fred Meijer's Legacy in Detroit Huffington Post I like Meijer. I shop at Meijer. After 11:00 at night, the Meijer at 12 Mile and Telegraph is, by far, the hottest spot in Southfield. I also once spent a delightful afternoon at the Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park in Grand Rapids. ... |
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Second Body Identified in Ohio Craigslist Ad Scheme - Fox News
Fox News | Second Body Identified in Ohio Craigslist Ad Scheme Fox News COLUMBUS, Ohio-- A body found in a sh » |
Thursday, November 24, 2011
NY Senate remains in lock down - Business First of Buffalo:
The Senate chambers remain locked shut two days aftere two Democrats sided with all 30 Republicans in a sudden move tooust Sen. Malcolmj Smith, D-Queens, as majority leader. Democrats argue that the voteis invalid; they have locked the doors to the Senatw chamber and refuse to open them. Contro l of the Senate remains up inthe air; the bipartisann group of senators, and remaining Democrats, each say they controo the Senate. The chaos has shut down the legislativd process inthe Senate. It also jeopardizes what few days remaibn in the regularlegislative session, whichb is supposed to end on June 22.
Democratas have held a 32-30 majority in the Senatwe since January, following victories in the November2008 elections. It was the party’ss first time in control of the chamber in almost45 years. On June 8, two downstate Democrats — Sens. Pedrl Espada Jr. and Hiram Monserrate — voted with all 30 Republicans tomake Sen. Dean a Long Island the Senate’s new majority Espada and Monserrate bothremaih Democrats. The group also electex Espada as temporary presidentf ofthe chamber. That means Espad would become acting governorif Gov. David Paterson were incapacitated or leavesthe state. The two positions are typicall y held byone person.
Chaos erupted in the Senats chamber afterthe vote, and most Democrats walkecd out. The live-feed of Senatwe proceedings was promptly turned off after the and the lights in the Senate were shut off for a few Among the outsiders who playedx a role in the process is Thomas owner of the Buffalo Sabres and founder of ResponsiblrNew York, a grouop active in seeking reforms to the state'e political structure. The new, so-called “bipartisan coalition,” planner to have a legislative sessiojn at3 p.m. The group is schedulexd to vote on more than30 bills. “We expect to have the sessionb in theSenate chamber,” said Scott a spokesman for Senate Republicans.
“Ws could have it anywhere, though; we’vre made that point.” Democratsz say they will not unlock the doors to theSenatre chamber, and that any votes takej today by the coalition are not valid. Democrats also say that Smityh is stillthe chamber’s majority leader. Smith's spokesman, Austin Shafran, issued a statement sayinyg the "purported coup was an unlawful violation of New York stat e law and the Senate ruleds and we do notaccept it." "Thde Senate majority is fullyy prepared to go back to the people’x work, but will not enter the chamberr to be governed by unlawful rules," Shafran continued.
"We plan to file an actionm for a temporary injunction to enjoin the Republican s from illegitimately usurping authoritty from the people ofNew York.” By law, the majoritu leader dictates when the Senate officially goes into Paterson said before leaving for an afternoon economic roundtablw in Buffalo that he wants the Senate doors to be and for the senators to vote in the again, on who is majority leader. He pledgexd to work with whoever ends up electermajority leader. “We could bring in OGS [the statee Office of General Services] and homeland security and blastg through the Senate Patersonsaid sarcastically.
Paterson has acknowledged that he has no powerd to dictatethe process. “I may not like the but I’m not going to try to influencdethe outcome. They have to work this out,” Patersonm said. “They have to act like adults.” Democrate continue to investigate whether, or how, to take the bipartisanh coalition to court overtheir actions. Such a cour t case could take weeks, or even months, to ensuring that the legislative session would have to be Gary Spencer, a spokesman for the stater Court of Appeals, said parties can ask judges to expeditee cases. He said that often happens withelectiobn disputes.
The Court of Appealsz is the highest court in the Spencer said he is not aware of any provisionn enabling a case to go straight to the Court of Appeals to be even if it involves a branch ofstatre government. “In general, cases can be expedited. They just move on a fasted track thanother cases,” Spencer “But even those do begin at the trial cour level, and then the appellater division, and then the Court of
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
ECOtality to Install EV Charging Stations at Select Walmart Stores - MarketWatch (press release)
ECOtality to Install EV Charging Stations at Select Walmart Stores MarketWatch (press release) The Walmart locations were selected based on the EV Micro-Climate(TM) process, which takes into account traffic patterns, regional attractions, transportation hubs, guidance from Walmart and input from regional partners. The Blink Network of charging ... |
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Stop acting like a salesperson; start acting like a consultant - Houston Business Journal:
Why do we ask questions? Here are some of the • So we fully understand the prospect’s needs and “hotr buttons.” • So when we present our solutions they matchj what our prospects said was important and they feel yours is acustojm solution. • To get beyon the initial reason why they needthe product. • To make prospecta feel like they are a part of thebuyingf decision. When they are talking, they are beginning to sell So what questions shouldwe ask? That has a lot to do with what you have learne about the prospect before you try to “sell” You need to learn somethintg about the company, the etc. before calling on them.
That’s pretthy easy. Use their Web site, any of the social networks, then when you call them you have somethingg with which to beginthe conversation. The most importanyt thing about asking questions is that theyare open-endef and thought provoking. Here are some examplez of questions that may or may notbe appropriate. How has the economy affected your company and the ways you are makin decisions now compared with lastyear • I noticed on your Web site that you will be launchinyg a new product. Can you tell me about that?? • I read that your industry is going through changez when it comesto financing. Can you sharw with me how that will affectyour organization?
If it was May 2010 and you said you just had a very successfup year, what would have happened? Let’s pretend we worked together this past A year later you said the relationship was a positive one. What does that look like ? • What do the next five years look like foryour organization? • What differentiates you from your competitors? • What are you most proud of? I wouldn’y ask all of these questions all of the time. They are Certainly, more specific questions are appropriate as but it is important to fully understand the big If you take time to learn more aboutfthe prospect, you may learhn about some additional needs they might have.
A consultang and salesperson are really the same with only one a consultant is paid up front and a salesperson is paid inthe end. So act like a consultanrt and you will selllots more.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Wichita Business Journal: Wichita Commercial Real Estate Listings - View Commercial Real Estate
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Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Local home sales plummet 30% in May - Baltimore Business Journal:
region plummeted 30 percent in May despitde indications more potential buyers are being drawnm into the real estate market by low interestg rates and a federal tax incentivdefor first-time buyers. A total of 554 new and existin single-family homes and condominiums sold in the compared to 790 ayear ago, basec on preliminary figures released today by the . The overal l median sale price fell2 percent, to $191,900, although prices were flat or rose in four of the six countied where most of the sales occur.
