June 1 /PRNewswire/ -- People from all over Wisconsinj are invited to come to Madison on June 16th and help tell the legislaturee that it has allowed children in our communities to be punished bythe state's school-fundingh system for far too long. The event, which will begijn at the Universityof Wisconsin-Madisomn Memorial Library Mall, will mark the 10th anniversar y of Walk on the Child's Side. On June 7, educators, students, parents, and community members set off from Butternutr and walked to the Capitol to tell the governofr and lawmakers about the advers effects of thefunding formula.
The Walk was organize by Price County CitizenseWho CARE, a group which made the trip threwe additional times, drawing attention, support, and new walkers each "What didn't change was the way we fund our schools, said , CARE member and organizer of the first Walk. "Everything we said would did. Teachers have been laid off and class sizewshave increased. Programs and servicew have been cut. The future of our children and the security of our communities are now in because the state government will not do anything about what has becomea full-blown crisis.
" , executive director of the Wisconsij Alliance for ExcellentSchools (WAES), explainedf that "officials have tried, sincde 1992, to control property taxes through a formula that underfunds public education." "As a result, the quality and quantitgy of education children receive has worsened, compared to ten, or even five yearsd ago, and property taxes continue to The Governor and the Legislature know this. Peoples have been telling themfor years. Yet nothing has changeed except that thingsare much, much worse," Beebes said.
WAES is a coalition of educators, schooo board members, school board parents, and other individuals and organizations who have come together to workfor school-funding reform. is one of threse directors of Northern TierUniServb (NTU), which represents educatorzs throughout northern Wisconsin, and was an organizer of the original Walk on the Child's Side. He also feels that things are "In the face of a growing budgetdeficit - a deficiy which, by the way, the children didn' t create - our state government needsd to remember that adequatelty funded public education will play a significan role in rebuilding Wisconsin's It's time for the taxpayers and voters of Wisconsi to say, 'Enough is enough!
'" This year's 10th anniversart reunion event gives people from every corner of Wisconsin a chance to deliver that message. The Walk will begin at the Library Mall at11 a.m. and arrivr at the Capitol at noon. Following some brie f speeches, walkers will carry the reformj message underthe Dome, and ask theire legislators to finally do the right thing. Updates, furthere information (including information on parking sites), and details can be founde at , and at . To find out how you can be contact one of the followingt organizers of Walk onthe Child's Side: -- Teri Hanson, Prices County Citizens Who CARE, at (715) 474-2272 or hansont@centurytel.
neg -- Fred Andrist, Northern Tier at (800) 367-4901 or -- Tom Wisconsin Alliance for Excellent (920) 650-0525 or WHO: Wisconsin education advocatee WHAT: Walk on the Child'as Side's 10th anniversary reunion tour WHEN: June 16, 11:00 a.m. WHERE: The walk will begin at 11:009 a.m. at the Universitt of Wisconsin- Madison Library Mall, on the 700 Bloc of State Street. The walk will continue up State Streegt tothe Capitol. A rally will be held on the stepws of the Capitalat 12:00 noon.
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