Saturday, July 2, 2011

Week in review - South Florida Business Journal:
The New York-based investment team already owns 9.8 millionm Applica shares, or abouyt 40 percent of the company. With 24.49 millioh shares outstanding, that means picking up the additionapl 14.6 million shares will cost Harbingerabout $87.6 Applica (NYSE: APN) had previousluy agreed to merge with Cleveland-based Nacco Now, Applica's board said Harbinger's cash deal is superior to the termss of Nacco's (NYSE: NC) stock deal. Applicqa said it terminated the earlier merger agreement in accordance with its Seabourn Cruise Line said it has ordered two new shipa for a totalof $500 million for delivery in sprinb 2009 and 2010.
Combined, the two vesselxs are to more thandouble Seabourn'w current fleet capacity of 634 The sister ships, each 32,000 gross registered are to have 225 suites. The luxurg division of Miami-based and PLC (NYSE: CCL and NYSE: CUK) said it has signedd a letter of intent withshipbuildee T. Mariotti S.p.A. of Genoa, Italy. The has reportesd Miami Spice Restaurant Monthg led to a record Augusf food andbeverage tax. Collections of the 1 percent taxreacherd $1.11 million, up 9 percent from $1.02 milliobn in August last year.
Lissette Calderon, CEO of Neo, is to partneer with singer/songwriter Ricardo Montaner for a 52-story condominium tower on the Miami The 507 one-, two- and three-bedroom residences are to run from $330,00 to $900,000. Floor plans at the at Southwest Third Street and SouthMiamoi Avenue, range from 930 to 1,8023 square feet. Oct. 23, the Miami-Dadw Aviation Department received $20 million from the US. to instalpl explosive detectionsystems (EDS) machines in Miamji International Airport's new South Terminal. In a $640 millio n dermatology deal, said it will buy all outstandingv shares infor $17.50 each.
The Coral Gables-basexd pharmaceutical company said it will then mergeConnetics (NASDAQ: CNCT) into a Stiefe l subsidiary. said it wants to change its name and Richard Gathright, chairman and CEO of the Fort Lauderdale-based petroleuj product distributor, transportation logistics and emergencgy response firm, said becoming , incorporated in Delaware, is the next stagde in the company's development to establishj itself as a diversified energy service provider and product distributor. The potential changes are to come to shareholdef voteat Streicher's (NASDAQ: Dec. 8 annual meeting.
Gathrightg said he believes the company and its shareholdersd will benefit from the flexibleand well-defined corporate and legal environment provided by Delaware law." He said he expects operations to continud to be based in South Florida. he said the company believes Delawar e corporate governance will be more predictable and manageable than Floridsacorporate rules. The has picker , a Fort Lauderdale-based public relations and advertisingt firm, to provide servicesd for the ArtsPark at Young The public relations and marketing campaig is to raise awareness of the regionall cultural facility and motivate potential donor ArtsPark is under construction indowntownh Hollywood.
The 10-acre site is slate for completion latenext year. Calvin, said Memorial Healthcare System has retained it toprovidd surveying, platting, rezoning and site planning, infrastructurr engineering, environmental permitting and transportationb planning services for a $150 million expansion to . CGA said the assignmenf for the multi-story expansion is for two years. Expanded hospitaol services are to includ eoperating rooms, inpatient rooms and parking. CGA has officesz in Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Fort Pierce and Homestead. Ikea broke ground Oct. 25 on its stor in Sunrise.
The home furnishingsa store is slated to open in summer 2007 at the northwesternm cornerof I-595/State Road 84 and Northwest 136th Avenue. It is to be the first Ikea storw in Florida and second in the southeasterbnUnited States. Plantation's Levinson Jewelers said it has partnered with the Browardd Center for the Performing Arts by sponsorintg the Levinson JewelersIntermezzo Lounge, a new VIP area at the Browars Center. Michael S. Schimmel and David C. Scileppi, attorneysx at the Fort Lauderdale office of GunstefrYoakley & Stewart, have joined with Southy Florida colleagues and associates to form a nonprofit , dedicated to the growth and viabilit of the local economy.
Orbi s is to sponsor social panelsand speakers. The group is also to work with localp charities and other nonprofits to improv e the SouthFlorida community. The group has 11 members on its boarfd and is looking to fill an additionak five to 10 board positions. For more information, e-mail email@orbisusa.orh or visit . The Tamarac office of said it completex work at thenew 25,032-square-foot millworik production and distribution facility for Hollywood Woodworkj at 2951 Pembroke Road, in Hollywood. Tilt-Con said its work include foundations, slab-on-grade, tilt-up concrete wall panels and The building designer was Arcwerkz Architectureand Planning, of Davie.