The median price fell 7 percent in RensselaerfCounty ($170,000) and 4 percent in Saratoga County The median price was unchanged in Albanhy County ($205,000) and increased 6 percenr in Schenectady County ($160,000), 13 perceng in Schoharie County and 39 percent in Montgomery Count ($106,700). The median is the point at which half of the pricesz were more and halfwere less, whichu is considered a better gauge of the saleas market than the The average price in May fell 3 percent, to The May results don’t necessarily reflect the activity in the marketf today since it takees two to three monthzs for a purchase contract to proceed to a finaol closing.
“I will tell you it has been my experiencde that open housesare active, phone callx and Internet leads are many,” GCAR Presidenft Sandra Nardoci said. “The feelinh is that when buyers become confident that their jobs are securw our market will pickup rapidly.” GCAR Chief Executive Officer James Ader has said the sales repory that’s compiled in July and released to the news medi in August will provids a good reading on how the spring market There is one potentially tellinb sign of a possible turnaround: the overall median sale price has increasedf steadily since January, rising from $171,70p to $191,900 in May.
When only existing homeds are counted, total sales in May fell 26 That compares witha 3.6 percent decline in existing-homs sales nationally compared to a year ago. The median sale price for existing homes in the Albany regiohn increased2 percent, to Nationally, the median sale prics was $173,000, down 16.8 percent, according to the . Albanh County: 151 closed sales, down 16 perceng Rensselaer County: 53 closed sales, down 55 percentg Saratoga County: 163 closed sales, down 34 percent Schenectady 93closed sales, down 11 percent Schoharie 14 closed sales, down 22 percent Montgomeryu County: 20 closed sales, no change
Sunday, November 13, 2011
bizjournals: Rank for 261 cities
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Friday, November 11, 2011
Beige Book: Region
Consumer spending in the region was weak and is expectecd toremain soft, the closely watched surveyg said, but “an uptick in manufacturing orders helpe stabilize expectations for future production.” The Beig Book also said that “commercial real estate market conditions deteriorated, and energy activity declined further.” Bankers, it said, “reported a rise in depositws and stable loan demand with no erosion in loan It said consumer price and wage pressurews remained low.
Meanwhile, producer prices “declined at a slower with some firms noting that highee commodity prices boosted material andfuel Overall, the latest regional Beige Book — covering a six-week perioxd — was somewhat more optimistic than the last released April 15. The reportr covers the Fed’s Kansas City-based 10th It is based on interviews with a sample of businesses representing key industries ineach district.
The reports are anecdotalk and do notcontain statistics, but they are widelh followed and help the Fed to set national economic The Fed’s 10th District includes Colorado, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Wyoming as well as wester Missouri and northern New Mexico. Formally known as the “Summaryu of Commentary on Current Economic Conditions by FederaklReserve District,” the Beige Book is published eight time s a year. The latest report covers late Aprillthrough May. The Federal Reserve’s 10th District is also knowhn as the Kansas City district becauswthe reserve’s regional bank is based there. .
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Online bullying: Still way less common than in real life - CNET
AFP | Online bullying: Still way less common than in real life CNET Most kids aren't bullied and most kids don't bully either online or off. In fact, the study--conducted by the Pew Internet & American Life Project for the Family Online Safety Institute and Cable in the Classroom--concluded that "[m]ost American teens ... Teenager s Tell Researchers It's a Cruel, Cruel Online World Pew Study: Kids Are Mostly Kind to Others Online Mean teens online: Most ignore them or defend victim - study |
Monday, November 7, 2011
Courts delay Chrysler bankruptcy - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
According to Bloomberg, Justicew Ruth Bader Ginsburg has put the bankruptcy courg ruling allowing the sale on hold until further though a timeline and specifix reason wasnot provided. The delayh came after Indiana pension funds requested a stay from the court so it could hear their appealof Chrysler’es decision to sell to Under Chrysler’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization, Chrysler woulrd sell its assets to Italian car maker It also was announced last month 789 U.S.
dealershipse will lose their franchises by June 9 as part of the Chrysler has listed two Triad dealerships that will losetheidr franchise: Stearns Chrysler Jeep in Graham and City which sells Jeep, in Mike Cranford, general manager of City said he does not know if they delauy will mean anything significant for his but hopes that the courts will more closelgy review the decision to cut He says if nothing else, he’d hope Chrysletr could help buy back inventorh and not simply take away the brand.
“If we can’tg be Jeep dealer, we’d at least like a chance to sellthe franchise,” he He said the company has managed to sell abourt 10 of its 16 new Jeep some at a loss, just to get them About five employees have been laid off, leaving about 20. Anothe r six to eight could be cut if thebankruptcuy deal, as is, goes through.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Herman Cain woes continue as radio host accuses him of 'inappropriate' behaviour - | Herman Cain woes continue as radio host accuses him of 'inappropriate' behaviour The White House hopes of Herman Cain have been dealt another blow after a conservative radio host in Iowa accused him of subjecting two of his female staff to "inappropriate and awkward" behaviour. Herman Cain Photo: AP By Toby Harnden , ... ANALYSIS | Gaffe or scandal, Herman Cain's disabled campaign New harassment claim adds to Cain woe White House hopeful Cain faces charges he harassed four women |
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Taylor & Mathis takes leasing duties, agents from Advantis - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
First, it took over leasing duties on thre e Tampa properties it manages from in a move aimedat continuity, it hired the leasinbg agents who worked for Advantis at those buildings. Ann Adams and Iren Martinez are set to join Taylor Mathis startingApril 1. They will be responsiblse for leasing available space at One Center Point Business Park and TampaaDistribution Center. The propertiee total 1.5 million square feet and are owner by Metropolitan LifeInsurance Co. Taylor Mathis have managed themsince 1998. The Atlanta-basexd real estate firm also manages the VerizonWirelese Inc.
building in Tampa and The Conceptsin "One of the main focuseds of our business plan has been to expanxd in the Tampa Bay market," said Andrewe Taylor, president of Taylor Mathis. "This is certainly a big step inthat Adams, who will serve as managing director of leasing, has been activre in the local commercial market sincs 1984. She previously served with Paragon for which she was in chargse of leasingOne MetroCenter, and was with Advantiz for the past three years. who will serve as director of began her real estate career in 1996 with Florida RealEstatee Advisors, which was acquired by The St. Joe Co.
in 1999 and mergex with an Atlanta firm to form She is credited with maintaining occupancy levels greater than 95 percentat MetLife's local properties. Adams said Taylor Mathis' focus on landlors representation was a deciding factor in herand Martinez's decisiones to change firms. "Having one company handling both functionws makes a lotof sense," Adamz said. "I'm leaving one excellenf companyfor another." Taylor & Mathis, established in provides real estate services in the office and industriaol sectors. It leases and manages a total portfolioof 9.4 millionm square feet, including nearlyy 4 million in Florida.
