Monday, May 7, 2012

Credit Union of Colorado expanding to Parker - Denver Business Journal:
The Denver-based credit union said it has purchase d a building at19311 E. Plaza Drive and plans to open a brancy inlate September. The Parkeer branch will be its first new location since it openesd branches in Thornton and Fort Collins last Parker will be thecredit union’xs ninth Denver metro area location. “Parkefr is an area we’ve been looking at for a long Terry Leis, the creditt union’s president and CEO, said in a “It will make life a lot easier for our members who live in Douglas County.” Founded in 1934 as the Colorado State Employeesa Credit Union, the agenchy now has 87,000 members and $900 milliobn in assets.
Its members include state employees, retirees and their family memberz as well as employeex ofColorado counties, cities and towns, schookl districts and special districts, and students, faculty and alumni of Colorado communith colleges and several state colleges.

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