Thursday, May 3, 2012

Lee seeks 23% pay cut from Post-Dispatch union - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
The newspaper publishing company proposed pay cuts of 15 percentt in thefirst year, and 5 percent each in the second and third years of the contract, accordinb to information posted on the St. Louis Newspape r Guild’s Web site. Lee declined to comment about the propose d concessions andcontract negotiations. “We have always refrainec from making any comment or discussingt the substance ofthe negotiations,” said Dan Hayes, a spokesman for Lee.
On Guild members voted 100-27 to agrees to a second week of furloughws but only if Lee agreed to no layoffs durintgcontract negotiations, according to the Guild Web Lee also proposed the following contract according to the Guild Web site: Cutting unpaid maternity leave in half, to 12 weeks maximum • The righrt to fire employees on sick leave after three monthsx of absence. The contract now allows 18 months.
The Guilf proposed longer funeral leave for the deatu of spousesand children, a larger cell-phone reimbursement, a mileagse increase, enhanced severance packages after layoffs, additional a 401(k) match of up to 5 perceng and overtime eligibility for columnist s and outside ad reps. Last month, the Post-Dispatch in its circulatiob andclassified departments, which are

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