No changes are in stor at the Tampa office ofGrubb & Ellisd Co., although its New York-based parent recently announced job cuts and othert overhead reduction. Grubb Ellis employs about 30 at its RockhyPoint offices, said Jeff Sweeney, the company'z regional manager for Tampa and The cost-saving measures aren't expectes locally because both those office are productive, he said. "We're stillk growing both the central Florida Sweeney said. Grubb & Elliw announced the cost-cutting measures earlier this month. The businesds advisory company stated that it expectse to reduce overheadby $13.5 million annuallty and is looking for more ways to streamlinre operations.
Jones Lang LaSalle Inc. has been retainec to sell 29 retail big-box locationa nationwide, including two in the Bay Sealed bids will be accepted on the which rangebetween 32,000 and 135,000 square until April 12. The local propertiese are at 800515th St. in Sarasota with 118,8409 square feet on 20 acres and at3600 U.S. 98 Northn in Lakeland with 111,322 square feet on 9.4 acres. More informatiom is available online from Jones Lang LaSallesat , or by callinbg (800) 527-2553, ext. 10. • TriMar Construction Inc. in Tampa was hired by Faller Davis & Associatesa Inc. to build a 10,000-square-foogt engineering office at 5525 W. Cypresas St., Tampa. • Interior Design Servicees Inc.
will assist T. Rowe Price Servicea Inc. in its relocation to Corporate Center Two at Internationa l Plazain Tampa. • Judy Genshaft, president of the University ofSouth Florida, will address the Buildinv Owners and Managers Association on March 27 at The University Club in For information, call (813)
Monday, October 31, 2011
Bright idea: Marvin Dufner makes millions recycling bulbs - Memphis Business Journal:
After building his fluorescent light bulbrecyclinvg company, H.T.R. Inc., into a nationak player with customers thatinclude , Walgreens, and Lowe’s, Dufner sold the business in March to Houston-based an estimaterd $12 million. H.T.R.’s revenue reached $6 million last year, 17 times more than the $350,0000 the company made when Dufner bought it in December 1999. A decade ago, the businesxs recycled about 30,000 fluorescent bulbes a month to keep hazardouws mercury out of landfills andwater supplies.
That numberd reached about 18 million bulbs a year by the time of the Dufner andRaymond Kohout, his minorituy partner and chief operating officer, decided they neededc to either invest a largd amount of capital to open additional recycling facilitied or find a strategic partner or buyer for theird business. Dufner turned to lifelong friend James Stuart ofin Clayton. Stuarg reached out to contacts atWaste Management, and afterf about a year of talks, he helped broker H.T.R.’s sale. Dufner estimated fluorescent bulb recycling isa $100 millio to $150 million industry.
Analyst Michael Hoffman of in Baltimorwe noted that garbage disposal isa $52 billionj industry and medical waste disposal accounts for another $3 billioh to $4 billion. Add-on services such as recycling can help a companhy win additionalmarket share. “One of Waste Management’s core goals is to grow its medical waste business toabout $300 million in revenue in the next 24 months,” Hoffman “Now they can walk into health-care facilities and hospitals and offer to dispose of theirt medical waste, regular trash and also theire fluorescent bulbs, which for a hospitalp is no small thing.
” Waste Management, Nortyh America’s largest waste disposal company, postedr net income of $1.09 billionh on revenue of $13.4 billion last year and employs about 46,000. Dufner, 54, grew up in Granite City and St. attending and at Carbondale. In 1991, he bought one of the firsg franchises ofEarth City-based Dent Wizard, a compangy that provides paintless dent removal for Dufner moved to Atlanta to run his territory of Georgia and But in 1998, Atlanta-based acquired Dent Wizared and proceeded to buy out its Dufner sold his business for about $5 million, and at age 45 founcd himself looking for a new In 1999, while at the Lake of the Dufner struck up a conversation with an employee of a three-year-old company then based in the small town of Goldenb City in southwest Missouri.
A new federal law regulating the management of waste containing hazardous materialss such as mercury had just gone into but H.T.R.’s 14 investors were short on funde to take advantage of potentialk growth. Dufner bought them out “for a very low price” and took over the businesas as president. Dufner recruited Kohout, a friend who owneed a gun storein St. Louia and was familiar with dealing with government to help run the business and expand its servicdarea nationwide. They invested in some tractor-trailers and startecd picking up burned-out fluorescent bulbs from all over the countrh and hauling them back to Missourijfor processing.
Over the next few years, they relocatesd the plant to its current locationin Mo., near Lake Ozark. As Dufner improvec customer service and the speed of waste pickupousing third-party freight companies, businesss boomed. Beginning in 2003, H.T.R. secured contracts with Wal-Mart to pick up and recycl e used bulbs. Other large retailers, severao colleges and universities, and states such as Iowa and Missouri also signeed upwith H.T.R. All of the materiapl in the bulbs H.T.R. picked up — metal and glass — was recycled.
None went to But with the boom, Dufner and Kohout also founf themselves facing a Expand to keep up withincreasing volume, or find someoner who could do so for them. “Thre right way to do it would be to buile two morerecycling plants, one on the West Coast and one on the East to cut transportation distances and freight Dufner said. “Ray and I can’t be in thre places at one time. It was goint to require a lot more capital to open two new facilitiews and managethem properly.” So who has children ages 3 and 5 with his Renee, decided to look for a buyer last year and eventually struck the deal with Waste Management.
“We thought would make a good fitfor us,” said Rick Cochrane, seniore business director for Waste Management’s WM Lamptracker “Over 70 percent of fluorescent lighting in the country stillk isn’t recycled properly, and that’xs where we think the upside is.” The and many states are targetint a fluorescent recycling goal of abouyt 75 percent, Kohout said. Some 800 million fluorescentt lamps burn outeach year, and now millionas of residential light sockets are also switching from incandescen t to compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs).
Althougjh Missouri does not require residential recycling of manystates do, he “The timing was said Kohout, who continues to run the former H.T.R. operationa within WM Lamptracker. “We are now the larges lamp recycler inthe country, and Wastde Management is really pushing the sustainability and recyclingf front. We’ve had nine years of double-digit and we’ve just gotten started.” As for he is building a home in Ladue and has notdecidec what, if anything, he will do next. “Am I lookingy for something? Possibly, but not necessarily,” Dufnedr said. “That’s how H.T.R.
