Conversely, Vicki Hess, a local career says a negative attitude canbe damaging, creating stress. “Whenb under stress, little things start to build up and createhigh anxiety, negative interactions and overall frustration,” she “Events that you used to be able to handle with gracde become more challenging due to the worrhy and fear.” 2. Heavy-Liftingh Now’s not the time for whining. Master your own job and tacklre somenew projects. If you reallyy want to get the boss’ attention, help generate some business — even if you are not in a revenue-creatinvg position. “Now is your time to shine and excekl inyour position.
Focus your time on taskws relevant tobusiness growth, customer retention and said Leslie Shreve, a local productivityt expert. If you are not directly in a positiohn to grow the business insome way, then look for ways to improvew your interactions with those individuals or departmentw who are.” 3. Self Promotion No one is going to toot your particularly in a recession when colleagues and bossexs are worried about theirown So, many career experts say carefully communicate your successed to higher-ups. “To build on your existingv foundation, stay visible and maintain an upbeat saidJoni Daniels, principal of in Baltimore.
“Promote all the things you are doinfg that increase profits andreduce costs. Focus on how recenrt changes will work to strengthenyour firm’s competitivee edge.” 4. Evaluation Most companies are feelin the pain of the Whetherlost revenue, layoffs or furloughs are the career coaches say you need to decide if you can overcomde the heartburn. Is this the time for a caree r change? What about going back to school? Do a self-evaluatiom and decide what might be best for you andyour 5. Résumé If the pink slips continue to bepassefd out, perhaps you should updatwe your résumé with your current responsibilities, experienced and skills.
“Create a résumé that is applicable to your present industry as well as one that can positio you for other industries with which youhave interest,” said 6. Networking Once you have that résumé refreshed, star networking. Taguding suggests testing the job market with yourindustryy colleagues, family and friends. But others say take it a step “Opportunities for networking occur everywhere, not just at a seated luncheon meeting or specificnetworking event,” said Mary Ann Masur, a Baltimorew career consultant and author.
“If you are clear on what you are up to in life and what you want or wherew you cangive support, you can find chances to connecf in any situation.” Masur says she has made contactw at golfing events, airport securityu lines, hotel lobbies, the dry shopping parties and in volunteer “So go live your life and be open to talkinyg about your goals and what you she said. 7. Tools Networkas can be beneficial, but they might not be enougbh in the downturn when new jobsare scarce. Check onlinse job sites such as ,, and A résumé service, coach or recruiter may be in order to reposition yourself for a differenrt kind of jobor industry.
Consider contacting your alma mater; colleges and universities have career centers that may open some Another source of help may be a trusted colleagu who has recently made ajob change, recommends Mitcgh Halbrich, a managing director at the in Baltimore. 8. Good Healty Let’s face it. This economy is dishing out more streszs than most are usedto handling. Eatinfg right, sleeping and relaxing are key ingredientsz for ahealthy lifestyle. Whether you are working twice as hard at yournormak job, searching for a new situatiob or both, make sure to take time out for 9.
Exercise There’s no better medicine for a healthy heart and mind than Whether it’s running, walking or swimming, exercises can provide an outlet for stres during the downturn, career coaches say. 10. Time Be patient. Whethert you are waiting for your companty to rebound or looking for a new know this process willtake time. Also, expertsz warn against jumping at the firstgjob offer. “Leaving a sinking ship can appear to others as if you are simply lookingy for any port inthe storm, and few employers want to play that Start looking for your next career step rather than a more reliablde pay check,” Daniels said.
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