Monday, November 29, 2010

Mortgage rates spike - Atlanta Business Chronicle:
Freddie Mac's (NYSE: FRE) weeklyy report says 30 year fixed-ratr mortgages averaged 5.29 percent this week, the highesrt rate this year and up sharplhy fromlast week's average of 4.91 percent. Ratesx still remain well below yearago levels, when 30 year mortgage were averaging more than 6 "Rates caught up to the recent rise in long-terk bond yields this week to reach a 25 week said Freddie Mac chief economist Frank "The slowdown in the housing markett has now detracted from economic growth for the past 13 the longest quarterly stretch since at least 1947." Despite rising rates, the housing market continuez to show small signzs of life.
The ' housing affordability indez rose in April to its second highest level since atleast 1971. The NAR also reported this week pending salee of existing homes rose for the thirdstraighf month, posting the biggest monthly increase since 2001.

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