I wasn’t really looking and then it fell inmy
Saturday, October 29, 2011
OpenTable to test investors' IPO appetite - Kansas City Business Journal:
The San Francisco online restaurant reservationj company plans to raise upto $42 millioh with the sale of 3 millionm shares. At the middle of its expected price rangeof $12 to $14 a the company would be valuesd at $281 million. Saled at the company rose 36 percentfto $55.8 million in 2008, a year in whicgh it lost $1.02 million. The company plans to trade on Nasdaq under thesymbol “OPEN" and use the moneyg from the IPO for general corporate purposes and possiblde acquisitions. OpenTable's CEO Jeffrey Jordan was previouslg presidentof , 's (NASDAQ:EBAY) onlinse payment subsidiary. Its venturre backers include Menlo Park-based firms and . The otheer U.S.
company going publicd this weekis , an Austin, Texas, network managementr software maker. It plans to raise up to $139.3 million on the sale of 12.1 million It plans to trade on the New York Stockj Exchange under the symbol SolarWinds competeswith . (NYSE:HPQ) and (NASDAQ:CSCO) by offeringy lower prices tha the valle ysoftware giants. Its sales rose 51 percentf to $93.1 million last year, with net income up 64 percent to $22.3 million. Only three other U.S. companies have gone publi so farin 2009, followinfg a fourth quarter last year in which there were no domesti c IPOs.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Oradell to review pesticide use on public grounds -
Oradell to review pesticide use on public grounds BY REBECCA D. O'BRIEN ORADELL â€" The Borough Council on Tuesday night pledged to review the use of pesticides and herbicides on public grounds, after the recent treatment of Memorial Field sparked a public outcry. Mayor Dianne Didio followed up on ... |
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Economic, natural forces buffet Hawaii glider business - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
Today, President Steve “Woody” Wood hopes forces beyond his control won’t ground his businesx instead. “It’s not the economic climate, but God’s he said. “It’s been a royal pain in the Reduced visibility from volcanic haze and soft windsa out of the southwest have forced Wood to shut down operationsw for several daysthis year. Then there was all the rain — glidersz don’t fly in heavy rain — that causedx flooding and turned nearby Wailu a into adisaster area. The road to Dillingham Airfield in Mokuleia goesthrough Wailua.
Wood can’t controlp the weather, but he can deal with the forces of man that also have buffeterdhis business. Like most Hawaik attractions, traffic at Original Glider Rides is down about 50 percent in 2008 comparedwith 2007. But Wood thinksd his established business can ride out the Original Glider Rides was founded in 1970 as Honoluli Soaring by Bill Star and Sam then new to the Dillingham Field had just been deactivatedf bythe . The stat e entered into a 30-year-lease with the Army, whic h still uses the base forevening training. 44, a native of England, visitee in 1997 and was stunnede to finda 9,000-foot runway sandwicheed between the Waianae Mountains and the ocean.
“If was the most beautiful glider port I had ever he said. The area is blessed with trads winds out of the northeast that give the sailplanesa aconsistent “ridge lift” (excepft when those Kona winds Rising air called thermals help the gliderd ascend to altitudes well past 2,0009 feet above sea level. Aftere taking over from Bleadon, who retired in Wood cut fixed costasof $5,000 a month that went to prinrt advertising. His customers come mainly via contracta between Original Glider Ridesand Expedia, Travelocity and concierges at and some Waikiku hotels, and repeat business.
(Some come because they thinl they can drive their rental cars around Kaena discoverthey can’t, and then noticre all the gliders buzzing Farrington Wood also has pushed programs to attract local residents, such as an all-femalse flying team that practices once a Glider tours are intimate with no more than two passengers at a Wood hires pilots who have strong communications skills to ease customer anxiety and point out all the sited through the gliders’ bubble tops the coral tidal pools, whales from January through April, cattle on mountain the Satellite Tracking Station above “It was awesome,” said Madeline Clouse of Texas, who hearfd about the tour from the owneer of her parents’ vacation rental in Haleiwa.
“I was scaredd at first, but the pilo did a good job.” Longer tourse take passengers to Pearl Harbor andDiamonr Head. It’s a peaceful without the noise of helicopter andplanee tours.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
NJ has burning issues, but few real races -
NJ has burning issues, but few real races New Jersey lawmakers have for decades been unable to find a fix for the issue voters routinely identify as their biggest concern â€" property tax bills that now average $7576 statewide. Legislators have also failed ... |
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Banking on Volcker: Big Crisis, Big Rule - Reuters Blogs (blog)
Banking on Volcker: Big Crisis, Big Rule Reuters Blogs (blog) Moreover, a number of the rule's measures provide for rebuttable presumptions of non-compliance for certain types of trading activity. The Volcker Rule carves out significant exemptions in the following areas: underwriting and market-making related ... |
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Snyder signs law ending retiree benefits for future lawmakers - Detroit Free Press
The Saginaw News - | Snyder signs law ending retiree benefits for future lawmakers Detroit Free Press Rick Snyder signed legislation today ending retiree health benefits for some current and » |
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Gaming industry not immune to economic woes - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
At the of Ojibwe’s two casinos, Grand Casino Hinkley and Grand CasinMille Lacs, the number of visitorsx is running about 4 percenr below average, and casino revenue is down roughly 6 percent. “Thes gaming industry, as it turns out, is not recession-proof, and it’ s feeling the effects of the economic downturn just likeothe businesses,” said Tad Johnson, special counsel to the Milld Lacs Band of Ojibwe. Mystic Lake Casino Hote could not be reached for comment and Casino declined to discuss itsgamintg performance.
, which operates the Canterbury Park racetrack and card roomin Shakopee, also has been hit hard by the Revenue at the publicly held companh declined 20 percent in the firsrt quarter of 2009. “Rising the credit crisis and financial-market volatility all contributer to reduced consumer confidence and a decliner in discretionary spending on gaminfg and horse racing at Canterbury as well as throughout the rest of the CEO Randy Sampson said ina statement. Gaming revenue declined 4.7 percent nationwide in according tothe . That’s the first decline sincee the Washington, D.C.-based lobbying group startes releasing the figuresin 1999.
Las Vegas-based Harrah’s Entertainmenf Inc., the world’s largest casino operator, reported that its revenue declinee 13.3 percent in the first quarterof 2009. Revenu fell 20.5 percent at the company’d Vegas properties, which include Caesars Paris, Rio, Bally’s, Flamingo, Harrah’s and Imperial Palace. Casinoz in Atlantic City, N.J. the nation’s second-largest casino market — also have struggledc mightily inrecent months, as they battle the recession and the growthu of gaming in Pennsylvania. Revenue at Atlantif City’s 11 casinos fell 14.2 percentt in April, following a 19.
