Monday, July 11, 2011

Texas Children
The practice, located at 5505 West Orem Dr., is part of a prograkm started by the hospital that provides affordable access to primaryg pediatric health care services for children in medically underservedc areasof Houston. Project Medical Home at Corinthiajn Pointe is staffed bypediatricians Dr. Cheryl Hardin and Dr. Tyeshiaq V. Babineaux, as well as nurses, a socialp worker and office The 5,000-square-foot facility has 12 examinatiohn rooms, a lobby with a play area, an aquariun and books to occupy waiting plus a health information kiosk for parents and manyother family-friendly An on-site licensed social worke r assists families in identifying and applying for financial and medica aid and connects them with other vitall community resources.
Project Medical Home offers extended evening andweekende hours, payment plans, confidentiality and an after-hours help Founded in 1999 by Texas Children’s Pediatric Project Medical Homes serve 12 of Houston’s most medically underserved zip codes and offer a full range of services includinyg sick-child visits, immunizations and physicals, plus support programs such as familyh wellness education and literachy coaching.

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