The state Executive Office of Energh and Environmental Affairs announced Monday the availability of the Cleann RenewableEnergy Bonds, which are backed by funde from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The federa l stimulus will fund $1.6 billion in new bonds As of Amy 19, it was unclear how much of that moneu could be headedto Massachusetts. “Cleajn Renewable Energy Bonds are an essential toolfor jump-startinfg the installation of smaller scale solar and wind power in communities acros s Massachusetts, supporting job creation and helping the Commonwealthh reach the ambitious clean energy benchmarksd set by Governor Patrick,” Secretargy of Energy and Environmental Affairs Ian Bowles said in a A state task force has already identifiesd a number of solar and othee renewable energy projects that coulx be eligible for clean-energy bond funding.
The Clean Energyy Renewable Bond Program was set up by the in 2006 to support public investment inrenewable energy. In Massachusetts, the bondxs are issued through the Executive Office of Administration and Financeor . The firstf tranche of such bonds was closed through MassDevelopmenty inNovember 2007, providing $3.1 million to fund solar installationsa on 12 state facilities, including prisons, state collegee and the ’s Deer Islan d facility.
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