4 percent drop in March — the largest monthly decline sincr gambling was legalized there 31years ago.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Study: Carrying big bills curb spending - South Florida Business Journal:
The study finds that shopperxs are more wary of spendinbg when carrying one big denominationof cash, insteard of multiple denominations equivalent to the same Doing so curbs spending becausd is it is consciously harder to break a big bill,= and doing so heightens the chance consumers will lose traci of spending, according to researchers. When those studied knew they had tosave $100 or practices self-control in spending, they were more likelh to choose a single $100 bill than five $20 “If you want to cut back on your spending in this tigh economy, keep your cash in a few big billzs verus a number of smaller ones,” said Joydeep associate professor of marketing at the Robert H.
Smitjh School of Business, co-author of the “In the face of the temptatiojnto spend, you’ll be more reluctant to break that hundred-dollar bill so you’lp end up saving it.” The researchy will be published in an upcoming editiojn of the Journal of Consumer Researchu . It follows previous research by Srivastavsand co-researcher Priya Raghubir, of , that founcd consumers spend more when using credit cardw or gift cards instead of
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Research groups join Open Cirrus - New Mexico Business Weekly:
Palo Alto-based HP Santa Clara-based Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) and Sunnyvale-base d Yahoo (NASDAQ:YHOO) said the Open Cirruas cloud computingtest bed, which was launched in July 2008, was createds as a joint effort by the companies to promoted open collaboration among industry, academia and governmentds "by removing the financial and logisticalo barriers to research in data-intensive, Internet-scale computing." The test bed, which has more than 50 researcb projects currently underway, simulates a global, Internet-scale environment and lets researchers test applicationd and measure the performance of infrastructurew and services built to run on large-scale cloud systems.
The new sitews will contribute tools andbest practices, and will help furtheer benchmark and compare alternativre approaches to service managementg at datacenter scale. They are the Russiamn Academy of Sciences, the first Eastern European institution to join Open the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute of Soutg Korea and MIMOSof
Monday, October 10, 2011
Nationwide settles claims - San Francisco Business Times:
Claims must be submitted by Aug. 26. The class-actioh lawsuit alleged that Nationwide underpaid policu holders when it paid certain claims involving damage to buildings or other structure sbetween Jan. 1, 1996, and Marchb 20 of this year. Nationwide agree to a settlement, which will be reviewed by an Arkansas court onJuly 27. The insurer maintains that it actecd properly, and that it is settlinh the suit to avoid costly and prolonged The settlement governs 15Nationwide companies, including Nationwidre Mutual Insurance Co., Allied Propertg and Casualty Insurance Co, and Scottsdale Indemnity Co.
A full list of the insurancee companies affected is online ata court-approved Web site: The site also includes claim eligibility information and answers to commonly asked
Friday, October 7, 2011
Wall St. fears cause local frustrations: Tortoise seeks new avenues for funding - Kansas City Business Journal:
The turmoil makes many investorsmore cautious, causing the bond marketr to behave wildly. Historically, a five-year corporate rate bond woulxd trade about one percentage point above the yield fora five-yead note. However, today's market has corporate bonds tradinvabout 2.25 percentage points higher. "Th e problem hasn't been supply on the corporate side butrisk aversion," said Gary a fixed-income specialist with "The consumefr is the weak link in the chaib in this instance. Corporate America is in good butit hasn't stopped their bond yields from widening out compared to Treasurh yields.
It's a sign of risk aversion when investor demand higher rates from what is generally considerera high-quality instrument backed by corporate is one Kansas City-area company that has been caughrt in the middle of the bond marke turmoil. The Overland Park-based which manages (NYSE: TYG) and (NYSE: TYY), experiencedc failed auctions for some of its preferred shareds and senior notes in Terry Matlack, managing director of Tortoise Capital said the auction-rate instruments had rate caps tied to the Londonm Interbank Offered Rate As the benchmark rate dropped, it made the rate caps so low that investorsa stopped bidding.
Matlack said the caps are thers fora reason, creating an opportunity for Tortoise to studu the market and reset its financial strategy. He said Tortoisde began exploring alternatives tothe auction-rate markets a few months ago and has refinanceds some of the notes for its For example, Tortoise Energy Capital Corp. used fundz from an institutional debt placement to redee m securities previously sold in the auctionrate market. "Wr intend to continue that effort and expect it tobe successful," Matlackk said.
"I don't see a world where there is no liquidit y but a world where there is an opportunity to find investment dollars at reasonable prices that allow for Matlack said the typical alternative sourcezs are institutions such as banks andinsurancee companies. "We still believe that leverage is availabl e today from sources where costs are reasonable enough that it provides accretiv returns toour shareholders," Matlackj said. Tortoise funds have a long-ter m leverage target of 33 Matlack said. So they are not out in the market borrowinyg 10 times theirequity base, as is the case with some hedge funds.
Massive leveraging by hedgwe funds is a big reason the marketw arein turmoil, said John president of /Kornitzer Capital Management. He said he thinksd Congress needs to put a stop tothe "The leverage they have out there today is totalluy unjustified," Kornitzer said. "Basically, when a hedges fund can have $1 million and borroa $30 million against it, that is 3 percent The collapse of the stocl exchange that led to the Greatf Depression in the 1920s was caused by 5 percenrt margin ofthe stocks." It's the same story with the average American buying a home with no money Kornitzer said.
Americans need to learn how to save and to stop livintg their whole life by the mantra of buy now andpay
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Fed: Economy in Louisville region remains weak - Business First of Louisville:
Retail sales in April and the firstf half of May were down across the on average, from their year-earlier levels, with about 56 percentf of retailers surveyed reporting decreases and 40 percent seeing Year-to-date home sales through April were down 26 percenty in Louisville when compared with the same period in 2008. Single-familu residential building permits declined by 46 percent over the same periodr ayear earlier. First-quarter 2009 industrial vacancy rates held steady in theLouisville area, as did suburban office vacancy rates. Commercial-construction contacts throughouttthe St.
Louis district reportec that credit conditions are stifling new and industrial-construction contacts reported that the effects of the recessionh are just now hitting as backlogs have dried up and more projectsx are being put on hold.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Atlanta airport may raise $800M - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
officials have set in motion a process if approved by Atlanta City would allow for the sale of bonds to investor s by the endof summer, potentially saving the billion-dollar-plues project from a near certaijn shutdown. The airport is also lookinh to refinance upto $590 million in existing general revenuwe bonds at a better interest rate. The fate of the Maynarsd Holbrook Jackson International Terminal has been caught in a disputes between the city and over anew 30-yeadr airport master lease and future capitall projects at the world’s busiest airport.
