Saturday, July 9, 2011

Warren Buffett sells remaining Constellation shares - San Francisco Business Times:
Buffett, his company (NYSE: BRK.B), and that company’s subsidiary , are each no longer stockholders inConstellation (NYSE: according to a form with the Securities and Exchange Commissiob filed Monday. They have been slowly divesting the stoco over the past weeksand months, owning 7.3 percent in Februarhy and 6.3 percent last month. The sale ends the relationshipo between the investor and one of two Fortunee 500 companies inBaltimore City. Iowa-basesd MidAmerican got a 10 percent stake in Constellation whenits $4.7 billion bid for the companyu made in September was rejected three monthxs late.
That offer came afterf a cash crunch led to a steep declinein Constellation’s stock price over several days and some investores feared bankruptcy. Constellation spurned the offefr in favor of a deal tosell 49.99 percent of its nuclearf business for $4.5 billion to French firm , which had also been in the biddinhg for the company in September. For the Constellation had to pay $175 million in breakupo fees and $418 million for stocks. It also had to repayg a $1 billion loan from Buffett with 14percent interest. A decision on whethef the deal with EDF requires Marylansd approval is expected ina week. The deal is expected to clos ethis fall.

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