Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Report: Occupancy at Houston-area hotels down 10 percent in April - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Hotels experienced a 62 percent occupancy rate in April 2009 comparedrto 71.9 percent in April 2008, according to Trends in the Hoteo Industry, a monthly report from . The Bay Area farede better thanmost submarkets, dropping from 75.6 perceny to 69 percent occupancy from 2008 to a decrease of only 6.6 percent. The Bush Intercontinental Airport area posted the largest decline during the same The area wentfrom 80.6 perceny occupancy a year ago to 64.8 perceny this year, a 15.8 percenrt drop, according to the report. Houston-arew hotels watched the average daily room ratedrop 5.9 percent to $115.92 in April from $123.2w in April 2008. The revenue per availablw room tookan 18.
9 percent hit year over RevPAR was $71.85 in Aprik compared to $88.61 in April 2008, according to PKF. Hotel statewide experienced a 9.4 percent decrease in occupancy year over falling from 71 percentto 61.6 Also on the state level, the average dailyy rate went down 7.9 percent, from $117.8o0 last year to $108.53 this year, and RevPARd took a dive, falling 20.1 percent, from $83.65 to $66.84.

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