The city aborte d a move to raise $600 millioj in new debt after Delta pulled its support for the bond packaged last September and frozen credit markets prevented the airport from going Lease negotiations with Deltaare continuing, but airpory spokesman John Kennedy declined to discuss detailas of the talks. “This is the first step in the proces toward raising the bond moneyg for completion of the international terminalby 2012,” Kennedy declining further comment.
Airport General Manager Ben DeCosta was at a conference in and was unavailable for A request for comment from Delts officials was not immediately Construction in recentmonths hasn’t but fresh bond financing is criticaol to avoid a suspensiobn of work on the project. Delta and the city have agreed that construction will continue on the internationaol terminal for as long as fundshold out.
Deltas officials have said the airline wantz a new lease completed to ensure its operatintg costsat Hartsfield-Jackson remain competitivee before making substantial commitments in capitak for future airport Though Delta has been stung by the global cut back in and is planning significant cuts in international the carrier would likely need the gates once the economg rebounds. The up-to-$800 million in new debt would be repaid through passengerfacility charges, airline landing and lease fees, and other airportg revenue. Sources familiar with the lease talks have said Deltq wants to complete a new leass agreement before Mayor Shirley Franklin leavesoffice Dec. 31.
The currenrt lease expires in September 2010. Sourcez familiar with the mattersaid Hartsfield-Jackson can re-entef the bond market with or without the support from the world’as largest carrier. On June 8, Fitch Ratinga affirmed the airport’s solid A-plus bond ratingg and revised Hartsfield-Jackson’s bond rating outlooj from negativeto stable. Accordinh to the 53-page draft bond has determined the bonds to be is the bond registrar and payinf agent ofthe bonds. An underwriter was not identifiefd inthe draft.
It is not clear if Atlanta-based Deltq (NYSE: DAL) is on-board with the new bond Though conditions in the bond market have improved sincwlast September, it stands to reason the city wouldc not try this route again if Deltaw would publicly oppose the move. In a recenyt interview, Franklin said the city has nevef gone to market for airport bonds without the backingb of Delta and theother airlines. She addec that she could not imagine the city seeking to issuee airport bondswithout Delta’e support. The building was designedd with Delta’s international ambitions in Delta is expected to take halfits gates.
In it was revealed Delta pulleed its support for the originalbond package, telling bond underwriterr in a September letter that the airport’e vision of future projects was too granc in scale and didn’t includw a sixth runway that Hartsfield-Jacksonh carriers want.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
The Business Journal of Milwaukee: Milwaukee Commercial Real Estate Listings - View Commercial Real Estate
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Thursday, September 29, 2011
Five Guys v. In-N-Out - The Daily Titan
Albany Times Union (blog) | Five Guys v. In-N-Out The Daily Titan But Five Guys, an East Coast eatery that boasts President Barack Obama as a fan, has become a new nationwide favorite. Five Guys dethroned In-N-Out last year in Zagat's fast-food survey for best hamburger. It defended its title this year by winning ... Clifton Park Five Guys to donate today to woman battling cancer Rumble in East Lansing |
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Ky. video-gaming bill dies in Senate committee - Birmingham Business Journal:
The Senate Appropriations Revenue Committee, on Monda evening, voted 10-5 against the measure, with two memberes abstaining, according to the Lexington The House had previously passeddthe bill. The legislation would have permitted video-lotteryy terminals at Kentuckyhorse tracks, includingy Turfway Park in Florence. "The limited gaming proposal was designexd to help save a signature industry inperilp – an industry that means 100,000 jobs and $4 billionj in investment for our said Gov. Steve Beshear in a Monda evening statement.
"It is unfortunate that everyy voice on this critically important issue was not heardc and every vote not At a Frankfortpressw conference, Turfway Park President Bob Elliston said Turfwayu could close by 2010 if Ohio passeds gaming legislation and Kentucky does not. Ohio Gov. Ted Stricklaned recently reversed his stance against gamblingat
Sunday, September 25, 2011
San Francisco Protesters Stage Naked 'Nude-In' - Fox News
The Associated Press | San Francisco Protesters Stage Naked 'Nude-In' Fox News Several carried signs that read, "Nudity is Not a Crime" and "Get Your Hate Off My Body," as they milled around, undeterred by the brisk weather and light mist. San Francisco gener » |
Friday, September 23, 2011
Baltimore companies look to cut costs, avoid layoffs - Baltimore Business Journal:
His company, Architectural Columns and Railingb Systems, did have some big projects, including all the fencingv atthe Ritz-Carlton Residences along Key Highway. But with a few otherd distractions, including a lawsuit and high cost overrunas onanother project, money started gettingt tight. “We had projected about $6 million in and we were tracking real good for the firsttwo quarters,” he “By the third quarter, we started seeing a By the fourth quarter, the bottom had droppedf out of the business plan.” Martihn is approaching 2009 with what looks like a new company.
He calledd up business growth consultantArt Jacoby, and together, they undertoom some serious cost-cutting. It included slashing stafff from 41to 28, but that could have been worse without reducing salaries and avoidinvg subcontractors, Martin said. As businessesx prepare for a year in which turns could be impossiblerto predict, many of them are taking similatr steps to be as lean as possiblse to get themselves througb the recession. And if they can do it without adding to the growinb pool ofthe unemployed, they’re finding creativse ways to save cash.
Even before monety gets tight, there are ways to boost efficiency andlower • Don’t hire others to do what you can do At Community Analytics, a Canton firm that does businesws development through social a large expense is information technology equipmenrt and upkeep. The company outsources its server storage and maintenanceto DataPoint, a Tide Point data But to save money, CEO Myra Gorman decided to handle internal software and data in-house. That way, the companyh loses some of the cost without sacrificing the benefitx outsourced IT services provideto • Consolidate purchases from suppliers to negotiate the lowesrt price. Frank Ryan, a CPA with Sempefr Finance Inc.
of Maryland, calls it trying to be “theirt good customer.” The idea being, peopler treat their good customers well. Ryan recommends asking vendors how your companyg might make things easier for the whether by changing the volumed of purchases orthe frequency. Raise either, and a vendort is more likely to cut a Michael Reid, director of the Baltimore offic e of consultant Expense Reduction Analysts, helps companies find those deals. A firm might go price shopping for office supply contracts oncea year, but Reid’x consultants are doing it every day. Reid’ company takes a cut of the cost savingeclients find, often around 50 percent.
• More than supplyt prices are negotiable — give bartering a try with other large Evenreal estate. Tom Barbuti, a real estate lawyere with Whiteford, Taylor and Preston LLP in Baltimore, said he is seeinb clients — tenants and landlords — working at dealds to lower rental rates andset long-terjm contracts. For example, a nationa retail chain recently sent out a letterd to all of its landlords asking for a 25 percent reductio nin rent, Barbuti said. The next month when its checjkcame in, the landlord found that the retailetr had decided to give itselr the discount.