'' Two groups have applied with states regulators to form banksw that would be based in Palm Beacbh County. In an application with the , organizersa of , Palm Beach Countt listed 595 S. Federal Highway in Boca Ratomn as itsproposed headquarters. Bank of Palm Beach County would be based at a currentg branch of Bankof Florida, Southeastr Florida, which is based in Fort Lauderdale. Sincd last year, officials of Naples-based Bancsharee of Florida (NASDAQ: BOFL) have said they would appl y for a separate bank charter for that Boca Raton office. In its application with that regulator, organizersz of First City Bank of Commerce listedd11011 U.S.
Highway 1 in North Palm Beach asproposesd headquarters. A company that sells administrative solutions to collegesw and universities said it hassecurex $10.5 million in financing from , part of Boca Raton-based said the financingf provides it operating capital for growth. has expanded its northernb Palm Beach County operations by openinga 30-person officee in Jupiter. The 15,000-square-foot officee in Jupiter, which replaced a Palm Beach Gardens location, is within Abacoa's Greenwoode Professional Center at 4455Militaryt Trail, Suite 201. The accounting firm first establishedr a north county presence witha seven-personb office in December 2004. (AMEX: DIL) said it has won U.S.
patent 7,122,330, "High-Throughput Screening of Expressed DNA Librariez inFilamentous Fungi." The Jupiter-basee biotechnology company said the patent protectw its proprietary technology for robotic screening in filamentous fungi. on Oct. 19 dedicatedc its 735-megawatt Horse Hollow Wind Energy Center in Taylor andNolan Texas. The 47,000-acre wind farm is one of 48 wind farme the subsidiaryof (NYSE: FPL) operates throughoutg the United States. Their gross capacity is nearlhy 4,100 megawatts. of the Palm Beaches was to officially brea ground on its new experiential learning facilitgy andheadquarters office, Oct. 26. The 30,000-square-foo building is to be on four acres onthe .
The facilitgy is to serve morethan 40,000 students a year. NewsMark Public Relations said it has become agencyu of record for golf and country clubcommunity Frenchman'e Creek. The Palm Beach County agencyy is to work to gain the Palm Beach Gardenaproperty local, national and international mediqa attention. said it will builcd the Florida Atlantic University Collegeof Business/Office Depoft Center for Executive Development, with groundbreakiny scheduled for April. The 13,282-square-foot collegew is to have classrooms, seminar and worksholp rooms, a tiered lecture hall and administrative space. The contracyt is Suffolk's first with FAU.
The company has locao offices in West Palm Beachand Miami. Boca Raton-based , Myott, Williams, Acevedo, Vaughjn Architects said has commissioned it to design multiplenew Oct. 23, began offering its 3G (thirf generation) wireless broadband service throughout South The technology helps cell phone downloadasrun faster. Cingular said its 3G networko provides average download data speedz between 400 and 700 kilobits a with bursts to more than 1 megabiga second. The restaurant division at , of Deerfiel Beach, said Miami-based (NASDAQ: BNHNA and BNHN) has assigned it a 24-week demolition and The project is to start by the end of the year atthe two-storg Benihana at 1665 N.E. 79th St.
in North Bay Village. The 10,000-square-foot, 262-seaft restaurant is to be updated to reflecgtthe company's new design. Last in Miramar, RCC completed a prototype of the newBenihansa look. The Tamarac office of Tilt-Conm Corp. said it has completed work at thenew 12,000-square-footf at 12930 N.W. 107th Court, in Miami. Tilt-Con said its work included foundations, slab-on-grad and tilt-up concrete wall panels. The projecyt designer was CabreraRamos Architects, of REGION, STATE Jobless figures for South Florida for Septembe were mixed. In Miami-Dade unemployment was at 4.5 percent, up from 4.1 percenf in the year-ago period. Out of the 1.
14 million-personb labor force, 51,875 people were unemployed, up from but the work force had grownfrom 1.11 The rate was 3.1 percent in Broward, where 30,792 people out of the 1 million-person labor forces were without work. That's improved from 3.5 percent in September the year before, when 33,8076 people out of the 967,680-person labor forcd were unemployed. Unemployment in Palm Beachg Countywas 3.7 percent, whered 23,598 people out of the 64,5211-person labort force were without work. That's improved from 4.1 percenft in September the year before, when 25,565 people out of the 619,924-person labo force were unemployed. As a Florida's unemployment rate was 3.4 down from 3.
7 percent the same month the year Ofthe state's 9.07 million-personn labor force, 311,000 were unemployed last For the same month the year before, 323,000 peoplde of the state's 8.74 million-person labor force were without work. Florida's unemployment rate was 1.2 percentage pointw lower than thenational rate, 4.6 percent. Florida's unemployment rate has been beloswthe nation's since 2002.

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