But rather than makin a fight, the landlore gave in, deciding it wasn’t worth losinvg a long-term renter. Landlords also are offering temporaryh reductions if tenants promise to pay themback later, once times are better, Barbuti said. If a slowdown has set in and immediatse actionis needed, therr are ways to scale back withouty impacting business.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Medtronic picks San Antonio for 1,300-person expansion - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Fridley-based Medtronic Inc. MDT) will use the site for back-office operationss — which will include salesd and marketing functions to supportthe company’s expanded diabetes San Antonio public officials say Texaw Gov. Rick Perry will be in San Antonio on Mondayt afternoon to make an economiddevelopment announcement. One public official says that announcement isabout Medtronic, which has selected a site for its new San Antonil operations at The Rim, a mixed-use developmenr near Loop 1604 and Interstatre 10. Bexar County Judg e Nelson Wolff says Medtronic plans to bring in excessof 1,30 0 jobs to San Antonio. “I’ve been workin on this for well over a Wolff says.
“Everyone pitched in to work on this.” Medtronicc officials declinedto comment. Medtronic will move into the three-storg Overlook at The Rim office building, whicy spans nearly 145,000 square feet and cost some $20 million to The Class A office building onthe city’z northwest side was developedf and is owned by Houston-based . Medtronif had been since Other candidatesincluded Austin, Texas, and Kansas City, Mo. The company' diabetes division, which makes insulin pumps, glucose monitoring devices and diabetes-managemeng software, is one of its fastest-growing businesses. The unit already employs 1,500o people in Northridge, Calif.
, just outside Los Angeles, but doesn’ty have room to expand there.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Biggest Globe union rejects deal - Boston Business Journal:
“We regret having to take this but have no financially viable Globe management said in a statement issued afterthe 277-to-265 vote by memberz of the . To take the unliteral step undelabor law, the Times Co. declared an impassee in negotiations. In his own statement also issued afte rthe vote, Guild local President Daniel Tottenm said the union is “committed to resuming good-faith negotiations with the New York Timew Company and Globe management to reac an agreement.” Times and Globe management “must do better,” he The cuts proposed by management were part of $20 million in cost-savingse demand by the Times Co. for the which it bought in 1993for $1.1 billion.
Timesw executives have said the paper is losingabout $1 millio per week on operations. At one poinrt earlier this year, Times managers said they wouldr shutter the paper if unable to achieve Other major unions agreed to concessionsx inrecent weeks.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Beat the Drums -- Unique Taiko Ensemble's Final Show This Weekend - SF Weekly (blog)
SF Weekly (blog) | Beat the Drums -- Unique Taiko Ensemble's Final Show This Weekend SF Weekly (blog) 16 2011 at 10:30 AM The four original members of the Somei Yoshino Taiko Ensemble beat their drums for the last time this weekend in a new work entitled Time Cocoon that explores the "peculiar world of insects" and the Buddhist philosophy of life and ... |
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Small law firms stay close to clients, broaden expertise to keep profitable - Houston Business Journal:
The partners at the smalk firm, which has 11 attorneys, quicklyh reevaluated their business plan andcost structure, aggressively recruitedf new clients and reduced overhead by renegotiating theie legal malpractice insurance premiumws and outsourcing information technology functions. “Our practice is a bit broadee than other firms of asimilar size, and while the real estatee and business practice has slowed a fair bit our business litigation practice has alwayzs been counter-cyclical,” said partner Jim Bickerton. “When the pie shrinks, people tend to fight over it This has helped us keep abettetr balance.
” For example, the firm wasn’g shy about shopping around for quotes on legal malpractice which can cost about $100,000 a year per It also saved more than $15,000 by outsourcinb I.T., getting a remote host serve and upgrading its existing phonse system instead of buying new equipment. Law firms are businessesd much likeany other, and the recessionh is leading many attorneys to pull out time-testee strategies for keeping costs in line while looking for new ways to make money. Smallert law firms, which are hit especiallg hard if one client leaves or cuts back are trying to be innovative and One strategyis diversification.
Small to mid-sizecd firms, which usually employ fewer than 25 specialize in certain practice areae rather than trying to bea one-stop shop for legal services. For example, a law firm best knownb for negotiating new real estate deals now has to showclients it’s just as strong in sellinyg assets, or even bankruptcy And it’s essential to build a solid networkl with other firms and attorneys in town who can offet expertise and legal services in areaw a small firm can’t, said Barry A. Sullivan, managing partner for Bickertohn LeeDang & Sullivan.
you may want to grow into those competencies, but for a relativelgy small firm, trust that your clients will appreciate that,” he said. Most firma rely on referrals and word-of-mouth, which most partner s say is more valuable thantraditional “Our best marketing is the work we do for our said Duane Fisher, managing partner of , which specializesz in corporate finance, commercial litigatioj and real estate law and employsw 23 attorneys. “And so often, clients on the otherd side ofthe table, who’ve even been representexd by someone else, would give us a call and ask if we coulde work with them on an unrelatee case.
” To maintain relationships even when litigation isn’t firm partners frequently take clients on “lessons learned” lunches to rehas recent cases and see what came out of them. Smallp firms also try to link up with nationalp firmsand groups. Honolulu civil litigation firm , which has 11 was picked to join the International Societ y of PrimerusLaw Firms, which toutes itself as an exclusive international alliancwe of small, independent law firms. The application process was partner ArthurRoeca said. Even in the firms such as , which specializees in commercial litigation, aren’t afraid to grow and expand.
It has 17 attorneye and two new associatee will join the firmin “Being smaller forces you to be creative to find a and one of the things that sets us apart from our competitoras is we don’t look at ourselves as just lawyers providing legal services,” said managing partnedr Harvey Lung. “We’re problem solvers. We hire everyy year and, no matter what, we’vr never not hired, because the business model depends on the firm continuinggto grow.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Week 1 Judgements: Steelers defense beginning to look its age -
The Guardian | Week 1 Judgements: Steelers defense beginning to look its age 1. I know it's one game, but Pittsburgh looks old and slow on defense. OK, so the Steelers are old, with eight starters 30 or older, but I never expected this. Pittsburgh surrendered scores on four of Baltimore's seven possessions, ... Catching Up With ... former Ravens WR Derrick Alexander |
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Swine Flu cases continue to climb in Ohio - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Twenty counties have had residents diagnosed with the flu virus known as swineflu — including threde in the Dayton area. Montgomery County, has threed cases, Clark County has six cases and Butlerr Countyhas two. In Franklin County has the most diagnosed casesewith 17. There are also 53 suspectes cases throughoutthe state. The virus was declaredr a global pandemic last week bythe . The last in 1968, originated in China and killed 1 million people. There are now 35,928 cases of H1N1 globally, with the U.S. havingf the most with 17,855 cases and 44 Every state, as well as D.C., and Puerto Rico have had diagnosed according to thefederal .
Mexico, where the strainm originated, has 6,241 cases but the most death with 108. In the United the most deaths were in New Yorkwith 13, followeed by California with six and Arizona and Illinois with • Butler County – 2 (30-year-old male, 13-year-olsd female) • Clark County – 6 (15-year-olxd male, 25-year-old male, 12-year-old 15-year-old female, 13-year-old male, 14-year-old • Cuyahoga County – 10 (41-year-olde female, 9-year-old male, 14-year-old female, 13-year-old 13-year-old male, 14-year-old male, 26-year-old 20-year-old female, 16-year-old female, 12-year-olxd male) • Franklin County – 17 (31-year-old male, 33-year-old male, 18-year-ol d male, 20-year-old female, 19-year-ol d female, 21-year-old male, 20-year old male, 22-year-oldr female, 23-year-old female, 19-year-old male, 11-year-old female, 13-year-old female, 35-year-old 44-year old male, 8-year-old 41-year-old male, 31-year-old male) • Fultom County – 2 (10-year-old 11-year-old male) • Hamilton Countu – 3 (21-year-old male, 57-year-old 55-year-old female)
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Chiquita Invites Consumers to Experiment with Healthy Snack Choices - Reuters (press release)
Chiquita Invites Consumers to Experiment with Healthy Snack Choices Reuters (press release) 7, 2011 - As families and kids go back to school, Chiquita Brands (NYSE: CQB) is helping consumers of all ages discover the fun side of fruit. At, Chiquita's new healthy snacking microsite, consumers are invited to help create new ... |
Monday, September 5, 2011
Hospital ensures faster access for cancer patients - Burton Mail
Burton Mail | Hospital ensures faster access for cancer patients Burton Mail NEW figures have revealed Burton's Queen's Hospital's success in making sure patients diagnosed with cancer see a specialist within two weeks. The Department of Health statistics for April, May and June showed that the Belvedere Road site ... |
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
No easy task - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
In 1996, doctors for what is now the introduceds the idea of meetinga patient’sd diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitative needds all in one facility. By providinf services for X-rays, MRIs, and physical and occupational therapy underone roof, the health care provider saved patients’ time, simplifiex the process and gained more control of care from start to “We found that patients really, reall appreciate the idea that they don’t have to traipsde from place to another,” says Dr. Dave who joined the predecessor to the Tennessee Orthopaediv Alliance in 1982 and currently is in his seconc stint as president of the boardcof directors.
Alexander says operating a full-servicee orthopaedic center wasa “big gamble” initially because of the expensee and unconventionality, but it has grown into the largestf orthopaedic practice in Middle Tennessee with 50 physicians and aboutg 350 employees staffing 16 The alliance, whose rootsx date back to 1924, remains one of the few full-servicew orthopaedic providers in the state. “We certainlty were the ones that pioneered CEO TedMacDonald says. “When you’re the leadere at something and you keepevolving it, you’re able to tweak the system to stay ahead of that game.
” MacDonalds became CEO 13 months ago, taking over a practice that was in “reasonablt good shape.” “(But) the reason they askefd me to join them was to take it to the next MacDonald says. To get MacDonald aims to bolster the business side by refiningg the reimbursement processand “dealing with the barrieres insurers put between the physician and the “The bureaucracy that it takes to take care of patients has been very says MacDonald, a veteran leader of groupl practices.
MacDonald has managed to renegotiatethe alliance’w contracts with most major insurerss and discuss ways to improve the patientt experience, but says the national carriers have policiesx that don’t allow for much flexibility even with large practices. “Healtjh care is probably the most regulate industry inour country,” MacDonalsd says. “Trying to weave our way throughb that in anappropriate way, and still see our gives us some sleepless nights.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
How to expand your entrepreneurial vision - Jacksonville Business Journal:
But changing is easier said than How do you acquire afresh perspective? How do you open your mind to new possibilities ? You start by at least considering opportunities you woulfd never have entertained in the by trying to approach problemas from a different angle, by venturinb outside your comfort zone and by takin some carefully measured risks. If you keep askingt yourself thesame questions, you’re going to keep getting the same answers. So, let’s tickled your brain and switch upthe Let’s view your businesas through fresh eyes. Take a look at your sales Let’s look at your salesw upside down: What is it you aren’tr selling?
Think of all the recent salew you failedto close. What were the reasons your would-bs customers gave you? • Are your customere asking for a product or service thatyou don’tg offer? In that case, is it time to expands your portfolio to include something new? Are customers objecting to your prices? Shouldd you re-evaluate your pricing methodology? Provide less expensiver version of current offerings? Expand payment terms to make purchasiny more attractive? • Are customers asking for smallet quantities than your currentt minimums allow? In a soft market, increasing throughpugt is smart. Can you adjust your work flow to make smalledrorders profitable?
Think back over the past year or so. Is there anything different aboutyour customers? For example, one entrepreneut I know owns a martial arts studio. In the he’d require that students registeer for six months of classes at a Back in the goodold days, customerws signed up without thinking twice. Today, registrations are plummeting. Yet he’zs still sticking to his six-monthu rule, because “I have to pay my The problem is, customers are increasingly unwillinvg to committo six-month programs. What if theirf kids lose interest? What if a parent losews his orher job? His classes haven’t but his customers have. Because of the tight they’ve become commitment-shy.
If he wanta their business, he’ll find a way to accommodate For example, he coulx offer month-to-month memberships. Or, he could take a cue from the auto industru and guarantee tuition refunds if someone losesea job. Yes, he has to pay the But getting the rent money one montb at a time beats not getting itat all. He’sa operating under an outdated assumption. Now, what abour you? Are you operating by obsolete “rules” that discouragew customers from buying? Now, look at yourseld During tough times, entrepreneurs have to steel themselvesa to do things theyfind unpleasant.
This is However, if you’re brainstorming ways to strengthen your it helps to focus on those aspects you most Chances are, these are your If you like what you’r e doing, you’re more likely to stick with it. So ask yourself, what is it you like best abouytyour business? What strengthxs can you build on? What areax can you grow? For example, are there related services you’ved thought about offering your but never have? Perhaps now is the time to act.
Ray Silversteimn is president of PRO: President’s Resourcwe Organization, a network of entrepreneurial peer advisory groups in Phoenix and He also is the authorof “The Best Secretd of Great Small Businesses” and a columnist for You can reach him at 800-818-015 or